Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?

At Duke University?
I'm sure there are plenty of liberals at Duke.
Generally, where you find educated folks you tend to find more liberals. Now, the trailer park on the other side of Durham, that would be where the right wingers offended by education could be found.
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
At Duke University?
I'm sure there are plenty of liberals at Duke.
Generally, where you find educated folks you tend to find more liberals. Now, the trailer park on the other side of Durham, that would be where the right wingers offended by education could be found.
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
Not everyone brags about they did. Seems you suffer from an inferiority complex and just exposed it.
I'm sure there are plenty of liberals at Duke.
Generally, where you find educated folks you tend to find more liberals. Now, the trailer park on the other side of Durham, that would be where the right wingers offended by education could be found.
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).
No, reading a book isn't a violation of religious beliefs. That said, they can certainly refuse to read it and flunk the course.
forcing it is endorsement
psssssssssssssst. Homosexuality is not a religion.
pssssssssssssssst, it goes against religions so the enorsement of it is a infringement of religion.


Eating bacon is "against religions" too.

Does that mean Denny's is violating the 1st amendmemt?
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).
No, Duke is a private school, no religious beliefs are being "violated."
If this was part of a literature class and the students were going to critique the book, read it. You won't die.

It wasn't. It was assigned to all incoming freshmen given a summer reading list.

The book is probably deserving of discussion. The father's mental illness of homosexuality, the effect on his daughter and how being homosexual led to his suicide is worthy of discussion.
So, you read it?
I read the article that gave a synopsis of the book. I would not read the book because gay issues are meaningless to me.
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
Forgive me if this is a dumb question but why is it so important that we read anything? So what if a person has not read Romeo And Juliet for example? What difference will it make in their life later on one way or another?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

No muslim religious laws are honored when the conflict with US law. And the problem is that right wing idiots wanted to make this an issue and the only way they could is by claiming, falsely, that Duke students were forced, under pain of a failing grade. to read a graphic novel that was about a woman and the tragic suicide of her father. It became a best seller and a Tony Award winning play on Broadway. It was selected because of it strength as a work or art, not because of any message in sent. But, if any message was sent, it was to value all human life; to consider the different journey's we all take in life. But, because the author was gay and it was about her father who was a closeted gay man who killed himself, some morons disprove of it.

>>It was selected because of it strength as a work or art, not because of any message in sent.<<

Oh, please?!!! No one can be that naïve. You are simply pretending to try to further advance your position. But to suggest what you did is comical, imo.

You need not coach us on what it means to "value life" by the way. Just because you think "nothing matters to God" does not mean nothing matters to God. Being gay is one thing. Allowing them benefits is one thing. But endorsing gay marriage and codifying it as a national rule of law is quite another. Not unlike how our courts making abortion legal is a terrible pox upon this nation's soul. (IMO). And indoctrinating our students in it being a totally fine choice for themselves, even encouraging it through what groups they allow into school, is a moral matter and one with eternal ramifications. Again, this nation or govt has gone too far in assuming its role and authority.

As far as Duke's "altruism" and "honorable" education is concerned, I am far more cynical than you. Colleges are all too often leftist bastions promoting so many bad ideologies. Open sexuality, godlessness, materialism, etc. creeps into so many of their agendas. Recall this great act of an affront by your Duke university last January? I guess they really are too obtuse to see what a pox Islam has become upon the whole world? I guess the fact thousands of attacks occur on innocents every single year means nothing to them? I just can't believe the hubris.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Muslim call to prayer sounds at Duke University, but not from chapel tower

On Thursday, just days after announcing that a traditional Muslim call to Friday prayers would sound from the historic chapel tower, Duke abandoned the plan amid a public backlash. (Jonathan Drew/AP)

By Sari Horwitz, Susan Svrluga and Pamela Constable January 16, 2015 

DURHAM, N.C. — The Muslim call to prayer echoed across Duke University’s quad Friday, a day after the school canceled plans to have weekly services begin with an amplified call to prayer from the chapel’s bell tower.

Intense debate — even threats of violence, according to university officials — had led Duke to reverse course. But Friday’s call to prayer, at the base of the chapel instead, was a peaceful gathering.

