Is this a fair representative of Christianity?

wrong----most of the writings PRECEDED the compilation----in fact----preceded the "common era". The compilation was just that -----a compilation of
prior writings. Lots of the stuff was so well known-----having been batted around in both Israel/Judea and Babylon in the yeshivas there-----that the compilation of the Talmud and Mishnah was just a matter of------writing stuff already known by rote. It was not being "authored"

WRONG! The Talmud consists primarily of two parts: Mishna and Gemara. Mishnah (the oral law or oral tradition) was written over the course of centuries but was not compiled and published until 200 CE. The Gemara, which is essentially arguments and commentaries on Mishnah as well as some other stuff and makes up a far greater portion of the Talmud, were reactions to the publication of the Mishnah in the 3rd century CE. Gemara wasn't compiled and published as part of the Talmud for about 300 more years in the early 6th century CE.

You are essentially making an argument akin to 'Paul quoted the New Testament'. The New Testament didn't even exist then. It's the same thing. Yeah there were opinions floating around and oral law but none of it was organized and compiled until the 3rd century and the rest are arguments about that compilation for the most part that occurred centuries later.

The History of the Talmud - What is the Talmud What is Gemora What is the Oral Tradition Why Learn Torah

The Oral Law -Talmud Mishna Jewish Virtual Library

Gemara Talmud


your reconstruction is wrong----not my comment-----and your statement that the gemara is ----public reaction to the publication of the Mishnah is actually hilarious

No I didn't say it was public reaction. I never said who was doing the reaction...actually it was other rabbis arguing among themselves or giving commentary and analysis. I have provided three references...i can provide more if you would like. Tons of them in fact. All you have offered is your insistence that I am wrong

WAIT WAIT...let me beat you to the punch...those were nazi sources right?
shhh (looking around for spies)...rumor has it you gave the devil the reach around while Hitler watched and that's how you obtain information
Actually it gave me a great idea. I am going to go play Axis & Allies with my daughter so I guess for the next few hours at least I will indeed be a nazi. I remain undefeated since I started playing it at age 13 or so, but her only chance of beating me is if I play the Axis side.

As Donnie and Marie always said..."goodnight everybody"

Wasnt that Sonny and Cher??
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?

There is a contemporary Christian song that says, "I will dance like David danced ." It cracks me up every time because David danced naked.
No he had on a linen priestly robe that was probably very thin like cheese cloth.

the story really is-----for those of us not Christian who did read the book-----He danced and the skirt of whatever he wore flew around and MICHAL complained that his
dancing like that in the presence of the girls (flirt that he was) was not nice and
his "thighs" got exposed. There is no way to say in Hebrew----YOUR WHOLE ASS WAS STICKING OUT. She said "bad king----you looked like a jerk" < loose translation. Probably nothing was actually sticking out------Michal was just being
a drag------after all------I think by then he had gone and married ABIGAIL-----damn
bigamist. Are we playing the "bible quiz game"??

Most men till the tenth century wore skirts or dresses. Most people around the world did till this century.

yes-----of course------nice and AIRY -------very efficient David jumped and----well----it seemed not nice to Michal---jealous girl
Assumptions. Got any proof other than the scrolls that are kept in your skull? You seem to demand some documented proof from other people but never possess any of your own. Then when you can't produce it throw it all in and call the person a nazi. Do you even know what that is? Maybe you should google it before you answer. Don't just ask Jeremiah, she thinks superman is a fallen angel sent here to kill us all
Do you see the word "church" in here:

"Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality
b : a religious rite or observance comparable to a Christian sacrament "


Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die.

Sacrament Definition of sacrament by Merriam-Webster

I dont think so, if you read the New testament in full context you can see Jesus gives Outward religious acts much less regard than what is in a person's heart, and that is the real transformation that is supposed to take place. Sacraments and such I think are ways for the christian community to come together as a group, perhaps?

