Zone1 is the Catholic Church a Cult?

is it a cult?

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What is the difference between a cult and a religion?

What's the dividing line between a cult and a religion? It might be something as simple as this: a religion is a cult that's gotten successful and gone mainstream. In fact, in academic studies, the word cult is often eschewed in favor of a different term: new religious movements.
Dec 13, 2023

What is the difference between a cult and a religion?

What's the dividing line between a cult and a religion? It might be something as simple as this: a religion is a cult that's gotten successful and gone mainstream. In fact, in academic studies, the word cult is often eschewed in favor of a different term: new religious movements.
Dec 13, 2023


Yes, but that doesn't help us because we still have to define a cult.

I say it is a twisted version of true Christianity or some other (true version) religion, run by a megalomaniac (Jesus was not that), demanding obedience without question or disagreement, punishments will follow otherwise.
somebody said so

lets have a poll
They are these-2Thess 2:3=the great apostasy and all of her hundreds of branches are as well. They do not teach what Jesus actually teaches. They teach little of what he taught.
Not by my definition. A cult is the product of a single individual. You are born into a church, you join a cult. Every church begins as a cult.

The church was born of the Holy Catholic Roman Empire. It was created when Constantine made Christianity legal as the last attempt at saving the empire. Because at that time it was illegal for the average peasnt to even know how to read any of the original transcripts, much less interpret them. An offense punishable by death. Which is how the church began it's conquest of stolen property, and fealty to kings and queens for allowing it to exist as enforcers and prpotection of their feifdoms.

The church does not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, as it never accepted Martin Luthers indulgences of ninety five thesis, and thus the New Testiment.

Luther was ordained to the priesthood in 1507. He came to reject several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church; in particular, he disputed the view on indulgences. Luther attempted to resolve these differences amicably, first proposing an academic discussion of the practice and efficacy of indulgences in Ninety-five Theses, which he authored in 1517. In 1520, Pope Leo X demanded that Luther renounce all of his writings, and when Luther refused to do so, excommunicated him in January 1521. Later that year, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V condemned Luther as an outlaw at the Diet of Worms. When Luther died in 1546, Pope Leo X's excommunication was still in effect.

The Catholic Church practices Roman Law, not Christianity.
The church was born of the Holy Catholic Roman Empire. It was created when Constantine made Christianity legal as the last attempt at saving the empire.
NOT true!

The Church began with Jesus Christ, either His Resurrection or Ascension

Either way, that's a long time ago and the Catholic Church is the ONLY church (but there is only ONE anyway)

that goes back that far.

I've studied this so don't bother arguing the point..
NOT true!

The Church began with Jesus Christ, either His Resurrection or Ascension

Either way, that's a long time ago and the Catholic Church is the ONLY church (but there is only ONE anyway)

that goes back that far.

I've studied this so don't bother arguing the point..
Not true. There was no centralized Church in Rome until Constantine created it. When John disappeared as the last Apostle, no other apostles were called and the great apostasy Paul said would happen, happened. The various bishops no longer held the priesthood after the order of the Son of God. Therefore, they could no longer bless anyone with the gift of the Holy Ghost. The doctrines and ordinances were changed and polluted. We entered the dark ages and little light of Christ. Enough to keep some writings available.
A restoration had to be given by God to someone out of the RCC and all their Protestant splinter groups for there was no Priesthood authority and no gift of the Holy Ghost available on the earth. all churches and religions were without power and authority.

The heavens were reopened in 1820 to a young lad of the age of 14. One not polluted and warped with religious dogma and doctrine who was seeking through prayer to know which church to join. The Father and Son appeared and said to the boy “join none for they are all wrong.” In 1830, The Church of Jesus Christ was restored in these the Latter-days.
perhaps the definition is that simple fork.....~S~

Well, many Christian religions fit that description so that can't be the full definition of cult.. although Catholics DO teach that only the Catholic Church qualifies for the name Church.. all others are merely Church communities. And that is what I myself know to be true.

I can't prove the CC is the Church Christ founded and even when i present evidence, people refuse to listen.

But this confirms what Jesus said, namely that FEW find the Narrow Way

What is "filthy" cannot be allowed into Heaven where there is no sin and no desire for sin. It may seem "cruel" to those who don't understand but think of it this way.

If you had a party and cleaned your house until it sparkled, got all the best foods and wines and etc together..

Would you invite people who had been rolling in the mud for days (no showers)? You always saw potential in such folks but here they are... filthy and muddy and smelly

I think not

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