Is this worthy of the user being banned by FaceBook?

I'm an old man who has never been to Facebook.

I hear that it is a nice place for family members to keep in touch.

I guess that people nowadays also use it for political commentary.

I kind of agree with Facebook: The photo montage was meant to imply that our next President is a [self-censored]. I can understand why Facebook felt that it was dirty pool.

I know one thing for sure: Starting on January 21, the Biden administration will start clamping down on the First Amendment. Facebook or no Facebook, people will find fewer platforms to express unpopular or politically incorrect views about race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. Well-meaning bureaucrats will explain that we must do everything possible to maintain domestic tranquility as this country continues its dizzying demographic change.
I will be glad, too.

Why would you be glad? If I muzzled you by blocking you, so I never again read a single word you printed, you would like that? Because in effect, that's what I would be doing to you: Silencing you.
If I go around making memes that falsely accuse someone of being a pedophile, I deserve to be silenced.
whats false about it??? the pictures are right there,,,
"GROPE" and Change. The pics were all public displays of common affection. Not everyone is as affectionate as Joe, but pedophiles don't abuse kids in front of cameras. It's old crap. The election is over and Biden won. Let the monkey poo go.
Can i show common affection to your children and grandchildren? Or would you consider that criminal?
I know what pedophiles do. They finger two year olds, rape infants, teach their little girls to "milk the cow" and suck the milk Teach lap dancing to their little girls, ply boys with booze and porn to do circle jerks. They get 11 year olds drunk, take advantage of their crush, and start grooming them with heavy petting. News flash: they don't do it in front of cameras. Biden is demonstrative and likes kids--no, not that way.

Would I care if he gave my grandchild a hug? No.

You just described Hunter biden, if it's true he fucked his niece, high in crack cocaine

...and filmed it and stored the video on his laptop.

How stupid was that? :laughing0301:
LOL, the only president ever sued for sexual battery on a minor was Trump when he was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old.

Rumour has it that Trump paid the victim 30 million dollars to drop her case.

Stop lying. You didn't even provide a credible source, and you expect anyone to believe you?

GFY, Lawless prick.
Lol....Let us see, trump was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old, Trump was known to barge into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants, Trump is being sued NOW for a rape, and Trump has what can be called a quasi-incestuous relationship with his own daughter. Trump has said the following regarding Ivanka:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

He has called Ivanka a piece of ass, said they had sex in common and said if she were not his daughter he would be dating her.

Trump is a sicko.
I'm an old man who has never been to Facebook.

I hear that it is a nice place for family members to keep in touch.

I guess that people nowadays also use it for political commentary.

I kind of agree with Facebook: The photo montage was meant to imply that our next President is a [self-censored]. I can understand why Facebook felt that it was dirty pool.

I know one thing for sure: Starting on January 21, the Biden administration will start clamping down on the First Amendment. Facebook or no Facebook, people will find fewer platforms to express unpopular or politically incorrect views about race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. Well-meaning bureaucrats will explain that we must do everything possible to maintain domestic tranquility as this country continues its dizzying demographic change.
I will be glad, too.

Why would you be glad? If I muzzled you by blocking you, so I never again read a single word you printed, you would like that? Because in effect, that's what I would be doing to you: Silencing you.
If I go around making memes that falsely accuse someone of being a pedophile, I deserve to be silenced.
whats false about it??? the pictures are right there,,,
"GROPE" and Change. The pics were all public displays of common affection. Not everyone is as affectionate as Joe, but pedophiles don't abuse kids in front of cameras. It's old crap. The election is over and Biden won. Let the monkey poo go.
Can i show common affection to your children and grandchildren? Or would you consider that criminal?
I know what pedophiles do. They finger two year olds, rape infants, teach their little girls to "milk the cow" and suck the milk Teach lap dancing to their little girls, ply boys with booze and porn to do circle jerks. They get 11 year olds drunk, take advantage of their crush, and start grooming them with heavy petting. News flash: they don't do it in front of cameras. Biden is demonstrative and likes kids--no, not that way.

Would I care if he gave my grandchild a hug? No.
Well, let me tell you, i would feel very uncomfortable hugging your grandchild, because it just isnt what normal people do,, but you progs who have allowed immorality to run rampant just as you said, would have no problem with a stranger touching your grandchild...
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

Because some idiot on an internet discussion board said so, right?

Prove it, dickhead.
Some poor little Trumper is triggered. :itsok:
I have an idea, can you think of something that hasnt been created by conservatives, or are you incapable of independent thinking.
So, since Facebook clearly banned the poster for showing sexual activity with kids by Biden (according to Facebook's own reasoning for banning said poster), is Biden going to call Facebook FAKE NEWS and sue Suckerberg for slander???? :laughing0301:

1) Um, no. It was the libel aspect.
2) However, being such a stand up guy you are, and strongly believe in what you say, I dare you to post those images on a public forum under your own name. You won't a) you're far too much of a coward to do so; b) you know it's slander.
LOL, the only president ever sued for sexual battery on a minor was Trump when he was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old.

Rumour has it that Trump paid the victim 30 million dollars to drop her case.

Stop lying. You didn't even provide a credible source, and you expect anyone to believe you?