Hundreds of students and faculty members met in bright sunshine to listen and support the Muslim students, some hugging, some holding signs such as “Let us worship together,” with a cross and the star-and-crescent symbol.

A speaker explained the history of the adhan, or call to prayer. When the Arabic chant sounded over a loudspeaker, crowd members seemed to hold their breath.

It was a moment that resonated far beyond Duke’s campus, coming at a volatile time, just after a series of terrorist attacks in France that seared new images of Islamist violence into the world’s consciousness and sparked questions about freedom of speech...
Generally, where you find educated folks you tend to find more liberals. Now, the trailer park on the other side of Durham, that would be where the right wingers offended by education could be found.
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
If this was part of a literature class and the students were going to critique the book, read it. You won't die.

It wasn't. It was assigned to all incoming freshmen given a summer reading list.

The book is probably deserving of discussion. The father's mental illness of homosexuality, the effect on his daughter and how being homosexual led to his suicide is worthy of discussion.
So, you read it?
I read the article that gave a synopsis of the book. I would not read the book because gay issues are meaningless to me.
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No muslim religious laws are honored when the conflict with US law. And the problem is that right wing idiots wanted to make this an issue and the only way they could is by claiming, falsely, that Duke students were forced, under pain of a failing grade. to read a graphic novel that was about a woman and the tragic suicide of her father. It became a best seller and a Tony Award winning play on Broadway. It was selected because of it strength as a work or art, not because of any message in sent. But, if any message was sent, it was to value all human life; to consider the different journey's we all take in life. But, because the author was gay and it was about her father who was a closeted gay man who killed himself, some morons disprove of it.

>>It was selected because of it strength as a work or art, not because of any message in sent.<<

Oh, please?!!! No one can be that naïve. You are simply pretending to try to further advance your position. But to suggest what you did is comical, imo.

You need not coach us on what it means to "value life" by the way. Just because you think "nothing matters to God" does not mean nothing matters to God. Being gay is one thing. Allowing them benefits is one thing. But endorsing gay marriage and codifying it as a national rule of law is quite another. Not unlike how our courts making abortion legal is a terrible pox upon this nation's soul. (IMO). And indoctrinating our students in it being a totally fine choice for themselves, even encouraging it through what groups they allow into school, is a moral matter and one with eternal ramifications. Again, this nation or govt has gone too far in assuming its role and authority.

As far as Duke's "altruism" and "honorable" education is concerned, I am far more cynical than you. Colleges are all too often leftist bastions promoting so many bad ideologies. Open sexuality, godlessness, materialism, etc. creeps into so many of their agendas. Recall this great act of an affront by your Duke university last January? I guess they really are too obtuse to see what a pox Islam has become upon the whole world? I guess the fact thousands of attacks occur on innocents every single year means nothing to them? I just can't believe the hubris.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Muslim call to prayer sounds at Duke University, but not from chapel tower

On Thursday, just days after announcing that a traditional Muslim call to Friday prayers would sound from the historic chapel tower, Duke abandoned the plan amid a public backlash. (Jonathan Drew/AP)

By Sari Horwitz, Susan Svrluga and Pamela Constable January 16, 2015 

DURHAM, N.C. — The Muslim call to prayer echoed across Duke University’s quad Friday, a day after the school canceled plans to have weekly services begin with an amplified call to prayer from the chapel’s bell tower.

Intense debate — even threats of violence, according to university officials — had led Duke to reverse course. But Friday’s call to prayer, at the base of the chapel instead, was a peaceful gathering.

Hundreds of students and faculty members met in bright sunshine to listen and support the Muslim students, some hugging, some holding signs such as “Let us worship together,” with a cross and the star-and-crescent symbol.

A speaker explained the history of the adhan, or call to prayer. When the Arabic chant sounded over a loudspeaker, crowd members seemed to hold their breath.

It was a moment that resonated far beyond Duke’s campus, coming at a volatile time, just after a series of terrorist attacks in France that seared new images of Islamist violence into the world’s consciousness and sparked questions about freedom of speech...
Right. A best selling book turned into a tony award winning play has no literary merit. You are a fucking clod.
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
If this was part of a literature class and the students were going to critique the book, read it. You won't die.

