Islam forbids

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
Yeah, you are to the left of who ever is the Dennis Kucinich of Mekka

Mostly because of scientific issues like evolution and the supernatural. The positions I take on issues like jihad and apostasy have mainstream support.
Missed that one,
Perhaps on your ward , not in the Mosque.

I'm sure you'd like to believe that.

False Accusations Regarding the Grand Mufti and Sayyid al-Qimni | None | My Website
BBC Persian(Farsi)
Jihad: Its True Meaning and Purpose - - Ask The Scholar
Non-Violence and Islam
Jihad: Looking beyond the myths
Mostly because of scientific issues like evolution and the supernatural. The positions I take on issues like jihad and apostasy have mainstream support.
Missed that one,
Perhaps on your ward , not in the Mosque.

I'm sure you'd like to believe that.

False Accusations Regarding the Grand Mufti and Sayyid al-Qimni | None | My Website
Al-Ahram Weekly | Egypt | 'Whosoever will, let him disbelieve'
BBC Persian(Farsi)
Jihad: Its True Meaning and Purpose - - Ask The Scholar
Non-Violence and Islam
Jihad: Looking beyond the myths

Thanks we've seen your apolgetics.They leave us where we started

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
Thanks we've seen your apolgetics.They leave us where we started

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.


Name of Questioner: Mahmoud - Egypt
Title: Aggression Against Innocent People
Question: As-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatu Allah wa baraktuh. Could you please clarify the Islamic stance on violence and aggression? Also, please shed light on the relation between Muslims and non-Muslims.

Wa`alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, thanks for your question and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake. May Allah reward you abundantly for your interest in knowing the teachings of Islam.

One of the important objectives of Islam is to safeguard people's life, property and honor. It is in this light that Islam prohibited aggression against innocent people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The Qur'an and the Sunnah are abundant with provisions that crystallize and emphasize this principle. In the Sunnah we read that a woman entered Hell Fire because she tied a cat until it starved. Then, what will be the fate of those who shed innocent people's blood and violate their rights?

Shedding more light on the issue of violence, intolerance, and aggression against innocent civilians, the eminent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi states:

No doubt, aggression against innocent people is a grave sin and a heinous crime, irrespective of the victim's religion, country, or race. No one is permitted to commit such crime, for Allah, Most High, abhors aggression. Unlike Judaism, Islam does not hold a double-standard policy in safeguarding human rights.

Following, I would like to highlight some relevant Islamic principles based on the Glorious Qur'an and Sunnah:

1. Islam Forbids Aggression Against Innocent People

Islam does not permit aggression against innocent people, whether the aggression is against life, property, or honor, and this ruling applies to everyone, regardless of post, status and prestige. In Islam, as the state’s subject is addressed with Islamic teachings, so is the ruler or caliph; he is not allowed to violate people's rights, lives, honor, property, etc.

In the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) declared the principle that people's lives, property, and honor are inviolable until the Day of Judgment. This ruling is not restricted to Muslims; rather, it includes non-Muslims who are not fighting Muslims. Even in case of war, Islam does not permit killing those who are not involved in fighting, such as women, children, the aged, and the monks who confine themselves to worship only.

This shouldn’t raise any wonder, for Islam is a religion that prohibits aggression even against animals. Ibn `Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, quote the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: "A woman (was made to) enter (Hell) Fire because of a cat which she tied, neither giving it food nor setting it free to eat from the vermin of the earth." (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

If such is Islamic ruling concerning aggressive acts against animals, then, with greater reason, the punishment is bond to be severe when human being happens to be the victim of aggression, torture and terrorism.

2. Individual Responsibility

In Islam, every one is held accountable for his own acts, not others'. No one bears the consequences of others' faults, even his close relatives. This is the ultimate form of justice, clarified in the Glorious Qur'an, as Allah, Most High, says, (Or hath he not had news of what is in the books of Moses and Abraham who fulfilled (the commandments): That no laden one shall bear another's load.) (An-Najm 53: 36-38)

Therefore, it’s very disgusting to see some people – who are Muslims by name– launching aggression against innocent people and taking them as scapegoats for any disagreement they have with the state’s authority!! What is the crime of the common people then?! Murder is one of heinous crimes completely abhorred in Islam, to the extent that some Muslim scholars hold the opinion that the repentance of the murderer will not be accepted by Allah, Most High. In this context, we recall the Glorious Qur'anic verse that reads, (…if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole peoplee.) (Al-Ma'idah 5: 32)

3. Ends Do not Justify Means

In Islam, the notion “End justifies the means” has no place at all. It is not allowed to attain good aims through evil means, and, therefore, alms collected from unlawful avenues are not halal (lawful). In this context, the Messenger of Allah, (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Surely, Allah is Good and never accepts but what is good."

