Islam forbids


Heres an Avy for you to use if you like it.
Yeah we can tell that by how you continually link to it as proof the Ibn Kathirs tafsir is wholly unreliable and how you use it to explain in full detail for the meaning of fitnah,

mischief and proof that non believers are innocent.

If your interpretation is so widely accepted, there must be hundreds , nah thousands of fatwas that state Ibn Kathir is a heritic whos tasfir should be avoided.
I don't believe that Ibn Kathir was a heretic. He was, however, a product of his time, which was a period of particularly high intolerance and violence. Keep in mind that he was born not long after the last of nine Crusades had been fought; inter-religious tension was at its height. Most influential Muslims won't openly criticize his tafsir, but the fact that many tacitly disapprove of it is evidenced by the numerous interpretations they've put forth that contradict the more violent ones in the Tafsir Ibn Kathir.

I hate to appeal to number or popularity but since you brought it up
I didn't mean to suggest that was more popular than IslamQA; the former is simply a collection of articles that I found interesting. My assertion was that IslamOnline is more popular than IslamQA. :) - Site Info from Alexa

About Islam ( The first interactive portal offering an in-depth look at Islam, Muslim societies, and the world through Muslim eyes, featuring information on current events and discovering Islam. is an independent and balanced media outlet.

Alexa Traffic Rank
185 (Egypt)

How is ranked around the world:
* 30 Guyana
* 143 Yemen
* 184 Sudan
* 185 Egypt
* 210 Jordan
* 211 Qatar
* 215 Morocco
* 245 Kuwait
* 254 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

* 303 Saudi Arabia
* 306 Algeria
* 324 United Arab Emirates
* 581 Oman
* 643 Iraq
* 710 Syrian Arab Republic
* 853 Azerbaijan
* 1,031 Pakistan
* 2,130 Bangladesh
* 3,089 Malaysia

* 5,149 Canada
* 6,043 Indonesia
* 6,113 Iran

* 10,919 United Kingdom
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* 13,113 France
* 20,769 United States
* 34,675 Germany
* 41,184 China

Sayed Qutb(1906-1966) was a prominent and influential Muslim intellectual and writer. He wrote many books about Islam and its distinctive features as a comprehensive way of life. Among his most important works is his exegesis of the Qur'an In the Shade of the Qur'an, which was widely welcomed among Muslims and established itself as one of the best references in Qur'an exegesis.

I found in the shade of the Quran a dazzling piece or insightful prose that held intellectual force and a pounding inspiration for believers His tafsir is the finest example of modern tafseer in my opinion
What was your opinion?
Sayed Qutb(1906-1966) was a prominent and influential Muslim intellectual and writer. He wrote many books about Islam and its distinctive features as a comprehensive way of life. Among his most important works is his exegesis of the Qur'an In the Shade of the Qur'an, which was widely welcomed among Muslims and established itself as one of the best references in Qur'an exegesis.

I found in the shade of the Quran a dazzling piece or insightful prose that held intellectual force and a pounding inspiration for believers His tafsir is the finest example of modern tafseer in my opinion
What was your opinion?

Qutb? He advocated aggressive jihad as a means of removing all oppressive governments so that "no compulsion in religion" could truly be achieved and people could choose to accept or reject Islam freely. So the ends he sought to achieve were noble in a way, but the means he advocated (aggressive forms of warfare) were flawed. Plus, Qutb was too anti-Semitic and misogynistic for my liking. The latter flaw can probably be attributed to the fact that he never married or had a successful relationship with a woman.

Ma'alim fi-l-Tariq, "Milestones", is a short and decent synopsis of his opinions. I have a copy of it somewhere on my bookshelf.

Milestones, Seyyid Qutb, Book - Barnes & Noble
I donated my copy to the library,
That is an interesting take on Qutb you have there .
Real passive aggressive psychobabble
Im sure Islam doesn't know that much about Qutb,
an just put his stuff up there to mislead people like me.
A -
Profession student
Question Assalam Alaikum,
Could you please name some books on Tafseer and Sunnah, written in English.
May Allah reward you for your great service. Ameen
Jazakum Allah Khair
Answer I advice you to focus firstly on the Quran. The best tafseer in English are: Maududi's tafseer Tafheem Al-Quran, Muhammad Asad's tafseer The Glorious Meanings of the Quran, Abdullah Yusuf translation and the translation of Ibn Kathirs tafseer. When you progress in your study of the Quran then I will let you know which books to study in Hadith.

Im sure that is a typo.
A -
Profession student
Question Assalam Alaikum,
Could you please name some books on Tafseer and Sunnah, written in English.
May Allah reward you for your great service. Ameen
Jazakum Allah Khair
Answer I advice you to focus firstly on the Quran. The best tafseer in English are: Maududi's tafseer Tafheem Al-Quran, Muhammad Asad's tafseer The Glorious Meanings of the Quran, Abdullah Yusuf translation and the translation of Ibn Kathirs tafseer. When you progress in your study of the Quran then I will let you know which books to study in Hadith.

