Is There A Solution To Racism? Will It EVER Stop?

As long as other demographics are more successful than blacks, racism will continue to be perceived. It is, after all, the only politically correct explanation for the extreme failure of so many in the black community.

You mean the only explanation you will accept. Unless you are surprised at the fact that the slave owners are doing better than the slaves...which is silly
I think you are far more likely to blame black failure on racism than I.

Of course I am because I dont ignore history. Thats the only way you can claim blacks are just inferior and perpetuate you racism / bigotry.

But if you decide to look at history...inferiority didnt sic dogs on blacks and burn down their towns.
Then we are agreed. It is indeed the only acceptable explanation for you for the failure of blacks.

I wonder how you would explain it in other countries where blacks are found, with little or not history of enslavement.

Lets take turns. What do you say is the reason blacks are behind whites?
The same reasons they're behind everyone else pretty much everywhere they are found. The same reasons east-Asians excel in academics and business. The same reasons immigrants come to foreign countries and succeed by establishing businesses and making sure their children are successful. The same reasons Martin and Brown are dead.

You figure it out. Btw, 2 + 2= 4.
As long as other demographics are more successful than blacks, racism will continue to be perceived. It is, after all, the only politically correct explanation for the extreme failure of so many in the black community.
How is that politically correct without being a racist statement itself? There is also extreme failure of many whites among the white race or community.
It is certainly not politically correct, and therefore must necessarily be racist.

I don't give a rat's ass.
One theory I have is that racism may be a genetic thing. In that case the answer would be no.
I don't think racism is a genetic thing or even could be. I think racism is only taught to people. We learn it as a small child. If we could educate more people about racism and its damage to the world, then I think we could greatly reduce or solve A LOT of racism.

Well here is my theory. Man has long been influenced by first appearances. Why would race be any different? You see a man walking down the street. Depending on what he is wearing you assign a categorically defined status to this man. If he is in a suit and tie you automatically assign a higher status to him. if he has on a hoodie its a lower status. One could argue this is cultural but its not. There are visual signs given off by people and others rank them based on those signs. This is a very simple example as other factors do come into play be the point is that its all visual. Its how we evolved. The guy that couldn't tell a fellow tribesman from a enemy tribesman ended up with a stone axe in his skull and did not live to pass on his genes. People have developed the instinct to discern out of the need to survive.'s visual (because you see it) AND cultural (you assign a value to what you see based on your cultural understanding).

Stop encouraging students to write nonsensical papers perpetuating the myth that America is a particularly racist nation.

thank you. but brainwashing is what goes in the schools today. According to them, We are all suppose to hold hands and sing, we are the world
You have as much chance of stopping racism as you do with thinking you can "change the climate"

but some people really do think they are g-d or something and they can wave this magic wand and, WALLA
But we are ALL created equal in God's eye and the color of our skin or where we are from should NEVER matter or be an issue. We need to educate so many more people about racism and i believe we could greatly reduce and solve a lot of racism.

Well you have to convince others of that. My experience in life working (45 years) in the service industry. I found Black people were down right nasty at us NON-blacks, like they're thinking we should of bowed to them or something. and they are just a racist against others as anyone else's visual (because you see it) AND cultural (you assign a value to what you see based on your cultural understanding).

Sorry idiot. Body language is the same the world over. Its not cultural.

What an ignoramus.

Of course it's cultural. Please don't act more stupid than we already know you are.

"Each of us knows how to use our body parts to send messages but not many of us realize that people in different parts of the world 'speak' different body languages. A signal for 'yes' in one culture may mean 'no' in another; a gesture for 'good-bye' in one culture can be interpreted as 'come here' in another."
body-speaks's visual (because you see it) AND cultural (you assign a value to what you see based on your cultural understanding).

Sorry idiot. Body language is the same the world over. Its not cultural.

What an ignoramus.

Of course it's cultural. Please don't act more stupid than we already know you are.

"Each of us knows how to use our body parts to send messages but not many of us realize that people in different parts of the world 'speak' different body languages. A signal for 'yes' in one culture may mean 'no' in another; a gesture for 'good-bye' in one culture can be interpreted as 'come here' in another."
No stupid. Saying yes or good bye is not body language. People smile the world over. People display fear, courage, sadness, etc with the same signals regardless of culture.
Yes, and when they do it it is interpreted according to the culture.

"n America, a smile is usually regarded as a friendly, positive gesture of trust. Historians have suggested that because the USA was initially a frontier society with little official law enforcement, the ability to communicate that “I am a friend” was quite important. In contrast, among some Asian societies people smile when they are embarrassed, angry, sad, confused, apologetic, and (sometimes) happy. But smiling is seen as a frivolous activity, and smiling for a government document (as in the case of the driver’s license photo) might have indicated that the person did not take the responsibility of driving seriously. A Korean saying even goes, “He who smiles a lot is not a real man.”

I really wish you wouldn't spout (eternally) about things you know nothing about. It's like you just make shit up and try to pass it off as knowledge. My 11 year old son tries to pull that garbage, too. I'm training him out of it. It's a really obnoxious personality trait.

The Cross-Cultural Meanings of a Smile 8211 Retrospectacle A Neuroscience Blog
"While Americans smile freely at strangers, in Russia this is considered strange and even impolite. In Asian cultures a smile isn't necessarily an expression of joy and friendliness but it can be used to convey pain and embarrassment. For many Scandinavians a smile or any facial expression used to convey emotions is untypical because it is considered a weakness to show emotions."
Yes, and when they do it it is interpreted according to the culture.

"n America, a smile is usually regarded as a friendly, positive gesture of trust. Historians have suggested that because the USA was initially a frontier society with little official law enforcement, the ability to communicate that “I am a friend” was quite important. In contrast, among some Asian societies people smile when they are embarrassed, angry, sad, confused, apologetic, and (sometimes) happy. But smiling is seen as a frivolous activity, and smiling for a government document (as in the case of the driver’s license photo) might have indicated that the person did not take the responsibility of driving seriously. A Korean saying even goes, “He who smiles a lot is not a real man.”

I really wish you wouldn't spout (eternally) about things you know nothing about. It's like you just make shit up and try to pass it off as knowledge. My 11 year old son tries to pull that garbage, too. I'm training him out of it. It's a really obnoxious personality trait.

The Cross-Cultural Meanings of a Smile 8211 Retrospectacle A Neuroscience Blog
You are talking about cultural interpretations of body language moron. That doesnt mean if I tickle an Asian or Russian women she wont smile. A smile is a instinctive response. Control of that response is what is cultural.

You said that body language was the same in all cultures, that our responses to people wearing HOODIES is totally VISUAL not CULTURAL you idiot. I never said Asians don't smile. Gads you are truly an imbecile.

I spanked you, again. And I will continue to do so as long as you blab ignorant stupidities across the board. DON'T TALK ABOUT SHIT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. It just annoys everybody who is exposed to your blathering. If you insist on taking on concepts that are OBVIOUSLY way above your pay grade, do yourself a favor and google the topic before you make an ass of yourself.
Until such time that the family of man measures the content of ones character and actions above that of ethnic origin and religious beliefs racism will continue to exist.
Until such time that the family of man measures the content of ones character and actions above that of ethnic origin and religious beliefs racism will continue to exist.

You could've summed it up with 5 letters: Never

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