But when it comes to the definition of a Christian , it would be someone who believes that in some way, Christ is the key of bridging this physical world to a better understanding of God. As this is supposed to be more of an internal thing, I realy think this is for each person to figure out . hhmmm between them and god.
Simply performing a sacrament or reciting some verses without anything else would hardly be a definition.
However Christ also was adamant about rejecting sin and taking a stand, even to death, before embracing sin or recanting your faith. Sacraments in and of themselves don't bring salvation. Their power lies in their public nature. Marriage to Christians is a public declaration of a pact before God, and to participate in a ceremony that makes a mockery of it is an affront to God and one of the things we feel most strong about. Christians are supposed to stand apart. They are expected by God to abstain from certain worldly traditions. Even if it brings persecution and death. It's one thing to approach potential converts on their own's another to participate in sacrilege yourself just to fit in.

That may all be true, but what is a simple definition of a Christian ? sometimes you can miss the forest because of the trees as well. In standing apart a person can also stand apart for the wrong reasons if they are not careful. Im not really disagreeing with you though
I don't think refusing to help ppl celebrate depravity is the wrong reason.
Do you see the word "church" in here:

"Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality
b : a religious rite or observance comparable to a Christian sacrament "


Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die.

Sacrament Definition of sacrament by Merriam-Webster

I dont think so, if you read the New testament in full context you can see Jesus gives Outward religious acts much less regard than what is in a person's heart, and that is the real transformation that is supposed to take place. Sacraments and such I think are ways for the christian community to come together as a group, perhaps?

But when it comes to the definition of a Christian , it would be someone who believes that in some way, Christ is the key of bridging this physical world to a better understanding of God. As this is supposed to be more of an internal thing, I realy think this is for each person to figure out . hhmmm between them and god.
Simply performing a sacrament or reciting some verses without anything else would hardly be a definition.
However Christ also was adamant about rejecting sin and taking a stand, even to death, before embracing sin or recanting your faith. Sacraments in and of themselves don't bring salvation. Their power lies in their public nature. Marriage to Christians is a public declaration of a pact before God, and to participate in a ceremony that makes a mockery of it is an affront to God and one of the things we feel most strong about. Christians are supposed to stand apart. They are expected by God to abstain from certain worldly traditions. Even if it brings persecution and death. It's one thing to approach potential converts on their own's another to participate in sacrilege yourself just to fit in.

That may all be true, but what is a simple definition of a Christian ? sometimes you can miss the forest because of the trees as well. In standing apart a person can also stand apart for the wrong reasons if they are not careful. Im not really disagreeing with you though
I don't think refusing to help ppl celebrate depravity is the wrong reason.

I didnt know thats what this thread was abouit. the wedding cake?
This thread is to determine if the following comment exhibits Christian behavior:
"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I'm sure it has been seriously derailed.

I'm going to say that those comments don't sound Christianly to me. That's just from my corner of the world.
This thread is to determine if the following comment exhibits Christian behavior:
"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I'm sure it has been seriously derailed.

I'm going to say that those comments don't sound Christianly to me. That's just from my corner of the world.
Really, was that a part of the op? I don't care enough to check.
This thread is to determine if the following comment exhibits Christian behavior:
"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I'm sure it has been seriously derailed.

I'm going to say that those comments don't sound Christianly to me. That's just from my corner of the world.
Really, was that a part of the op? I don't care enough to check.

I could be wrong. That is just the way I understood the OP.
This thread is to determine if the following comment exhibits Christian behavior:
"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I'm sure it has been seriously derailed.

I'm going to say that those comments don't sound Christianly to me. That's just from my corner of the world.
Really, was that a part of the op? I don't care enough to check.

Yeah KG...the whole thread is basically about whether you are a good example of a Christian. The overwhelming consensus has been that you are the type of Christian that actual Christians don't want to be associated with.
Assumptions. Got any proof other than the scrolls that are kept in your skull? You seem to demand some documented proof from other people but never possess any of your own. Then when you can't produce it throw it all in and call the person a nazi. Do you even know what that is? Maybe you should google it before you answer. Don't just ask Jeremiah, she thinks superman is a fallen angel sent here to kill us all

Proof of what? that Michal objected when DAVID kinda made a display of himself
by dancing to the point of immodesty in the presence of the young ladies of
Jerusalem? It is so recorded in the bible-----I was not there. Some information on the event may show up in the midrash or gemara.-------I will ask around. I do not read aramaic. Hubby finds reading Aramaic "painful." There are lots of Nazis posting on this messageboard.
Assumptions. Got any proof other than the scrolls that are kept in your skull? You seem to demand some documented proof from other people but never possess any of your own. Then when you can't produce it throw it all in and call the person a nazi. Do you even know what that is? Maybe you should google it before you answer. Don't just ask Jeremiah, she thinks superman is a fallen angel sent here to kill us all

