Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be?

We don't have an inherent right to much of anything other than eating, choice and fuckin Ravi. Hard to guess what your point was..
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.

So all restrooms must now be unisex?


To make .03% of the population more comfortable, and 99.97% less comfortable.


Then we should make all qualification equal for fire fighting, law enforcement.

You dudes are too damn funny
That isn't what I said.

What else would all inclusive mean?
It means everyone should be able to use a public restroom without worrying about what sex it is.

Ok, so, like I said, all restrooms must be unisex then.
We don't have an inherent right to much of anything other than eating, choice and fuckin Ravi. Hard to guess what your point was..
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.

So all restrooms must now be unisex?


To make .03% of the population more comfortable, and 99.97% less comfortable.


Then we should make all qualification equal for fire fighting, law enforcement.

You dudes are too damn funny
That isn't what I said.

What else would all inclusive mean?
It means if a facility wants to offer restrooms, they can choose to make them unisex if they wish.

Even governmentally mandated restrooms?

I actually don't have a problem with that as long as the restroom gives their customers notice that it is the policy of that business at the front door.

As a mandated policy, it is very problematic.
Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be whether you're born a man wanting to be a woman or the other way around. Who are you to say as a conservative that individuals can't do so and use the government to stop them? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

The surgery isn't unconstitutional the last time I checked.
Being something other than what you were born as isn't unconstitutional.
Now stopping them and stumping on their individual liberties is probably unconstitutional!

If someone wants to be gay...Lets not stop them!
If someone wants to be the other gender and dress as such. Lets not stop them!
If they want to smoke pot! That is their personal liberty speaking...
Hell, if someone wants to go through life as a dragon that hisses like a snake in their own homes. Who are you to say no?

I thought most of you are libertarians. Wtf are you doing disagreeing with this?

If you want to chop your penis off and have it sewed onto your forehead, be my guest. Just don't expect special treatment or a holiday named after you.

My problem is these people don't want EQUAL treatment, they want SPECIAL treatment. Uhm, no. I don't like taking dumps in public, but I don't demand a private bathroom.

These people are mental cases. You are what you are. A man can't wish himself to be a woman any more than he can wish himself to be a grapefruit.

Let's entertain your notion. What is the clinical diagnosis and universally accepted treatment?
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.

So all restrooms must now be unisex?


To make .03% of the population more comfortable, and 99.97% less comfortable.


Then we should make all qualification equal for fire fighting, law enforcement.

You dudes are too damn funny
That isn't what I said.

What else would all inclusive mean?
It means everyone should be able to use a public restroom without worrying about what sex it is.

Ok, so, like I said, all restrooms must be unisex then.
Not all of them need to be. The point is that right wingers shouldnt be whining over the unisex ones.
So all restrooms must now be unisex?


To make .03% of the population more comfortable, and 99.97% less comfortable.


Then we should make all qualification equal for fire fighting, law enforcement.

You dudes are too damn funny
That isn't what I said.

What else would all inclusive mean?
It means everyone should be able to use a public restroom without worrying about what sex it is.

Ok, so, like I said, all restrooms must be unisex then.
Not all of them need to be. The point is that right wingers shouldnt be whining over the unisex ones.

Do you feel the same way about lockers and showers?
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.

So all restrooms must now be unisex?


To make .03% of the population more comfortable, and 99.97% less comfortable.


Then we should make all qualification equal for fire fighting, law enforcement.

You dudes are too damn funny
That isn't what I said.

What else would all inclusive mean?
It means if a facility wants to offer restrooms, they can choose to make them unisex if they wish.

Even governmentally mandated restrooms?

I actually don't have a problem with that as long as the restroom gives their customers notice that it is the policy of that business at the front door.

As a mandated policy, it is very problematic.
Yes, even mandated restrooms. I've seen plenty of restaurants that have only unisex bathrooms.
Imagine how much money went into fighting gay marriage. Its depressing to see the Left invent these distractions and then the Right join in.
A. How did "the left" invent these "distractions?"

2. What are they distractions FROM?

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From their own sordid behaviour, but what they dont know is they are distractions from the world banking system. They want to pass the hot potato from their lesbian, adulterous hands, but they mostly dont know who comes up with it and backs them.
Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be?

Yes. If a personal friend of the Clinton's who is a very pro-choice supporter of an assault weapons ban and universal healthcare who believes George Bush should have been impeached as a war criminal wants to run for President, then he should be allowed to be a Republican if he wants to be.


