Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?

Seems like they are adverse to having to read and think about others and their points of view. Very bizarre people

I have books on that reflect other points of view.

Do they not understand college is for broadening the mind and some assigned reading is required, sounds like they belong in some bible "college" or trade school
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
Glad you used that for an example. It actually excuses stealing.

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.
Doesn't that mean really starving.
They better have ribs sticking out and the bloody flux too.
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the natio; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
All because he was black. How do you know he graduated with honors? If he was so great someone would come out to verify it.
Because the school announced who fucking graduated with honors. It has been verified by the school. You are too fuckimg stupid to be near a computer. You are directed to turn it off and go play with Legos or something else consistent with your intellect.
It's fucking, the same as you wish Obama was doing that to you right now. Obama in his own book states how he liked to do cocaine and then smoke pot to come down. He was a druggie Niger that used the system to make himself look good. Just look at his work ethics as president. He doesn't go to his morning briefings. He learns about major world events on the news. Just look after Stevens was murdered. The next day he came out lied about it and then went to Vegas to campaign and play golf. He got liar of the year. He is a classless person that doesn't have a clue what is going on. A perfect classless Looney liberal.
And despite all of that, he accomplished something no one in your family has ever achieved; graduating from an Ivy League college and an Ivy League Law school. Kind of pisses white trash like you off, doesn't it, when black folks prove to be smarter, harder workers, better fathers and husbands, more successful and accomplished and simply better than you?
He was given a college degree, his IQ proves it. He is a failure, if he was a white man, Hillary would of been president. He got elected for the only reason he is black.
He earned a college and law degree; neither of which you are capable of. If he were a whote man, he would have trice by landslide.
He did write an article. It was required. He wrote every word in his books. He was voted into office twice with more votes each time than were ever cast for a president. Most of those who voted for him were white.
Saint Obama.......smartest idiot in the world.....worker of faux miracles......hero of the drug addled crack ho's.....idol of the libertards......etc., etc, etc. ..... :lol: :lol:

Sunni man. The best part of him dribbled down his mommas leg.
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
Glad you used that for an example. It actually excuses stealing.

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.
Doesn't that mean really starving.
They better have ribs sticking out and the bloody flux too.
I dont know. I dont put much stock in the bible. Its has some disturbing inaccuracies and out right errors in translation.
He did write an article. It was required. He wrote every word in his books. He was voted into office twice with more votes each time than were ever cast for a president. Most of those who voted for him were white.
Saint Obama.......smartest idiot in the world.....worker of faux miracles......hero of the drug addled crack ho's.....idol of the libertards......etc., etc, etc. ..... :lol: :lol:

Sunni man. The best part of him dribbled down his mommas leg.
Or caused ovarian cancer.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).
You tell me is seeing a religious picture forcing religion on others?

That would depend on how it is displayed. Put it in a place of authority, and yes. If it is not forcing religion, it is, at least, advocating for that religion as part of the authority.
All because he was black. How do you know he graduated with honors? If he was so great someone would come out to verify it.
Because the school announced who fucking graduated with honors. It has been verified by the school. You are too fuckimg stupid to be near a computer. You are directed to turn it off and go play with Legos or something else consistent with your intellect.
It's fucking, the same as you wish Obama was doing that to you right now. Obama in his own book states how he liked to do cocaine and then smoke pot to come down. He was a druggie Niger that used the system to make himself look good. Just look at his work ethics as president. He doesn't go to his morning briefings. He learns about major world events on the news. Just look after Stevens was murdered. The next day he came out lied about it and then went to Vegas to campaign and play golf. He got liar of the year. He is a classless person that doesn't have a clue what is going on. A perfect classless Looney liberal.
And despite all of that, he accomplished something no one in your family has ever achieved; graduating from an Ivy League college and an Ivy League Law school. Kind of pisses white trash like you off, doesn't it, when black folks prove to be smarter, harder workers, better fathers and husbands, more successful and accomplished and simply better than you?
He was given a college degree, his IQ proves it. He is a failure, if he was a white man, Hillary would of been president. He got elected for the only reason he is black.
He earned a college and law degree; neither of which you are capable of. If he were a whote man, he would have trice by landslide.
He didn't earn shit, he was an admitted drug user. He also didn't earn the presidency, it was also given to him.
Seems like they are adverse to having to read and think about others and their points of view. Very bizarre people

I have books on that reflect other points of view.

