Is simply being required to read something a violation of religious beliefs?

College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).
I look at all the books I've been made to read in school..

To Kill A Mockingbird
Catcher In The Rye
The Grapes Of Wrath
Julie Of The Wolves
Black Boy
A Tale Of Two Cities
My Brother Sam Is Dead
Of Mice And Men
Where The Red Fern Grows

Communists, multiculturalists, and other Left wing degenerates wrote these books. (Except Harper Lee). Some had valuable lessons, others, like Steinback's books, I reject entirely.

The point is, if indoctrination were the intent, it sure failed with me. Kids are natural rebels and that's a good thing. I remember well how I dug in my heels and defied what the communist leftist public school system was teaching me. You might even say I was radicalized by it and I decided long ago (age 11) to spend my life fighting Leftists.

So I say bring it on! The more you try to pound into kids' skulls that faggotry is the next civil rights issue, the more they will resist you.

Well, you could always just stick with Green Eggs and Ham or something like that, if it makes you feel better...
The question has no definitive answer. Depends on the religion, the book and the person. I was a Christian and read all kinds of books I wouldn't bring to church. I think it mostly depends for most people on how it was portrayed. If the sexual conduct was glorified in some way or just part of the story.

The Catcher in the Rye gloried homosexuality, which is why liberals loved it from day one and made it required reading for many youths.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

If listening to a Christian song is a violation, then possibly reading a book is a violation
It is a private university, not a public school. Since you have no familiarity with any education beyond high school, you might want to find other topics.

You're not allowed to have religious beliefs at private institutions?
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

If listening to a Christian song is a violation, then possibly reading a book is a violation

And where is it a violation to listen to a Christian song on the campus of a private university?
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).

If listening to a Christian song is a violation, then possibly reading a book is a violation
It is a private university, not a public school. Since you have no familiarity with any education beyond high school, you might want to find other topics.

You're not allowed to have religious beliefs at private institutions?

You are allowed to believe anything you want. What you are not allowed to do is use your religion to arbitrarily decide which parts of a course of study you will participate in, and which you will not, without losing credit.
I guess you are unaware of the powerful figures on many campuses who restrict free speech and silence alternative views. These powerful figures are almost always on the left, not the right.

Microaggression mania: Even the LA Times says this school is going too far

Religious Liberty Archives - FIRE

Liberal bias in colleges bleeds into classroom - Campus Watch

Maybe the students mentioned in the OP were bored and disgusted by all the gay activist propaganda their professor inflicted on them.
This is why some are in favor of home schooling. They can choose not to get an actual education and still "pass" and "graduate".
Reading the book is not part of any course curriculum. It was assigned as part of a summer reading list. Of course no one should be required to read it for any reason.
Well, I am not one to talk, because i have read all kinds of books that I too would never bring to church or even let them know I've read them!:eek:

However, I was TAUGHT not to read them, and not to go to a movie that is filled with lies, deceit, affairs, adultery, sodomy etc... (which is about all movies, now a days) I was taught to avoid them, which would make resisting the "sin" easier....

And I have "Leftist" parents, who would have thunk it? ;)
I would say that it is a violation because whoever is forcing the reading of this material is endorsing the gay lifestyle.
If the students were required to read the bible, leftist would go nuts.
There are certainly classes where the bible is required reading. And most leftists are Christians.


If this was part of a literature class and the students were going to critique the book, read it. You won't die.

It wasn't. It was assigned to all incoming freshmen given a summer reading list.

The book is probably deserving of discussion. The father's mental illness of homosexuality, the effect on his daughter and how being homosexual led to his suicide is worthy of discussion.
College Students Refuse To Read Award-Winning Novel Because It Violates Their Christian Beliefs

I get that Christians do not approve of homosexuality and that it goes against their religious beliefs. But is reading a book based on a true story of a girl realizing she is gay and finding out her father (who committed suicide) was gay?

I am not a buddhist, taoist, or racist, but I have read books on all of those (from their point of view).
I look at all the books I've been made to read in school..

To Kill A Mockingbird
Catcher In The Rye
The Grapes Of Wrath
Julie Of The Wolves
Black Boy
A Tale Of Two Cities
My Brother Sam Is Dead
Of Mice And Men
Where The Red Fern Grows

Communists, multiculturalists, and other Left wing degenerates wrote these books. (Except Harper Lee). Some had valuable lessons, others, like Steinback's books, I reject entirely.

The point is, if indoctrination were the intent, it sure failed with me. Kids are natural rebels and that's a good thing. I remember well how I dug in my heels and defied what the communist leftist public school system was teaching me. You might even say I was radicalized by it and I decided long ago (age 11) to spend my life fighting Leftists.

So I say bring it on! The more you try to pound into kids' skulls that faggotry is the next civil rights issue, the more they will resist you.

Well, you could always just stick with Green Eggs and Ham or something like that, if it makes you feel better...
Gotta love Dr. Seuss. The point of that book was laizze faire self determinism. Who knew I was being inoculated for the Leftist gauntlet to come?
If this was part of a literature class and the students were going to critique the book, read it. You won't die.

It wasn't. It was assigned to all incoming freshmen given a summer reading list.

The book is probably deserving of discussion. The father's mental illness of homosexuality, the effect on his daughter and how being homosexual led to his suicide is worthy of discussion.
So, you read it?

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