It wasn't. It was assigned to all incoming freshmen given a summer reading list.

The book is probably deserving of discussion. The father's mental illness of homosexuality, the effect on his daughter and how being homosexual led to his suicide is worthy of discussion.
So, you read it?
I read the article that gave a synopsis of the book. I would not read the book because gay issues are meaningless to me.
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
Forgive me if this is a dumb question but why is it so important that we read anything? So what if a person has not read Romeo And Juliet for example? What difference will it make in their life later on one way or another?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

If you have to asked that question, your could not comprehend any answer.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
So, you read it?
I read the article that gave a synopsis of the book. I would not read the book because gay issues are meaningless to me.
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the natio; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
Right. A best selling book turned into a tony award winning play has no literary merit. You are a fucking clod.

And you are simply naïve. Or just plain too proud to admit you are wrong. It happens all the time.

A tony winning play. Oh, my, we simply have to have that book. There are none others to consider!
Forgive me if this is a dumb question but why is it so important that we read anything? So what if a person has not read Romeo And Juliet for example? What difference will it make in their life later on one way or another?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

If you have to asked that question, your could not comprehend any answer.
You don't know that. It may depend on what the answer is.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. So why is it so important? Why is it required that kids read certain things in school?
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).
You tell me is seeing a religious picture forcing religion on others?
I guess you are unaware of the powerful figures on many campuses who restrict free speech and silence alternative views. These powerful figures are almost always on the left, not the right.

Microaggression mania: Even the LA Times says this school is going too far

Religious Liberty Archives - FIRE

Liberal bias in colleges bleeds into classroom - Campus Watch

Maybe the students mentioned in the OP were bored and disgusted by all the gay activist propaganda their professor inflicted on them.

Maybe they just aren't college material.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
I read the article that gave a synopsis of the book. I would not read the book because gay issues are meaningless to me.
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the natio; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
All because he was black. How do you know he graduated with honors? If he was so great someone would come out to verify it.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
So, you read it?
I read the article that gave a synopsis of the book. I would not read the book because gay issues are meaningless to me.
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
Obama's professors and classmates, including former international politics professor Michael Baron and current MTV president Michael Wolf, confirm that he was a brilliant, standout student and that he was an active participant in seminars. Baron said he was one of the top one or two students in his class. Despite this, Obama continually declines requests to release his Columbia transcript.
] He graduated with a J.D.magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago.[59]

From Harvard law school:

Harvard Law Review
Students are invited to join the Harvard Law Review based on their grades and performance on the Law Review’s writing competition. No students are invited on to Law Review without first completing the writing competition.

Graduation with Honors
1. A student who completes the requirements for the J.D. degree with distinction will receive the degree cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude.

2. Latin honors at graduation will be based on the average of the three annual grade point averages (GPA). GPA will be calculated for each year of study and then averaged across the three years to determine Latin honors.

3. (a) The annual GPA for students who matriculated as of, or after, Fall Term 2008 will be calculated by assigning the following values to grades: Honors: 4; Pass: 3; Low Pass: 2; Fail: 0. Dean’s Scholar Prize awards will carry an additional point. [1]

(b) For all students, in calculating annual GPAs, each grade, including the Dean’s Scholar Prize, is weighted in accordance with the number of credits earned in the course.

4. For students who matriculated as of, or after, Fall Term 2008, the summa cum laude will be determined by the requirement of a 4.75 GPA. The honor is exact and does not involve “rounding off”; ie., a GPA of 4.749 does not result in a degree summa cum laude. If, in a given year, no student earns a GPA of 4.75 or higher, summa cum laude will be awarded to the student (or students in the case of a tie) with the highest overall GPA.

5. The magna cum laude will be awarded to the next ten percent of the entire class.

6. The cum laude will be awarded to the next 30 percent of the entire class.
HLS Grading Policy | Harvard Law School

So, dumb ass, he was chosen for the law review based on grades and a writing assignment and he graduated with grades that put them in or near the top ten percent of their class.
Please tell me more about how because of "trigger warnings," liberal students are refusing to expand their horizons by reading things that challenge their ideas, but conservative students never do that.

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