Zone1 is there anything you like about the Catholic church?

You're the one who thinks pasting "monotheistic!" was going to dazzle me but you don't even know what it means.
I didn’t think it would dazzle you. I assumed even a moron like you would know what it means. I guess I was wrong. It means “one God.” You don’t take correction well, ya schmuck.
Considering everything you've contributed to this thread so far I'm not surprised that you don't know who the Messiah is. Most people do know.
I do know. If one is a Christian, one believes that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. I’m confounded that a dolt like you doesn’t know this.
If you told me that in the beginning, I'd have expressed myself more aggressively.
You have no ability to express yourself. You’re clearly retarded.

Gfy. I did make a mistake. I thought I was chatting with a person who has a brain. Sorry for the error.
You must be joking. If you don't know then you shouldn't have stood so near the noose.
What noose? One has to work really hard to commit a mortal sin. One needs to know that it is mortal, that they could end up in hell, but go full steam ahead, choosing an existence apart from God--i.e., hell in case your 1957 catechism doesn't define hell as being apart from God. So, no, I am not joking. Again, how do you define hell? Dante's Inferno, maybe?
What noose? One has to work really hard to commit a mortal sin. One needs to know that it is mortal, that they could end up in hell, but go full steam ahead, choosing an existence apart from God--i.e., hell in case your 1957 catechism doesn't define hell as being apart from God. So, no, I am not joking. Again, how do you define hell? Dante's Inferno, maybe?
More over-your-head whimsy stuff. Does the church still support pedophilia in the clergy or has that been reviewed and changed now?
How do you define mortal sin?
Since he's not likely to answer, I'll answer for him.

A mortal sin, as distinct from a venial sin, must meet all of the following conditions:
  1. Its subject must be a grave (or serious) matter;
  2. It must be committed with full knowledge, both of the sin and of the gravity of the offense (though nobody is deemed to be ignorant of the moral law, embedded into the consciences of every human being);
  3. It must be committed with deliberate and complete consent, enough for it to have been a personal decision to commit the sin.
But you already knew that because you already said that... but in less words.
It means “one God.”
"Monotheism" refers to 'one God', yes but Christianity didn't invent monotheism and the Trinity disqualifies Christianity (Catholicism in particular) from being a monotheistic religion .... making Catholicism a CULT.
If one is a Christian, one believes that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. I’m confounded that a dolt like you doesn’t know this.
Messiahnic indoctrination is not a Christian notion and is [in fact] an abomination of the Messianic theory. Hence, Catholicism is a CULT. I’m confounded that a dolt like you doesn’t know this.
You’re clearly retarded.
That is an irrelevant smoke screen. You have failed to sufficiently debate the concepts of monotheism and messianism proving that you know nothing about either of them. And to think that you are losing the debate against a "retard"! Ouch! How does that make you feel? :45:

But you already knew that because you already said that... but in less words.
Have never been a big fan of cut and paste. Another aspect of parochial school English: Read and summarize in one's own words. :)
One has to work really hard to commit a mortal sin.
False. Completely false. More over-your-head whimsy stuff. How "really hard" is it to eat meat on a Friday?
One needs to know that it is mortal, that they could end up in hell, but go full steam ahead, choosing an existence apart from God--i.e., hell in case your 1957 catechism doesn't define hell as being apart from God. So, no, I am not joking. Again, how do you define hell? Dante's Inferno, maybe?
Who decides what a "mortal sin" is? You? Jesus? God? The Pope?
Who defines "hell"? You? Jesus? God? The Pope? Dante, maybe?

*** Those two questions have your mind in a pretzel, obviously. So, what makes you think you can debate me?
More over-your-head whimsy stuff. Does the church still support pedophilia in the clergy or has that been reviewed and changed now?

Read the John Jay report and find out.
Oh, not again! What happened to your faith in God, Jesus & the Pope? Don't they offer you adequate spiritual confirmation? You have lost your grip on the subject of Catholic CULTiscism but you never had a chance even from the moment you chose to engage in this discussion. You poor fellow. :itsok:
"Monotheism" refers to 'one God', yes but Christianity didn't invent monotheism
So what. I didn’t claim it had. What difference does that make?
and the Trinity disqualifies Christianity (Catholicism in particular) from being a monotheistic religion .... making Catholicism a CULT.

False. The Trinity doesn’t negate monotheism at all. You just highlight your bigoted ignorance.

And you’re still misusing the word “cult.”
Messiahnic indoctrination is not a Christian notion and is [in fact] an abomination of the Messianic theory.

Wasn’t discussed.
Hence, Catholicism is a CULT. I’m confounded that a dolt like you doesn’t know this.
No. It’s not. You’re a fucking retard to whom the meaning of words is irrelevant.
That is an irrelevant smoke screen. You have failed to sufficiently debate the concepts of monotheism and messianism
And pure the douchebag who brought them up. Here’s nothing there to debate.
proving that you know nothing about either of them.

Nonsense. You just randomly put words together. Your present whine does nothing to establish your claim.
And to think that you are losing the debate against a "retard"! Ouch! How does that make you feel?
I’ve kicked your ass. I do feel guilty for bearing up on a retard. But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re brainless.

Who decides what a "mortal sin" is? You? Jesus? God? The Pope?
Who defines "hell"? You? Jesus? God? The Pope? Dante, maybe?
God decides mortal sin, because it is only God who knows if the heart was committing the offense with the full and willful intent of all separation from God. The Catholic Church defines hell as one choosing total separation from God.

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