Is this worthy of the user being banned by FaceBook?

How are those innocent-appearing latent pedophillic actions like the ones Biden exhibited, any less worse that the actual act?
Because no child has been harmed. Or threatened.

Sorry, but this thread is too full of jokers about something that isn't one bit funny and shouldn't be thrown around lightly the way folks here are. I can see exactly why it was hauled off of Facebook.

You didn't answer my question: Is a little sexual offense alright, until it become a big sexual offense?

Where do you draw the line? Does it become "ok" when that person is running for President?
Read my posts and see if you can figure out why I'm not going to argue with you about it.

I've already read everything you posted in this thread and frankly, I am truly disappointed in you. For someone who claimed to have been involved in social services, you really appear to be eager to turn a blind eye to something you would have been appalled at back then.

Let's dissect that, shall we? What would be your motivation for giving Joe Biden a free pass here, while back during the time you were a social worker, would have tried to have those child-molesting individuals locked away for life?

Are your motives political? Do they stem from your love of the man you voted for, or the hatred of the man you voted against?

You can't have it both ways: Either you condemn the actions of your presidential candidate as being "inappropriate", or you merely allow them to slide, negating everything you once stood for and worked for.

Which would it be?
I'm completely opposed to calling a man a pedophile when he has not done anything inappropriate. Try getting a DA anywhere to file charges against anyone for hugging a kid.

I've tried to show you reality, but your hatred of Biden and all he represents to you is causing you to see what you see. I'm not the one blinded by rotten politics.
Democrats trying to deny Biden is a huge child groping creeper is quite hilarious.
This seems to be less about biden than it is about images of exploitation
How are those innocent-appearing latent pedophillic actions like the ones Biden exhibited, any less worse that the actual act?
Because no child has been harmed. Or threatened.

Sorry, but this thread is too full of jokers about something that isn't one bit funny and shouldn't be thrown around lightly the way folks here are. I can see exactly why it was hauled off of Facebook.

You didn't answer my question: Is a little sexual offense alright, until it become a big sexual offense?

Where do you draw the line? Does it become "ok" when that person is running for President?
Read my posts and see if you can figure out why I'm not going to argue with you about it.

I've already read everything you posted in this thread and frankly, I am truly disappointed in you. For someone who claimed to have been involved in social services, you really appear to be eager to turn a blind eye to something you would have been appalled at back then.

Let's dissect that, shall we? What would be your motivation for giving Joe Biden a free pass here, while back during the time you were a social worker, would have tried to have those child-molesting individuals locked away for life?

Are your motives political? Do they stem from your love of the man you voted for, or the hatred of the man you voted against?

You can't have it both ways: Either you condemn the actions of your presidential candidate as being "inappropriate", or you merely allow them to slide, negating everything you once stood for and worked for.

Which would it be?
I'm completely opposed to calling a man a pedophile when he has not done anything inappropriate. Try getting a DA anywhere to file charges against anyone for hugging a kid.

I've tried to show you reality, but your hatred of Biden and all he represents to you is causing you to see what you see. I'm not the one blinded by rotten politics.

Apparently you willingly voted for a rotten candidate so yes you are blinded. One so rotten that he passed his rotteness on down to his son.

Please don't tell me that you're not aware of everything his son has been doing. That's common knowledge.
The user submitted this montage of Biden kissing minors.
This was what Facebook did to the submitter.
View attachment 418998

This was what they said had sexual activity...
Now do you see how the election of Biden is the most gigantic fraud!
When even Facebook protects Biden!
View attachment 418999
So Facebook helped prove the poster's point that Biden's behavior is indeed innapropriate and sexual in nature and can be used (if the cheaters succeed to cheat the system) at
"His impeachment trial" as evidence.
Thanks Facebook!
Slander is what happened when the Lame Stream Media slandered the Nick Sandmann in Washington DC, and had to give up hundreds of thousands of dollars, and now the young man is running for office, and is going to be your worst nightmare...

Breaking...WaPo settled defamation suit by boy they slandered (

1) He's not my worst nightmare. I don't live in the US
2) There are plenty of times the media has been made to pay. Nothing new there. Unlike you, I don't treat the exceptions as the rule. For every Sandmann story where the media pays up there are literally 10s of 10000s of stories that hold up to scrutiny.
Dont give me that big switch shit again, i know history, the progs of the past are just as nasty as the progs of now. The Democrats terrorized blacks in the 1800s,1900s and now with BLM/ANTIFA burning looting and murdering black businesses and people...So fuck off and die, you slave....

Your FF WERE progressives. Why do you think the establishment (British Crown) went to war with them? Next thing you'll be saying is that George Wallace represents the Dems of today. Yeah, I can really seeing him with his black scarf wrapped around his face walking down the street in tandem with the antifa retards.

It's called "body language", folks. Either you read it it, or you can't.

You have to photoshop to get your point across....

It's called "body language", folks. Either you read it it, or you can't.

You have to photoshop to get your point across....

It doesn't matter whether anything is real or fake any more because if I spread a lie long enough and as many times as I can, it eventully becomes the accepted truth.

You should know that already, seeing as how I learned that from you folks. Enjoy the next four years, because I'm not going anywhere.

wheres hunter.jpg
It doesn't matter whether anything is real or fake any more because if I spread a lie long enough and as many times as I can, it eventully becomes the accepted truth.

See I knew you were a piss taker. :happy-1::auiqs.jpg:
That or you're a aficionado of the Orange Buffoon!
C'mon, which is it my little AR acolyte?
I disagree. They wouldn’t as history shows. Hypocrisy is Alive and Well with FB and Twitter. Leftist privilege exists.

So I assume you have examples of where a left-leaning poster has posted something that hasn't been taken down.
Let's say for shits and giggles you do find such an example. How long do you think it would take me to find a piece by a right-winger that has been allowed to stay on on the FB or Twitter site? Trump's main reason for being taken down, aside from the obvious lying verbal diarrhea he tweets every day, is that he is very high profile. That is half the problem right there.
This is ironic really, because we had Sarah Palin saying "I can see Russia from my house!"....

And Democrats across this country all believed Palin was an idiotic bimbo, because she said she could see Russia from her house.

But of course Palin never said that. Or anything like it. She said there are parts of Alaska that can see Russia. Which is true. There are.

But the quote "I can see Russia from my house" was from a comedy skit on Saturday Night Live. She never said that.

Now here we have actual photos of Biden engaging in questionably creepy behavior... and people are saying we're making it up.

It's amazing the mindless stupidity of the left.
It doesn't matter whether anything is real or fake any more because if I spread a lie long enough and as many times as I can, it eventully becomes the accepted truth.

See I knew you were a piss taker. :happy-1::auiqs.jpg:
That or you're a aficionado of the Orange Buffoon!
C'mon, which is it my little AR acolyte?

Don't have a fuckin' clue what you just said. Was that supposed to resemble English?

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