Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be?

I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

If transgendered people using the restroom of their associated gender gave "sexual predators" the "freedom" to "stalk their victims", you'd have a point. Since it doesn't, you don't.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.

It absolutely IS misguided law, buts it's the lawmakers that set people up to be labeled as intolerant by passing it.

Transgendered people have always used the restrooms of their choice. No one made an issue of it.

Now, men who look like men can enter the bathroom without question. Yes, these laws make it easier for perverts because no one can question them. It would have sent up red flags before if a guy walked into a ladies room. Now it will be the new norm.

As I said, decency is universal and I hate to see transgender people lumped in with the perverts who seriously outnumber them.

Republican lawmakers made an issue out of it because they were pissed about gays marrying.

Gays and transgender people are two different things. How does the left deciding to allow men into the girl's bathroom equate to some objecting to gay marriage? Hillary and Obama both objected to gay marriage until it was politically advantageous to do a sudden "evolution." The court decided and it's over.

The decision to make all bathrooms available to everyone does not benefit transgender people as they had always dealt with it. Now it just means the perverts, who are everyone's enemy, no longer worry about being stopped.

Transgendered people are the T in LGBT.

Republican lawmakers are passing ridiculous laws requiring that people use the restroom associated with their gender at birth, not the gender they are transitioning to. They are doing it because they lost the gay marriage battle and they need a new, weaker, target. (How's that working out North Carolina?)

What do President Obama's and Secretary Clinton's progressive stance on marriage equality have to do with anything being discussed at the moment?

Trans people don't want "all bathrooms available to everyone", they just want to keep using the bathroom associated with the gender they are transitioning to as they always have. There have never been problems from trans people (only with people harassing them).

Instead we have bitter republican backlash that leads to this...

Cops caught on video harassing lesbian inside womens’ bathroom thinking she’s a man
Transgendered people are the T in LGBT.

Republican lawmakers are passing ridiculous laws requiring that people use the restroom associated with their gender at birth, not the gender they are transitioning to. They are doing it because they lost the gay marriage battle and they need a new, weaker, target. (How's that working out North Carolina?)

What do President Obama's and Secretary Clinton's progressive stance on marriage equality have to do with anything being discussed at the moment?

Trans people don't want "all bathrooms available to everyone", they just want to keep using the bathroom associated with the gender they are transitioning to as they always have. There have never been problems from trans people (only with people harassing them).

Instead we have bitter republican backlash that leads to this...

Cops caught on video harassing lesbian inside womens’ bathroom thinking she’s a man

Yes, I know transgenders are the T in LGBT. That is only because the left grouped them all together. That doesn't mean they all share a brain.

It's the same way the left grouped all blacks together and assumed they all thought alike. The left doesn't see any difference in legal or illegal immigrants and assume they all think alike.

What is up with grouping people like that anyway? Makes no sense. Of course, making laws to solve non-existent problems also makes no sense.

The stupid fight over allowing anyone into bathrooms is the same as the left bringing in Muslim refugees. Both issues show the same flawed thinking. Either it's total ignorance or they want people harmed. We have to ask if the threat is worth it in either case. Many obviously understand that it's not worth the risk.

Out of the people who will take advantage of the bathroom law, a very tiny percent are transgender. For every transgender, there are probably 1,000 perverts. Of course, people are objecting because while it's rare to encounter a transgender, it will be common to see perverts in the bathrooms. And the left is claiming that people are against transgenders when the truth is that people, including transgenders and gays, are also against the rapists, voyeurs and other scum. It's not rocket science to understand that the danger increased because of an unnecessary law. No one will be helped but many may be hurt. How can anyone say that's a good thing?

With the refugees, we keep seeing mostly young males, who have caused a lot of problems in every single country they've gone to. Women and young boys have been raped and assaulted by these males, who don't think they are even doing anything wrong. Aside from that, we know about 10% are members of ISIS or other terrorist organizations. So, for every 10,000 refugees, we get 1,000 terrorists. Obama's solution was to shorten the vetting process to a couple months instead of 18 months and to increase the number we bring in. So, he wants at least 50,000 and that means 5,000 fucking terrorists on our soil. Yet, the left claims we are afraid of widows and children. No, idiots, we are afraid for our children because we have seen what these animals can do to people.

