Is Tulsi Gabbards explanation for why she voted against the "covid" relief bill... the best answer of all?

... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

It's not just the covid relief bill, it's the federal budget to September of next year. Gabbard just voted to shut down the government.

The woman is dumber than a sack of hammers.

And here you have it.
This bill is the single largest windfall giveaway in U.S. History. But because CNN said it was a "normal federal budget" - the sheep fall for it instantly.
And illustrates exactly what I said to begin with - the liberals won't even acknowledge this fact.
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

It's not just the covid relief bill, it's the federal budget to September of next year. Gabbard just voted to shut down the government.

The woman is dumber than a sack of hammers.

The only reason government funding is part of the "Covid Relief Bill" is to put pressure on President Trump to sign the gigantic piece of shit spending bill. Don't you even wonder why Congress created this 5,500 page insult to the American people?
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

Clearly there are two ways to go on this --- (1) "it's not nearly enough but we have to have something" or (2) "fuck no, this is a joke, fix it". The only difference is tactical. Gabbard chose the latter. She's never been afraid to tread her own path based on principle rather than "what's everybody else doing".
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

Tulsi is the reason Harris drop out of her Presidential campaign
Tulsi would have been a better running mate than Harris and someone what to explain how Harris got on the ticket in the 1st place?

someone what to explain how Harris got on the ticket in the 1st place?

Selected by the DNC because of her sex, and the color of her skin.

(Gabbard has the wrong pigmentation)

Oh please. They're BOTH Asian. Summa y'all trolls just need to inject race into everything. Fuck that shit.
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

She is simply trying to catch some of the Trump supporters.......if she were to ever get real power she would do the exact same things the democrats are going to do to this country.
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

I agree with her. Except she should have been in the news months ago saying the same things. All I see here is a news bit to further her own carreer.

Actually she didn't run for re-election. She's out after this term.
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

Tulsi is the reason Harris drop out of her Presidential campaign
Tulsi would have been a better running mate than Harris and someone what to explain how Harris got on the ticket in the 1st place?

someone what to explain how Harris got on the ticket in the 1st place?

Selected by the DNC because of her sex, and the color of her skin.

(Gabbard has the wrong pigmentation)

Oh please. They're BOTH Asian. Summa y'all trolls just need to inject race into everything. Fuck that shit.


they could be twins.


... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

Tulsi is the reason Harris drop out of her Presidential campaign
Tulsi would have been a better running mate than Harris and someone what to explain how Harris got on the ticket in the 1st place?

someone what to explain how Harris got on the ticket in the 1st place?

Selected by the DNC because of her sex, and the color of her skin.

(Gabbard has the wrong pigmentation)

Oh please. They're BOTH Asian. Summa y'all trolls just need to inject race into everything. Fuck that shit.


they could be twins.

View attachment 433678




Because, after ferreting out races the next most important thing to know about a candidate who's female is "what does she look like".

... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

It's not just the covid relief bill, it's the federal budget to September of next year. Gabbard just voted to shut down the government.

The woman is dumber than a sack of hammers.

And here you have it.
This bill is the single largest windfall giveaway in U.S. History. But because CNN said it was a "normal federal budget" - the sheep fall for it instantly.
And illustrates exactly what I said to begin with - the liberals won't even acknowledge this fact.
View attachment 433675

I suppose Biden selling out his country and exploiting his son to get millions from foreign entities is also "normal" to CNN.
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

She's playing to the low information tRumplings. The rest of us know they tacked the covid bill onto the end of the regular federal funding package.
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

I know that she is a dem--but you gotta like some of her actions.
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

I know that she is a dem--but you gotta like some of her actions.

She's maybe one of two, maybe three, Democrats I would cast a vote for, which is saying something since I can't think of a single Republican these days that doesn't turn my stomach.

Probably explains why I've tended to vote third party ever since Bush went in to Iraq...
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

She's playing to the low information tRumplings. The rest of us know they tacked the covid bill onto the end of the regular federal funding package.

Case in point again... yet another CNN low information sheep.
Having no idea this is the single largest corporate giveaway in U.S. history. Yet - applaud it because they are told it is ok.
Jesus... the sheep are heavy today
... and an answer that liberals simply cannot and will not even acknowledge?

quote - "it is a slap in the face to the American people... people who have not worked in months, struggle or cannot pay their rent... to think that it is ok to give $billions of dollars to corporate special interests, foreign governments... and $600 to these Americans is a slap in the face to them."

What say you?

digging her more and more.
I've been a supporter of Gabbard since she called Obama out on Syria.
the more i read about her and see how she carries herself, the more i like her. not all of her policies, no. but no candidate ever has that distinction.
I agree.
I don;t agree with a lot of stuff she says, or her policies... but at least she is fucking honest.
This bill is an abomination. A huge corporate gift giveaway, and yet the liberals stand their like the schmucks they are - and applaud and defend it.
Only liberals will get behind something that is the very opposite of their stated beliefs because they are told to.
I've been a supporter of Gabbard since she called Obama out on Syria.
the more i read about her and see how she carries herself, the more i like her. not all of her policies, no. but no candidate ever has that distinction.

Nobody will ever agree with everything a politician does but if they hit your big ones (and Gabbard does) then they deserve your support.

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