Is the CDC dropping hints that they don’t have faith in the vaccines?

Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
my god your so full of shit,,

you speak like youre one of the people involved in the process,,

how about you just answer to where are all these dead people and stop making excuses for something youre not involved in,,
I didn’t develop it or design the trials but I gave read them all so that I’m informed when my patients ask if they should get the vaccine or not.

Sorry but if you get your information from popular media, especially right wing internet garbage, you aren’t getting a very complete picture.
thats not informed,, thats believe what youre told,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot,,
Believing peer reviewed articles and people with strong professional reputations has worked out well so far.

Better than random internet blogs and spicy memes.

Your criticism isn’t really useful. Just you being an ass.
View attachment 471632

If you are immune why the hell would you still need to do this shit?

Also where are all the dead anti mask bodies from 12 months of not wearing a mask?
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
Call me when they stop the common cold in it's tracks and eradicate it, or make flu season disappear. The Vaccine and Covid are a trumped up hoax.
The common cold is a multitude of viruses with little incentive for finding a vaccine given its not dangerous.
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
my god your so full of shit,,

you speak like youre one of the people involved in the process,,

how about you just answer to where are all these dead people and stop making excuses for something youre not involved in,,
I didn’t develop it or design the trials but I gave read them all so that I’m informed when my patients ask if they should get the vaccine or not.

Sorry but if you get your information from popular media, especially right wing internet garbage, you aren’t getting a very complete picture.
thats not informed,, thats believe what youre told,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot,,
Believing peer reviewed articles and people with strong professional reputations has worked out well so far.

Better than random internet blogs and spicy memes.

Your criticism isn’t really useful. Just you being an ass.
if you would stop lying and acting like you have a clue I wouldnt need to be an ass,,
View attachment 471632

If you are immune why the hell would you still need to do this shit?

Also where are all the dead anti mask bodies from 12 months of not wearing a mask?
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
Call me when they stop the common cold in it's tracks and eradicate it, or make flu season disappear. The Vaccine and Covid are a trumped up hoax.
The common cold is a multitude of viruses with little incentive for finding a vaccine given its not dangerous.
Elderly People die from the common cold, and they die from the flu. Covid is no more dangerous than that, so there is no need for a vaccine. No need for masks or social distancing. A 99.8% recovery rate does not a pandemic make.
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
my god your so full of shit,,

you speak like youre one of the people involved in the process,,

how about you just answer to where are all these dead people and stop making excuses for something youre not involved in,,
I didn’t develop it or design the trials but I gave read them all so that I’m informed when my patients ask if they should get the vaccine or not.

Sorry but if you get your information from popular media, especially right wing internet garbage, you aren’t getting a very complete picture.
thats not informed,, thats believe what youre told,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot,,
Believing peer reviewed articles and people with strong professional reputations has worked out well so far.

Better than random internet blogs and spicy memes.

Your criticism isn’t really useful. Just you being an ass.
if you would stop lying and acting like you have a clue I wouldnt need to be an ass,,
I’m not lying and you’re contributing nothing to the conversation.
View attachment 471632

If you are immune why the hell would you still need to do this shit?

Also where are all the dead anti mask bodies from 12 months of not wearing a mask?
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
Call me when they stop the common cold in it's tracks and eradicate it, or make flu season disappear. The Vaccine and Covid are a trumped up hoax.
The common cold is a multitude of viruses with little incentive for finding a vaccine given its not dangerous.
Elderly People die from the common cold, and they die from the flu. Covid is no more dangerous than that, so there is no need for a vaccine. No need for masks or social distancing. A 99.8% recovery rate does not a pandemic make.
Do they die from the common cold? I don’t think they do.

Flu can be deadly...

...and there’s a vaccine for it.
I don’t know where you got the percent but it‘a expected to reduce the mortality to 5-10% of what it currently is.
that percent comes from the CDC,,
Doubt it.
well you do lie a lot,,
I don’t. You just pretend I do so that you don’t have to listen to me. It’s easier to believe your alternate reality that way.
I think you are the deluded one. In fact, I cannot remember a single true thing you have ever believed in. But tell you a lie, and you lap it up like a dog laps up it's own vomit.
I don’t know where you got the percent but it‘a expected to reduce the mortality to 5-10% of what it currently is.
that percent comes from the CDC,,
Doubt it.
well you do lie a lot,,
I don’t. You just pretend I do so that you don’t have to listen to me. It’s easier to believe your alternate reality that way.
dude you dont even know the real numbers from the CDC,, youre a lying prick and you know it,,
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
my god your so full of shit,,

you speak like youre one of the people involved in the process,,

how about you just answer to where are all these dead people and stop making excuses for something youre not involved in,,
I didn’t develop it or design the trials but I gave read them all so that I’m informed when my patients ask if they should get the vaccine or not.