Thus, in Shari`ah, with all its sources– the Glorious Qur'an, the Sunnah, consensus of Muslim jurists– aggression and violation of human rights are completely forbidden.

Besides, it is the duty of the Muslim scholars to do their utmost to guide the perplexed people to the straight and upright path.​

Also, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, President of the Fiqh Council of North America, adds:

The Islamic position as regards non-Muslims is that they should recognize Allah’s Oneness and Prophet Muhammad as Allah’s Final Prophet. They should accept Islam to live happily and successfully in this world and to be saved in the Hereafter. It is Muslims’ duty to give them this message clearly, but without any coercion or intolerance. If others accept this message it is good for them, but if they do not accept, Muslims should still treat them with kindness and gentleness and leave the final judgment to Allah.

In our enthusiasm for da`wah, we should not be intolerant and aggressive towards others. However, in our politeness and civility we should also not give up our mission and message. We should not be intimidated to become quiet and we should not feel shy to tell the truth.

We must know that Islam is Allah’s way to salvation. Islamic message is unique, authentic and divine. Islam is for the whole world and all people are invited to accept this message. It is our duty to convey this message in the most beautiful and effective manner. We should be the witnesses of Allah to the world by our words and our deeds to all human beings.​
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

It has been done. Direct any further questions toward Shaykh Qaradawi. :lol:
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

It has been done. Direct any further questions toward Shaykh Qaradawi. :lol:
Real want to light light the scripture?
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
1. Islam Forbids Aggression Against Innocent People

Islam does not permit aggression against innocent people, whether the aggression is against life, property, or honor, and this ruling applies to everyone, regardless of post, status and prestige. In Islam, as the state’s subject is addressed with Islamic teachings, so is the ruler or caliph; he is not allowed to violate people's rights, lives, honor, property, etc.

In the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) declared the principle that people's lives, property, and honor are inviolable until the Day of Judgment. This ruling is not restricted to Muslims; rather, it includes non-Muslims who are not fighting Muslims. Even in case of war, Islam does not permit killing those who are not involved in fighting, such as women, children, the aged, and the monks who confine themselves to worship only.

This shouldn’t raise any wonder, for Islam is a religion that prohibits aggression even against animals. Ibn `Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, quote the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: "A woman (was made to) enter (Hell) Fire because of a cat which she tied, neither giving it food nor setting it free to eat from the vermin of the earth." (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

If such is Islamic ruling concerning aggressive acts against animals, then, with greater reason, the punishment is bond to be severe when human being happens to be the victim of aggression, torture and terrorism.

If is a big word.

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Book 010, Number 3813:
Abu Zubair heard Jabir b.'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with him) saying: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) ordered us to kill dogs, and we carried out this order so much so that we also kill the dog coming with a woman from the desert. Then Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) forbade their killing. He (the Holy Prophet further) said: It is your duty the jet-black (dog) having two spots (on the eyes), for it is a devil.

Book 010, Number 3820:
Salim b. Abdullah reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Whosover amongst the owners of the house keeps a dog other than one meant for watching the herd or for hunting loses two qirat of his deeds every day.

During prophet time, dogs used to come and urinate in the mosque all the time. Prophet was so sick and tired that he ordered all dogs of Madina killed.

Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 174:

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Hamza bin 'Abdullah narrated: My father said. "During the lifetime of Allah's Apostle, the dogs used to urinate, and pass through the mosques (come and go)."

