Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be?

Where do you come up with 99.97%?
Go back to sleep if you cant read.

That's your answer?

Your laughing at your inability to read? :laugh:

Nope, laughing at your inability to answer a simple question.
It would be faster for you if you could read. I typically force people to help themselves when possible.

How is it that I reply to your posts if I cannot read? You may want to rethink your silly position.
I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

If transgendered people using the restroom of their associated gender gave "sexual predators" the "freedom" to "stalk their victims", you'd have a point. Since it doesn't, you don't.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.

It absolutely IS misguided law, buts it's the lawmakers that set people up to be labeled as intolerant by passing it.

Transgendered people have always used the restrooms of their choice. No one made an issue of it.

Now, men who look like men can enter the bathroom without question. Yes, these laws make it easier for perverts because no one can question them. It would have sent up red flags before if a guy walked into a ladies room. Now it will be the new norm.

As I said, decency is universal and I hate to see transgender people lumped in with the perverts who seriously outnumber them.
As long as they don't look at my penis when I'm peeing, I don't care.
Go back to sleep if you cant read.

That's your answer?

Your laughing at your inability to read? :laugh:

Nope, laughing at your inability to answer a simple question.
It would be faster for you if you could read. I typically force people to help themselves when possible.

How is it that I reply to your posts if I cannot read? You may want to rethink your silly position.
Obviously someone is helping you. You ask a stupid question when everyone else can see the answer so that means you cant read.
I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

If transgendered people using the restroom of their associated gender gave "sexual predators" the "freedom" to "stalk their victims", you'd have a point. Since it doesn't, you don't.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.

It absolutely IS misguided law, buts it's the lawmakers that set people up to be labeled as intolerant by passing it.

Transgendered people have always used the restrooms of their choice. No one made an issue of it.

Now, men who look like men can enter the bathroom without question. Yes, these laws make it easier for perverts because no one can question them. It would have sent up red flags before if a guy walked into a ladies room. Now it will be the new norm.

As I said, decency is universal and I hate to see transgender people lumped in with the perverts who seriously outnumber them.

Republican lawmakers made an issue out of it because they were pissed about gays marrying.
The left would rather that the majority be at risk even though it won't change a thing for transgenders. They live as the gender they identify with, IF they are true transgenders. When I see hairy guys dressed in a vulgar manner, I just don't trust them. Sorry, but that isn't about gender, it's about sex. Decency is a universal thing and no one should tolerate the vulgarity and disrespect from those who choose to dress and behave like porn stars when in public.

I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.
Who called you intolerant because you dont want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims? Are you saying signs on the door will stop a sexual predator from breaking the law?

Signs on the door and restrictions of who uses the facility make it obvious when somebody violates those restrictions.

If I see a male walk into a female restroom or shower, I'm notifying the management of the business. If it's a public park or government property, I'm notifying the police.
The left would rather that the majority be at risk even though it won't change a thing for transgenders. They live as the gender they identify with, IF they are true transgenders. When I see hairy guys dressed in a vulgar manner, I just don't trust them. Sorry, but that isn't about gender, it's about sex. Decency is a universal thing and no one should tolerate the vulgarity and disrespect from those who choose to dress and behave like porn stars when in public.

I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.
Who called you intolerant because you dont want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims? Are you saying signs on the door will stop a sexual predator from breaking the law?

Signs on the door and restrictions of who uses the facility make it obvious when somebody violates those restrictions.

If I see a male walk into a female restroom or shower, I'm notifying the management of the business. If it's a public park or government property, I'm notifying the police.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. There are guys dressed like women that could walk right pass you and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference dummy.
I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

If transgendered people using the restroom of their associated gender gave "sexual predators" the "freedom" to "stalk their victims", you'd have a point. Since it doesn't, you don't.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.

It absolutely IS misguided law, buts it's the lawmakers that set people up to be labeled as intolerant by passing it.

Transgendered people have always used the restrooms of their choice. No one made an issue of it.

Now, men who look like men can enter the bathroom without question. Yes, these laws make it easier for perverts because no one can question them. It would have sent up red flags before if a guy walked into a ladies room. Now it will be the new norm.

As I said, decency is universal and I hate to see transgender people lumped in with the perverts who seriously outnumber them.

Republican lawmakers made an issue out of it because they were pissed about gays marrying.

No, Charlotte passed a law that arbitrarily discriminated against simalarily situated individuals.

The State law simply ended that
The left would rather that the majority be at risk even though it won't change a thing for transgenders. They live as the gender they identify with, IF they are true transgenders. When I see hairy guys dressed in a vulgar manner, I just don't trust them. Sorry, but that isn't about gender, it's about sex. Decency is a universal thing and no one should tolerate the vulgarity and disrespect from those who choose to dress and behave like porn stars when in public.

I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.
Who called you intolerant because you dont want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims? Are you saying signs on the door will stop a sexual predator from breaking the law?

