Islam forbids

He's a mutz, so he is prone to unending postulatism.
He overthinks everything and loses, the point along the way.
Whelp I'm done with you , you aught to try to read the thread from the beginning.

Just as well, because I think it's time for you to go kiss your carpet a few times.

im guessing the rubber hose is what you cram up ur ass at night?

Cool, more muslim lovers. Are you a real carpet kisser or just an imposter cut & paste loser like kalam (notice he didn't dispute what I said about him)? Or maybe you're one of those sand darkies who was cheering on 9/11 and got so happy that you had to go beat all your wives?
Just as well, because I think it's time for you to go kiss your carpet a few times.

im guessing the rubber hose is what you cram up ur ass at night?

Cool, more muslim lovers. Are you a real carpet kisser or just an imposter cut & paste loser like kalam (notice he didn't dispute what I said about him)? Or maybe you're one of those sand darkies who was cheering on 9/11 and got so happy that you had to go beat all your wives?

I would probably get in trouble if I suggested anything like get a new nic, so I'm not, but you really should talk to the admin and maybe PAY to start over

then you might have a chance of credibility and read a little more carefully?
Just as well, because I think it's time for you to go kiss your carpet a few times.

im guessing the rubber hose is what you cram up ur ass at night?

Cool, more muslim lovers. Are you a real carpet kisser or just an imposter cut & paste loser like kalam (notice he didn't dispute what I said about him)? Or maybe you're one of those sand darkies who was cheering on 9/11 and got so happy that you had to go beat all your wives?

im guessing that rubber hose is imbedded in your ass at this point in your life. if you stopped inserting it years ago it might not have gotten stuck. guess youll just have to continue to live wiht it.
im guessing the rubber hose is what you cram up ur ass at night?

Cool, more muslim lovers. Are you a real carpet kisser or just an imposter cut & paste loser like kalam (notice he didn't dispute what I said about him)? Or maybe you're one of those sand darkies who was cheering on 9/11 and got so happy that you had to go beat all your wives?

im guessing that rubber hose is imbedded in your ass at this point in your life. if you stopped inserting it years ago it might not have gotten stuck. guess youll just have to continue to live wiht it.

You're the one with the fetish about my asshole. Now go tell your mom that you're queer and you can't stop thinking of other men's starfish.
Cool, more muslim lovers. Are you a real carpet kisser or just an imposter cut & paste loser like kalam (notice he didn't dispute what I said about him)? Or maybe you're one of those sand darkies who was cheering on 9/11 and got so happy that you had to go beat all your wives?

im guessing that rubber hose is imbedded in your ass at this point in your life. if you stopped inserting it years ago it might not have gotten stuck. guess youll just have to continue to live wiht it.

You're the one with the fetish about my asshole. Now go tell your mom that you're queer and you can't stop thinking of other men's starfish.

i have no doubts that you also use that embedded hose as a feeding tube
im guessing that rubber hose is imbedded in your ass at this point in your life. if you stopped inserting it years ago it might not have gotten stuck. guess youll just have to continue to live wiht it.

You're the one with the fetish about my asshole. Now go tell your mom that you're queer and you can't stop thinking of other men's starfish.

i have no doubts that you also use that embedded hose as a feeding tube

I'm not muslim.

here's proof: I think that mohammed was a snot chewing pedophile and allah was his camel.

You're the muslim lover. Go copy & paste a passage from the koran, we don't have enough of that here yet.

I would say Mohammad was a piss drinking ,child rapist and allah is a black rock up a camels ass.
You will no further distract from the purpose of this thread , you carpet kissing muslim idiot.
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Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

You muslims thanking each other all day?

You want someone to prove to you that non-muslims are innocent? What for? You in dire need of another copy&paste koranic riddle?
“Tafsir” means informing and discovering. It is the process of informing and explaining. “Tawil” means pulling back or escaping. “Tafsir “ comes to mean giving a meaning.

“Tawil” is selection of one of the meaning among many meanings. It is not permissible (Jaiz) to make “Tafsir” according to one’s own opinion. “Tafsir” is performed according to the rules of transmission (“Riwayat” or “Nakl”). On the other hand, “Tawil” is done according to one’s knowledge and capabilities. In one hadith, Rasulullah, peace be upon him, said, “A person who interprets the Qur’an according to his own opinion is in clear error even if he is right.”

It is not correct to say such and such is the meaning of the speech (Kalam) of Allahu ta’ala without investigating first whether that such and such is in any way commented by Rasulullah, peace be upon him, or by his companions or that whether it conforms to the interpretations

(Tafsirs) of the previous scholars or to the methodology of the knowledge of interpretation, or without knowing the Arabic language that was spoken at the time of Rasulullah, peace be upon him, i.e., the “Quraish” dialect, or without thinking about reality (Haqiqat) and metaphoric (Majaz) aspects of it, or without being able to differentiate whether it is general, personal, concise (Mujmal), or detailed (Mufassal), and without investigating the reason of why that such and such verse (Ayat) was revealed, or whether it is “Nasih” or “Mansuh.” “Tafsir” means one’s being able to understand from the sayings of Allahu ta’ala what Allahu ta’ala meant with that saying.

