Is this worthy of the user being banned by FaceBook?

I'm an old man who has never been to Facebook.

I hear that it is a nice place for family members to keep in touch.

I guess that people nowadays also use it for political commentary.

I kind of agree with Facebook: The photo montage was meant to imply that our next President is a [self-censored]. I can understand why Facebook felt that it was dirty pool.

I know one thing for sure: Starting on January 21, the Biden administration will start clamping down on the First Amendment. Facebook or no Facebook, people will find fewer platforms to express unpopular or politically incorrect views about race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. Well-meaning bureaucrats will explain that we must do everything possible to maintain domestic tranquility as this country continues its dizzying demographic change.
I will be glad, too.

Why would you be glad? If I muzzled you by blocking you, so I never again read a single word you printed, you would like that? Because in effect, that's what I would be doing to you: Silencing you.
If I go around making memes that falsely accuse someone of being a pedophile, I deserve to be silenced.

The Pics speak for themselves.
I'm an old man who has never been to Facebook.

I hear that it is a nice place for family members to keep in touch.

I guess that people nowadays also use it for political commentary.

I kind of agree with Facebook: The photo montage was meant to imply that our next President is a [self-censored]. I can understand why Facebook felt that it was dirty pool.

I know one thing for sure: Starting on January 21, the Biden administration will start clamping down on the First Amendment. Facebook or no Facebook, people will find fewer platforms to express unpopular or politically incorrect views about race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. Well-meaning bureaucrats will explain that we must do everything possible to maintain domestic tranquility as this country continues its dizzying demographic change.
I will be glad, too.

Why would you be glad? If I muzzled you by blocking you, so I never again read a single word you printed, you would like that? Because in effect, that's what I would be doing to you: Silencing you.
If I go around making memes that falsely accuse someone of being a pedophile, I deserve to be silenced.
whats false about it??? the pictures are right there,,,
"GROPE" and Change. The pics were all public displays of common affection. Not everyone is as affectionate as Joe, but pedophiles don't abuse kids in front of cameras. It's old crap. The election is over and Biden won. Let the monkey poo go.
Can i show common affection to your children and grandchildren? Or would you consider that criminal?

I know if I had kids and Joe pulled that shit he'd wake up missing some teeth.
LOL, the only president ever sued for sexual battery on a minor was Trump when he was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old.

Rumour has it that Trump paid the victim 30 million dollars to drop her case.

Stop lying. You didn't even provide a credible source, and you expect anyone to believe you?

GFY, Lawless prick.
How are those innocent-appearing latent pedophillic actions like the ones Biden exhibited, any less worse that the actual act?
Because no child has been harmed. Or threatened.

Sorry, but this thread is too full of jokers about something that isn't one bit funny and shouldn't be thrown around lightly the way folks here are. I can see exactly why it was hauled off of Facebook.

You didn't answer my question: Is a little sexual offense alright, until it become a big sexual offense?

Where do you draw the line? Does it become "ok" when that person is running for President?
How are those innocent-appearing latent pedophillic actions like the ones Biden exhibited, any less worse that the actual act?
Because no child has been harmed. Or threatened.

Sorry, but this thread is too full of jokers about something that isn't one bit funny and shouldn't be thrown around lightly the way folks here are. I can see exactly why it was hauled off of Facebook.

You didn't answer my question: Is a little sexual offense alright, until it become a big sexual offense?

Where do you draw the line? Does it become "ok" when that person is running for President?
Read my posts and see if you can figure out why I'm not going to argue with you about it.
censorship is tyranny
LOL, the only president ever sued for sexual battery on a minor was Trump when he was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old.

Rumour has it that Trump paid the victim 30 million dollars to drop her case.

Stop lying. You didn't even provide a credible source, and you expect anyone to believe you?

GFY, Lawless prick.
Lol....Let us see, trump was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old, Trump was known to barge into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants, Trump is being sued NOW for a rape, and Trump has what can be called a quasi-incestuous relationship with his own daughter. Trump has said the following regarding Ivanka:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

He has called Ivanka a piece of ass, said they had sex in common and said if she were not his daughter he would be dating her.

Trump is a sicko.
I have a Facebook account that I haven't logged into for a couple years. I just posted the same picture and was told this:

Your post goes against our Community Standards on nudity or sexual activity

No one else can see your post.
Our standards apply globally and are based on our community

How we make decisions


We use the same Community Standards around the world for everyone on Facebook.

We use either technology or a review team to remove anything that doesn’t follow our standards as quickly as possible.

Our review team works in many languages to make sure our standards are applied consistently.

The rules on nudity or sexual activity

We have one set of standards because we want everyone on Facebook to feel welcome.
Nudity or sexual content includes:
  • • Nudity showing genitals
  • • Sexual activity
  • • Female nipples (except in the context of breastfeeding, after-birth moments, health and acts of protest)
  • • Sexually explicit language

So I deleted my Facebook account. Fuck them.
Good job. Once less retard posting on the platform.

Fuck them and fuck you, you rotten piece of sub-human excrement. By your temperament, I'm going to automatically assume that you support pedophilia, you sick SOB.

Hope to hell you don't have any kids, because I sure feel sorry for them if you do. Hope Social Services takes them away from you, ya sicko bastard.