Signs on the door and restrictions of who uses the facility make it obvious when somebody violates those restrictions.

If I see a male walk into a female restroom or shower, I'm notifying the management of the business. If it's a public park or government property, I'm notifying the police.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. There are guys dressed like women that could walk right pass you and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference dummy.

Maybe, but none of those "guys" (and it's interesting you called them guys), will never have a period, never get pregnant, never endure child birth or go through menopause.

It takes more than a pair of fake tits to be a woman.
The left would rather that the majority be at risk even though it won't change a thing for transgenders. They live as the gender they identify with, IF they are true transgenders. When I see hairy guys dressed in a vulgar manner, I just don't trust them. Sorry, but that isn't about gender, it's about sex. Decency is a universal thing and no one should tolerate the vulgarity and disrespect from those who choose to dress and behave like porn stars when in public.

I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.
Who called you intolerant because you dont want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims? Are you saying signs on the door will stop a sexual predator from breaking the law?

Signs on the door and restrictions of who uses the facility make it obvious when somebody violates those restrictions.

If I see a male walk into a female restroom or shower, I'm notifying the management of the business. If it's a public park or government property, I'm notifying the police.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. There are guys dressed like women that could walk right pass you and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference dummy.

Maybe, but none of those "guys" (and it's interesting you called them guys), will never have a period, never get pregnant, never endure child birth or go through menopause.

It takes more than a pair of fake tits to be a woman.
I call them guys because I havent talked to all of them and asked what they would prefer to be called. The point is that super sleuth wouldnt be able to tell if they were women or men.
What civil rights don't you enjoy?

Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.

Who? And what are said rights?

Well, the first right would be the right to equality under the law.

If I walk into a shop and I can be refused because someone has decided they don't like me for some reason, then this isn't equality under the law.

If I can't have the same rights to inheritance of my partner, then this isn't equality under the law.

The US Constitution says government has to give you equal protection under the law--not private enterprises.

You don't have free speech at work. You say something to your boss that offends him or her, they can fire you. You don't have free speech at a movie theater. If you stand up while a movie is playing and give the crowd the Bernie Sanders platform, they will escort you out of the movie theater and perhaps have you arrested.

Oh course. Then again I wasn't asked about THE US CONSTITUTION, I was asked about RIGHTS.

So, therefore, I'm talking about rights.

The Constitution forces the US govt to protect rights. It doesn't force citizens to protect rights. However the US govt often makes laws that do protect people's rights. Like the law against murder, for example.

So, there are laws that businesses have been forced to follow by the govt. And some of these laws say they're not allowed to deny someone a service based on race, religion, gender etc.

And, as I have said, rights are limited. There are times and there are places where your free speech is not protected. So....?

Constitutional rights come from the constitution. Laws come from politicians. Laws and rights are two different things.

If you are Hispanic and come to my restaurant and I refuse to serve you, I didn't violate any rights of yours, I violated a law.
Individual liberty ends when someone elses liberty is compromised.
In this case, people would have to share the bathrooms when mentally ill grown men.
I am sure a lot of women would feel uncomfortable with that. I wouldn't want my son pissing beside some grown crazy female, either.
Do we have an inherent right to public restrooms?
We don't have an inherent right to much of anything other than eating, choice and fuckin Ravi. Hard to guess what your point was..
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.

Sure there is. I don't even like taking a dump with other guys in the bathroom. I sure as hell don't want a woman in there with me.
The left would rather that the majority be at risk even though it won't change a thing for transgenders. They live as the gender they identify with, IF they are true transgenders. When I see hairy guys dressed in a vulgar manner, I just don't trust them. Sorry, but that isn't about gender, it's about sex. Decency is a universal thing and no one should tolerate the vulgarity and disrespect from those who choose to dress and behave like porn stars when in public.

I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.
Who called you intolerant because you dont want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims? Are you saying signs on the door will stop a sexual predator from breaking the law?

Signs on the door and restrictions of who uses the facility make it obvious when somebody violates those restrictions.

If I see a male walk into a female restroom or shower, I'm notifying the management of the business. If it's a public park or government property, I'm notifying the police.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. There are guys dressed like women that could walk right pass you and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference dummy.

Maybe, but none of those "guys" (and it's interesting you called them guys), will never have a period, never get pregnant, never endure child birth or go through menopause.

It takes more than a pair of fake tits to be a woman.
I call them guys because I havent talked to all of them and asked what they would prefer to be called. The point is that super sleuth wouldnt be able to tell if they were women or men.

Is there a point?

None will ever have a period

None will ever get pregnant

None will endure a childbirth

None will ever go through menopause

All have a penis

You call them women?

Strange world you're from.
Be who you want to be....without yo male ass stepping foot into the women's bathriom.

The stupid f*ing liberal campaign to justify / allow men into the ladies' room is a testiment to their ever-growing moral depravity level.
Who called you intolerant because you dont want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims? Are you saying signs on the door will stop a sexual predator from breaking the law?