This is exactly what I'm refering to. :) Please back up your justification with Quran. Hadith or what some guy thinks are pretty worthless to me.
Seems if it was important, it would be in the Quran. Can you find anything in Quran that says it's forbidden to make your own study of it? If you can find something, I'm most willing to concede the point.
In general, I do not address New or Old testament scripture .

I under took my study of Islam shortly after 911 when I heard Islam had been hijacked and twisted, I sought details since none was forthcoming.
I wanted to defend muslims from bigots who had said things about Islam .
After reading the Quran seeking guidance understanding the order of revelation reading the available sunna( the example of the "prophet") including the al sira ( the earliest history of mohammad) and various tafsir( exiguous or explanation of the Quran) .

I have since then sought proof I am wrong that 911 looked exactly like Islam is to be practiced .
There are some sects who are less literal in their interpretation, they are limited in influence and in membership and are for all intents irreverent.
I am not the target of their argument for them being real Islam, they must convince the misunderstanders of Islam .
I have a question for them as they go to educate them,

Why do the misunderstanders always misunderstand in exactly the same way?

As for proof it requires something beyond name calling, claims of bigotry, your taking the Quran out of context , you have to read Arabic to understand the Quran .etc etc.

It must be as clear and unequivocal as the proof that disbelief is not a crime , injustice against allah , and an act of aggression, oppression and a temptation against muslims.

How can you think that disbelief is a crime? Especially when the Quran says clearly that:

“There is no compulsion in religion…” (Quran 2:256)

As far as 911 looking like how Islam should be do you reconcile that belief with the fact that Quran forbids murder as well as suicide?

"Why do the misunderstanders always misunderstand in exactly the same way?" Because people generally are assholes in the same way. :lol: People have always used their religion as justification for their insanity.

Look, I have no stake in this, I'm not Muslim and have no interest in converting you. I just think it's a shame that you would be anti-Muslim because of the interpetations of some people. Religions always get whole heaping piles of dogma attached to them that obscure beauty. I consider knowledge of the Quran a beautiful addition to anyone seeking truth and evolution of the soul.

That's all. Thank you for hearing me out. :)
“Tafsir” means informing and discovering. It is the process of informing and explaining. “Tawil” means pulling back or escaping. “Tafsir “ comes to mean giving a meaning.

“Tawil” is selection of one of the meaning among many meanings. It is not permissible (Jaiz) to make “Tafsir” according to one’s own opinion. “Tafsir” is performed according to the rules of transmission (“Riwayat” or “Nakl”). On the other hand, “Tawil” is done according to one’s knowledge and capabilities. In one hadith, Rasulullah, peace be upon him, said, “A person who interprets the Qur’an according to his own opinion is in clear error even if he is right.”

It is not correct to say such and such is the meaning of the speech (Kalam) of Allahu ta’ala without investigating first whether that such and such is in any way commented by Rasulullah, peace be upon him, or by his companions or that whether it conforms to the interpretations

(Tafsirs) of the previous scholars or to the methodology of the knowledge of interpretation, or without knowing the Arabic language that was spoken at the time of Rasulullah, peace be upon him, i.e., the “Quraish” dialect, or without thinking about reality (Haqiqat) and metaphoric (Majaz) aspects of it, or without being able to differentiate whether it is general, personal, concise (Mujmal), or detailed (Mufassal), and without investigating the reason of why that such and such verse (Ayat) was revealed, or whether it is “Nasih” or “Mansuh.” “Tafsir” means one’s being able to understand from the sayings of Allahu ta’ala what Allahu ta’ala meant with that saying.

This is exactly what I'm refering to. :) Please back up your justification with Quran. Hadith or what some guy thinks are pretty worthless to me.
Seems if it was important, it would be in the Quran. Can you find anything in Quran that says it's forbidden to make your own study of it? If you can find something, I'm most willing to concede the point.
I do not care if you concede agree or evaporate.
Im not here to convince you or prove you right or wrong.You can have your own interpretation if you wish .
I can affirm that based on writing that my interpretation is widely held and there no decision from any source of Islamic jurisprudence that disagrees with me with the exception of some minor heretical cults .So there are other interpretations , but they carry no weight as they do not reflect scriptural Islam that include traditional Islamic fiqh.

I just suggest that further study may be helpful before you make any conclusions I did.
I find the tafsir very helpfull.As is knowing the chronology of the Quran Tafsir Ibn Kathir
It is also nessacary to know the order of revealtion so you know what abrogates what?
2:256 was uttered in 610 AD
,It was abrogated in 627 Ad with the ayet of the sword and other verses

Islam does not forbid murder its calendar starts when the murders began and educates with murder, teaching socities you can not resist Ilsam under threat of murder.
The history of Islam included suicidal attacks that end with glory to the maryter who were willing to spend in the cause of allah

You are one of its people.) Umayr went ahead, broke the scabbard of his sword, took some dates and started eating from them. He then threw the dates from his hand, saying, "Verily, if I lived until I finished eating these dates, then it is indeed a long life.'' He went ahead, fought and was killed, may Allah be pleased with him.

Im willing to hear anyone out as long as they are reasonable .
We are not required to agree.
As far as the study of the Quran. Tafsir Ibn Kathir
There are things that are clear and things that are not clear there are appartent contradictions, sources of knowledge beyond the Quran are required to decern true meaning.
I find that referring to the work of respected scholars can illuminate the meaning rather than guessing .
No work is more widely accepted for explaining the Quran than the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir.

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