The left's thinking on both issues is seriously messed up. No sane person should agree to something that drastically increases the odds of people being hurt or killed.

For the last time, it's not about discrimination, it's about being safe.

Let's help the refugees by sending aid over there to them. No need to bring them here. It will save a lot of time, help more people and save a shit ton of money.

With the transgender bathroom issue, repeal the law and go back to the way it was. They were coping fine before the left decided they needed this kind of help and now they are in the middle of a controversy because of the dangers posed by the law.
I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

If transgendered people using the restroom of their associated gender gave "sexual predators" the "freedom" to "stalk their victims", you'd have a point. Since it doesn't, you don't.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.

It absolutely IS misguided law, buts it's the lawmakers that set people up to be labeled as intolerant by passing it.

Transgendered people have always used the restrooms of their choice. No one made an issue of it.

Now, men who look like men can enter the bathroom without question. Yes, these laws make it easier for perverts because no one can question them. It would have sent up red flags before if a guy walked into a ladies room. Now it will be the new norm.

As I said, decency is universal and I hate to see transgender people lumped in with the perverts who seriously outnumber them.

Republican lawmakers made an issue out of it because they were pissed about gays marrying.

Gays and transgender people are two different things. How does the left deciding to allow men into the girl's bathroom equate to some objecting to gay marriage? Hillary and Obama both objected to gay marriage until it was politically advantageous to do a sudden "evolution." The court decided and it's over.

The decision to make all bathrooms available to everyone does not benefit transgender people as they had always dealt with it. Now it just means the perverts, who are everyone's enemy, no longer worry about being stopped.

Transgendered people are the T in LGBT.

Republican lawmakers are passing ridiculous laws requiring that people use the restroom associated with their gender at birth, not the gender they are transitioning to. They are doing it because they lost the gay marriage battle and they need a new, weaker, target. (How's that working out North Carolina?)

What do President Obama's and Secretary Clinton's progressive stance on marriage equality have to do with anything being discussed at the moment?

Trans people don't want "all bathrooms available to everyone", they just want to keep using the bathroom associated with the gender they are transitioning to as they always have. There have never been problems from trans people (only with people harassing them).

Instead we have bitter republican backlash that leads to this...

Cops caught on video harassing lesbian inside womens’ bathroom thinking she’s a man
Transgendered people are the T in LGBT.

Republican lawmakers are passing ridiculous laws requiring that people use the restroom associated with their gender at birth, not the gender they are transitioning to. They are doing it because they lost the gay marriage battle and they need a new, weaker, target. (How's that working out North Carolina?)

No, the government does what it can to protect the public. It has nothing to do with gay marriage. You can't "transition" into anything. If you were born a guy, then you will always be a guy no matter how much you allow doctors to mutilate you or what kind of attire you wish to wear. You're still a guy, and you still need to use a guys bathroom or shower.

North Carolina will do just fine. It's Target stores to watch now. The majority has a unique way of making others pay for their idiotic policies.
It's a matter of liberals claiming to want to help this or that group and endangering the population by doing so. Whether it's refugees with ISIS members among them or perverts jumping on the band wagon to take advantage of laws that are supposed to help transgender people, it's bad news for everyone.

When the risks far outweigh the benefits, you don't proceed. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?
It's a matter of liberals claiming to want to help this or that group and endangering the population by doing so. Whether it's refugees with ISIS members among them or perverts jumping on the band wagon to take advantage of laws that are supposed to help transgender people, it's bad news for everyone.

When the risks far outweigh the benefits, you don't proceed. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?

Because liberals always like to start problems. Men go to the mens room--women go to the women's room. Not much of a problem anybody would think. We've been doing it successfully for a couple hundred years now. All of a sudden, the liberals created a new category of flakes, and now everybody is expected to cater to their desires.
Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.

Who? And what are said rights?

Well, the first right would be the right to equality under the law.

If I walk into a shop and I can be refused because someone has decided they don't like me for some reason, then this isn't equality under the law.

If I can't have the same rights to inheritance of my partner, then this isn't equality under the law.

The US Constitution says government has to give you equal protection under the law--not private enterprises.