You assume too much. That's the problem with you neocon whackadoodles - you deal in assumptions, not facts.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.
So, since Facebook clearly banned the poster for showing sexual activity with kids by Biden (according to Facebook's own reasoning for banning said poster), is Biden going to call Facebook FAKE NEWS and sue Suckerberg for slander???? :laughing0301:
How are those innocent-appearing latent pedophillic actions like the ones Biden exhibited, any less worse that the actual act?
Because no child has been harmed. Or threatened.

Sorry, but this thread is too full of jokers about something that isn't one bit funny and shouldn't be thrown around lightly the way folks here are. I can see exactly why it was hauled off of Facebook.

You didn't answer my question: Is a little sexual offense alright, until it become a big sexual offense?

Where do you draw the line? Does it become "ok" when that person is running for President?
Read my posts and see if you can figure out why I'm not going to argue with you about it.

I've already read everything you posted in this thread and frankly, I am truly disappointed in you. For someone who claimed to have been involved in social services, you really appear to be eager to turn a blind eye to something you would have been appalled at back then.

Let's dissect that, shall we? What would be your motivation for giving Joe Biden a free pass here, while back during the time you were a social worker, would have tried to have those child-molesting individuals locked away for life?

Are your motives political? Do they stem from your love of the man you voted for, or the hatred of the man you voted against?

You can't have it both ways: Either you condemn the actions of your presidential candidate as being "inappropriate", or you merely allow them to slide, negating everything you once stood for and worked for.

Which would it be?
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.
LOL, the only president ever sued for sexual battery on a minor was Trump when he was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old.

Rumour has it that Trump paid the victim 30 million dollars to drop her case.

Stop lying. You didn't even provide a credible source, and you expect anyone to believe you?

GFY, Lawless prick.
Lol....Let us see, trump was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old, Trump was known to barge into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants, Trump is being sued NOW for a rape, and Trump has what can be called a quasi-incestuous relationship with his own daughter. Trump has said the following regarding Ivanka:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

He has called Ivanka a piece of ass, said they had sex in common and said if she were not his daughter he would be dating her.

Trump is a sicko.

You really expect anyone to believe your feverish rantings and ravings, without any evidence to prove to me that you're a sane, rational person?

Go fuck yourself with a rusty AIDS infected garden rake, followed by choking to death on a bag of rotten dicks. Ok?
LOL, the only president ever sued for sexual battery on a minor was Trump when he was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old.

Rumour has it that Trump paid the victim 30 million dollars to drop her case.

Stop lying. You didn't even provide a credible source, and you expect anyone to believe you?

GFY, Lawless prick.
Lol....Let us see, trump was sued for raping and beating a 13 year old, Trump was known to barge into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants, Trump is being sued NOW for a rape, and Trump has what can be called a quasi-incestuous relationship with his own daughter. Trump has said the following regarding Ivanka:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

He has called Ivanka a piece of ass, said they had sex in common and said if she were not his daughter he would be dating her.

Trump is a sicko.

You really expect anyone to believe your feverish rantings and ravings, without any evidence to prove to me that you're a sane, rational person?

Go fuck yourself with a rusty AIDS infected garden rake, followed by choking to death on a bag of rotten dicks. Ok?
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

Because some idiot on an internet discussion board said so, right?

Prove it, dickhead. You're being factchecked for the liar you are.
I'm an old man who has never been to Facebook.

I hear that it is a nice place for family members to keep in touch.

I guess that people nowadays also use it for political commentary.

I kind of agree with Facebook: The photo montage was meant to imply that our next President is a [self-censored]. I can understand why Facebook felt that it was dirty pool.

I know one thing for sure: Starting on January 21, the Biden administration will start clamping down on the First Amendment. Facebook or no Facebook, people will find fewer platforms to express unpopular or politically incorrect views about race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. Well-meaning bureaucrats will explain that we must do everything possible to maintain domestic tranquility as this country continues its dizzying demographic change.
I will be glad, too.

Why would you be glad? If I muzzled you by blocking you, so I never again read a single word you printed, you would like that? Because in effect, that's what I would be doing to you: Silencing you.
If I go around making memes that falsely accuse someone of being a pedophile, I deserve to be silenced.
whats false about it??? the pictures are right there,,,
"GROPE" and Change. The pics were all public displays of common affection. Not everyone is as affectionate as Joe, but pedophiles don't abuse kids in front of cameras. It's old crap. The election is over and Biden won. Let the monkey poo go.
Can i show common affection to your children and grandchildren? Or would you consider that criminal?
I know what pedophiles do. They finger two year olds, rape infants, teach their little girls to "milk the cow" and suck the milk Teach lap dancing to their little girls, ply boys with booze and porn to do circle jerks. They get 11 year olds drunk, take advantage of their crush, and start grooming them with heavy petting. News flash: they don't do it in front of cameras. Biden is demonstrative and likes kids--no, not that way.

Would I care if he gave my grandchild a hug? No.

You just described Hunter biden, if it's true he fucked his niece, high in crack cocaine
Good thing I never joined these places: no matter what my politics, I'd leave on principle alone.

What? Those principles being it's okay to slander and libel people? Sounds like yet another retard not on the platform. All good...I love it when Facebook cleans the shit from the screen.
FB said it was sexual. Not slander.

Same thing. They were inferring that Joe was a sexual predator, which is just the same as libel/slander.

The pictures tell the truth.
Only Trump has been sued for child rape.

Because some idiot on an internet discussion board said so, right?

Prove it, dickhead.
Some poor little Trumper is triggered. :itsok:

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