Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

Truth my friend. Can't help it if you don't like it. She's pushing Trump's "accomplishments". They were nothing of the sort.
I will not my changing my position due to your partisan statements. The list of 289 accomplishments is valid. Of course the OMB can manipulate the data.

I understand that you didn’t open the link correctly- you saw a list of other articles and didn’t click on, now here’s the tip [more here] here is a different link supporting the same breadth of Trump’s accomplishments:

Why don't you think America is great right now? Are you leaning more towards Russia?
because the dems are in charge…and we have record inflation, skyrocketing interest rates, 3 qtrs in a row of negative economy growth
I will not my changing my position due to your partisan statements. The list of 289 accomplishments is valid. Of course the OMB can manipulate the data.

I understand that you didn’t open the link correctly- you saw a list of other articles and didn’t click on, now here’s the tip [more here] here is a different link supporting the same breadth of Trump’s accomplishments:

Then let's glean some more, shall we?
  • Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades. - Falling under Barack Obama
  • The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record. - Started under Barack Obama
  • Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the first time on record. See #2.
  • Unemployment claims at 50 year low - See #1.
  • African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all recently reached record lows. - See #1.
Rinse and repeat. Again, these are NOT accomplishments. And the ride came to an abrupt end when COVID hit.

For 6 years Trump and his followers like you have attacked and demonized everyone that did not view Trump as you all do, and now you are going to whine about getting what you gave?

The lack of self-awareness among the hyper-partisan is just shocking some days
You're an idiot, Trump and his supporters was demonized from the beginning. My gosh you loons started with the russian collusion lie.
My problem is that I’m both a nice person and sometimes (often) too sensitive for my own good. Because of the first, leftists who have been convinced Trump voters are awful people assume I did not vote for him, and because of the second, I am insulted and angry when they start their demeaning remarks about Trump voters In front of me, or even directed at me (not knowing).

And as Biden has ramped up his attack on Republicans, leading poorly informed people to believe that all Trump voters are threats to democracy, traitors to the nation, white supremacists, and so forth, the freely expressed contempt has ramped up as well. It was particularly bad at a dinner I attended last night.

How do my fellow Trump supporters handle this? If you are in a group meeting, and they start with the nasty remarks, are you continuing to hit back, attempt to educate them, or what? This has been going on for five years, and I hate that any get-together with Democrats becomes a battle as they never fail to bring up Trump voters, and not in a nice way.

I am curious as to how you all handle this, especially since it’s gotten much worse since Biden made it clear he considers Trump voters the enemies of the country.
It's tough. I'm in the position of having a family member who has essentially disowned me, spent hours texting me to tell me what a horrible stupid person I am, and badmouthed me to many friends and family members because she hates Trump and I supported him in the 2016 election and 2020 election. I have been accused of the most terrible crimes--Biden isn't alone in maliciously accusing those who disagree with him. I cannot fathom doing that to another human being, and I hate the toxic relationship, but it is what it is.

But I do have numerous friends and family who hate Trump and vote Democrat, but we love each other and are supportive and loving to each other. We just don't talk politics. Still I have to listen to their comments from time to time and see the really ugly and unsupportable things they post on the internet.

But bottom line, we aren't going to change their minds and if we try, we will introduce a toxic element into the relationship that doesn't have to be there. So I think the best thing to do is detach from their ugly rhetoric, ignore that factor, just love them as persons and just let it slide. Best not to insult them or treat them with disrespect because somebody has to be the adult in the room or all we have is hate, anger, malice. And I hope by leading by example, there is a chance for their redemption as most are terribly misinformed and indoctrinated in beliefs that simply don't hold up under scrutiny.

Having said that, I do enjoy give and take debating politics with people on line, but still try to detach and not play their game when it gets all stupid, ad hominem, hateful, insulting, vicious.
Like, for instance, the precious snowflake rube cultists who think Trump won the election.
Boom! :)
Okay, let's type out what that says. Let me know if I get anything wrong.

"Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so - I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma. I remember not liking the Woolzaks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate), being turned on when I wasn't supposed to be."

Now I can understand that someone like you is desperate for that statement to mean that her father raped her, but a more rational and reasonable person would not jump to such a conclusion.

Has she said in interviews that her father raped her?
You're jealous of biden arent you?
No...this is the Democrat Platform

How easy it is to prove you are lying. :heehee:
it’s amazing how xiden has failed say all those things
because the dems are in charge…and we have record inflation, skyrocketing interest rates, 3 qtrs in a row of negative economy growth
I’d like to add as well: the intentional lengthening of the shut down under Biden went beyond any measurable means of actually accomplishing anything. Known studies were presented prior to this stupidity that showed that shut downs were not effective in containing the novel virus. This has remained to hurt our economy significantly particularly with the cost of food. Now that gas prices are settling a little more we are continuing to see massive inflation depicted at the groceries and every single product sold.

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