Sorry but if you get your information from popular media, especially right wing internet garbage, you aren’t getting a very complete picture.
thats not informed,, thats believe what youre told,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot,,
Believing peer reviewed articles and people with strong professional reputations has worked out well so far.

Better than random internet blogs and spicy memes.

Your criticism isn’t really useful. Just you being an ass.
if you would stop lying and acting like you have a clue I wouldnt need to be an ass,,
I’m not lying and you’re contributing nothing to the conversation.
I contribute more than you do,, at least I am giving real CDC numbers and not some made up crap,,
View attachment 471632

If you are immune why the hell would you still need to do this shit?

Also where are all the dead anti mask bodies from 12 months of not wearing a mask?
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
Call me when they stop the common cold in it's tracks and eradicate it, or make flu season disappear. The Vaccine and Covid are a trumped up hoax.
The common cold is a multitude of viruses with little incentive for finding a vaccine given its not dangerous.
Elderly People die from the common cold, and they die from the flu. Covid is no more dangerous than that, so there is no need for a vaccine. No need for masks or social distancing. A 99.8% recovery rate does not a pandemic make.
Do they die from the common cold? I don’t think they do.

Flu can be deadly...

...and there’s a vaccine for it.
The vaccine has killed people. No matter how many vaccines you produce, you cannot eradicate the flu. It's a waste of time and money.

Besides, I assess that you are an Evolutionist, so shouldn't we be weeding out pale, lazy, weak liberals, and feeble minded senile fools, who have never known a hard days labor in their life?

I call it doing the gene pool a favor.
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
my god your so full of shit,,

you speak like youre one of the people involved in the process,,

how about you just answer to where are all these dead people and stop making excuses for something youre not involved in,,
I didn’t develop it or design the trials but I gave read them all so that I’m informed when my patients ask if they should get the vaccine or not.

Sorry but if you get your information from popular media, especially right wing internet garbage, you aren’t getting a very complete picture.
thats not informed,, thats believe what youre told,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot,,
Believing peer reviewed articles and people with strong professional reputations has worked out well so far.

Better than random internet blogs and spicy memes.

Your criticism isn’t really useful. Just you being an ass.
if you would stop lying and acting like you have a clue I wouldnt need to be an ass,,
I’m not lying and you’re contributing nothing to the conversation.
I contribute more than you do,, at least I am giving real CDC numbers and not some made up crap,,
You’ve done nothing here but call me names.
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
my god your so full of shit,,

you speak like youre one of the people involved in the process,,

how about you just answer to where are all these dead people and stop making excuses for something youre not involved in,,
I didn’t develop it or design the trials but I gave read them all so that I’m informed when my patients ask if they should get the vaccine or not.

Sorry but if you get your information from popular media, especially right wing internet garbage, you aren’t getting a very complete picture.
thats not informed,, thats believe what youre told,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot,,
Believing peer reviewed articles and people with strong professional reputations has worked out well so far.

Better than random internet blogs and spicy memes.

Your criticism isn’t really useful. Just you being an ass.
if you would stop lying and acting like you have a clue I wouldnt need to be an ass,,
I’m not lying and you’re contributing nothing to the conversation.
I contribute more than you do,, at least I am giving real CDC numbers and not some made up crap,,
You’ve done nothing here but call me names.
see you do nothing but lie,,
View attachment 471632

If you are immune why the hell would you still need to do this shit?

Also where are all the dead anti mask bodies from 12 months of not wearing a mask?
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
Call me when they stop the common cold in it's tracks and eradicate it, or make flu season disappear. The Vaccine and Covid are a trumped up hoax.
The common cold is a multitude of viruses with little incentive for finding a vaccine given its not dangerous.
Elderly People die from the common cold, and they die from the flu. Covid is no more dangerous than that, so there is no need for a vaccine. No need for masks or social distancing. A 99.8% recovery rate does not a pandemic make.
Do they die from the common cold? I don’t think they do.

Flu can be deadly...

...and there’s a vaccine for it.
The vaccine has killed people. No matter how many vaccines you produce, you cannot eradicate the flu. It's a waste of time and money.

Besides, I assess that you are an Evolutionist, so shouldn't we be weeding out pale, lazy, weak liberals, and feeble minded senile fools, who have never known a hard days labor in their life?

I call it doing the gene pool a favor.
The vaccine very well may kill some people. But it will be many orders of magnitude less than those who die from COVID.

We can’t eradicate the flu given how many types there are. I am hoping COVID doesn’t become the same way but that seems less likely.
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
my god your so full of shit,,

you speak like youre one of the people involved in the process,,

how about you just answer to where are all these dead people and stop making excuses for something youre not involved in,,
I didn’t develop it or design the trials but I gave read them all so that I’m informed when my patients ask if they should get the vaccine or not.

Sorry but if you get your information from popular media, especially right wing internet garbage, you aren’t getting a very complete picture.
thats not informed,, thats believe what youre told,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot,,
Believing peer reviewed articles and people with strong professional reputations has worked out well so far.