Bukhari volume 4, Book 54, Number 540:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle ordered that the dogs should be killed.
If Mohammad had been a real prophet he would know that he was killing of a suppressant to a disease carrying pest

The size of the food depends on the size of the salamander eating it. On land, all types of live prey can be offered: worms, crickets, meal worms, slugs, moths, and other small invertebrates. Additionally, a vitamin/mineral additive (e.g. Gisto*cal, Carmix, Reptovit or Korvimin) can be dusted onto the prey animals. This is especially important for growing animals. They also require additional calcium for building bones. The food is best offered in a low dish or bowl placed in a depression in the substrate.

In the water one can also offer live prey, such as tubi*fex, worms and red mosquito larvae. Many animals adapt well to taking dead prey, like frozen mosquito larvae, Mysis, pieces of cow's heart, liver, chicken, and whatever else comes to mind. Ensure that everything gets eaten as remaining food will decompose. Juvenile salamanders eat basically the same food as adults do, the food items just need to be smaller. In the water they eat tubifex, Daphnia, small worms and red mosquito larvae. On land, buffalo worms, fruit flies and their maggots, red mosquito larvae and small crickets can be offered.

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :525 Top
Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet called the Salamander, a mischief-doer. I have not heard him ordering that it should be killed. Sad bin Waqqas claims that the Prophet ordered that it should be killed.

Index Book: Beginning of Creation Email this hadith

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :526 Top
Narrated Um Sharik:

That the Prophet ordered her to kill Salamanders.

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :527 Top
Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet said, "Kill the snake with two white lines on its back, for it blinds the on-looker and causes abortion."

Index Book: Beginning of Creation Email this hadith

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :528 Top
Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet ordered that a short-tailed or mutilated-tailed snake (i.e. Abtar) should be killed, for it blinds the on-looker and causes abortion."

Index Book: Beginning of Creation Email this hadith

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :529 Top
Narrated Abu Mulaika:

Ibn Umar used to kill snakes, but afterwards he forbade their killing and said, "Once the Prophet pulled down a wall and saw a cast-off skin of a snake in it. He said,'Look for the snake.'They found it and the Prophet said, "Kill it." For this reason I used to kill snakes. Later on I met Abu Lubaba who told me the Prophet said,'Do not kill snakes except the short-tailed or mutilated-tailed snake with two white lines on its back, for it causes abortion and makes one blind. So kill it.' "

Index Book: Beginning of Creation Email this hadith

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :530 Top
Narrated Nafi:

Ibn 'Umar used to kill snakes but when Abu Lubaba informed him that the Prophet had forbidden the killing of snakes living in houses, he gave up killing them.
1. Islam Forbids Aggression Against Innocent People

Islam does not permit aggression against innocent people, whether the aggression is against life, property, or honor, and this ruling applies to everyone, regardless of post, status and prestige. In Islam, as the state’s subject is addressed with Islamic teachings, so is the ruler or caliph; he is not allowed to violate people's rights, lives, honor, property, etc.

In the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) declared the principle that people's lives, property, and honor are inviolable until the Day of Judgment. This ruling is not restricted to Muslims; rather, it includes non-Muslims who are not fighting Muslims. Even in case of war, Islam does not permit killing those who are not involved in fighting, such as women, children, the aged, and the monks who confine themselves to worship only.

This shouldn’t raise any wonder, for Islam is a religion that prohibits aggression even against animals. Ibn `Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, quote the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: "A woman (was made to) enter (Hell) Fire because of a cat which she tied, neither giving it food nor setting it free to eat from the vermin of the earth." (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

If such is Islamic ruling concerning aggressive acts against animals, then, with greater reason, the punishment is bond to be severe when human being happens to be the victim of aggression, torture and terrorism.

If is a big word.

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Book 010, Number 3813:
Abu Zubair heard Jabir b.'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with him) saying: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) ordered us to kill dogs, and we carried out this order so much so that we also kill the dog coming with a woman from the desert. Then Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) forbade their killing. He (the Holy Prophet further) said: It is your duty the jet-black (dog) having two spots (on the eyes), for it is a devil.

Book 010, Number 3820:
Salim b. Abdullah reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Whosover amongst the owners of the house keeps a dog other than one meant for watching the herd or for hunting loses two qirat of his deeds every day.

During prophet time, dogs used to come and urinate in the mosque all the time. Prophet was so sick and tired that he ordered all dogs of Madina killed.

Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 174:

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Hamza bin 'Abdullah narrated: My father said. "During the lifetime of Allah's Apostle, the dogs used to urinate, and pass through the mosques (come and go)."

Bukhari volume 4, Book 54, Number 540:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle ordered that the dogs should be killed.
If Mohammad had been a real prophet he would know that he was killing of a suppressant to a disease carrying pest

The size of the food depends on the size of the salamander eating it. On land, all types of live prey can be offered: worms, crickets, meal worms, slugs, moths, and other small invertebrates. Additionally, a vitamin/mineral additive (e.g. Gisto*cal, Carmix, Reptovit or Korvimin) can be dusted onto the prey animals. This is especially important for growing animals. They also require additional calcium for building bones. The food is best offered in a low dish or bowl placed in a depression in the substrate.

In the water one can also offer live prey, such as tubi*fex, worms and red mosquito larvae. Many animals adapt well to taking dead prey, like frozen mosquito larvae, Mysis, pieces of cow's heart, liver, chicken, and whatever else comes to mind. Ensure that everything gets eaten as remaining food will decompose. Juvenile salamanders eat basically the same food as adults do, the food items just need to be smaller. In the water they eat tubifex, Daphnia, small worms and red mosquito larvae. On land, buffalo worms, fruit flies and their maggots, red mosquito larvae and small crickets can be offered.

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :525 Top
Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet called the Salamander, a mischief-doer. I have not heard him ordering that it should be killed. Sad bin Waqqas claims that the Prophet ordered that it should be killed.

Index Book: Beginning of Creation Email this hadith

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :526 Top
Narrated Um Sharik:

That the Prophet ordered her to kill Salamanders.

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :527 Top
Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet said, "Kill the snake with two white lines on its back, for it blinds the on-looker and causes abortion."

Index Book: Beginning of Creation Email this hadith

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :528 Top
Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet ordered that a short-tailed or mutilated-tailed snake (i.e. Abtar) should be killed, for it blinds the on-looker and causes abortion."

Index Book: Beginning of Creation Email this hadith

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :529 Top
Narrated Abu Mulaika:

Ibn Umar used to kill snakes, but afterwards he forbade their killing and said, "Once the Prophet pulled down a wall and saw a cast-off skin of a snake in it. He said,'Look for the snake.'They found it and the Prophet said, "Kill it." For this reason I used to kill snakes. Later on I met Abu Lubaba who told me the Prophet said,'Do not kill snakes except the short-tailed or mutilated-tailed snake with two white lines on its back, for it causes abortion and makes one blind. So kill it.' "

Index Book: Beginning of Creation Email this hadith

Volume:4 Book :54 (Beginning of Creation)Number :530 Top
Narrated Nafi:

Ibn 'Umar used to kill snakes but when Abu Lubaba informed him that the Prophet had forbidden the killing of snakes living in houses, he gave up killing them.


And the Prophet (pbuH) stepped on a Jew and 'lo! all of the {Muslims} from that day on despised the Jews and called them monkeys and slaughtered them in great numbers, for Allah, being all-knowing knows what is good. And how can ye know any less, then?
What it means is "Kalam" was trying to pawn of an instance of Mohammad being rational and objecting to cruelty to animals and then trying to give the same blanket protection to people when in fact Mohammad's cruelty to animals and his ignorance are well documented .

This shouldn’t raise any wonder, for Islam is a religion that prohibits aggression even against animals. Ibn `Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, quote the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: "A woman (was made to) enter (Hell) Fire because of a cat which she tied, neither giving it food nor setting it free to eat from the vermin of the earth." (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

If such is Islamic ruling concerning aggressive acts against animals, then, with greater reason, the punishment is bond to be severe when human being happens to be the victim of aggression, torture and terrorism.
Irrational cruelty and near perfect ignorance of Islams only prophet.
Last edited:
Islam forbids, NOT being; what civilized people call, "radical" for allah

Everything is about Islam and the qu'ran, adherence is of the utmost importance.

Who is innocent must be addressed. And according to the book, anyone who is not Muslim or Muslim enough is NOT innocent, we are either apostates or we are infidels. It is black and white, no gray areas. But I am sure many Muslims want those gray areas.

But can they rewrite the book, and not be an apostate?

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