Is There ANY Chance Hilary Will Do the Honorable Thing and Suspend Her Campaign?

Oh Putin can't wait to work with Hillary...

Idiotic 'reset' button with the wrong word on it...
Handed him 1/5th of the US uranium stockpile
Barks like a dog...

He's probably laughing his ass off at how far the US has fallen in 7 1/2 years and how it will decline even faster with Hillary as President.
The Ruskies would much rather debate an amateur US/Russian policy negotiator like Trump than a seasoned veteran at dealing with world issues like a former secretary of state.

Only a fool would allow the Russians to dictate our voting. No matter if it is Trump or Clinton it would be wise to ignore any attempted influence by Putin.
so you could care less that Russia could've hacked classified information from Hillary's illegal email account?
Kremlin War Erupts Over Release Of Top Secret Hillary Clinton Emails

For those sick of the whole prediction craze lets wail on Hilary for a moment.

Foreign country holding Hilary's emails, just like was predicted all along. What more is needed. How many more hairs can the Dems split. Former state dept employees, former military, lawyers familiar with such cases on both sides of the political spectrum agree that anyone else accused of what she has done would be,prosecuted or in jail. It is also no stretch to assume that agents lost their lives because of Hilary's wide open server. We may never know because of the secrecy of black ops. No other person could even consider a run for the presidency with such criminal baggage. I suspect that shrillary would never give up the quest until someone pries the microphone from her cold dead hands, but maybe someone can point out an instance where Hilary did the honorable thing. If she truly cared about her country before herself, she would suspend her campaign. Hell will freeze over first.

cant imagine the Russians wanting to burn Hillary

they have had it too good under her and the prezbos fuck ups

the past 7 + years
If this is legit where are the news reports?

Fox radio was confirming the reports of it today. Of's the Kremlins word. They could be bluffing just to fuck with us. I despise Hillary and would be THRILLED if she was imprisoned.

But....this story could be propoganda from Russia to see how we react since we wouldn't know what they do or don't have.

The more important question: If they're bluffing....what's in the emails that is so sensitive that they'd want us to think they have it??

It it's just yoga schedules and lunch menus....the Kremlin wouldnt even say they have em. Have em or not....the Kremlin knows there is some bad shit in them.
Putin would love to have Trump as the pres....he'd wrap him around his little finger....Trump is a numbskull.
Like he has the imagery red line drawing Obama?
The Ruskies would much rather debate an amateur US/Russian policy negotiator like Trump than a seasoned veteran at dealing with world issues like a former secretary of state.

Only a fool would allow the Russians to dictate our voting. No matter if it is Trump or Clinton it would be wise to ignore any attempted influence by Putin.
so you could care less that Russia could've hacked classified information from Hillary's illegal email account?
Meaningless charge unless we know they did. Did they?
The Ruskies would much rather debate an amateur US/Russian policy negotiator like Trump than a seasoned veteran at dealing with world issues like a former secretary of state.

Only a fool would allow the Russians to dictate our voting. No matter if it is Trump or Clinton it would be wise to ignore any attempted influence by Putin.
so you could care less that Russia could've hacked classified information from Hillary's illegal email account?
Meaningless charge unless we know they did. Did they?
If they did, you would still defend her. So what does it matter?
Where are the news reports? :p

Obama's aide just declared to the world a few days ago that Obama OWNS the media and how they report only what he will let them....and libs still act like they don't know what that just doesn't register...
Are you calling me a leftie AGAIN??? lol
Oh Putin can't wait to work with Hillary...

Idiotic 'reset' button with the wrong word on it...
Handed him 1/5th of the US uranium stockpile
Barks like a dog...

He's probably laughing his ass off at how far the US has fallen in 7 1/2 years and how it will decline even faster with Hillary as President.

That is a gateway pundit host column that refers to an AP post from last September that reports her email server was "possibly" hacked. Let's stay with the real story.
Kremlin War Erupts Over Release Of Top Secret Hillary Clinton Emails

For those sick of the whole prediction craze lets wail on Hilary for a moment.

Foreign country holding Hilary's emails, just like was predicted all along. What more is needed. How many more hairs can the Dems split. Former state dept employees, former military, lawyers familiar with such cases on both sides of the political spectrum agree that anyone else accused of what she has done would be,prosecuted or in jail. It is also no stretch to assume that agents lost their lives because of Hilary's wide open server. We may never know because of the secrecy of black ops. No other person could even consider a run for the presidency with such criminal baggage. I suspect that shrillary would never give up the quest until someone pries the microphone from her cold dead hands, but maybe someone can point out an instance where Hilary did the honorable thing. If she truly cared about her country before herself, she would suspend her campaign. Hell will freeze over first.

Sorcha Faal - RationalWiki
this was reported in 2013, actually.
here is a thread on it So, we have known "guccifer" hacked clinton for 3 years

No, Guccifer hacked Blumenthal. When asked to back up his claimed that he hacked Clinton.....Guccifer has got jack shit. Nor did the FBI find any evidence of such a hack.

Christ, do you fact check anything?
Kremlin War Erupts Over Release Of Top Secret Hillary Clinton Emails

For those sick of the whole prediction craze lets wail on Hilary for a moment.

Foreign country holding Hilary's emails, just like was predicted all along. What more is needed. How many more hairs can the Dems split. Former state dept employees, former military, lawyers familiar with such cases on both sides of the political spectrum agree that anyone else accused of what she has done would be,prosecuted or in jail. It is also no stretch to assume that agents lost their lives because of Hilary's wide open server. We may never know because of the secrecy of black ops. No other person could even consider a run for the presidency with such criminal baggage. I suspect that shrillary would never give up the quest until someone pries the microphone from her cold dead hands, but maybe someone can point out an instance where Hilary did the honorable thing. If she truly cared about her country before herself, she would suspend her campaign. Hell will freeze over first.
How's that indictment coming along?

All the crap Capone did and only guilty of tax invasion.
Is There ANY Chance Hilary Will Do the Honorable Thing and Suspend Her Campaign?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You're talking about the woman who...

Was 'let go' for an ethics violation, attempting to strip an American President of his right to counsel by knowingly filing a false legal brief.

- Noted: Demonstrated early on a complete lack of respect for the Constitution and Rule of Law

- Demonstrated she will do ANYTHING to come out on top and look good doing it, even if it means calling the grieving family members of the 4 Americans she allowed to needlessly be murdered 'liars'.

Hillary would publicly F* a snake if it meant she would become President...

Hillary was never let go for an ethics violation. That is a fake story that you, in character, believe. You are a gullible idiot.

She never called Benghazi family members "liars".

Your disdain for the woman seems to be based entirely on falsehoods.
Ruh's hitting the bigger news....Gateway Pundit, The Blaze, Political Insider, etc.....

Does The Kremlin Have Hillary Clinton’s Emails?
Not only did she have a private unauthorized server....they're now saying that she NEVER USED a government email address at all. That ALL OF her work went through the private email server. All of it. And now the Kremlin has it.

If anyone else....a military officer or FBI agent or GOP Senator on the Intel Committee.....did this....they be in handcuffs already.

Calm down, Hillary has "party privilege."

Laws that govern commoners cannot be used on party members, our whole system (of corruption) would collapse.

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