I'm a conservative trapped in a far left liberal's body!
That isn't what I said.

What else would all inclusive mean?
It means everyone should be able to use a public restroom without worrying about what sex it is.

Ok, so, like I said, all restrooms must be unisex then.
Not all of them need to be. The point is that right wingers shouldnt be whining over the unisex ones.

Do you feel the same way about lockers and showers?
Thats why I said not all. Most locker rooms and showers have restrooms in them. Most people dont seek out a locker room when they have to go relieve themselves. They look for a restroom. I personally wouldnt care if a woman came into a shower room with me.
Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be?

Yes. If a personal friend of the Clinton's who is a very pro-choice supporter of an assault weapons ban and universal healthcare who believes George Bush should have been impeached as a war criminal wants to run for President, then he should be allowed to be a Republican if he wants to be.


I'm a conservative trapped in a far left liberal's body!

Are you trying to lecture me on Rhinos?

If he is such a democrat, why do you hate him so much, to the point of having trash can thrown over his head as a sig? This about explains it all...
Imagine how much money went into fighting gay marriage. Its depressing to see the Left invent these distractions and then the Right join in.
the Left invent these distractions? Can you explain that further please?
Pretty obvious isnt it?
Not at all obvious. Spell it out
Clementine did. And i just did the post before this one in this thread.
So all restrooms must now be unisex?


To make .03% of the population more comfortable, and 99.97% less comfortable.


Then we should make all qualification equal for fire fighting, law enforcement.

You dudes are too damn funny
That isn't what I said.

What else would all inclusive mean?
It means if a facility wants to offer restrooms, they can choose to make them unisex if they wish.

Even governmentally mandated restrooms?

I actually don't have a problem with that as long as the restroom gives their customers notice that it is the policy of that business at the front door.

As a mandated policy, it is very problematic.
Yes, even mandated restrooms. I've seen plenty of restaurants that have only unisex bathrooms.

Have you're politicians campaign on that. It sound like a winner.

That isn't what I said.

What else would all inclusive mean?
It means if a facility wants to offer restrooms, they can choose to make them unisex if they wish.

Even governmentally mandated restrooms?

I actually don't have a problem with that as long as the restroom gives their customers notice that it is the policy of that business at the front door.

As a mandated policy, it is very problematic.
Yes, even mandated restrooms. I've seen plenty of restaurants that have only unisex bathrooms.

Have you're politicians campaign on that. It sound like a winner.

Why would anyone campaign on someone following the law?
The left would rather that the majority be at risk even though it won't change a thing for transgenders. They live as the gender they identify with, IF they are true transgenders. When I see hairy guys dressed in a vulgar manner, I just don't trust them. Sorry, but that isn't about gender, it's about sex. Decency is a universal thing and no one should tolerate the vulgarity and disrespect from those who choose to dress and behave like porn stars when in public.

I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.
The left would rather that the majority be at risk even though it won't change a thing for transgenders. They live as the gender they identify with, IF they are true transgenders. When I see hairy guys dressed in a vulgar manner, I just don't trust them. Sorry, but that isn't about gender, it's about sex. Decency is a universal thing and no one should tolerate the vulgarity and disrespect from those who choose to dress and behave like porn stars when in public.

I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.
Who called you intolerant because you dont want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims? Are you saying signs on the door will stop a sexual predator from breaking the law?
I am tired of being called intolerant because I don't want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims.

If transgendered people using the restroom of their associated gender gave "sexual predators" the "freedom" to "stalk their victims", you'd have a point. Since it doesn't, you don't.

This is a misguided law and nothing more than an excuse to label people as intolerant Christians. Any decent person objects to this free for all. Libs used to claim that everything they did, like gun control, was for the children. Where is that concern for the children now? I guess attacking the right takes precedence over the safety of people.

It absolutely IS misguided law, buts it's the lawmakers that set people up to be labeled as intolerant by passing it.
Who called you intolerant because you dont want sexual predators to have the freedom to stalk their victims? Are you saying signs on the door will stop a sexual predator from breaking the law?

No, I am saying that the new law means they don't have to be sneaky anymore since no one can question them. We just made it easier.

Guess what? Signs never stopped transgenders from using the bathroom of their choice and it was never an issue. All the law does is allow men who look like men to enter the ladies room. No need for the law.

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