Is There A Solution To Racism? Will It EVER Stop?

Videos, court cases..........

Videos of what? What does the video have to include to show without a doubt racism?

Actual confrontations and the exchanges encountered.
If some of the witness had recorded the exchange on their cell phones there would be proof of what really happened with Wilson and Brown.

See how difficult your request is? You asked for proof of racism and when asked what would prove racism you say "videos" but racism is a thought no video would tell you if someone is racist or not unless they flat out said "I hate Minorities, they are less than the White race"

But because no one except a select few will ever admit that you are basically asking for a unicorn.

Unless of course, you would like another crack at an explanation

You are using excuses.
Racism is not a thought it's about hate and ignorance for another race.
Until the black community stops the black on black crimes, nothing will get done or happen and that is not racism.

So then tell me what has to be on the video to show without a doubt racism. 3rd times a charm and since you dont make excuses I'm sure you'll be more specific this time.

If the witnesses had actually took videos of what happened between Wilson and Brown, it would have showed what really happened and if Brown had really started it or Wilson.
Videos of what? What does the video have to include to show without a doubt racism?

Actual confrontations and the exchanges encountered.
If some of the witness had recorded the exchange on their cell phones there would be proof of what really happened with Wilson and Brown.

See how difficult your request is? You asked for proof of racism and when asked what would prove racism you say "videos" but racism is a thought no video would tell you if someone is racist or not unless they flat out said "I hate Minorities, they are less than the White race"

But because no one except a select few will ever admit that you are basically asking for a unicorn.

Unless of course, you would like another crack at an explanation

You are using excuses.
Racism is not a thought it's about hate and ignorance for another race.
Until the black community stops the black on black crimes, nothing will get done or happen and that is not racism.

So then tell me what has to be on the video to show without a doubt racism. 3rd times a charm and since you dont make excuses I'm sure you'll be more specific this time.

If the witnesses had actually took videos of what happened between Wilson and Brown, it would have showed what really happened and if Brown had really started it or Wilson.

So now you are just going to repeat yourself as a defense because you cant provide an answer to the proof you were demanding.

Once again fuck tard...what would have to be on the video to PROVE RACISM?

I'll answer for you...YOU DONT KNOW. You're just saying dumb shit and got called on it.
LOL! Like Wilson was going to scream while shooting "I hate Ni**ers...I mean it!" LOL dumb fuck
A good start would be ending state sanctioned racism and the media's never ending hammering of the subject as though it truly is that big of a deal.
I think the media is also a BIG problem with keeping racism stirred up all the time. If we could spend as much time educating people about racism as we do bashing racism through the media then I think we could greatly reduce racism.
As long as other demographics are more successful than blacks, racism will continue to be perceived. It is, after all, the only politically correct explanation for the extreme failure of so many in the black community.
As long as other demographics are more successful than blacks, racism will continue to be perceived. It is, after all, the only politically correct explanation for the extreme failure of so many in the black community.

You mean the only explanation you will accept. Unless you are surprised at the fact that the slave owners are doing better than the slaves...which is silly
As long as the term "race" exists, and as long as people use it, the phenomenon of race conjured by that definition will help to perpetuate racism. It is the belief in race that makes people racist. If you don't believe in race you cannot be a racist.
That is an AWESOME way to put it!!! I believe we are ALL created equal and race should NEVER matter for anything. We are ALL human beings and I see no reason for having to categorize people by the color of their skin or what part of the world they came from into different groups or race categories for it.
As long as the term "race" exists, and as long as people use it, the phenomenon of race conjured by that definition will help to perpetuate racism. It is the belief in race that makes people racist. If you don't believe in race you cannot be a racist.
That is an AWESOME way to put it!!! I believe we are ALL created equal and race should NEVER matter for anything. We are ALL human beings and I see no reason for having to categorize people by the color of their skin or what part of the world they came from into different groups or race categories for it.

Awww thats cute. Tell me what is your heritage and tell me why you should abandon it.
You have as much chance of stopping racism as you do with thinking you can "change the climate"

but some people really do think they are g-d or something and they can wave this magic wand and, WALLA
But we are ALL created equal in God's eye and the color of our skin or where we are from should NEVER matter or be an issue. We need to educate so many more people about racism and i believe we could greatly reduce and solve a lot of racism.
They will never be a total stop of racism. No matter what race it is.
But in this case it is a far left political agenda being drummed up to make it look more like a race thing.
I think if we could educate A LOT more about racism and stop bashing racism all over the media then we could greatly reduce and solve A LOT of racism and their issues.
One theory I have is that racism may be a genetic thing. In that case the answer would be no.
I don't think racism is a genetic thing or even could be. I think racism is only taught to people. We learn it as a small child. If we could educate more people about racism and its damage to the world, then I think we could greatly reduce or solve A LOT of racism.
As long as other demographics are more successful than blacks, racism will continue to be perceived. It is, after all, the only politically correct explanation for the extreme failure of so many in the black community.

You mean the only explanation you will accept. Unless you are surprised at the fact that the slave owners are doing better than the slaves...which is silly
I think you are far more likely to blame black failure on racism than I.
As long as other demographics are more successful than blacks, racism will continue to be perceived. It is, after all, the only politically correct explanation for the extreme failure of so many in the black community.

You mean the only explanation you will accept. Unless you are surprised at the fact that the slave owners are doing better than the slaves...which is silly
I think you are far more likely to blame black failure on racism than I.

Of course I am because I dont ignore history. Thats the only way you can claim blacks are just inferior and perpetuate you racism / bigotry.

But if you decide to look at history...inferiority didnt sic dogs on blacks and burn down their towns.
Stop encouraging students to write nonsensical papers perpetuating the myth that America is a particularly racist nation.
Stop teaching black children that if anybody disagrees with them or tells them *no*, it's *hate speech*.
As long as other demographics are more successful than blacks, racism will continue to be perceived. It is, after all, the only politically correct explanation for the extreme failure of so many in the black community.

You mean the only explanation you will accept. Unless you are surprised at the fact that the slave owners are doing better than the slaves...which is silly
I think you are far more likely to blame black failure on racism than I.

Of course I am because I dont ignore history. Thats the only way you can claim blacks are just inferior and perpetuate you racism / bigotry.

But if you decide to look at history...inferiority didnt sic dogs on blacks and burn down their towns.
Then we are agreed. It is indeed the only acceptable explanation for you for the failure of blacks.

I wonder how you would explain it in other countries where blacks are found, with little or not history of enslavement.
As long as other demographics are more successful than blacks, racism will continue to be perceived. It is, after all, the only politically correct explanation for the extreme failure of so many in the black community.

You mean the only explanation you will accept. Unless you are surprised at the fact that the slave owners are doing better than the slaves...which is silly
I think you are far more likely to blame black failure on racism than I.

Of course I am because I dont ignore history. Thats the only way you can claim blacks are just inferior and perpetuate you racism / bigotry.

But if you decide to look at history...inferiority didnt sic dogs on blacks and burn down their towns.
Then we are agreed. It is indeed the only acceptable explanation for you for the failure of blacks.

I wonder how you would explain it in other countries where blacks are found, with little or not history of enslavement.

Lets take turns. What do you say is the reason blacks are behind whites?
As long as other demographics are more successful than blacks, racism will continue to be perceived. It is, after all, the only politically correct explanation for the extreme failure of so many in the black community.
How is that politically correct without being a racist statement itself? There is also extreme failure of many whites among the white race or community.

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