Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?

If the students were required to read the bible, leftist would go nuts.
There are certainly classes where the bible is required reading. And most leftists are Christians.
The party of abortion cannot be christian.
Sin, is sin, regardless of the sin...

With God, murder is no greater a sin than Adultery, than bearing false witness, than Stealing, than any of the other 10 Commandments when it comes to Christ dying for your sins...

We ALL fall short of the glory of God... and you my dear, are falling short of the Glory of God, with your holier than thou statement....

So be it, and thank goodness for Christ's sacrifice, for you...
They are children of God being murdered and the liberals are fighting for that right to do that. Then on top of it all they are cutting the babies up for profit. I agree all sins can send you to hell, but fighting for the right to kill Gods children for convinence. There is a special place in hell for those people.
At Duke University?
If the students were required to read the bible, leftist would go nuts.
There are certainly classes where the bible is required reading. And most leftists are Christians.
The party of abortion cannot be christian.
Sin, is sin, regardless of the sin...

With God, murder is no greater a sin than Adultery, than bearing false witness, than Stealing, than any of the other 10 Commandments when it comes to Christ dying for your sins...

We ALL fall short of the glory of God... and you my dear, are falling short of the Glory of God, with your holier than thou statement....

So be it, and thank goodness for Christ's sacrifice, for you...
They are children of God being murdered and the liberals are fighting for that right to do that. Then on top of it all they are cutting the babies up for profit. I agree all sins can send you to hell, but fighting for the right to kill Gods children for convinence. There is a special place in hell for those people.
At Duke University?

Must be a new class.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

>>Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?<<

Yes, I believe in many cases it would be.

Except this is not one of them. This is not required reading according to Duke reps. So why all the controversy?

I read Duke’s own report on this and at least 3 times in the article they refer to it as a “graphic novel.” Meaning sexually graphic, homosexual sex. As a devout Christian, I would very much expect most of them would find this highly objectionable and I would back them on it entirely. Only those who know so little about God and His revelations would dismiss this as over-reactionary or something of the sort. Again, no surprise there.

But I also question the staff at Duke even suggesting this as incoming freshmen summer reading. Is there something honorable or spiritually uplifting about being risqué with sexual matters? No. It is deplorable for Duke and alleged private Christian institution.

But who am I to speak out? There are so many Catholic colleges not worthy of their name in the least because of their sinful ways, I do not have a foot to stand on. This nation is morally adrift.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

>>Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?<<

Yes, I believe in many cases it would be.

Except this is not one of them. This is not required reading according to Duke reps. So why all the controversy?

I read Duke’s own report on this and at least 3 times in the article they refer to it as a “graphic novel.” Meaning sexually graphic, homosexual sex. As a devout Christian, I would very much expect most of them would find this highly objectionable and I would back them on it entirely. Only those who know so little about God and His revelations would dismiss this as over-reactionary or something of the sort. Again, no surprise there.

But I also question the staff at Duke even suggesting this as incoming freshmen summer reading. Is there something honorable or spiritually uplifting about being risqué with sexual matters? No. It is deplorable for Duke and alleged private Christian institution.

But who am I to speak out? There are so many Catholic colleges not worthy of their name in the least because of their sinful ways, I do not have a foot to stand on. This nation is morally adrift.
Who cares what you find objectionable? Don't want to have to be exposed to things that might not be consistent with your beliefs? Too fucking bad.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

>>Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?<<

Yes, I believe in many cases it would be.

Except this is not one of them. This is not required reading according to Duke reps. So why all the controversy?

I read Duke’s own report on this and at least 3 times in the article they refer to it as a “graphic novel.” Meaning sexually graphic, homosexual sex. As a devout Christian, I would very much expect most of them would find this highly objectionable and I would back them on it entirely. Only those who know so little about God and His revelations would dismiss this as over-reactionary or something of the sort. Again, no surprise there.

But I also question the staff at Duke even suggesting this as incoming freshmen summer reading. Is there something honorable or spiritually uplifting about being risqué with sexual matters? No. It is deplorable for Duke and alleged private Christian institution.

But who am I to speak out? There are so many Catholic colleges not worthy of their name in the least because of their sinful ways, I do not have a foot to stand on. This nation is morally adrift.
lol. Graphic novel means it is in comic book form.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

>>Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?<<

Yes, I believe in many cases it would be.

Except this is not one of them. This is not required reading according to Duke reps. So why all the controversy?

I read Duke’s own report on this and at least 3 times in the article they refer to it as a “graphic novel.” Meaning sexually graphic, homosexual sex. As a devout Christian, I would very much expect most of them would find this highly objectionable and I would back them on it entirely. Only those who know so little about God and His revelations would dismiss this as over-reactionary or something of the sort. Again, no surprise there.

But I also question the staff at Duke even suggesting this as incoming freshmen summer reading. Is there something honorable or spiritually uplifting about being risqué with sexual matters? No. It is deplorable for Duke and alleged private Christian institution.

