Is the church more important than the bible?


Active Member
Jan 26, 2007
Is upholding the popularity and influence of the church more important than the teachings of the bible? what if the two come into conflict?
Is upholding the popularity and influence of the church more important than the teachings of the bible? what if the two come into conflict?

One shouldn't mindlessly follow either.
I suppose that depends on your definition of Church and your definition of "more important". Important in what way exactly? For example, the Bible is very important in teaching. But when it comes to ministering to the needs of people the Church is far more important.
I suppose that depends on your definition of Church and your definition of "more important". Important in what way exactly? For example, the Bible is very important in teaching. But when it comes to ministering to the needs of people the Church is far more important.

^ Great point
When I say church I mean Organised religion. I know many people who follow the bible but dont belive in organised religion.
When I say church I mean Organised religion. I know many people who follow the bible but dont belive in organised religion.
the word of GOD is infallible !! if the Church or religion does not recognize this fact LEAVE THE CHURCH !!
When I say church I mean Organised religion. I know many people who follow the bible but dont belive in organised religion.
the word of GOD is infallible !! if the Church or religion does not recognize this fact LEAVE THE CHURCH !!

if the word of god in infallible and the bible is the word of god, then all christian religions fail in their attempt to follow it.
Is upholding the popularity and influence of the church more important than the teachings of the bible? what if the two come into conflict?

The biblical definition of the church is merely a gathering of believers (as in "we the people") for the purposes of sharing the "teachings of the bible". If the elders of the church forget that primary purpose then it is no longer a church in the biblical sense. If they are putting the institution above the believers then they are in conflict with the bible.

Loyalty to a church should not take precedence over true belief. However to many the church represents their belief and therefore they will be loyal to the institution even when it is in conflict. But that is their individual choice. You are free to make your own choice which is what free will is all about.

For the record I know an ex priest who refused to enter the church while the recently resigned pope was reigning. That didn't mean that he gave up his own personal faith and belief. It just meant that he chose not to support the church when he believed that it was diverging from his own understanding of what the church was supposed to stand for.
"When two or more are gathered in My Name, there I will be also"
THAT is my 'church'
lets take Usury for instance The catholic church is a major holder of shares and massive hedge funds billions. but the bible is very clear that usury is prohibated.
Is the church more important than the bible?

Must be.
If you do not do what a church says they will throw you out.
If you do not do what the bible says it does not throw you out.
No. The earth may pass away, but Christ's words will endure forever. The "Church" <(singular) of our Lord is on an individual by individual basis. And that group of individuals is called the bride of Christ, He being the bridegroom.
The organization of religion, serves it's purpose enough so, that angels are assigned to at least every one of the church/organizations that Jesus spoke to in Revelation, and probably beyond them.
But if you never stepped foot into a organized religious church, it wouldn't prevent your entry into God's Kingdom.

Organized religions are preparing to lead it's flocks right into the anti-Christ's organized religion, the one world church. If you look up the denominations that are already paying alms to that very church, and have signed it's charter, you may never walk into another brick and mortar/mortal church again.

Almost better that you forsake the assembly, and sit down in the shade of a big oak, pray for wisdom, and read His word and have a conversation with your Daddy/Father about what you read, than to be lead astray by end time false teachers.
And pray hard for discernment, so you'll recognize a bad church when you see one.
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Exactly how many organized religions are there? Each of the organized religions have their own interpretation of the Bible incorporated by a mortal being to form their religion.
Therefore the Bible is more important as it allows each person to use the Bible for their own individual life circumstances.
Is upholding the popularity and influence of the church more important than the teachings of the bible? what if the two come into conflict?

Pray for wisdom and discernment. And read. Once you recognize His voice, you'll know in a heartbeat if what you are being taught by someone other than Jesus is contrary to what Christ said. It will be like a loud bell in your head. An alarm.
These times are abundant with false teachers using the name of Christ in their teaching, then slipping in their own agenda.
Satan snares you with 99% truth so you'll naturally accept the 1% lie he throws in.
When I say church I mean Organised religion. I know many people who follow the bible but dont belive in organised religion.
the word of GOD is infallible !! if the Church or religion does not recognize this fact LEAVE THE CHURCH !!

The Word of God is Jesus Christ. I dont think there are many Churches that dont recognize His infalliability. The problem is when they equate the Bible with God/Christ instead of a tool to bring them to Christ.

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