Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?

Seems like they are adverse to having to read and think about others and their points of view. Very bizarre people

I have books on that reflect other points of view.

Do they not understand college is for broadening the mind and some assigned reading is required, sounds like they belong in some bible "college" or trade school
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
Glad you used that for an example. It actually excuses stealing.

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.

Yes it also says to kill. Curiously it uses the same rationale as the radical muslims do.

Chronicles 15:12-13

"They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."

Leviticus 20:13

If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives."


You missed what I said......

You can't conflate specific direction with general doctrine.

But you tried anyway.

Lucky for you there is no condemnation for poor debaters.
Seems like they are adverse to having to read and think about others and their points of view. Very bizarre people

I have books on that reflect other points of view.

Do they not understand college is for broadening the mind and some assigned reading is required, sounds like they belong in some bible "college" or trade school
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.
To honor the government you live under.


Who knew ?
Looks like the bible even supports wiping out entire cities if they cant bow down to the "true god". So what say you to this information you obviously were unaware of?

Deuteronomy 13:13-19

"Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him."

Another attempt at taking specific and making it general.

Can you try to be a little less obvious.
Sunni man. The best part of him dribbled down his mommas leg.
Lame poster's resort to personal attacks when they are loosing the debate. ..... :cool:
Losing what debate? All you can offer are silly lies you read in an email one of your retarded buddies sent you.
You lost pages ago. As soon as you had to rely on your made up bullshit you lost.
You read it in an email you pulled out of your boyfriend's ass didn't you? Next time divine the truth in dog vomit before you eat it.

See how that works. That's why you lost pages ago.
Sunni man. The best part of him dribbled down his mommas leg.
Lame poster's resort to personal attacks when they are loosing the debate. ..... :cool:
Losing what debate? All you can offer are silly lies you read in an email one of your retarded buddies sent you.
You lost pages ago. As soon as you had to rely on your made up bullshit you lost.
You read it in an email you pulled out of your boyfriend's ass didn't you? Next time divine the truth in dog vomit before you eat it.

See how that works. That's why you lost pages ago.
You came out your mothers ass nine months after a good assfucking by the family St. Bernad.
Would that be the same St. Bernard that mounted Obama's mother?
St. Bernards have better taste than that.
You should be ashamed for insulting that breed in such a way.
Lame poster's resort to personal attacks when they are loosing the debate. ..... :cool:
Losing what debate? All you can offer are silly lies you read in an email one of your retarded buddies sent you.
You lost pages ago. As soon as you had to rely on your made up bullshit you lost.
You read it in an email you pulled out of your boyfriend's ass didn't you? Next time divine the truth in dog vomit before you eat it.

See how that works. That's why you lost pages ago.
Lame poster's resort to personal attacks when they are loosing the debate. ..... :cool:
Losing what debate? All you can offer are silly lies you read in an email one of your retarded buddies sent you.
You lost pages ago. As soon as you had to rely on your made up bullshit you lost.
You read it in an email you pulled out of your boyfriend's ass didn't you? Next time divine the truth in dog vomit before you eat it.

See how that works. That's why you lost pages ago.
You came out your mothers ass nine months after a good assfucking by the family St. Bernad.
Would that be the same St. Bernard that mounted Obama's mother?
St. Bernards have better taste than that.
You should be ashamed for insulting that breed in such a way.
I can't believe it! The 12 year old made my point for me.
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
Glad you used that for an example. It actually excuses stealing.

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.
Doesn't that mean really starving.
They better have ribs sticking out and the bloody flux too.
Did God say that...? Or are you putting Words in His mouth? ;)
You almost gotta laugh that there is a freaking list of words invented by idiot lefties that a student can get expelled for on college campus. Islamic students can bypass most of the curriculum if it offends their Jihad sensibilities but the pompous idiot asses think Christians are the problem.
At Duke University?
I'm sure there are plenty of liberals at Duke.
Generally, where you find educated folks you tend to find more liberals. Now, the trailer park on the other side of Durham, that would be where the right wingers offended by education could be found.
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!


