Is This Trump’s Economy?

There is not enough history yet to assess Trump's handling of this crisis. It is unique in anyone's lifetime, and even with the best data in the world, it is simply not possible to weigh the costs of restrictions (financial) versus the loss of more lives. To say that he should have done one thing earlier, or delayed something else, or tried another gambit are just nonsense at this point. Nobody knows.

It is clear, however, that the political Left has decided that the economic devastation is worth the cost, if it can get Trump defeated in November. They simply don't give a shit about the thousands of small businesses (and their millions of employees) that go bankrupt EACH WEEK that these restrictions are maintained.

And it is also clear that our disgraced Media is exploiting every opportunity to blame Trump, and to make him look bad, regardless of what happens.

TRUMP's ECONOMY has been destroyed, and will not recover in the foreseeable future. Had nothing to do with Trump.
Everyone acknowledges that the US economy has been adversely impacted by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

The question that voters must ask is whether or not the president did everything in his power to lessen the impact.

Please discuss.
It was the Obama economy until the Chinese virus.
It wasn’t Obama declaring Mission Accomplished while the virus was spreading around the country.
Obama was a has-been when the virus was spreading across the country.
How true

Nothing Obama could do about the TRUMPvirus

We have the worst infection rate in the world and we can credit that to Trump

We have the worst infection rate in the world and we can credit that to Trump

NY was hardest hit.

We can blame that on Cuomo.
We can blame that on dense populations
There is not enough history yet to assess Trump's handling of this crisis. It is unique in anyone's lifetime, and even with the best data in the world, it is simply not possible to weigh the costs of restrictions (financial) versus the loss of more lives. To say that he should have done one thing earlier, or delayed something else, or tried another gambit are just nonsense at this point. Nobody knows.

It is clear, however, that the political Left has decided that the economic devastation is worth the cost, if it can get Trump defeated in November. They simply don't give a shit about the thousands of small businesses (and their millions of employees) that go bankrupt EACH WEEK that these restrictions are maintained.

And it is also clear that our disgraced Media is exploiting every opportunity to blame Trump, and to make him look bad, regardless of what happens.

TRUMP's ECONOMY has been destroyed, and will not recover in the foreseeable future. Had nothing to do with Trump.
Voters don’t need history

They need to rely on their gut instincts.....did Trump make things better or worse ?
I think several people have touched on the reality that this is not “TRUMP’s ECONOMY” any more than earlier we experienced “OBAMA’s ECONOMY” or “BUSH’s ECONOMY.” The fundamental reality of our economy was untouched by these presidents. We are a society, and none of these politicians made more than superficial changes, aspirational changes, cultural changes, “color” changes.

By the way, I don’t say the issues fought over are unimportant — quite the contrary!

I just think we obscure our own thinking when we focus on the economic ups and downs and attribute them to politicians, rather than focus as we should on the long term direction, the regular eruptions of crisis, in present day American capitalism.
Everyone acknowledges that the US economy has been adversely impacted by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

The question that voters must ask is whether or not the president did everything in his power to lessen the impact.

Please discuss.

You’re implying that he didn’t do enough to lessen the impact on the economy. What in your mind was there to do that he didn’t do already?
Not much a president can do to help stimulate the economy when the virus is shutting down the country.
Everyone acknowledges that the US economy has been adversely impacted by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

The question that voters must ask is whether or not the president did everything in his power to lessen the impact.

Please discuss.
It was the Obama economy until the Chinese virus.
It wasn’t Obama declaring Mission Accomplished while the virus was spreading around the country.
Obama was a has-been when the virus was spreading across the country.
How true

Nothing Obama could do about the TRUMPvirus

We have the worst infection rate in the world and we can credit that to Trump

We have the worst infection rate in the world and we can credit that to Trump

NY was hardest hit.

We can blame that on Cuomo.
We can blame that on dense populations
De Blasio more than Cuomo, but either way, the Dems fucked that up too.
Everyone acknowledges that the US economy has been adversely impacted by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

The question that voters must ask is whether or not the president did everything in his power to lessen the impact.

Please discuss.
Would not have mattered who was pres. this was going to tank the economy either way. As you point out all we can try and determan is whether or not is was mitigated appropriately. I wish we had went another twenty years with out one by then I would likely be dead and not had to worry. Oh well all we can do is try and make some lemonaid out of these lemons.
Trumps reelection will depend on it

While Trump will say....not my fault blame China, WHO, Governors.....the media

Where we go from here will define Trump

How will he respond to 25 percent unemployment?
What will he do about negative 15 GDP?
What will he tell people who can’t pay their bills?
How will he ease suffering?
But 25% unemployed under Trump makes Obama's unemployment numbers look bad because they are so low, and isn't that what Trump wants is to be the best?
moonglow?.....holy shit you escaped the cornfield......
Everyone acknowledges that the US economy has been adversely impacted by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
The question that voters must ask is whether or not the president did everything in his power to lessen the impact.
Please discuss.

These are two entirely different questions!

1. Did the president do “everything in his power to lessen the impact” of Covid-19?
2. Is this Trump’s Economy?

The answer to the first question is obvious: He did NOT. Trump acted demagogically, lazily, ineffectively. However it’s not at all clear that the result would have been any better under Hillary Clinton.

The answer to the second question is that the economy does not “belong” to any individual or any party. Both parties are subordinate to corporate and big money interests.
Now that this virus has brought us back to the obama economy, I'm seeing another easy win for Trump.
The Great Obama never had 25 percent unemployment.
Many of those who once supported obama are now seeing the benefits of supporting Trump. The president who has the lowest black unemployment numbers is history.
Trumps black unemployment is more than double what Obama left him with

No wonder minorities do not support Trump
As long as we wont police our own favorite political party we will have politicians who stay in office for 30 years and do little for average Americans & work hard to line their own pockets at our expense.

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