But who am I to speak out? There are so many Catholic colleges not worthy of their name in the least because of their sinful ways, I do not have a foot to stand on. This nation is morally adrift.
lol. Graphic novel means it is in comic book form.

Oh, yah? :D

Thanks, my mistake. :D

However, do you think there are some "racy" parts? I suspect there is. At least disturbing in content.

On the other hand. Some Massachusetts elementary schools curriculum for second graders reading "Johnny has Two Daddys." I am sure parents could have opted their kids out of it (only to be ostracized in other ways) --- but do you think that is age appropriate? I think it's shockingly bad.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

>>Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?<<

Yes, I believe in many cases it would be.

Except this is not one of them. This is not required reading according to Duke reps. So why all the controversy?

I read Duke’s own report on this and at least 3 times in the article they refer to it as a “graphic novel.” Meaning sexually graphic, homosexual sex. As a devout Christian, I would very much expect most of them would find this highly objectionable and I would back them on it entirely. Only those who know so little about God and His revelations would dismiss this as over-reactionary or something of the sort. Again, no surprise there.

But I also question the staff at Duke even suggesting this as incoming freshmen summer reading. Is there something honorable or spiritually uplifting about being risqué with sexual matters? No. It is deplorable for Duke and alleged private Christian institution.

But who am I to speak out? There are so many Catholic colleges not worthy of their name in the least because of their sinful ways, I do not have a foot to stand on. This nation is morally adrift.
Who cares what you find objectionable? Don't want to have to be exposed to things that might not be consistent with your beliefs? Too fucking bad.

I get the impression half the fun you have in your day is getting all incensed at the opposition. Glad to oblige.

Listen "hero for the common folk" ---- I think this school is nuts for allegedly being a private Christian institution and promoting all this gay acceptance, as though the incoming freshmen are not getting it from a hundred other sources already. But as long as it is not required, they can plunge ahead blithely. In addition --- if they want to put sinful and disturbing content into their classes that is fine with me, too. Because the student can select which class they want to attend or not. But for you to act as though "exposure" means always good, well, that is too much for me to confront you with at this time.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

>>Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?<<

Yes, I believe in many cases it would be.

Except this is not one of them. This is not required reading according to Duke reps. So why all the controversy?

I read Duke’s own report on this and at least 3 times in the article they refer to it as a “graphic novel.” Meaning sexually graphic, homosexual sex. As a devout Christian, I would very much expect most of them would find this highly objectionable and I would back them on it entirely. Only those who know so little about God and His revelations would dismiss this as over-reactionary or something of the sort. Again, no surprise there.

But I also question the staff at Duke even suggesting this as incoming freshmen summer reading. Is there something honorable or spiritually uplifting about being risqué with sexual matters? No. It is deplorable for Duke and alleged private Christian institution.

But who am I to speak out? There are so many Catholic colleges not worthy of their name in the least because of their sinful ways, I do not have a foot to stand on. This nation is morally adrift.
Who cares what you find objectionable? Don't want to have to be exposed to things that might not be consistent with your beliefs? Too fucking bad.

I get the impression half the fun you have in your day is getting all incensed at the opposition. Glad to oblige.

Listen "hero for the common folk" ---- I think this school is nuts for allegedly being a private Christian institution and promoting all this gay acceptance, as though the incoming freshmen are not getting it from a hundred other sources already. But as long as it is not required, they can plunge ahead blithely. In addition --- if they want to put sinful and disturbing content into their classes that is fine with me, too. Because the student can select which class they want to attend or not. But for you to act as though "exposure" means always good, well, that is too much for me to confront you with at this time.
Why would Duke, one of the most challenging academic institutions in the world, where only 9.4 % who apply are admitted, where the SAT scores of incoming freshman are among the highest in the nation care what idiots like you think about their curriculum? Not like you are anyone you are related to would have a snowball's chance in hell of getting in.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

Do they have to pay to get the book? In that they may see it as supporting the author and his views.
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Why would Duke, one of the most challenging academic institutions in the world, where only 9.4 % who apply are admitted, where the SAT scores of incoming freshman are among the highest in the nation care what idiots like you think about their curriculum? Not like you are anyone you are related to would have a snowball's chance in hell of getting in.

I have an answer to your question --- but why would I try to explain it to you? Since your deficiencies create quite a barrier?

You do not even believe God exists do you? Of if you do, you have almost nothing of value to say about His importance. So why in the world do you think my values have anything in common with yours?
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

Do they have to pay got the book? In that they may see it as supporting the author and his views.
Tough shit. Don't want to be exposed to things that you may not agree with, don't go to one of the most academically challenging schools in the nation.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).
I would say yes. You internalize things you read if only for a little while. Not subjecting yourself to the exposure of ideas contrary to your religious beliefs is or should be a personal choice. I might add that could get pretty tricky in an educational settings since the entire point is to learn something.
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Why would Duke, one of the most challenging academic institutions in the world, where only 9.4 % who apply are admitted, where the SAT scores of incoming freshman are among the highest in the nation care what idiots like you think about their curriculum? Not like you are anyone you are related to would have a snowball's chance in hell of getting in.