Proof of what? that Michal objected when DAVID kinda made a display of himself
by dancing to the point of immodesty in the presence of the young ladies of
Jerusalem? It is so recorded in the bible-----I was not there. Some information on the event may show up in the midrash or gemara.-------I will ask around. I do not read aramaic. Hubby finds reading Aramaic "painful." There are lots of Nazis posting on this messageboard.

PS ---you have the post in which Jeremiah claimed that superman is a fallen angel-------out to kill us? Superman came from the planet KRYPTON
in a small space traveling vehicle. He was a baby when he landed in "SMALLVILLE"-----he was always on the side of good---TRUTH, JUSTICE and THE AMERICAN WAY. Interestingly enough-----his baby name, KAEL----is something like the name of an angel ---the "el" part hooked on the end
makes it seem so. Kael----roughly translated means "like G-d"
PS Lucifer is not anything like the name of an angel-----no "el" hooked on and it is not Hebrew at all.-------Lucifer must have had another name
PS Lucifer is not anything like the name of an angel-----no "el" hooked on and it is not Hebrew at all.-------Lucifer must have had another name
lucifer has lots of names. Beelzebub, Leviathan, Satan, Devil, Belial, etc
Considering he based his entire non violent movement on the teachings of Jesus Christ


Got a :link: to support that claim?

Gandhi was well aware of the non violent teachings of eastern religions and was scathing about Christians. Why would he emulate a religion that so patently doesn't practice what it preaches?

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians -

A 1926 review [1] by the Reverend W.P. King (then pastor of the First Methodist Church of Gainesville, Georgia) of E. Stanley Jones's The Christ of the Indian Road (published in 1925 by The Abington Press, New York City) includes the following,

Dr. Jones says that the greatest hindrance to the Christian gospel in India is a dislike for western domination, western snobbery, the western theological system, western militarism and western race prejudice. Gandhi, the great prophet of India, said, "I love your Christ, but I dislike your Christianity." The embarrassing fact is that India judges us by our own professed standard. In reply to a question of Dr. Jones as to how it would be possible to bring India to Christ, Gandhi replied: First, I would suggest that all of you Christians live more like Jesus Christ. Second, I would suggest that you practice your Christianity without adulterating it. The anomalous situation is that most of us would be equally shocked to see Christianity doubted or put into practice. Third, I would suggest that you put more emphasis on love, for love is the soul and center of Christianity. Fourth, I would suggest that you study the non-Christian religions more sympathetically in order to find the good that is in them, so that you might have a more sympathetic approach to the people.
Can one expect a non-Christian to understand without enlightenment? No.


All non-Christians lack enlightenment?

No wonder Ghandi was so unimpressed by all of the "enlightened" Christians who were screwing life up for tens of millions of devout Hindus.

Considering he based his entire non violent movement on the teachings of Jesus Christ that these "enlightened" christians taught I think he would be rather vocal in pointing out that your attempts to make it look like he didn't like christians. In fact he would probably encourage you to listen to the Christians you attack so often and take the good they have and use it in your own life.

No, Ghandi told Christians to take their own advice and actually put it into practice if they expect others to embrace their religion.
Can one expect a non-Christian to understand without enlightenment? No.


All non-Christians lack enlightenment?

No wonder Ghandi was so unimpressed by all of the "enlightened" Christians who were screwing life up for tens of millions of devout Hindus.

Considering he based his entire non violent movement on the teachings of Jesus Christ that these "enlightened" christians taught I think he would be rather vocal in pointing out that your attempts to make it look like he didn't like christians. In fact he would probably encourage you to listen to the Christians you attack so often and take the good they have and use it in your own life.

No, Ghandi told Christians to take their own advice and actually put it into practice if they expect others to embrace their religion.

The problem with "Christians" is two-fold:

(1) Many aren't
(2) Many don't act like it

We recently had to leave our church because my husband went to our (former) Pastor and he (the Pastor) copped attitude with him, said and acted in a VERY un-Christian like manner (unprovoked) -- this, in addition to not being there for us in time of need. That doesn't change my love for God. God is perfect.

