Islam forbids

But what the religion teaches is FAR from peaceful, it's brutal and meant to dominate the world.
I'm afraid you're confused. What you're describing is this:

I don't have a problem with the law or that Jesus FULFILLED the law, that's why the OT and the NT don't contradict; no one could keep the covenant, the contract, and Christ proclaimed the age of grace, the new covenant, just like Jeremiah prophesied

And as Andrew McCarthy, lead prosecutor of the blind sheik pointed out, moderate peace-loving Muslims, if asked, will point at radical Imams and say they are the ones that have the authority to proclaim Jihad and order them to fight and they will.
Islam isn't hierarchical, honey. Like most of what you have to say, that's pure bullshit.

lol Kalam, I heard McCarthy say it myself, I probably have a copy of it somewhere on my desktop but it's media player
lol Kalam, I heard McCarthy say it myself, I probably have a copy of it somewhere on my desktop but it's media player

That's fantastic, but I never made a claim regarding what he did or didn't say. My point had to do with the veracity of the statement you attributed to him.
None of you religious dogma masturbaters doing your subjective and convoluted fantasy parsing are able to challenge a single FACT I presented (on Page 31).....nor dispute my main thesis about the Golden Rule.

You jerks just keep yapping away massaging the trivialities of dogmas that have TWO sided facts supporting each one of your positions in each of your Ultimate sources. To wit, BOTH the Bible and the Quran has verbiage that supports each one of your disparate positions.

Example in the Quran: Pedphilia is supposedly not countenanced. Yet Mohahahahahamed rapes a nine year old Ayesha with the convenient Islamic rule of sanctifying pedophilia by legalizing it thru "marriage".

Depending on which page you turn to in the Bible, God is the most wonderful chap you can imagine .... on the other hand he is a spiteful, petty, vengeful, malevoent asshole that is beyond human contemplation. Each one of us know scores of human beings more benign and forgiving than that scumbag.
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None of you religious dogma masturbaters doing your subjective and convoluted fantasy parsing are able to challenge a single FACT I presented (on Page 31).....nor dispute my main thesis about the Golden Rule.

You jerks just keep yapping away massaging the trivialities of dogmas that have TWO sided facts supporting each one of your positions in each of your Ultimate sources. To wit, BOTH the Bible and the Quran has verbiage that supports each one of your disparate positions.

Example in the Quran: Pedphilia is supposedly not countenanced. Yet Mohahahahahamed rapes a nine year old Ayesha with the convenient Islamic rule of sanctifying pedophilia by legalizing it thru "marriage".

Depending on which page you turn to in the Bible, God is the most wonderful chap you can imagine .... on the other hand he is a spiteful, petty, vengeful, malevoent asshole that is beyond human contemplation. Each one of us know scores of human beings more benign and forgiving than that scumbag.

All you said about Christianity on page 31 was it was bloodthirsty...but when you think of that, the message of the Cross is all about blood, the precious blood of Christ that covers the sins of all who will receive it, but somehow I don't think that's what you meant.

as for your last paragraph above, about how we all know scores of humans more forgiving than Him...the thing is, I don't know anyone that would voluntarily be tortured and die for me, do you?

I don't know any gods that would come down to earth in the flesh to do that, do you?

You said you know other humans that are more forgiving. What would you do if you were God? Tell all us humans not to worry about our sins, just haul them up to heaven with us? (since so many of us refuse to allow Christ to cover them). Is that what you call forgiving? Then heaven would be just as messed up as this planet.

Think about if you were God, what we must sound like to Him. On the one hand we yell at Him for allowing all the evil that man does in the world, on the other hand we yell at Him because He has said He will not allow all that uncovered sin to pollute heaven as much as it pollutes this planet.