No stupid, he didn't.

And its "If he did WELL ...".

If you had any education yourself, you would know that.
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
Glad you used that for an example. It actually excuses stealing.

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.
Doesn't that mean really starving.
They better have ribs sticking out and the bloody flux too.


You are one sick twitch.
I would say that it is a violation because whoever is forcing the reading of this material is endorsing the gay lifestyle.

Actually, of course, it could be just the opposite.

But yes, RWs are terrified of knowledge.
I agree with you 100% as far as it could be the opposite.
For the government (school) to come out and say, " No you can not allow any material that touches on the subject of gay or bi lifestyle" it most certainly could be construed as a statement that the LGBTs are not validated and don't deserve recognition as legitimate relationships.
But I then have to ask, in your mind does that work the same when government says that religious symbols, or books such as the Bible can not be introduced as a required reading material in the same setting as the LGBT material? How about on public land, or the 10 commandments in a court house? could the government forced absence of these items be considered as abridging religion? saying that it does not exist as a real and acceptable faction of society?

I also don't think RWs are terrified of knowledge, I do however think they scrutinize it more than those on the left that just accept what they are told and run with it.
Ice age melted, that was global warming, in the 70s we heard that we were heading to another ice age, now we are heading back to global warming. What will it be in another 30 or 40 years when the climate cycles again? will we have over corrected and caused the earth to start cooling? will we have to start burning fossil fuels again to correct the over correction?

But, back to the original question, yes, in some ways if the reading is forced and the goal is to convince students to accept as normal, then it is a violation.
Next thing you know they will asked to read a book that is filled stories about sex, child murder, rape, human sacrifice, people coming back from the dead. It is known as the Bible.

That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
Glad you used that for an example. It actually excuses stealing.

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.

Yes it also says to kill. Curiously it uses the same rationale as the radical muslims do.

Chronicles 15:12-13

"They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."

Leviticus 20:13

If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives."


You missed what I said......

You can't conflate specific direction with general doctrine.

But you tried anyway.

Lucky for you there is no condemnation for poor debaters.
No I didnt miss what you said. You must have missed what you said. Those passages tell me specifically that its ok to steal and kill. There is no limitation put on it. No where does it say Asclepias you must not kill or steal.
That same book also tells people:

Not to lie.
Not to steal.
Not to kill.
Not to sleep with your neighbors (or anyone else's) wife or daughter.
To honor your father and mother.
To love your neighbor (and there is instruction about who your neighbor is....the parable of the Good Samaritan) as you would yourself.
To give to the poor.
To be kind towards those who act poorly towards you.


Who knew ?
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
Glad you used that for an example. It actually excuses stealing.

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.

Yes it also says to kill. Curiously it uses the same rationale as the radical muslims do.

Chronicles 15:12-13

"They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."

Leviticus 20:13

If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives."


You missed what I said......

You can't conflate specific direction with general doctrine.

But you tried anyway.

Lucky for you there is no condemnation for poor debaters.
No I didnt miss what you said. You must have missed what you said. Those passages tell me specifically that its ok to steal and kill. There is no limitation put on it. No where does it say Asclepias you must not kill or steal.

As you wish.

Go ahead.
You do realize that earlier or later in the same book it says the polar opposite for most of the things you listed right?


As a matter of course, it says to steal ?

It says to kill (to you)....not the history less you think obviates that commandment (which it does not).

So, no. Your claim is garbage.
Glad you used that for an example. It actually excuses stealing.

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.

Yes it also says to kill. Curiously it uses the same rationale as the radical muslims do.

Chronicles 15:12-13

"They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."

Leviticus 20:13

If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives."


You missed what I said......

You can't conflate specific direction with general doctrine.

But you tried anyway.

Lucky for you there is no condemnation for poor debaters.
No I didnt miss what you said. You must have missed what you said. Those passages tell me specifically that its ok to steal and kill. There is no limitation put on it. No where does it say Asclepias you must not kill or steal.

As you wish.