Signs on the door and restrictions of who uses the facility make it obvious when somebody violates those restrictions.

If I see a male walk into a female restroom or shower, I'm notifying the management of the business. If it's a public park or government property, I'm notifying the police.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. There are guys dressed like women that could walk right pass you and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference dummy.

Maybe, but none of those "guys" (and it's interesting you called them guys), will never have a period, never get pregnant, never endure child birth or go through menopause.

It takes more than a pair of fake tits to be a woman.
I call them guys because I havent talked to all of them and asked what they would prefer to be called. The point is that super sleuth wouldnt be able to tell if they were women or men.

Is there a point?

None will ever have a period

None will ever get pregnant

None will endure a childbirth

None will ever go through menopause

All have a penis

You call them women?

Strange world you're from.
Yes there is a point. Didnt you read the post I was replying to?
I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

If transgendered people using the restroom of their associated gender gave "sexual predators" the "freedom" to "stalk their victims", you'd have a point. Since it doesn't, you don't.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.

It absolutely IS misguided law, buts it's the lawmakers that set people up to be labeled as intolerant by passing it.

Transgendered people have always used the restrooms of their choice. No one made an issue of it.

Now, men who look like men can enter the bathroom without question. Yes, these laws make it easier for perverts because no one can question them. It would have sent up red flags before if a guy walked into a ladies room. Now it will be the new norm.

As I said, decency is universal and I hate to see transgender people lumped in with the perverts who seriously outnumber them.

Republican lawmakers made an issue out of it because they were pissed about gays marrying.

Gays and transgender people are two different things. How does the left deciding to allow men into the girl's bathroom equate to some objecting to gay marriage? Hillary and Obama both objected to gay marriage until it was politically advantageous to do a sudden "evolution." The court decided and it's over.

The decision to make all bathrooms available to everyone does not benefit transgender people as they had always dealt with it. Now it just means the perverts, who are everyone's enemy, no longer worry about being stopped.
Signs on the door and restrictions of who uses the facility make it obvious when somebody violates those restrictions.

If I see a male walk into a female restroom or shower, I'm notifying the management of the business. If it's a public park or government property, I'm notifying the police.
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. There are guys dressed like women that could walk right pass you and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference dummy.

Maybe, but none of those "guys" (and it's interesting you called them guys), will never have a period, never get pregnant, never endure child birth or go through menopause.

It takes more than a pair of fake tits to be a woman.
I call them guys because I havent talked to all of them and asked what they would prefer to be called. The point is that super sleuth wouldnt be able to tell if they were women or men.

Is there a point?

None will ever have a period

None will ever get pregnant

None will endure a childbirth

None will ever go through menopause

All have a penis

You call them women?

Strange world you're from.
Yes there is a point. Didnt you read the post I was replying to?

The rubbish? Yeah sure

What's the point?
If a cow had nuts it would be a bull. There are guys dressed like women that could walk right pass you and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference dummy.

Maybe, but none of those "guys" (and it's interesting you called them guys), will never have a period, never get pregnant, never endure child birth or go through menopause.

It takes more than a pair of fake tits to be a woman.
I call them guys because I havent talked to all of them and asked what they would prefer to be called. The point is that super sleuth wouldnt be able to tell if they were women or men.

Is there a point?

None will ever have a period

None will ever get pregnant

None will endure a childbirth

None will ever go through menopause

All have a penis

You call them women?

Strange world you're from.
Yes there is a point. Didnt you read the post I was replying to?

The rubbish? Yeah sure

What's the point?
The point is that he wouldnt be able to spot the men.
Individual liberty ends when someone elses liberty is compromised.
In this case, people would have to share the bathrooms when mentally ill grown men.
I am sure a lot of women would feel uncomfortable with that. I wouldn't want my son pissing beside some grown crazy female, either.
Do we have an inherent right to public restrooms?
We don't have an inherent right to much of anything other than eating, choice and fuckin Ravi. Hard to guess what your point was..
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.

Sure there is. I don't even like taking a dump with other guys in the bathroom. I sure as hell don't want a woman in there with me.
I heard you dont want a woman anywhere near you no matter where you are at.
Maybe, but none of those "guys" (and it's interesting you called them guys), will never have a period, never get pregnant, never endure child birth or go through menopause.

It takes more than a pair of fake tits to be a woman.
I call them guys because I havent talked to all of them and asked what they would prefer to be called. The point is that super sleuth wouldnt be able to tell if they were women or men.

Is there a point?

None will ever have a period

None will ever get pregnant

None will endure a childbirth

None will ever go through menopause

All have a penis

You call them women?

Strange world you're from.
Yes there is a point. Didnt you read the post I was replying to?

The rubbish? Yeah sure

What's the point?
The point is that he wouldnt be able to spot the men.

So a good disquise determines gender?

Do go on.

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