Do they not understand college is for broadening the mind and some assigned reading is required, sounds like they belong in some bible "college" or trade school
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.
To honor the government you live under.


Who knew ?
Looks like the bible even supports wiping out entire cities if they cant bow down to the "true god". So what say you to this information you obviously were unaware of?

Deuteronomy 13:13-19

"Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him."
Because the school announced who fucking graduated with honors. It has been verified by the school. You are too fuckimg stupid to be near a computer. You are directed to turn it off and go play with Legos or something else consistent with your intellect.
It's fucking, the same as you wish Obama was doing that to you right now. Obama in his own book states how he liked to do cocaine and then smoke pot to come down. He was a druggie Niger that used the system to make himself look good. Just look at his work ethics as president. He doesn't go to his morning briefings. He learns about major world events on the news. Just look after Stevens was murdered. The next day he came out lied about it and then went to Vegas to campaign and play golf. He got liar of the year. He is a classless person that doesn't have a clue what is going on. A perfect classless Looney liberal.
And despite all of that, he accomplished something no one in your family has ever achieved; graduating from an Ivy League college and an Ivy League Law school. Kind of pisses white trash like you off, doesn't it, when black folks prove to be smarter, harder workers, better fathers and husbands, more successful and accomplished and simply better than you?
He was given a college degree, his IQ proves it. He is a failure, if he was a white man, Hillary would of been president. He got elected for the only reason he is black.
He earned a college and law degree; neither of which you are capable of. If he were a whote man, he would have trice by landslide.
He didn't earn shit, he was an admitted drug user. He also didn't earn the presidency, it was also given to him.
I thought people voted. I know I did. Twice.
Because the school announced who fucking graduated with honors. It has been verified by the school. You are too fuckimg stupid to be near a computer. You are directed to turn it off and go play with Legos or something else consistent with your intellect.
It's fucking, the same as you wish Obama was doing that to you right now. Obama in his own book states how he liked to do cocaine and then smoke pot to come down. He was a druggie Niger that used the system to make himself look good. Just look at his work ethics as president. He doesn't go to his morning briefings. He learns about major world events on the news. Just look after Stevens was murdered. The next day he came out lied about it and then went to Vegas to campaign and play golf. He got liar of the year. He is a classless person that doesn't have a clue what is going on. A perfect classless Looney liberal.
And despite all of that, he accomplished something no one in your family has ever achieved; graduating from an Ivy League college and an Ivy League Law school. Kind of pisses white trash like you off, doesn't it, when black folks prove to be smarter, harder workers, better fathers and husbands, more successful and accomplished and simply better than you?
He was given a college degree, his IQ proves it. He is a failure, if he was a white man, Hillary would of been president. He got elected for the only reason he is black.
He earned a college and law degree; neither of which you are capable of. If he were a whote man, he would have trice by landslide.
He didn't earn shit, he was an admitted drug user. He also didn't earn the presidency, it was also given to him.
He earned it you inbred fuck. What would you know about earning anything using your brain. Getting high occasionally, trying cocaine or other drugs was common in college. I had plenty of friends who did so and they are doctors, lawyers, judge and bank CEO's. All of them better people than you.
Sunni man. The best part of him dribbled down his mommas leg.
Lame poster's resort to personal attacks when they are loosing the debate. ..... :cool:
Losing what debate? All you can offer are silly lies you read in an email one of your retarded buddies sent you.
You lost pages ago. As soon as you had to rely on your made up bullshit you lost.
You read it in an email you pulled out of your boyfriend's ass didn't you? Next time divine the truth in dog vomit before you eat it.

See how that works. That's why you lost pages ago.
I repeat if being forced to read crap that you don't believe is right is not against your religion then being forced to see religious pictures is not forcing religion on anyone, yet we all know the fact is that governments and schools are removing those statues and pictures.
Because in those cases government has violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

The First Amendment applies solely to government and the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and private organizations.

