Is this true?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I got this email that said:

Right now, Members of Congress and their staffs are receiving a $5,000 to $10,000 health care insurance subsidy paid for by taxpayers like you and me.

They don’t have to live under ObamaCare like ordinary Americans. And they are fighting to protect this lavish subsidy with everything they have.

.. We have ... a national grassroots campaign ready to go to help pass Senator David Vitter’s No Washington Exemption from ObamaCare bill.

However, we don’t yet have the funding on hand to launch an all-out 90-day campaign. And that is what Senator Vitter needs in order to pass his bill and end this ridiculous double standard.

1. Is this true, complete and accurate? Is the insurance subsidy really at 5,000-10,000
and is it for all Members of Congress and their Staff?
I remember Steve Stockman making a joke why not hire all citizens to be Congressional staff
to get their insurance coverage instead!

2. Does Senator Vitter really have such a bill?
Wouldn't it be better to lobby THE OTHER WAY:
that if govt employees have the option to OPT IN OR OUT,
then ALL citizens should be able to OPT IN OR OUT.

Can anyone post links to proposed revisions to ACA? is there one pushing for the public option
to opt in or out? That to me would be the simplest fix to make the mandates constitutional.
And by the Code of Ethics for Govt Service, civil servants should seek the most economical means.
I got this email that said:

Right now, Members of Congress and their staffs are receiving a $5,000 to $10,000 health care insurance subsidy paid for by taxpayers like you and me.

They don’t have to live under ObamaCare like ordinary Americans. And they are fighting to protect this lavish subsidy with everything they have.

.. We have ... a national grassroots campaign ready to go to help pass Senator David Vitter’s No Washington Exemption from ObamaCare bill.

However, we don’t yet have the funding on hand to launch an all-out 90-day campaign. And that is what Senator Vitter needs in order to pass his bill and end this ridiculous double standard.

1. Is this true, complete and accurate? Is the insurance subsidy really at 5,000-10,000
and is it for all Members of Congress and their Staff?
I remember Steve Stockman making a joke why not hire all citizens to be Congressional staff
to get their insurance coverage instead!

2. Does Senator Vitter really have such a bill?
Wouldn't it be better to lobby THE OTHER WAY:
that if govt employees have the option to OPT IN OR OUT,
then ALL citizens should be able to OPT IN OR OUT.

Can anyone post links to proposed revisions to ACA? is there one pushing for the public option
to opt in or out? That to me would be the simplest fix to make the mandates constitutional.
And by the Code of Ethics for Govt Service, civil servants should seek the most economical means.

David Vitter should have gone to Washington and gone to work on legislation.

Instead, he checked out the whorehouses first.

I would never vote for that son of a bitch, and have told him so to his face.

He won't get my vote for Governnor either, and I will tell him that to his face again.

He is a whoremonger, and whoremongers have no place in government.
Senator sues to block health care benefits for Congress

I got this email that said:

Right now, Members of Congress and their staffs are receiving a $5,000 to $10,000 health care insurance subsidy paid for by taxpayers like you and me.

They don’t have to live under ObamaCare like ordinary Americans. And they are fighting to protect this lavish subsidy with everything they have.

.. We have ... a national grassroots campaign ready to go to help pass Senator David Vitter’s No Washington Exemption from ObamaCare bill.

However, we don’t yet have the funding on hand to launch an all-out 90-day campaign. And that is what Senator Vitter needs in order to pass his bill and end this ridiculous double standard.

1. Is this true, complete and accurate? Is the insurance subsidy really at 5,000-10,000
and is it for all Members of Congress and their Staff?
I remember Steve Stockman making a joke why not hire all citizens to be Congressional staff
to get their insurance coverage instead!

2. Does Senator Vitter really have such a bill?
Wouldn't it be better to lobby THE OTHER WAY:
that if govt employees have the option to OPT IN OR OUT,
then ALL citizens should be able to OPT IN OR OUT.

Can anyone post links to proposed revisions to ACA? is there one pushing for the public option
to opt in or out? That to me would be the simplest fix to make the mandates constitutional.
And by the Code of Ethics for Govt Service, civil servants should seek the most economical means.
Questions and Answers

Health Insurance Coverage: Members of Congress and Congressional Staff

Q. Why are Members of Congress and certain Congressional staff no longer eligible for FEHB? [Federal Employees Health Benefits]

A. The Affordable Care Act includes a provision that Members of Congress and congressional staff employed by the official office of a Member of Congress must obtain coverage from health plans created under the Act or coverage offered via an Affordable Insurance Exchange (Exchanges).
Q. Will Members of Congress and their staff continue to receive a Government Contribution toward the cost of their health insurance premiums?

A. Members of Congress and their congressional staff who are no longer eligible for enrollment in an FEHB plan will continue to receive a Government contribution toward the cost of their premiums for health plans purchased on the Exchange. This contribution will be no greater than the Government contribution provided for other Federal employees eligible for FEHB coverage and purchasing coverage offered by an FEHB plan.

Q. What will be the amount of the employer contribution for Members of Congress and congressional staff?

A. The amount of the employer contribution for Members of Congress and official staff will be the same as for other Federal employees. OPM annually determines the government contribution based on the average of health plan premiums for the two types of enrollments (self only and self and family) allowed in the FEHB Program. By statute, the government contribution is the lesser of 72 percent of the weighted average of all FEHB plan premiums or 75 percent of the individual plan premium. OPM will apply the same employer contribution amounts up to 75 percent of the total cost of the health plan premium on the Exchange, the same as for an FEHB health plan. An individual with an enrollment on the Exchange for more than one person (i.e. self plus one) will receive the employer contribution amount the same as for an FEHB self and family enrollment.
Questions and Answers

Health Insurance Coverage: Members of Congress and Congressional Staff

Q. Why are Members of Congress and certain Congressional staff no longer eligible for FEHB? [Federal Employees Health Benefits]

A. The Affordable Care Act includes a provision that Members of Congress and congressional staff employed by the official office of a Member of Congress must obtain coverage from health plans created under the Act or coverage offered via an Affordable Insurance Exchange (Exchanges).
Q. Will Members of Congress and their staff continue to receive a Government Contribution toward the cost of their health insurance premiums?

A. Members of Congress and their congressional staff who are no longer eligible for enrollment in an FEHB plan will continue to receive a Government contribution toward the cost of their premiums for health plans purchased on the Exchange. This contribution will be no greater than the Government contribution provided for other Federal employees eligible for FEHB coverage and purchasing coverage offered by an FEHB plan.

Q. What will be the amount of the employer contribution for Members of Congress and congressional staff?

A. The amount of the employer contribution for Members of Congress and official staff will be the same as for other Federal employees. OPM annually determines the government contribution based on the average of health plan premiums for the two types of enrollments (self only and self and family) allowed in the FEHB Program. By statute, the government contribution is the lesser of 72 percent of the weighted average of all FEHB plan premiums or 75 percent of the individual plan premium. OPM will apply the same employer contribution amounts up to 75 percent of the total cost of the health plan premium on the Exchange, the same as for an FEHB health plan. An individual with an enrollment on the Exchange for more than one person (i.e. self plus one) will receive the employer contribution amount the same as for an FEHB self and family enrollment.


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