Our former Pastor is not.
Can one expect a non-Christian to understand without enlightenment? No.


All non-Christians lack enlightenment?

No wonder Ghandi was so unimpressed by all of the "enlightened" Christians who were screwing life up for tens of millions of devout Hindus.

Considering he based his entire non violent movement on the teachings of Jesus Christ that these "enlightened" christians taught I think he would be rather vocal in pointing out that your attempts to make it look like he didn't like christians. In fact he would probably encourage you to listen to the Christians you attack so often and take the good they have and use it in your own life.

No, Ghandi told Christians to take their own advice and actually put it into practice if they expect others to embrace their religion.

The problem with "Christians" is two-fold:

(1) Many aren't
(2) Many don't act like it

We recently had to leave our church because my husband went to our (former) Pastor and he (the Pastor) copped attitude with him, said and acted in a VERY un-Christian like manner (unprovoked) -- this, in addition to not being there for us in time of need. That doesn't change my love for God. God is perfect.

Our former Pastor is not.

The Kingdom Hall and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints doesn't pay their Pastors. They don't pay any of their staff members. Most ChristIan organizations are for profit companies. My church uses almost half of its operating cost to pay 11 employees above average salaries.
Can one expect a non-Christian to understand without enlightenment? No.


All non-Christians lack enlightenment?

No wonder Ghandi was so unimpressed by all of the "enlightened" Christians who were screwing life up for tens of millions of devout Hindus.

Considering he based his entire non violent movement on the teachings of Jesus Christ that these "enlightened" christians taught I think he would be rather vocal in pointing out that your attempts to make it look like he didn't like christians. In fact he would probably encourage you to listen to the Christians you attack so often and take the good they have and use it in your own life.

No, Ghandi told Christians to take their own advice and actually put it into practice if they expect others to embrace their religion.

The problem with "Christians" is two-fold:

(1) Many aren't
(2) Many don't act like it

We recently had to leave our church because my husband went to our (former) Pastor and he (the Pastor) copped attitude with him, said and acted in a VERY un-Christian like manner (unprovoked) -- this, in addition to not being there for us in time of need. That doesn't change my love for God. God is perfect.

Our former Pastor is not.

The Kingdom Hall and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints doesn't pay their Pastors. They don't pay any of their staff members. Most ChristIan organizations are for profit companies. My church uses almost half of its operating cost to pay 11 employees above average salaries.

Does the LDS church then have leaders that have outside jobs? How do they live?
I would say over half of "income" went to salaries, and that as just for 2 people. Small church.

All non-Christians lack enlightenment?

No wonder Ghandi was so unimpressed by all of the "enlightened" Christians who were screwing life up for tens of millions of devout Hindus.

Considering he based his entire non violent movement on the teachings of Jesus Christ that these "enlightened" christians taught I think he would be rather vocal in pointing out that your attempts to make it look like he didn't like christians. In fact he would probably encourage you to listen to the Christians you attack so often and take the good they have and use it in your own life.

No, Ghandi told Christians to take their own advice and actually put it into practice if they expect others to embrace their religion.

The problem with "Christians" is two-fold:

(1) Many aren't
(2) Many don't act like it

We recently had to leave our church because my husband went to our (former) Pastor and he (the Pastor) copped attitude with him, said and acted in a VERY un-Christian like manner (unprovoked) -- this, in addition to not being there for us in time of need. That doesn't change my love for God. God is perfect.

Our former Pastor is not.

The Kingdom Hall and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints doesn't pay their Pastors. They don't pay any of their staff members. Most ChristIan organizations are for profit companies. My church uses almost half of its operating cost to pay 11 employees above average salaries.

Does the LDS church then have leaders that have outside jobs? How do they live?
I would say over half of "income" went to salaries, and that as just for 2 people. Small church.

Savvy philanthropist won't donate money to an organization that spends more than 25% of its revenues on administrative cost. That includes advertising and salaries. Christian churches are full of creative thieves. I guess it is ok though. People keep throwing their money at inefficient churches. They still don't have temples that are as impressive as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints probably meets that 25% level.

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