Is the white race being exterminated, and what should be done about it?

Is the white race being exterminated, and what should be done about it?

  • Yes. We need to make interracial breeding between whites and non-whites illegal.

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There is no white race. In Spain, where some of my breed came from, they are pretty much white, or nicely tanned. Since my ancestors went to Puerto Rico they became spics, ah the magic of language and labels. But my mother is a whitey so most of us are hard to tell and second, third generation pretty much impossible. Latest edition is pure blond hair and big blue eyes that will stay as he takes after a grandparent - WJ probably looks more like a half breed.

Do a little math, you have 4 grandparents, now times by 2 that figure and the next and the next... Add your wife to the equation and pretty soon William Joyce and Charlie Bass find they are related. LOL Real blood brothers. Skin tint ain't important folks and if we all get a little darker we'll save tons on sunscreen and doctors.

But somehow we need to get rid of those artificial myths of difference before we kill each other, our kin that is.

And why do racists not worry about the Chinese as they already win the numbers game.
For the good of rthe species, the ideal is a cycle:
-Populations are kept separate to allow differentiation. This will allow genetic variation and keep the species health

-The fittest groups are then bred together to allow the genes to be 'mixed up'. This would prevent the problems of pseudo-inbreeding and help further increase variation in individuals and populations.

-In order to prevent dangerous levels of homogeneousness, populations would then be seperated to allow for genetic drift and mutation to bring about new mutations and genomes

The cycle would repeat an infinitum

The majority of the Geneitc mutations are in the White Caucasian Races of the World. Mostly located in Euroupe.Who have been inbreeding with themselves for a few hundred
thousand of years. The "Black Race", whose genes by the way are dominant over the recessive , White, and Asian , and Indian gene, is the most genetically correct and properly
funtioning genes. The black genes are dominant over the White genes, and function correctly, with minimal defects in the species,and in offspring, because they are the original genes of humans here on Earth. The White race, and genes, have so many defects, because "whiteness" , is in and of itself, a genetic defect. Albinism, when it occurs
in nature, is considered to be a genetic defect or "mistake" in the genetic process.
Albino animals are very rare, when they do occur. The coloring is the natural order of things, in nature. So part of the reason for the genetic decline of the White race, is that in
the natural existence of living animals and species on Earth, requires some form of "coloration" as a means of protection from UV radiation from the Sun.

You know what? You can be proud of your race without having to resort to disparaging other races. Did that occur to you?

Second, even though people are called "white" it doesn't mean we are actually "white" not literally. I typically tan up darker than a lot of "black" people. The genetic characteristics exhibited by "whites" are the result of environmental adaptations just like blacks.

You want proof, carry your black ass to Scandinavia and see how quick you junk freezes off in winter. You know why, black guy's junk doesn't contract to stay warm in cold climates. Neither did "white" guy's, but that line of white guy died off because they couldn't procreate.

Just sayin'.....

No one is disparaging your "Master degenerate, White race" I am just stating genetic scientific facts. But many whites just can not accept the genetic facts of life.They take it the wrong way. All I know is that Black genes are dominate over all other genes here on Earth. And that whites have many genetic defects within their genes.These are the facts.
Thats why during the great white immigration waves from Euroupe, they did not want certain eastern European races into the United States. Because of some degenerative geneitc defects , that were prominant in the Eastern European gene pool.!
No one is disparaging your "Master degenerate, White race"

clearly, you don't have the vocabulary necessary to comprehend the word Irony.

All I know is that Black genes are dominate over all other genes here on Earth. And that whites have many genetic defects within their genes.
Then why do black people die at a much earlier rate then any other race of people?
There is no white race.

