Is this worthy of the user being banned by FaceBook?

Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

And it went no where twice, Bill Clinton had to pay almost a million dollars for a rape civil case

Funny thing is unlike Stormy Daniels, Trump never once went after the victim or her attorneys. Why? Most likely because he settled with her and signed a NDA.
It wasn't rape, like Bill Clinton raped paula jones
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

Because some idiot on an internet discussion board said so, right?

Prove it, dickhead.
Some poor little Trumper is triggered. :itsok:

Who's "triggered"? I presented you with facts and you failed to substantiate the lies you presented.

I do this shit every day, rain or shine. You're a witless and insignificant little troll, compared to some of the idiots I deal with on a daily basis.
You have no facts you moron. You are triggered little fart who supports a man who was sued for child rape and yet you post pictures of Biden while making idiotic innuendos. You are the troll. A pathetic troll at that. Now move on little baby.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.


So did Snopes substantiate the allegations as being"true"?

You got nothing, loser.
Read the lawsuit, Corn Flake.
Anyone can file a civil lawsuit, those are the easiest ones to win
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

And it went no where twice, Bill Clinton had to pay almost a million dollars for a rape civil case

Funny thing is unlike Stormy Daniels, Trump never once went after the victim or her attorneys. Why? Most likely because he settled with her and signed a NDA.

Obviously you don't know the difference between "consenting adults " and children.

I feel bad for your kids.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

And it went no where twice, Bill Clinton had to pay almost a million dollars for a rape civil case

Funny thing is unlike Stormy Daniels, Trump never once went after the victim or her attorneys. Why? Most likely because he settled with her and signed a NDA.
It wasn't rape, like Bill Clinton raped paula jones
Did you Read the complaint? It was rape. Of course we have the defamation case going on with E. Jean Caroll. Apparently she kept the dress.
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Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

And it went no where twice, Bill Clinton had to pay almost a million dollars for a rape civil case

Funny thing is unlike Stormy Daniels, Trump never once went after the victim or her attorneys. Why? Most likely because he settled with her and signed a NDA.

Obviously you don't know the difference between "consenting adults " and children.

I feel bad for your kids.
LOL, the only president ever sued for sexual battery on a minor was Trump when he was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old.

Rumour has it that Trump paid the victim 30 million dollars to drop her case.

Stop lying. You didn't even provide a credible source, and you expect anyone to believe you?

GFY, Lawless prick.
Lol....Let us see, trump was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old, Trump was known to barge into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants, Trump is being sued NOW for a rape, and Trump has what can be called a quasi-incestuous relationship with his own daughter. Trump has said the following regarding Ivanka:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

He has called Ivanka a piece of ass, said they had sex in common and said if she were not his daughter he would be dating her.

Trump is a sicko.

You really expect anyone to believe your feverish rantings and ravings, without any evidence to prove to me that you're a sane, rational person?

Go fuck yourself with a rusty AIDS infected garden rake, followed by choking to death on a bag of rotten dicks. Ok?
You do know he is a sock/troll, right?

You're a fuckin' troll. You don't even reside in my country, therefore you have no say in this discussion whatsoever.

Fuck off, foreign bastard.
Country? Not even in our continent.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.


So did Snopes substantiate the allegations as being"true"?

You got nothing, loser.
Read the lawsuit, Corn Flake.
Anyone can file a civil lawsuit, those are the easiest ones to win
That is true. I read the complaint and it rings true to me. No one denies that Trump would party at Epstein’s townhouse in the 90s. Epstein was known to scout Penn Station for runaways. As I said Trump has been vociferous in his denials on every other case and and has usually went after the accuser with guns ablazing. Not on this case. I wonder why?
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

And it went no where twice, Bill Clinton had to pay almost a million dollars for a rape civil case

Funny thing is unlike Stormy Daniels, Trump never once went after the victim or her attorneys. Why? Most likely because he settled with her and signed a NDA.
It wasn't rape, like Bill Clinton raped paula jones
Sis you Read the complaint? It was rape. Of course we have the defamation case going on with E. Jean Caroll. Apparently she kept the dress.
I could file a civil lawsuit against you raping a child, does it have merritt of course not, it's the same thing as that pedo lawsuit against Trump, it got thrown out twice .
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.


So did Snopes substantiate the allegations as being"true"?

You got nothing, loser.
Read the lawsuit, Corn Flake.
Anyone can file a civil lawsuit, those are the easiest ones to win
That is true. I read the complaint and it rings true to me. No one denies that Trump would party at Epstein’s townhouse in the 90s. Epstein was known to scout Penn Station for runaways. As I said Trump has been vociferous in his denials on every case and and usually went after the victim with guns a blazing.. Not on this one. I wonder why?
And Bill Clinton didn't vist Epstein's island?
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.


So did Snopes substantiate the allegations as being"true"?