So what would you do, gautama? What solution do you have that is better than coming to the planet and paying for all our sins yourself for anyone willing to receive the sacrifice? Becoming man and taking on the full penalty that those that want to can come to you...what more do you want from God than what He went through on the cross?
But what the religion teaches is FAR from peaceful, it's brutal and meant to dominate the world.
I'm afraid you're confused. What you're describing is this:

And as Andrew McCarthy, lead prosecutor of the blind sheik pointed out, moderate peace-loving Muslims, if asked, will point at radical Imams and say they are the ones that have the authority to proclaim Jihad and order them to fight and they will.
Islam isn't hierarchical, honey. Like most of what you have to say, that's pure bullshit.

Is it a condition of jihaad that there be a leader?
Is it a condition of jihaad that there be a leader (imaam, in the sense of a head of state) , whether that jihaad is defensive or offensive? Imaam ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Hasan (may Allaah have mercy on him) said that no scholar mentioned this as a precondition; do you know of any scholar who did describe this as a condition for jihaad?

Praise be to Allaah.

It is not a condition of jihaad that there be a leader, whether that jihaad is defensive or offensive. With regard to defence, this is very clear, because if the enemy attacks a land, everyone who is able is obliged to defend it, even the women who are also obliged to fight. This was stated by the fuqahaa’, because this is an individual obligation; the role of the leader is to organize. If there is an leader, all well and good; if there is no leader, the Muslims are still obliged to fight.

Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah al-Ghunaymaan
um, Jen....forgive me but I don't understand most of what you say. When I responded to the discussion, it was on topic and I brought proof. You, however, did not. Your logic and sentence structure are very confusing. You'll have to tighten up and bring a coherent rebuttal if you want me to respond in a serious way. For now, if you don't mind, I'll just have some fun with you.

Right, and as is shown over and over again, "aggression" by another country is when we reject the ways of allah. If we deny access to our children, that's being disobedient.

What? You shot who in the what now?

The Quran swings back and forth because Muhammad swung back and forth depending on whether he was being accepted or not. Same with Islam.

I wish they would stop swinging, it's making me dizzy. Must be making you dizzy, too.

The only "peace" of Islam is when the world is Islam, and all unbelievers are forced to dress in a humiliating way so they are easily identified, and treated like whipping posts.

I know, I's a shame how that ex of yours treated you. I told you not to mutah with him, but you wouldn't listen.

But if we open our arms and embrace Islam, we are to be treated respectfully as Muslims, but if we leave the faith, we are apostate and should be killed.

Oh shit! Someone should tell that to all those how-I-left-Islam-and-became-Christian-people! Before it's too late!!

Pass <---Pardon my aggression.

You were being agressive? :lol:
Jen T,

You're playing games with words. You are not addressing my points and/or questions. You are simply deflecting them. You even ADMIT you are deflecting them.....and that's what you do.

Let me be specific.

In your first paragraph you do NOT address the fact that Christianity has a horrendously violent and bloodthirst history. Instead you deflect that IRREFUTABLE History with a fantasy, a fairy tale where you create a subjective unprovable fantasy of a SON of GOD and imbue him with all sorts of stories of his goodness and sacrifice for humanity. You offer his fantasy resume as PROOF of his wonderfulness and his connection to a God of your subjective imagination (shared by the many of your ilk).

Then you go on and on about how many would do what your imaginary fantasy of this imaginary dude imbued with his powers would do. Both sonny and daddy.

You cannot dispute that in your own Bible ( or Quran) for practically every concept of good and/or evil two or more solutions are given that are diametrically oppsite in solving the question, for example: love your fellow man, forgive the hell out of him, on the one hand. And kill the asshole if he happens to be or do thisa or thata.

As to what I would do if I were God ? I am too insignificant. IMO, I, and ALL of humanity put together are too deficient to tackle all the Micro and Magna issues of the Universe. Just the consideration of SOME of the minute, nanogramic (?) workings of the Universe blanks out my brain . Fortunately I don't have to even contemplate this silly suggestion with any degree of seriousness.

But one thing I know I tried to do if I had the ultimate power. Rightly, or wrongly, I'd try to make EVERYONE HAPPY.....CONTINUOUSLY..... as much as possible.