Im sure that is a typo.

No, I'm not surprised. Opinions vary slightly depending on which scholar answers the question. They even quote some of al-Munajjid's less controversial postings. Plus, there is more to Ibn Kathir's tafsir than the calls for violence; much of it attempts to explain passages of the Qur'an using ahadith, and it can be useful for this reason. Read what they write about jihad, pluralism, and the like and you'll see the tacit disapproval that I described.
Or for God sake, or Allah's sake!

Trying to follow the Koran is like trying to figure out what mythical beast Bigfoot has got pregnant next.

Only Nelson Aspin can figure that out.
I donated my copy to the library,
That is an interesting take on Qutb you have there .
Real passive aggressive psychobabble
You take issue with my diagnosis of misogyny? :lol:

Im sure Islam doesn't know that much about Qutb,
an just put his stuff up there to mislead people like me.

No, he doubtlessly had an influence on Qaradawi. Qaradawi is simply a bit less extreme and doesn't call for the toppling of all non-Islamic governments and the like. I don't necessarily endorse his views, either, I'm simply showing that even "conservatives" in Islam aren't necessarily extremists. It goes without saying that I would be considered a liberal.
On topics of jihad, pluralism apostasy,
I expect uniform deceit in modern "scholarship".

Why publish the truth when the goal is hindered by its publication?
Better to lie to allay the fears of the victims they to lay it all out there for all to see,

Or maybe publish the truth on some "radical" site that everyone can call heretical hate speech, but believeres can still go to and check to make sure they are hating the right people for the right reason.

yeah that sounds more than plausible.
On topics of jihad, pluralism apostasy,
I expect uniform deceit in modern "scholarship".

Why publish the truth when the goal is hindered by its publication?
Better to lie to allay the fears of the victims they to lay it all out there for all to see,

Or maybe publish the truth on some "radical" site that everyone can call heretical hate speech, but believeres can still go to and check to make sure they are hating the right people for the right reason.

yeah that sounds more than plausible.

Oh my, will the theory of a vast Muslim conspiracy become this generations Protocols? Don't insult what intelligence you may possess by believing something so stupid. The burden of proof lies with you; I wish you the best of luck in unearthing the minutes from our last secret meeting.

I'll direct your attention to the traffic ratings. Perhaps the site ranks so highly in Arab Muslim countries because somebody forgot to inform the Arab Muslims of the vast conspiracy.

Listen to yourself. :lol:

Yeah, you are to the left of who ever is the Dennis Kucinich of Mekka

Mostly because of scientific issues like evolution and the supernatural. The positions I take on issues like jihad and apostasy have mainstream support.
On topics of jihad, pluralism apostasy,
I expect uniform deceit in modern "scholarship".

Why publish the truth when the goal is hindered by its publication?
Better to lie to allay the fears of the victims they to lay it all out there for all to see,

Or maybe publish the truth on some "radical" site that everyone can call heretical hate speech, but believeres can still go to and check to make sure they are hating the right people for the right reason.

yeah that sounds more than plausible.

Oh my, will the theory of a vast Muslim conspiracy become this generations Protocols? Don't insult what intelligence you may possess by believing something so stupid. The burden of proof lies with you; I wish you the best of luck in unearthing the minutes from our last secret meeting.

I'll direct your attention to the traffic ratings. Perhaps the site ranks so highly in Arab Muslim countries because somebody forgot to inform the Arab Muslims of the vast conspiracy.

Listen to yourself. :lol:


Thats is pretty funny,
Unfortunately what I post is far more plausible that what you post on a regular basis.
The mainstream is just a big fat lazy river that never causes any greif, it if the fanatic floods that are the problem.

And I call for drought.
On topics of jihad, pluralism apostasy,
I expect uniform deceit in modern "scholarship".

Why publish the truth when the goal is hindered by its publication?
Better to lie to allay the fears of the victims they to lay it all out there for all to see,

Or maybe publish the truth on some "radical" site that everyone can call heretical hate speech, but believeres can still go to and check to make sure they are hating the right people for the right reason.

yeah that sounds more than plausible.

Oh my, will the theory of a vast Muslim conspiracy become this generations Protocols? Don't insult what intelligence you may possess by believing something so stupid. The burden of proof lies with you; I wish you the best of luck in unearthing the minutes from our last secret meeting.

I'll direct your attention to the traffic ratings. Perhaps the site ranks so highly in Arab Muslim countries because somebody forgot to inform the Arab Muslims of the vast conspiracy.

Listen to yourself. :lol:


Thats is pretty funny,
Unfortunately what I post is far more plausible that what you post on a regular basis.

I think we both know that this isn't true.
You know what?

I do not give and infedel's ass what Islam forbids.

No more than I do what Valemort commands, or the Tooth Fairy demands.

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