Go ahead.
Your concession is duly noted. I will alert you when its summarily accepted..
I'm sure there are plenty of liberals at Duke.
Generally, where you find educated folks you tend to find more liberals. Now, the trailer park on the other side of Durham, that would be where the right wingers offended by education could be found.
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!


No stupid, he didn't.

And its "If he did WELL ...".

If you had any education yourself, you would know that.
If it wasn't for affirmative action he would be on welfare.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question but why is it so important that we read anything? So what if a person has not read Romeo And Juliet for example? What difference will it make in their life later on one way or another?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Good point. Why do we even bother to live? We should all just get it over with as soon as possible.
Generally, where you find educated folks you tend to find more liberals. Now, the trailer park on the other side of Durham, that would be where the right wingers offended by education could be found.
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!


No stupid, he didn't.

And its "If he did WELL ...".

If you had any education yourself, you would know that.
If it wasn't for affirmative action he would be on welfare.
It is really sad how fucking stupid you are? Is that genetic or something you worked really hard to perfect? Tell us where you got your degrees.
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!


No stupid, he didn't.

And its "If he did WELL ...".

If you had any education yourself, you would know that.
If it wasn't for affirmative action he would be on welfare.
It is really sad how fucking stupid you are? Is that genetic or something you worked really hard to perfect? Tell us where you got your degrees.
I'm stupid? I am not the one that supports a failure, no matter what he does. I take it that you are a Hillary supporter?
Like the smarts Obama has shown us. Lol, no thanks I learned more in middle school, than Obama learned in his entire college career. Which if it wasn't for affirmative action, it wouldn't of happened. Thanks to us white working folk.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!


No stupid, he didn't.

And its "If he did WELL ...".

If you had any education yourself, you would know that.
If it wasn't for affirmative action he would be on welfare.
It is really sad how fucking stupid you are? Is that genetic or something you worked really hard to perfect? Tell us where you got your degrees.
I'm stupid? I am not the one that supports a failure, no matter what he does. I take it that you are a Hillary supporter?
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!


No stupid, he didn't.

And its "If he did WELL ...".

If you had any education yourself, you would know that.
If it wasn't for affirmative action he would be on welfare.
It is really sad how fucking stupid you are? Is that genetic or something you worked really hard to perfect? Tell us where you got your degrees.
I'm stupid? I am not the one that supports a failure, no matter what he does. I take it that you are a Hillary supporter?
Yes, you are stupid. You have made the most ridiculous claims about the President. It is actually possible to disagree with his policies without making up lies about him. He is a very intelligent man. There are plenty of Republicans who are also intelligent men or women but who advocate policies I vehemently disagree with. I don't find it necessary, however, to claim that they have faked their educational background without any proof that they did. This President graduated from two the best educational institutions in the nation. At both, his professors and fellow students recognized that he was an exceptional student. He wrote two books. That is probably more than you have read. He was elected to the State Senate, the US Senate and the Presidency. Had he lost any of those elections, he would probably be a wealth attorney or a Federal Judge. I wonder how much of an utter failure you are to cause you to lie about your betters like this.
Right. He got into Harvard Law School on affirmative action, was elected to the Law Review and became its editor and then graduated with honors because of affirmative action. The reason you did not get into college was not affirmative action, it was because you are a fucking moron.
If he did good in college, he would be bragging about it. He has paid millions to keep them records sealed. Also if he was so great, why isn't there anyone out talking about how great he was. Truth is he was a druggie that used affirmative action to get his degrees. If he wasn't black he wouldn't be president. That's the only reason he got elected. Jimmy Carter loves Obama!


No stupid, he didn't.

And its "If he did WELL ...".

If you had any education yourself, you would know that.
If it wasn't for affirmative action he would be on welfare.
It is really sad how fucking stupid you are? Is that genetic or something you worked really hard to perfect? Tell us where you got your degrees.
I'm stupid? I am not the one that supports a failure, no matter what he does. I take it that you are a Hillary supporter?
Yes you are stupid. You have proven this many many times over.

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