And, for starters, I'd remake human beings so that they would practice the Golden Rule:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

As to my expanded thoughts on this subject: Check out my analysis in this same section: "Religion and Ethics". on Page 2, I believe. The title of my thoughts on this matter is: "MY CREATOR: The Sum Total of the Laws of the Universe."

BTW, I give you credit for trying to tackle my challenge. The other religious masturbaters can't handle it....and they know that.
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Jen T,

BTW, I give you credit for trying to tackle my challenge. The other religious masturbaters can't handle it....and they know that.

No one is responding because your posts have nothing to do with the thread...

Tackle your challenge?....Dude, go start your own thread. It will make you very happy, I promise.


You're too tunnel-visioned in your MYSTICISM, Mystic, to realize that my comments have EVERYTHING to do with this thread since they tackle the NONSENSE you folks are wallowing in.

My comments have to to do with Islam and the Christian Bible. I have referred to specific aspects of Islam and the Bible. I have shown how NONSENSICAL your USELESS ramblings are. And yet, you state I am not responding to the comments in the thread ?

Try to welcome REALITY into your "mystical" and/or phantasmagorical lives.


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psst..By the way, I noticed Mr. Fitnah didn't respond to my post. I don't think he's very good loser.

You have to be graceful and sportsman-like, Mr. Fitnah. :)

Oo...I stand corrected. That made me laugh, actually, so thank you. But your weak response doesn't change the fact that you're a sore loser. :tongue:


You're too tunnel-visioned in your MYSTICISM, Mystic, to realize that my comments have EVERYTHING to do with this thread since they tackle the NONSENSE you folks are wallowing in.

Try to welcome REALITY into your "mystical" and/or phantasmoagorical lives.


Sorry, dear...what makes you think that I'm religious? Mysticism does not necessarily run parallel with religion. All religion has dogma.

Reality says this thread was started to address a specific question and you are hijacking it. :razz:

But you know, reality sucks. :lol:
Thanks, keep studying.

Always. :)

Do me a favor and answer my question to you in Gunny's religion thread. I'd appreciate it.
First, you have no muslim friends who are believers.
It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allâh and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allâh and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error.

The Prohibition of Being Loyal Friends with Disbelievers

This Ayah discourages and forbids taking the enemies of Islam and its people, such as the People of the Book and the polytheists, as friends. These disbelievers mock the most important acts that any person could ever perform, the honorable, pure acts of Islam which include all types of good for this life and the Hereafter. They mock such acts and make them the subject of jest and play, because this is what these acts represent in their misguided minds and cold hearts. Allah said; Tafsir Ibn Kathir

The Prohibition of Supporting the Disbelievers

Allah prohibited His believing servants from becoming supporters of the disbelievers, or to take them as comrades with whom they develop friendships, rather than the believers. Allah warned against such behavior when He said, Tafsir Ibn Kathir
In general, I do not address New or Old testament scripture .

I under took my study of Islam shortly after 911 when I heard Islam had been hijacked and twisted, I sought details since none was forthcoming.
I wanted to defend muslims from bigots who had said things about Islam .
After reading the Quran seeking guidance understanding the order of revelation reading the available sunna( the example of the "prophet") including the al sira ( the earliest history of mohammad) and various tafsir( exiguous or explanation of the Quran) .

I have since then sought proof I am wrong that 911 looked exactly like Islam is to be practiced .
There are some sects who are less literal in their interpretation, they are limited in influence and in membership and are for all intents irreverent.
I am not the target of their argument for them being real Islam, they must convince the misunderstanders of Islam .
I have a question for them as they go to educate them,

Why do the misunderstanders always misunderstand in exactly the same way?

As for proof it requires something beyond name calling, claims of bigotry, your taking the Quran out of context , you have to read Arabic to understand the Quran .etc etc.

It must be as clear and unequivocal as the proof that disbelief is not a crime , injustice against allah , and an act of aggression, oppression and a temptation against muslims.
As for the tattoo, it is a conversation starter, It makes muslims eyes go like saucers , I have been able to encourage many people to study Islam do to the ink.

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