White: Those of Nordic or Alpine or Mediterranean stock
(the old Mediterranean stock is now near extinction. The region's inhabitants today are mostly of mixed race) or some mix of the three.* These stocks represent the closest living genotypes to the Old Aryan stock which migrated westward from the Russian steppes to the southern shores of the Baltic before conquering near the entirety of the known world of the time. The Aryan stock, in turn, was derived, along with other European peoples of the time, from the early Europeans commonly known as Cro-Magnum. The Aryans spread and conquered/intermarried with local inhabitants from the British Isles to Northern Africa to India. the resulting mixes would become the common ethnicities and minor races we have come to known- Aplines, Nordics, Mediterraneans- Germanics, Scandinavians- these groups have a large amount of overlap and can be classified in a variety of ways.

*Various political organizations and ideologies have different views as to whether they accept those of mixed race. Generally, racist nationalists exclude those with bloodlines from outside the White races, while soiety as a whole oft. groups one with either the heritage one identifies with or (especially in the cases of Negroid mixes) the side of the family one most resembles.

In Spain, where some of my breed came from, they are pretty much white, or nicely tanned.

Spain= Mediterranean and Negroid. Strong Arabic (an 'ethnicity' itself a mix of Mediterranean and Western Asiatic decent) influence. (The Moorish conquests forever changed the genetic makeup of much of Europe)

Since my ancestors went to Puerto Rico they became spics, ah the magic of language and labels. But my mother is a whitey so most of us are hard to tell and second, third generation pretty much impossible

You do recall that Spaniards are Europeans, right?
Latest edition is pure blond hair and big blue eyes
recessive traits can be carried for generations before passed along with another copy of the requisite allele for reemergence. Mendelian inheritance, despite being influenced (according to our best models) by multiple alleles

Do a little math, you have 4 grandparents, now times by 2 that figure and the next and the next... Add your wife to the equation and pretty soon William Joyce and Charlie Bass find they are related. LOL Real blood brothers.

Our genetic Eve has been tracked down. Also, we all came from a relatively small group, than ks to a genetic bottleneck that occurred prior to our leaving Africa. That is why hum,ans have a relatively little genetic differentiation within the species.

But somehow we need to get rid of those artificial myths of difference before we kill each other, our kin that is.

The races show very distinct differences. If they hadn't developed these differences- evolved and adapted to their respective environments and evolutionary pressures- all of our ancestors would have been in a lot of trouble after they left Africa.

And why do racists not worry about the Chinese as they already win the numbers game.

Chinese people are evil:evil:. They make the most delicious food, and somehow manage to leave you hungry again in an hour so you have to come back for more. Sly devils :lol:
What race has the "degenerate genetic defects ,embeded in their genes" that cause lack of intelligence?

The Tank Family.

The White Race has the most degenerate genes in their genetic structure.
White superiority, is a nothing but a big scam, a lie!!

Perhaps... but were it not for white benevolence your ass would still be picking the cotton that made my shirt.
Perhaps... but were it not for white benevolence your ass would still be picking the cotton that made my shirt.

Or running around naked, throwing spears at eachother

Take up the White Man's burden--
Send forth the best ye breed--
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild--
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.

Take up the White Man's burden--
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain
To seek another's profit,
And work another's gain.

Take up the White Man's burden--
The savage wars of peace--
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hopes to nought.

Take up the White Man's burden--
No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper--
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go mark them with your living,
And mark them with your dead.

Take up the White Man's burden--
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard--
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light:--
"Why brought he us from bondage,
Our loved Egyptian night?"

Take up the White Man's burden--
Ye dare not stoop to less--
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To coak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your gods and you.