You don't have free speech at work. You say something to your boss that offends him or her, they can fire you. You don't have free speech at a movie theater. If you stand up while a movie is playing and give the crowd the Bernie Sanders platform, they will escort you out of the movie theater and perhaps have you arrested.

Oh course. Then again I wasn't asked about THE US CONSTITUTION, I was asked about RIGHTS.

So, therefore, I'm talking about rights.

The Constitution forces the US govt to protect rights. It doesn't force citizens to protect rights. However the US govt often makes laws that do protect people's rights. Like the law against murder, for example.

So, there are laws that businesses have been forced to follow by the govt. And some of these laws say they're not allowed to deny someone a service based on race, religion, gender etc.

And, as I have said, rights are limited. There are times and there are places where your free speech is not protected. So....?

Constitutional rights come from the constitution. Laws come from politicians. Laws and rights are two different things.

If you are Hispanic and come to my restaurant and I refuse to serve you, I didn't violate any rights of yours, I violated a law.

Yes, I know. I'm not sure why you're telling me this. This has nothing to do with what I was talking about. You butted in to a conversation and started saying stuff, then you feel the need to explain to me something I already know but wasn't talking about.

However the last sentence, you're wrong.

If you are Hispanic and come to my restaurant and I refuse to serve you, I didn't violate any CONSTITUTIONAL right of yours.

However you're confusing rights with CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

Humans have rights, according to the theory. They cannot be taken away, only infringed.

The US Constitution protects those rights from infringement from the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and now the state governments (supposedly).

Then they are Constitutional Rights.

However HUMAN RIGHTS are different. If I kill you, I took away your right to life. I didn't take away your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to life. I took away your human right to life.

If I lock you up in a cage for 20 years, I violate your human right to freedom.

If I stop you speaking, I violate your human right to free speech.
It's a matter of liberals claiming to want to help this or that group and endangering the population by doing so. Whether it's refugees with ISIS members among them or perverts jumping on the band wagon to take advantage of laws that are supposed to help transgender people, it's bad news for everyone.

When the risks far outweigh the benefits, you don't proceed. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?

Because liberals always like to start problems. Men go to the mens room--women go to the women's room. Not much of a problem anybody would think. We've been doing it successfully for a couple hundred years now. All of a sudden, the liberals created a new category of flakes, and now everybody is expected to cater to their desires.

Probably because in the past people were forced to live the life that was expected of them. In the modern world we've learned that freedom is a great thing. However freedom comes with problems.

We all know the right would prefer a simpler view of the world, a view where they have power over others and they don't need to stretch their brains at things beyond "man marries woman" etc.

Modern life is complex, the Amish have figured out ways to make life less complex. If you struggle with the complexities of modern life, go be Amish.
Maybe, but none of those "guys" (and it's interesting you called them guys), will never have a period, never get pregnant, never endure child birth or go through menopause.

It takes more than a pair of fake tits to be a woman.
I call them guys because I havent talked to all of them and asked what they would prefer to be called. The point is that super sleuth wouldnt be able to tell if they were women or men.

Is there a point?

None will ever have a period

None will ever get pregnant

None will endure a childbirth

None will ever go through menopause

All have a penis

You call them women?

Strange world you're from.
Yes there is a point. Didnt you read the post I was replying to?

The rubbish? Yeah sure

What's the point?
The point is that he wouldnt be able to spot the men.

So, if a woman goes to the toilet, who is watching her pee? Wait, women go into individual cubicles.
If a man goes pee, who's watching him? Potentially another man, probably not.

If you have a problem with others in bathrooms, go into the cubicle and do it individually.
It's a matter of liberals claiming to want to help this or that group and endangering the population by doing so. Whether it's refugees with ISIS members among them or perverts jumping on the band wagon to take advantage of laws that are supposed to help transgender people, it's bad news for everyone.

When the risks far outweigh the benefits, you don't proceed. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?

Because liberals always like to start problems. Men go to the mens room--women go to the women's room. Not much of a problem anybody would think. We've been doing it successfully for a couple hundred years now. All of a sudden, the liberals created a new category of flakes, and now everybody is expected to cater to their desires.

Probably because in the past people were forced to live the life that was expected of them. In the modern world we've learned that freedom is a great thing. However freedom comes with problems.