The issue isn't about anyone being 'forced' to see or believe in anything 'religious'; rather, it concerns government seeking to promote religion absent a secular purpose, or becoming excessively entangled with religious doctrine and dogma. (Lemon v. Kurtzman)

When government obeys and follows Establishment Clause jurisprudence, and refrains from promoting religion absent a secular purpose, or avoids becoming entangled in religious doctrine and dogma, it is not 'violating' the religious liberty of anyone because individuals remain at liberty to practice their religious beliefs as private persons.

Consequently, if one enrolls in a class whose reading requirements he perceives to be 'offensive' to his religious beliefs, he's at liberty to withdraw from the class, where his religious beliefs have in no way been 'violated,' and the class cannot be 'compelled' to change its reading requirements as a 'remedy.'
Sunni man. The best part of him dribbled down his mommas leg.
Lame poster's resort to personal attacks when they are loosing the debate. ..... :cool:
Losing what debate? All you can offer are silly lies you read in an email one of your retarded buddies sent you.
You lost pages ago. As soon as you had to rely on your made up bullshit you lost.
You read it in an email you pulled out of your boyfriend's ass didn't you? Next time divine the truth in dog vomit before you eat it.

See how that works. That's why you lost pages ago.
Sunni man. The best part of him dribbled down his mommas leg.
Lame poster's resort to personal attacks when they are loosing the debate. ..... :cool:
Losing what debate? All you can offer are silly lies you read in an email one of your retarded buddies sent you.
You lost pages ago. As soon as you had to rely on your made up bullshit you lost.
You read it in an email you pulled out of your boyfriend's ass didn't you? Next time divine the truth in dog vomit before you eat it.

See how that works. That's why you lost pages ago.
You came out your mothers ass nine months after a good assfucking by the family St. Bernad.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!
He has not spent a fucking dime to keep anything secret. Education records are not public records. He need do nothing. Colleges simply obey the law. And, he got into Harvard, you fucktard. They would not let you clean the toilets there and you claim that him getting in proves nothing. And, not only did he get in, he graduated with honors; made and edited the law review. Where did you go to college or law school?
So how do you know how great he was?
I read the article that gave a synopsis of the book. I would not read the book because gay issues are meaningless to me.
Lucky my kids go to Catholic school. No faggy books to read.

Isn't Duke a Catholic School?
No, that you have no proof to show me how great he was?
The proof, you stupid shit, is that he got into an Ivy League school indergrad; that he graduated with grades good enough to get into the most selective law school in the natio; that he was invited to join and later lead the Law Revirw; that he graduated with honors, though graduating fro Harvard Law, in and of itself, would be evidence of his academic achievement; that he wrote two best selling books and that he was elected, twice, with more votes than any other person ever received, to the presidency. If those accomplishments don't satisfy you that he is a brilliant man, you are a fucking moron.
So at least you are among the few liberals that are agreeing that George Bush made it through his schools with his pure genius and not a place in the school purchased by his father.
Good to see that some things can be cleared up in these heated conversations.
Sunni man. The best part of him dribbled down his mommas leg.
Lame poster's resort to personal attacks when they are loosing the debate. ..... :cool:
Losing what debate? All you can offer are silly lies you read in an email one of your retarded buddies sent you.
You lost pages ago. As soon as you had to rely on your made up bullshit you lost.
You read it in an email you pulled out of your boyfriend's ass didn't you? Next time divine the truth in dog vomit before you eat it.

See how that works. That's why you lost pages ago.
Sunni man. The best part of him dribbled down his mommas leg.
Lame poster's resort to personal attacks when they are loosing the debate. ..... :cool:
Losing what debate? All you can offer are silly lies you read in an email one of your retarded buddies sent you.
You lost pages ago. As soon as you had to rely on your made up bullshit you lost.
You read it in an email you pulled out of your boyfriend's ass didn't you? Next time divine the truth in dog vomit before you eat it.

See how that works. That's why you lost pages ago.
You came out your mothers ass nine months after a good assfucking by the family St. Bernad.
Would that be the same St. Bernard that mounted Obama's mother?

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