Take up the White Man's burden--
Have done with childish days--
The lightly proferred laurel,
The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers!
-Rudyard Kipling
Indeed... Perhaps this guy should take a gander at the bastion of political stability, disease free, educated cultures found in Africa. I mean, we ONLY see how many commercials, by whites no less, begging for money to feed starving blacks...
In the Black man's defense, his mental inferiority stems from his ancestors' cowardice. When Man left Africa in search of new lands, they stayed behind out of fear. It is because of this that they faced no selective pressures to increase their IQ or develop the high societies and technologies of the White and yellow man. Who but the white man stood before the Neanderthal? Who faces thew pressures to evolve, adapt, and overcome of those who withstood the Scandinavian winters, eclipsed and eliminated another humanoid race armed with spears and already with a culture in place, and carved from the shores of the Baltic not only survival, but a race of men and a culture that would forever alter the face on the world? Who but the Aryans drove chariots into Iran and India, passing into legend and filling books of faith with their achievements, inspiring numerous chapters of the Vedas with tales of their conquest? Who but the White man set forth to conquer the entire world and succeeded? Even the Mongol, who was first to master gunpowder, failed to realize its full potential. who but the Caucasoid man was wise enough to realize the full potential of not only his own creations but those of his neighbors, and put them to use to better his own stature and life? While the Japanese were stuck in the feudal ages, and the Negroid barely past the age of stone, the White man set foot in ships of metal and laid them all to waste, declaring forever to all the world that it would be the White Man who would guide the course of history and be the dominate race upon the Earth? Who but the White Man encountered and put upon himself so much pressure to become more than he was?
In the Black man's defense, his mental inferiority stems from his ancestors' cowardice. When Man left Africa in search of new lands, they stayed behind out of fear. It is because of this that they faced no selective pressures to increase their IQ or develop the high societies and technologies of the White and yellow man. Who but the white man stood before the Neanderthal? Who faces thew pressures to evolve, adapt, and overcome of those who withstood the Scandinavian winters, eclipsed and eliminated another humanoid race armed with spears and already with a culture in place, and carved from the shores of the Baltic not only survival, but a race of men and a culture that would forever alter the face on the world? Who but the Aryans drove chariots into Iran and India, passing into legend and filling books of faith with their achievements, inspiring numerous chapters of the Vedas with tales of their conquest? Who but the White man set forth to conquer the entire world and succeeded? Even the Mongol, who was first to master gunpowder, failed to realize its full potential. who but the Caucasoid man was wise enough to realize the full potential of not only his own creations but those of his neighbors, and put them to use to better his own stature and life? While the Japanese were stuck in the feudal ages, and the Negroid barely past the age of stone, the White man set foot in ships of metal and laid them all to waste, declaring forever to all the world that it would be the White Man who would guide the course of history and be the dominate race upon the Earth? Who but the White Man encountered and put upon himself so much pressure to become more than he was?

And this mighty Whitey, is on the verge on exterminating themselves with Nuclear weapons, thus radiating their lands for thousands of years with deadly mutagenic radiation.If the Asians race don't Nuclearize the White race first.Wow, what an accomplishment?.!
There is no white race.

I love free speech. But I sometimes think, "Aw, come on. If you had power, wouldn't you make one little exception, just for fun?" And if I did, it would be this:

Anyone who proclaims "there is no such thing as race" would be called before me. I would look them up and down, and then decide upon a place for them to live for the rest of their lives.

midcan is surely white, as it's usually whites who say such nonsense, so I think I'd drop him in Haiti. If he had any complaints, I'd say, "Hey, man, there's no such thing as race!"

Short of that, I'd force them to explain, on national television, how they can simultaneously support the position that "there is no race" and affirmative action. Good sport.
And this mighty Whitey, is on the verge on exterminating themselves with Nuclear weapons

Don't forget your head where you left it. The nations at risk of going nuts with nukes- N. Korea, Pakistan, Iran- are Mongoloids and Mongoloids mixes. You fail again. Also, please learn how to uses a comma.

n.If the Asians race don't Nuclearize the White race first.

Making up words doesn't make you look intelligent; it makes you look illiterate.
And this mighty Whitey, is on the verge on exterminating themselves with Nuclear weapons

Don't forget your head where you left it. The nations at risk of going nuts with nukes- N. Korea, Pakistan, Iran- are Mongoloids and Mongoloids mixes. You fail again. Also, please learn how to uses a comma.

n.If the Asians race don't Nuclearize the White race first.

