Zone1 is there anything you like about the Catholic church?

It's no use. He's one of yours
Yes, he is one of God's, and it is in God's hands we leave him. This means he is your brother just as much as he is the brother of anyone else.

So...was it your purpose all along to attempt to shame Catholics? :auiqs.jpg:

Take the Bishop's word for it ...
View attachment 893836

the Nazis founded the Nazi-organisation "The German Christians". They made a new job in this context called "Reichsbischof" (bishop of the empire). In this way they tried to overtake the Protestants. The handshake of Adolf Hitler here is made with this Hitler-made bishop. The protestants reacted very fast in founding the so called "Bekennende Kirche" as a counter-reaction. Well known from the "Bekennende Kirche" is the theologists Friedrich Bonhoefer - one of the most important theologists of the 20th century. The Nazis murdered him in a very bestialic way.

And the very most people in the lower picture seem not to be Nazis. I see only two. Hitler and the idiot in the foreground.
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Years from now the Evangelicals will claim they had never anything to do with Trump. They will be ashamed just like the Catholics are ashamed of Hitler.

What a nonsense. Who is ashamed of Hitler? Hitler is Hitler. That's it. And Hitler 1913 was another Hitler than Hitler 1945. And what has this to do with Evangelicals and Donald Trump? Donald Trump is no Christian. I know no one who sees in him a Christian - and the Evangelicals are no church. No idea what Evangelicals believe or not believe.
Catholics were ashamed Hitler left the Church when he was 18? It wasn't that odd of an occurrence. His family may have been, but I don't know enough about them.

Hitler on his own was ashamed about his own family. He always tried to hide all information about them. Indeed is even the name "Hitler" a mystery. Normally his name had been "Schicklgruber". Imagine to say "Heil Schicklgruber" instead to say "Heil Hitler" and you had to laugh. His father changed this name. I first thought this name comes from "Hüttler" because this sounds very similar - but it comes from "Hiedler" what's spoken very long and slow. Sounds also strange in "Heil Hiedler". But looks like his father made a mistake and did not know how to write and to speak out this name - what on the other side means he made a false statement why he liked to be named "Hitler" instead of "Schicklgruber".
It's no use. He's one of yours

Indeed I would not live if Hitler not had existed and many of my Jewish family members had survived in this case. I had not any problem not to exist if Hitler not had existed - alone I fear: perhaps you would live now in much more terrible and evil world than the world Hitler had "created".

But because of this I found out that everyone is an answer to this all what had happened before. Also a physically really existing answer. And in the moment I think about that this what we call "soul" is exactly this answer. Then a soul could be something what's much more real than very most people think about and our world would be indeed full of "unborn ghosts" who will be one day all living answers in all possible futures.
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The stations of the cross on Good Friday. Very powerful. Almost unbearable.

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