We all know the right would prefer a simpler view of the world, a view where they have power over others and they don't need to stretch their brains at things beyond "man marries woman" etc.

Modern life is complex, the Amish have figured out ways to make life less complex. If you struggle with the complexities of modern life, go be Amish.

Right, if you disagree with Commie progressives, go join the Amish community.

Sorry, but while your side tries to turn this country into a giant circus freak show, the rest of us will use successful traditional values. It's why I think we should divide this country: liberals on one side, and conservatives on the other. The only problem would be building a large enough wall to keep the liberals out of our side of the country.

The conservatives believed that the government should not be forcing insurance companies or employers to provide birth control to women employees. The liberals want to open the door to perverts getting into women's restrooms and showers, but it's the Republicans that have a war on women.........Go figure.
It's a matter of liberals claiming to want to help this or that group and endangering the population by doing so. Whether it's refugees with ISIS members among them or perverts jumping on the band wagon to take advantage of laws that are supposed to help transgender people, it's bad news for everyone.

When the risks far outweigh the benefits, you don't proceed. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?

Because liberals always like to start problems. Men go to the mens room--women go to the women's room. Not much of a problem anybody would think. We've been doing it successfully for a couple hundred years now. All of a sudden, the liberals created a new category of flakes, and now everybody is expected to cater to their desires.

Probably because in the past people were forced to live the life that was expected of them. In the modern world we've learned that freedom is a great thing. However freedom comes with problems.

We all know the right would prefer a simpler view of the world, a view where they have power over others and they don't need to stretch their brains at things beyond "man marries woman" etc.

Modern life is complex, the Amish have figured out ways to make life less complex. If you struggle with the complexities of modern life, go be Amish.

Right, if you disagree with Commie progressives, go join the Amish community.

Sorry, but while your side tries to turn this country into a giant circus freak show, the rest of us will use successful traditional values. It's why I think we should divide this country: liberals on one side, and conservatives on the other.

Nope. Then they win. They tried to do that before.

Shove them all onto Martha's Vineyard. They like living like termites anyway.
It's a matter of liberals claiming to want to help this or that group and endangering the population by doing so. Whether it's refugees with ISIS members among them or perverts jumping on the band wagon to take advantage of laws that are supposed to help transgender people, it's bad news for everyone.

When the risks far outweigh the benefits, you don't proceed. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?

Because liberals always like to start problems. Men go to the mens room--women go to the women's room. Not much of a problem anybody would think. We've been doing it successfully for a couple hundred years now. All of a sudden, the liberals created a new category of flakes, and now everybody is expected to cater to their desires.

Probably because in the past people were forced to live the life that was expected of them. In the modern world we've learned that freedom is a great thing. However freedom comes with problems.

We all know the right would prefer a simpler view of the world, a view where they have power over others and they don't need to stretch their brains at things beyond "man marries woman" etc.

Modern life is complex, the Amish have figured out ways to make life less complex. If you struggle with the complexities of modern life, go be Amish.

Right, if you disagree with Commie progressives, go join the Amish community.

Sorry, but while your side tries to turn this country into a giant circus freak show, the rest of us will use successful traditional values. It's why I think we should divide this country: liberals on one side, and conservatives on the other. The only problem would be building a large enough wall to keep the liberals out of our side of the country.

The conservatives believed that the government should not be forcing insurance companies or employers to provide birth control to women employees. The liberals want to open the door to perverts getting into women's restrooms and showers, but it's the Republicans that have a war on women.........Go figure.

Actually it's more "if you disagree with the US Constitution, go join the Amish"

"giant freak circus", well, that's a way of describing freedom.

"Traditional values"??? Like what? Limiting people's freedoms?

The bathroom issues is rather complex. But if you wish to simplify it, and then fail to understand it, that's your problem, not mine.

Birth control to women is a different issue, and again, it's complex. Probably complex because people need to find where the line is, but haven't, and then this causes problems.
I call them guys because I havent talked to all of them and asked what they would prefer to be called. The point is that super sleuth wouldnt be able to tell if they were women or men.

Is there a point?

None will ever have a period

None will ever get pregnant

None will endure a childbirth

None will ever go through menopause

All have a penis

You call them women?