Better than random internet blogs and spicy memes.

Your criticism isn’t really useful. Just you being an ass.
if you would stop lying and acting like you have a clue I wouldnt need to be an ass,,
I’m not lying and you’re contributing nothing to the conversation.
I contribute more than you do,, at least I am giving real CDC numbers and not some made up crap,,
You’ve done nothing here but call me names.
see you do nothing but lie,,
You do nothing but call me names rather than make a rational argument.
View attachment 471632

If you are immune why the hell would you still need to do this shit?

Also where are all the dead anti mask bodies from 12 months of not wearing a mask?
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
Hahaha..... "don't get impatient".... it's been over a year dude.
View attachment 471632

If you are immune why the hell would you still need to do this shit?

Also where are all the dead anti mask bodies from 12 months of not wearing a mask?
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
Call me when they stop the common cold in it's tracks and eradicate it, or make flu season disappear. The Vaccine and Covid are a trumped up hoax.
The common cold is a multitude of viruses with little incentive for finding a vaccine given its not dangerous.
Elderly People die from the common cold, and they die from the flu. Covid is no more dangerous than that, so there is no need for a vaccine. No need for masks or social distancing. A 99.8% recovery rate does not a pandemic make.
Do they die from the common cold? I don’t think they do.

Flu can be deadly...

...and there’s a vaccine for it.
The vaccine has killed people. No matter how many vaccines you produce, you cannot eradicate the flu. It's a waste of time and money.

Besides, I assess that you are an Evolutionist, so shouldn't we be weeding out pale, lazy, weak liberals, and feeble minded senile fools, who have never known a hard days labor in their life?

I call it doing the gene pool a favor.
The vaccine very well may kill some people. But it will be many orders of magnitude less than those who die from COVID.

We can’t eradicate the flu given how many types there are. I am hoping COVID doesn’t become the same way but that seems less likely.

I guess that depends on whether you're counting the number of people dying with Covid as opposed to from Covid, which number are you using?
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
my god your so full of shit,,

you speak like youre one of the people involved in the process,,

how about you just answer to where are all these dead people and stop making excuses for something youre not involved in,,
I didn’t develop it or design the trials but I gave read them all so that I’m informed when my patients ask if they should get the vaccine or not.

Sorry but if you get your information from popular media, especially right wing internet garbage, you aren’t getting a very complete picture.
thats not informed,, thats believe what youre told,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot,,
Believing peer reviewed articles and people with strong professional reputations has worked out well so far.

Better than random internet blogs and spicy memes.

Your criticism isn’t really useful. Just you being an ass.
if you would stop lying and acting like you have a clue I wouldnt need to be an ass,,
I’m not lying and you’re contributing nothing to the conversation.
I contribute more than you do,, at least I am giving real CDC numbers and not some made up crap,,
You’ve done nothing here but call me names.
see you do nothing but lie,,
You do nothing but call me names rather than make a rational argument.
how can there be a rational discussion with you when you lie constantly??
I don’t know where you got the percent but it‘a expected to reduce the mortality to 5-10% of what it currently is.
that percent comes from the CDC,,
Doubt it.
well you do lie a lot,,
I don’t. You just pretend I do so that you don’t have to listen to me. It’s easier to believe your alternate reality that way.
dude you dont even know the real numbers from the CDC,, youre a lying prick and you know it,,
I do and I bet I know exactly how you’re going to misinterpret the data.
Because we are still figuring out exactly what the vaccine does and doesn’t do. There is some concern that vaccinated people may be able to catch and spread COVID. That concern is going down with more data but also getting worse as the picture is complicated by variants that may be able to evade the immunity provided by the vaccine.

It’s a process. Don’t get impatient.
my god your so full of shit,,

you speak like youre one of the people involved in the process,,

how about you just answer to where are all these dead people and stop making excuses for something youre not involved in,,
I didn’t develop it or design the trials but I gave read them all so that I’m informed when my patients ask if they should get the vaccine or not.

Sorry but if you get your information from popular media, especially right wing internet garbage, you aren’t getting a very complete picture.
thats not informed,, thats believe what youre told,,

kinda makes you a useful idiot,,
Believing peer reviewed articles and people with strong professional reputations has worked out well so far.

Better than random internet blogs and spicy memes.

Your criticism isn’t really useful. Just you being an ass.
if you would stop lying and acting like you have a clue I wouldnt need to be an ass,,
I’m not lying and you’re contributing nothing to the conversation.
I contribute more than you do,, at least I am giving real CDC numbers and not some made up crap,,
You’ve done nothing here but call me names.
see you do nothing but lie,,
You do nothing but call me names rather than make a rational argument.
how can there be a rational discussion with you when you lie constantly??
I don’t. You just have to pretend I do so that you can continue to believe whatever you want to believe.

Like I was saying earlier. This is a defense mechanism of yours.

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