Making up words doesn't make you look intelligent; it makes you look illiterate.

Someone made up the word "dork" once upon a time. Something to ponder. :eusa_whistle:
There is no white race.

I love free speech. But I sometimes think, "Aw, come on. If you had power, wouldn't you make one little exception, just for fun?" And if I did, it would be this:

Anyone who proclaims "there is no such thing as race" would be called before me. I would look them up and down, and then decide upon a place for them to live for the rest of their lives.

midcan is surely white, as it's usually whites who say such nonsense, so I think I'd drop him in Haiti. If he had any complaints, I'd say, "Hey, man, there's no such thing as race!"

Short of that, I'd force them to explain, on national television, how they can simultaneously support the position that "there is no race" and affirmative action. Good sport.

In the social sense, race does exists, but only as a means to stratify society. The concept of a white race is recent in regards to its rise along with colonialism and enslavement of non-European dark people, ie, whiteness was invented as a means to justify the crimes of European peoples and the terms for non-Europeans were created as a means of justifying them being exploited, the terms came with cultural myths and fantasies, ie, whites created every civilization and have always been civilized while non-whites lived in darkness and barbarism waiting for whites to bring them the light, of course this necessitates having to forget and even totally ignore and deny the barbarism of white people themselves.
In the social sense, race does exists

Science disagrees with you PC bullshit

, but only as a means to stratify society.

Wrong. upper-, lower-, middle-class and regressive sales taxes stratify society

The concept of a white race is recent

Wrong. Children of every race recognize racial differences, Whites are no different. 'Us and them' is a basic part of human nature and the workings of the human brain

in regards to its rise along with colonialism and enslavement of non-European dark people,

Conquerors have long enslaved their defeated foes. Why have I never seen you comment on Jewish racism, which invented 'YHWH' to justify the enslavement and genocide of all other races and people during and after the conquest of canaan? Must not fit into your agenda:eusa_whistle:

I laughed like hell when I saw the ad for this thread.

BLACK WOMEN WHITE MEN - Specialists in Interracial Dating

just too funny.
In the Black man's defense, his mental inferiority stems from his ancestors' cowardice. When Man left Africa in search of new lands, they stayed behind out of fear. It is because of this that they faced no selective pressures to increase their IQ or develop the high societies and technologies of the White and yellow man. Who but the white man stood before the Neanderthal? Who faces thew pressures to evolve, adapt, and overcome of those who withstood the Scandinavian winters, eclipsed and eliminated another humanoid race armed with spears and already with a culture in place, and carved from the shores of the Baltic not only survival, but a race of men and a culture that would forever alter the face on the world? Who but the Aryans drove chariots into Iran and India, passing into legend and filling books of faith with their achievements, inspiring numerous chapters of the Vedas with tales of their conquest? Who but the White man set forth to conquer the entire world and succeeded? Even the Mongol, who was first to master gunpowder, failed to realize its full potential. who but the Caucasoid man was wise enough to realize the full potential of not only his own creations but those of his neighbors, and put them to use to better his own stature and life? While the Japanese were stuck in the feudal ages, and the Negroid barely past the age of stone, the White man set foot in ships of metal and laid them all to waste, declaring forever to all the world that it would be the White Man who would guide the course of history and be the dominate race upon the Earth? Who but the White Man encountered and put upon himself so much pressure to become more than he was?


Wow! We are all that an a bago chips huh? I submit that Obama is smarter than either of us and I don't conceed that often. There are dumb mofos in all races.

The ability to make metal obviously came from scared guys in caves watching metal leach out of stones next to thier fires.

They were not smarter they were just in the right place and time. For all you know the reason that the first to leave might have had no choice. Seeing how warlike we are maybe we were kicke3d out of the original group and asked to not let the door hit ya where the gods split ya.

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