Strange world you're from.
Yes there is a point. Didnt you read the post I was replying to?

The rubbish? Yeah sure

What's the point?
The point is that he wouldnt be able to spot the men.

So, if a woman goes to the toilet, who is watching her pee? Wait, women go into individual cubicles.
If a man goes pee, who's watching him? Potentially another man, probably not.

If you have a problem with others in bathrooms, go into the cubicle and do it individually.

So you want all men in woman's restrooms, even if women object. Because .03% want it?

You know someone on your side posted pictures of pregnant men (female trannies)

So I guess if they get recignized as males, that while Roe v. Wade thing becomes bullshit?

It's a matter of liberals claiming to want to help this or that group and endangering the population by doing so. Whether it's refugees with ISIS members among them or perverts jumping on the band wagon to take advantage of laws that are supposed to help transgender people, it's bad news for everyone.

When the risks far outweigh the benefits, you don't proceed. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?

Because liberals always like to start problems. Men go to the mens room--women go to the women's room. Not much of a problem anybody would think. We've been doing it successfully for a couple hundred years now. All of a sudden, the liberals created a new category of flakes, and now everybody is expected to cater to their desires.

Probably because in the past people were forced to live the life that was expected of them. In the modern world we've learned that freedom is a great thing. However freedom comes with problems.

We all know the right would prefer a simpler view of the world, a view where they have power over others and they don't need to stretch their brains at things beyond "man marries woman" etc.

Modern life is complex, the Amish have figured out ways to make life less complex. If you struggle with the complexities of modern life, go be Amish.

Right, if you disagree with Commie progressives, go join the Amish community.

Sorry, but while your side tries to turn this country into a giant circus freak show, the rest of us will use successful traditional values. It's why I think we should divide this country: liberals on one side, and conservatives on the other. The only problem would be building a large enough wall to keep the liberals out of our side of the country.

The conservatives believed that the government should not be forcing insurance companies or employers to provide birth control to women employees. The liberals want to open the door to perverts getting into women's restrooms and showers, but it's the Republicans that have a war on women.........Go figure.

Actually it's more "if you disagree with the US Constitution, go join the Amish"

"giant freak circus", well, that's a way of describing freedom.

"Traditional values"??? Like what? Limiting people's freedoms?

The bathroom issues is rather complex. But if you wish to simplify it, and then fail to understand it, that's your problem, not mine.

Birth control to women is a different issue, and again, it's complex. Probably complex because people need to find where the line is, but haven't, and then this causes problems.

Right, so complex.

If you're a weirdo that thinks he's a woman and you have to use the mens room, that's complex to a liberal.

If you want to use birth control, and have to buy it yourself, that's so complex to a liberal.

To punch a F'n hole in a ballot card in Florida is so complex for a liberal.

To end police shootings of black people by simply obeying the commands of a police officer--that's complex to a liberal.

Isn't it amazing how things that are so complex to a liberal are so simple for conservatives?
Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be whether you're born a man wanting to be a woman or the other way around. Who are you to say as a conservative that individuals can't do so and use the government to stop them? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

The surgery isn't unconstitutional the last time I checked.
Being something other than what you were born as isn't unconstitutional.
Now stopping them and stumping on their individual liberties is probably unconstitutional!

If someone wants to be gay...Lets not stop them!
If someone wants to be the other gender and dress as such. Lets not stop them!
If they want to smoke pot! That is their personal liberty speaking...
Hell, if someone wants to go through life as a dragon that hisses like a snake in their own homes. Who are you to say no?

I thought most of you are libertarians. Wtf are you doing disagreeing with this?
I'd be lying if I didn't say that I have some sort of deep seeded emotional reaction to this that fights against this concept. I'd argue that you should be who you want to why are you trying to go out of your way to physically change yourself? Be who you are and be proud of it...but don't put yourself in undue physical distress as a result of this. Currently undergoing such a physical change is exceptionally costly, risky, with a high degree of maintenance and mixed results (at best) of positive outcomes after the "transformation" is complete. Now, if things were cheaper, safer, and easier to perform and maintain I actually don't think I would have an intellectual issue with this...hey, if we had a pill that could magically change your gender I'd be all for bringing those to market and making them available. The truth is, though...we don't. As such, both emotionally and intellectually, this is not a concept I generally support.
Is there a point?

