Zone1 is there anything you like about the Catholic church?

You don’t seem to grasp the meaning of cult
I certainly do know. One example is the blaspheming of god by touting Jesus as the Messiah. Another example is claiming that only Catholics can enter the pearly gates. One more example is condemning to hell all divorcees & remarriage of anyone who was married in the Catholic Church.
That spells C-U-L-T.
I certainly do know. One example is the blaspheming of god by touting Jesus as the Messiah. Another example is claiming that only Catholics can enter the pearly gates. One more example is condemning to hell all divorcees & remarriage of anyone who was married in the Catholic Church.
That spells C-U-L-T.
Nope. It’s not certain. It’s not even remotely true.

Cult is a word with an actual meaning. You either don’t know the meaning or you’re lying to try to fit your view into it.



from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.​

  • noun A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

I certainly do know. One example is the blaspheming of god by touting Jesus as the Messiah. Another example is claiming that only Catholics can enter the pearly gates. One more example is condemning to hell all divorcees & remarriage of anyone who was married in the Catholic Church.
That spells C-U-L-T.
It’s not even remotely true.
It's completely true. FALSE gods and FALSE messiahs. That's a CULT.
It's completely true. FALSE gods and FALSE messiahs. That's a CULT.
False claim from you.

The Catholic Church is monotheistic.

Why would you claim that Jesus is a false Messiah? I mean, try to smarten up. You may not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. But your own belief doesn’t make the proposition either true or false.
It’s not even remotely true.
It's completely true. FALSE gods and FALSE messiahs. That's a CULT.

False claim from you.
You're whistling in the dark. :icon_sjung:
The Catholic Church is monotheistic.
And that affords credit to whom? Jim Jones? David Koresh? Charles Manson?
Why would you claim that Jesus is a false Messiah?
Do you mean to tell me that you have entered this dialogue with your pockets turned inside out and you don't even know who/what the Messiah is ⁉️
... your own belief doesn’t make the proposition either true or false.
How wrong you are. :laughing0301:
You're whistling in the dark. :icon_sjung:

And that affords credit to whom? Jim Jones? David Koresh? Charles Manson?

Do you mean to tell me that you have entered this dialogue with your pockets turned inside out and you don't even know who/what the Messiah is ⁉️

How wrong you are.
No. I don’t care. I’m not especially religious.

I’m glad you imagine that you know who the Messiah is.

You was raised Christian. I’m not a Catholic. But I’ve always detested you anti Catholic bigots.
From 1957. It also says that eating meat on a Friday is a mortal sin. Do you know what a mortal sin is?
Try reading the one from 1992.

A mortal sin is knowing and deliberate disobedience of God not caring if it puts one's soul in danger of hell.
I don’t care.
You're the one who thinks pasting "monotheistic!" was going to dazzle me but you don't even know what it means.
I’m glad you imagine that you know who the Messiah is.
Considering everything you've contributed to this thread so far I'm not surprised that you don't know who the Messiah is. Most people do know.
I’ve always detested you anti Catholic bigots.
If you told me that in the beginning, I'd have expressed myself more aggressively. :finger3:

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