I have an answer to your question --- but why would I try to explain it to you? Since your deficiencies create quite a barrier?

You do not even believe God exists do you? Of if you do, you have almost nothing of value to say about His importance. So why in the world do you think my values have anything in common with yours?
It is clear that you do not have the same values as I do. You value ignorance and superstition rather than reason and rationality. You want to be told what to think by whoever happened to translate the ancient Hebrew texts that make up the Bible rather than experience life yourself and, using the ability to reason that all humans are endowed with, to determine what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is evil;what is worth pursing in life and what is better left alone. By all means, stay away from institutions of higher learning and keep your kids away. Why waste an education on a mind not suited to receive it?
Why would Duke, one of the most challenging academic institutions in the world, where only 9.4 % who apply are admitted, where the SAT scores of incoming freshman are among the highest in the nation care what idiots like you think about their curriculum? Not like you are anyone you are related to would have a snowball's chance in hell of getting in.

I have an answer to your question --- but why would I try to explain it to you? Since your deficiencies create quite a barrier?

You do not even believe God exists do you? Of if you do, you have almost nothing of value to say about His importance. So why in the world do you think my values have anything in common with yours?
It is clear that you do not have the same values as I do. You value ignorance and superstition rather than reason and rationality. You want to be told what to think by whoever happened to translate the ancient Hebrew texts that make up the Bible rather than experience life yourself and, using the ability to reason that all humans are endowed with, to determine what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is evil;what is worth pursing in life and what is better left alone. By all means, stay away from institutions of higher learning and keep your kids away. Why waste an education on a mind not suited to receive it?

Good, then when all these little darlings are required to read the bible you won't have a problem…good.
People choose what they want to be exposed to all the time. No college would put the Bible or Koran on a summer reading list. Both might be part of a comparative religion class where students did choose to be exposed to different religions.

Reading this book is not part of course work. It isn't required anywhere. If there had not been a complaint no one would have ever known.
Why would Duke, one of the most challenging academic institutions in the world, where only 9.4 % who apply are admitted, where the SAT scores of incoming freshman are among the highest in the nation care what idiots like you think about their curriculum? Not like you are anyone you are related to would have a snowball's chance in hell of getting in.

I have an answer to your question --- but why would I try to explain it to you? Since your deficiencies create quite a barrier?

You do not even believe God exists do you? Of if you do, you have almost nothing of value to say about His importance. So why in the world do you think my values have anything in common with yours?
It is clear that you do not have the same values as I do. You value ignorance and superstition rather than reason and rationality. You want to be told what to think by whoever happened to translate the ancient Hebrew texts that make up the Bible rather than experience life yourself and, using the ability to reason that all humans are endowed with, to determine what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is evil;what is worth pursing in life and what is better left alone. By all means, stay away from institutions of higher learning and keep your kids away. Why waste an education on a mind not suited to receive it?

Good, then when all these little darlings are required to read the bible you won't have a problem…good.
I recommend everyone read the bible. Its amazing the amount of stupidity and hypocrisy in that book. It makes an interesting study with all of its contradictions and out right false translations.
If I am paying the tuition for my child to attend that college then I don't want him or her wasting their time and my money reading that weird shit. We all know the reason for that bullshit. Homos only make up around 3% of the population, so the content is not something many will relate to. Rather, the real reason for this creepy shit is to normalize homo behavior. Next they will be making students read about the sick ritualistic genital mutilation that occurs in sex change operations. The media is already gung-ho on normalizing this sick shit. What's next? What will the next abnormal abomination be that leftists try to normalize? Animal sacrifice? Genital torture? Cannibalism?
It is clear that you do not have the same values as I do. You value ignorance and superstition rather than reason and rationality. You want to be told what to think by whoever happened to translate the ancient Hebrew texts that make up the Bible rather than experience life yourself and, using the ability to reason that all humans are endowed with, to determine what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is evil;what is worth pursing in life and what is better left alone. By all means, stay away from institutions of higher learning and keep your kids away. Why waste an education on a mind not suited to receive it?
But paddy... are you a product of these cherished institutions?

You are the result?

I would love to disprove your theory based on that alone.
I recommend everyone read the bible. Its amazing the amount of stupidity and hypocrisy in that book. It makes an interesting study with all of its contradictions and out right false translations.

You can bring a child (or adult) to read a book, but you cannot make him comprehend.

That is why Jesus instituted His Church. To be the authority to guide and explain and instruct.
Perhaps there at least should have been a discussion group about this critically acclaimed comic book. That way students could say that they don't care that the mentally ill father who twisted up his daughter's life killed himself. It might have been better had Alison killed herself before she wrote this tripe. That's a discussion worth having.

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