None will ever have a period

None will ever get pregnant

None will endure a childbirth

None will ever go through menopause

All have a penis

You call them women?

Strange world you're from.
Yes there is a point. Didnt you read the post I was replying to?

The rubbish? Yeah sure

What's the point?
The point is that he wouldnt be able to spot the men.

So, if a woman goes to the toilet, who is watching her pee? Wait, women go into individual cubicles.
If a man goes pee, who's watching him? Potentially another man, probably not.

If you have a problem with others in bathrooms, go into the cubicle and do it individually.

So you want all men in woman's restrooms, even if women object. Because .03% want it?

You know someone on your side posted pictures of pregnant men (female trannies)

So I guess if they get recignized as males, that while Roe v. Wade thing becomes bullshit?


Let's put this into context a little.

Gay men can go into the men's bathroom. They can go and look at other men taking their dicks out and peeing.
Gay pedophiles can also go into men's bathrooms. They can go look at boys taking their dicks out and peeing.

Gay women can go into women's bathrooms and they can go into a cubicle and maybe look at women looking at themselves in the mirror.

So, if a man can go into the women's bathroom, so what? They can go see a load of cubicles and see the same a lesbian can see.
So, if a woman can go into the men's bathroom, so what? They can see the same as a gay man can see.

If you're so concerned about people going into bathrooms, then maybe you should be calling for cubicle only bathrooms. But you're not.
It's a matter of liberals claiming to want to help this or that group and endangering the population by doing so. Whether it's refugees with ISIS members among them or perverts jumping on the band wagon to take advantage of laws that are supposed to help transgender people, it's bad news for everyone.

When the risks far outweigh the benefits, you don't proceed. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?

Because liberals always like to start problems. Men go to the mens room--women go to the women's room. Not much of a problem anybody would think. We've been doing it successfully for a couple hundred years now. All of a sudden, the liberals created a new category of flakes, and now everybody is expected to cater to their desires.

Probably because in the past people were forced to live the life that was expected of them. In the modern world we've learned that freedom is a great thing. However freedom comes with problems.

We all know the right would prefer a simpler view of the world, a view where they have power over others and they don't need to stretch their brains at things beyond "man marries woman" etc.

Modern life is complex, the Amish have figured out ways to make life less complex. If you struggle with the complexities of modern life, go be Amish.

Right, if you disagree with Commie progressives, go join the Amish community.

Sorry, but while your side tries to turn this country into a giant circus freak show, the rest of us will use successful traditional values. It's why I think we should divide this country: liberals on one side, and conservatives on the other. The only problem would be building a large enough wall to keep the liberals out of our side of the country.

The conservatives believed that the government should not be forcing insurance companies or employers to provide birth control to women employees. The liberals want to open the door to perverts getting into women's restrooms and showers, but it's the Republicans that have a war on women.........Go figure.

Actually it's more "if you disagree with the US Constitution, go join the Amish"

"giant freak circus", well, that's a way of describing freedom.

"Traditional values"??? Like what? Limiting people's freedoms?

The bathroom issues is rather complex. But if you wish to simplify it, and then fail to understand it, that's your problem, not mine.

Birth control to women is a different issue, and again, it's complex. Probably complex because people need to find where the line is, but haven't, and then this causes problems.

Right, so complex.

If you're a weirdo that thinks he's a woman and you have to use the mens room, that's complex to a liberal.

If you want to use birth control, and have to buy it yourself, that's so complex to a liberal.

To punch a F'n hole in a ballot card in Florida is so complex for a liberal.

To end police shootings of black people by simply obeying the commands of a police officer--that's complex to a liberal.

Isn't it amazing how things that are so complex to a liberal are so simple for conservatives?

Yeah, it's amazing how simple things are for Conservatives.

The problem is when you analyze it all, it then seems so wrong.