You got nothing, loser.
Read the lawsuit, Corn Flake.
Anyone can file a civil lawsuit, those are the easiest ones to win
That is true. I read the complaint and it rings true to me. No one denies that Trump would party at Epstein’s townhouse in the 90s. Epstein was known to scout Penn Station for runaways. As I said Trump has been vociferous in his denials on every case and and usually went after the victim with guns a blazing.. Not on this one. I wonder why?
And Bill Clinton didn't vist Epstein's island?
Trump’s case was in the 90s. BTW, Clinton is slime. If he is found to have been in league with Epstein throw the trash in jail. I have no use for Bill Clinton.
How are those innocent-appearing latent pedophillic actions like the ones Biden exhibited, any less worse that the actual act?
Because no child has been harmed. Or threatened.

Sorry, but this thread is too full of jokers about something that isn't one bit funny and shouldn't be thrown around lightly the way folks here are. I can see exactly why it was hauled off of Facebook.

You didn't answer my question: Is a little sexual offense alright, until it become a big sexual offense?

Where do you draw the line? Does it become "ok" when that person is running for President?
Read my posts and see if you can figure out why I'm not going to argue with you about it.
Ever hear of boundaries? You are fine with a total stranger pulling a little girl close to him and sniffing her hair?
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

And it went no where twice, Bill Clinton had to pay almost a million dollars for a rape civil case

Funny thing is unlike Stormy Daniels, Trump never once went after the victim or her attorneys. Why? Most likely because he settled with her and signed a NDA.
It wasn't rape, like Bill Clinton raped paula jones
Sis you Read the complaint? It was rape. Of course we have the defamation case going on with E. Jean Caroll. Apparently she kept the dress.
I could file a civil lawsuit against you raping a child, does it have merritt of course not, it's the same thing as that pedo lawsuit against Trump, it got thrown out twice .
The case was not thrown out of court. It was voluntarily dismissed. Cases are often voluntarily dismissed when they are settled.
The user submitted this montage of Biden kissing minors.
This was what Facebook did to the submitter.
Facebook management is Democratic Party only. They are kicking all conservative content off their platform.
The content itself is neither sexual nor inappropriate, but that is too much affection.
In all likelihood, the little girl or boy has a granddaddy, and it isn't Joe Biden.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

And it went no where twice, Bill Clinton had to pay almost a million dollars for a rape civil case

Funny thing is unlike Stormy Daniels, Trump never once went after the victim or her attorneys. Why? Most likely because he settled with her and signed a NDA.
It wasn't rape, like Bill Clinton raped paula jones
Sis you Read the complaint? It was rape. Of course we have the defamation case going on with E. Jean Caroll. Apparently she kept the dress.
I could file a civil lawsuit against you raping a child, does it have merritt of course not, it's the same thing as that pedo lawsuit against Trump, it got thrown out twice .
The case was not thrown out of court. It was voluntarily dismissed. Cases are often voluntarily dismissed when they are settled.
So you're now saying Trump settled a rape case against a 13 year old?

Calling your bluff..

Show me the link.
Look at the freakish and deformed monsters these Democrats have become: They're trying to rationalize Joe Biden's inappropriate sexual behavior with children, as being "normal." Even after his own drug-addicted son reportedly engaged in intercourse not only with his dead brother's wife, but his own 14 year-old niece.

Just what does that say to any sane, rational person who would view that kind of behavior as a perverse abomination?
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Look at the freakish and deformed monsters these Democrats have become: They're trying to rationalize Joe Biden's inappropriate sexual behavior with children, as being "normal." Even after his own drug-addicted son reportedly engaged in intercourse not only with his dead brother's wife, but his own 14 year-old niece.

Just what does that say to any sane, rational person?
To be fair you always had politicians kissing babies..

Look at the freakish and deformed monsters these Democrats have become: They're trying to rationalize Joe Biden's inappropriate sexual behavior with children, as being "normal." Even after his own drug-addicted son reportedly engaged in intercourse not only with his dead brother's wife, but his own 14 year-old niece.

Just what does that say to any sane, rational person?
To be fair you always had politicians kissing babies..
I think it's clearly inappropriate, but I wouldn't call sexual. It's too much affection for too many kids. If there is sexual abuse going on, it is would be something "below the belt" in private, concealed from public view, in a controlled setting without cameras or electronics or cell phones allowed.
Look at the freakish and deformed monsters these Democrats have become: They're trying to rationalize Joe Biden's inappropriate sexual behavior with children, as being "normal." Even after his own drug-addicted son reportedly engaged in intercourse not only with his dead brother's wife, but his own 14 year-old niece.

Just what does that say to any sane, rational person?
To be fair you always had politicians kissing babies..

Babies don't usually object to that kind of "affection", as did the girls in the pictures. Look how she's leaning away.


Look at this one: Why would the woman be putting her hands on his, where she could exert control over them?


It's called "body language", folks. Either you read it it, or you can't.
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