GFY, Lawless prick.
Lol....Let us see, trump was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old, Trump was known to barge into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants, Trump is being sued NOW for a rape, and Trump has what can be called a quasi-incestuous relationship with his own daughter. Trump has said the following regarding Ivanka:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

He has called Ivanka a piece of ass, said they had sex in common and said if she were not his daughter he would be dating her.

Trump is a sicko.

You really expect anyone to believe your feverish rantings and ravings, without any evidence to prove to me that you're a sane, rational person?

Go fuck yourself with a rusty AIDS infected garden rake, followed by choking to death on a bag of rotten dicks. Ok?
You do know he is a sock/troll, right?
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

Because some idiot on an internet discussion board said so, right?

Prove it, dickhead.
Some poor little Trumper is triggered. :itsok:

Who's "triggered"? I presented you with facts and you failed to substantiate the lies you presented.

I do this shit every day, rain or shine. You're a witless and insignificant little troll, compared to some of the idiots I deal with on a daily basis.
So, since Facebook clearly banned the poster for showing sexual activity with kids by Biden (according to Facebook's own reasoning for banning said poster), is Biden going to call Facebook FAKE NEWS and sue Suckerberg for slander???? :laughing0301:

1) Um, no. It was the libel aspect.
2) However, being such a stand up guy you are, and strongly believe in what you say, I dare you to post those images on a public forum under your own name. You won't a) you're far too much of a coward to do so; b) you know it's slander.
Slander is what happened when the Lame Stream Media slandered the Nick Sandmann in Washington DC, and had to give up hundreds of thousands of dollars, and now the young man is running for office, and is going to be your worst nightmare...

Breaking...WaPo settled defamation suit by boy they slandered (
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

So, since Facebook clearly banned the poster for showing sexual activity with kids by Biden (according to Facebook's own reasoning for banning said poster), is Biden going to call Facebook FAKE NEWS and sue Suckerberg for slander???? :laughing0301:

1) Um, no. It was the libel aspect.
2) However, being such a stand up guy you are, and strongly believe in what you say, I dare you to post those images on a public forum under your own name. You won't a) you're far too much of a coward to do so; b) you know it's slander.
Replace Biden in those pics with Trump and FB likely doesn't ban the user.

LOL, the only president ever sued for sexual battery on a minor was Trump when he was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old.

Rumour has it that Trump paid the victim 30 million dollars to drop her case.

Stop lying. You didn't even provide a credible source, and you expect anyone to believe you?

GFY, Lawless prick.
Lol....Let us see, trump was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old, Trump was known to barge into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants, Trump is being sued NOW for a rape, and Trump has what can be called a quasi-incestuous relationship with his own daughter. Trump has said the following regarding Ivanka:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

He has called Ivanka a piece of ass, said they had sex in common and said if she were not his daughter he would be dating her.

Trump is a sicko.

You really expect anyone to believe your feverish rantings and ravings, without any evidence to prove to me that you're a sane, rational person?

Go fuck yourself with a rusty AIDS infected garden rake, followed by choking to death on a bag of rotten dicks. Ok?
You do know he is a sock/troll, right?

You're a fuckin' troll. You don't even reside in my country, therefore you have no say in this discussion whatsoever.

Fuck off, foreign bastard.
I have an idea, can you think of something that hasnt been created by conservatives, or are you incapable of independent thinking.

What HAS been created by conservatives. You do know that your FF were the liberals of their time? They were going against the grain? You do get that, right?
Dont give me that big switch shit again, i know history, the progs of the past are just as nasty as the progs of now. The Democrats terrorized blacks in the 1800s,1900s and now with BLM/ANTIFA burning looting and murdering black businesses and people...So fuck off and die, you slave....
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

And it went no where twice, Bill Clinton had to pay almost a million dollars for a rape civil case
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

Because some idiot on an internet discussion board said so, right?

Prove it, dickhead.
Some poor little Trumper is triggered. :itsok:

Who's "triggered"? I presented you with facts and you failed to substantiate the lies you presented.

I do this shit every day, rain or shine. You're a witless and insignificant little troll, compared to some of the idiots I deal with on a daily basis.
You have no facts you moron. You are triggered little fart who supports a man who was sued for child rape and yet you post pictures of Biden while making idiotic innuendos. You are the troll. A pathetic troll at that. Now move on little baby.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.


So did Snopes substantiate the allegations as being"true"?

You got nothing, loser.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

And it went no where twice, Bill Clinton had to pay almost a million dollars for a rape civil case

Funny thing is unlike Stormy Daniels, Trump never once went after the victim or her attorneys. Why? Most likely because he settled with her and signed a NDA.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

Because some idiot on an internet discussion board said so, right?

Prove it, dickhead.
Some poor little Trumper is triggered. :itsok:

Who's "triggered"? I presented you with facts and you failed to substantiate the lies you presented.

I do this shit every day, rain or shine. You're a witless and insignificant little troll, compared to some of the idiots I deal with on a daily basis.
You have no facts you moron. You are triggered little fart who supports a man who was sued for child rape and yet you post pictures of Biden while making idiotic innuendos. You are the troll. A pathetic troll at that. Now move on little baby.

The truth hurts you, doesn't it? Good for you, embrace your pain and look forward to more of it the next four years.

I'm not going anywhere, asshole.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.


So did Snopes substantiate the allegations as being"true"?

You got nothing, loser.
Read the lawsuit, Corn Flake.

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