Yeah, locking people up, simple way of dealing with crime. Except that states with higher incarceration rates don't tend to have lower crime rates.
Tell teenagers not to have sex, simple way of dealing with teenage pregnancies. Except that states with abstinence only programs have higher rates of STDs and teenage pregnancies.
It's always the same. The simple methods get people to vote for them, but don't work.
Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be whether you're born a man wanting to be a woman or the other way around. Who are you to say as a conservative that individuals can't do so and use the government to stop them? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

The surgery isn't unconstitutional the last time I checked.
Being something other than what you were born as isn't unconstitutional.
Now stopping them and stumping on their individual liberties is probably unconstitutional!

If someone wants to be gay...Lets not stop them!
If someone wants to be the other gender and dress as such. Lets not stop them!
If they want to smoke pot! That is their personal liberty speaking...
Hell, if someone wants to go through life as a dragon that hisses like a snake in their own homes. Who are you to say no?

I thought most of you are libertarians. Wtf are you doing disagreeing with this?

What about nudist, do you want to keep using government to stop them from being them?

Let me just say, why is it ALWAYS the people you most want NOT to see naked who decide to become nudists?

I think you're making an assumption based on bias, I've seen photos of every age, race and body type, in other words, regular people. My point was to show matts hypocrisy and if you noticed he hasn't responded. I've actually asked similar questions to others on this forum, so far they've all ignored it, because every argument they use to support gays could be used to support nudist, but they won't go there. Proving just how hypocritical they are.

Yes, thank you for driving a bit of lighthearted humor into the ground, Captain Downer.

Sorry bout dat. BTW I noticed you didn't go there either.

Didn't go where?
Do we have an inherent right to public restrooms?
We don't have an inherent right to much of anything other than eating, choice and fuckin Ravi. Hard to guess what your point was..
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.

So all restrooms must now be unisex?


To make .03% of the population more comfortable, and 99.97% less comfortable.


Then we should make all qualification equal for fire fighting, law enforcement.

You dudes are too damn funny
Logical fallacy. One has nothing to do with the other. Also 99.97% of the population would not be less comfortable. What poll did you conduct to come up with that obviously error filled stat?

Where do you come up with 99.97%?

Only about .3% of the population are "transgender".
The left would rather that the majority be at risk even though it won't change a thing for transgenders. They live as the gender they identify with, IF they are true transgenders. When I see hairy guys dressed in a vulgar manner, I just don't trust them. Sorry, but that isn't about gender, it's about sex. Decency is a universal thing and no one should tolerate the vulgarity and disrespect from those who choose to dress and behave like porn stars when in public.

I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.
Who called you intolerant because you dont want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims? Are you saying signs on the door will stop a sexual predator from breaking the law?

Signs on the door and restrictions of who uses the facility make it obvious when somebody violates those restrictions.

If I see a male walk into a female restroom or shower, I'm notifying the management of the business. If it's a public park or government property, I'm notifying the police.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. There are guys dressed like women that could walk right pass you and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference dummy.

Maybe, but none of those "guys" (and it's interesting you called them guys), will never have a period, never get pregnant, never endure child birth or go through menopause.

It takes more than a pair of fake tits to be a woman.

Y'know, I've always wondered what they mean by "I feel like I'm really a woman", particularly when the same people keep telling us gender is a fake social construct with no objective grounding in reality. What is "feeling like a woman"? What is it about the experience of being female that they long for? As far as I can tell from people like "Caitlyn" and other transgenders I've known (and yes, I know quite a few), it seems that being a woman basically means adopting an ultra-girly name, wearing pretty clothes and shoes, and lots of makeup and manicures. I actually had one transgender acquaintance tell me he was a "better woman" than me because I didn't do any of that stuff. I responded, "That's the point. I don't HAVE to."
What about nudist, do you want to keep using government to stop them from being them?

Let me just say, why is it ALWAYS the people you most want NOT to see naked who decide to become nudists?

I think you're making an assumption based on bias, I've seen photos of every age, race and body type, in other words, regular people. My point was to show matts hypocrisy and if you noticed he hasn't responded. I've actually asked similar questions to others on this forum, so far they've all ignored it, because every argument they use to support gays could be used to support nudist, but they won't go there. Proving just how hypocritical they are.

Yes, thank you for driving a bit of lighthearted humor into the ground, Captain Downer.

Sorry bout dat. BTW I noticed you didn't go there either.

Didn't go where?

If you can't follow the string, never mind.

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