Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be?

Well they didn't change yet. That's the reason for the need to keep on fighting against it. Put Target out of business and set an example.

If a person is a true transgender, they will look like the sex they identify with long before the surgery. And they prefer to blend. A regular looking guy is full of shit if he claims to be a woman. Transgenders usually dress nicely, do their hair and makeup and try to look like a woman as best they can. If you see a guy in a dress with hairy legs and face and no makeup, you should run from him because he's just trying to take advantage of the situation.

There's a reason many weren't sure if they saw a transgender or not. They are probably better at hair and makeup than most and the goal was not to stand out from others of the same sex they identify with.

It's bullshit to allow a grown man into the ladies room when he's dressed like a guy. That is the part people are strongly objecting to and the left just doesn't get it.

Of course, now we have guys who look rugged and they claim to be lesbian women. This is the new liberal utopia, where even mental illness and perversion will be forced on society as the new norm.

We've already had men undressing in locker rooms in front of young people, guys taking cameras into bathrooms and locker rooms to get some footage to put on the internet and sleaze balls who just like peeking. It's a matter of time before attacks occur and the left still won't budge. They will continue to cater to the rapists, the perverted and the total scum and lump them in with the LGBT group. The people currently lumped together in that group should be really pissed.

All the new laws do is give a green light to creeps who want to expose themselves to children or worse. As I said, we should have left things as they were. The transgenders already had it figured out without being singled out by the left and used to make laws that they knew would upset anyone with a modicum of intelligence or decency. They did it just to invent another reason to cry about intolerance. Well, I have zero tolerance for sex offenders and I bet the LGBT group does, too.
Thank you.

Thank you for saying that you are free to conform to the wishes of the conservatives. You are not free to be non-conformist though. That's freedom.

It's like when I read the China Daily or some other newspaper about Hong Kong. They said the Hong Kong people should be happy they get democracy, they got to choose between two people Beijing had chosen, and then stated this was true democracy.
A shop doesn't have to do anything. They could close their business down, that's not slavery.

When you open a shop you agree to abide by the laws that govern shops.

The Constitution is the highest law in this nation, and the First Amendment, which is part of the Constitution, very strongly implies freedoms of conscience and association, as part of the explicitly-affirmed freedoms of expression, religion, and assembly. And nothing anywhere in the Constitution supports the view that one may be compelled to waive any of his rights therein as a condition of being allowed to make an honest living by running a business.

I find it amusing, in a sad way, when wrong-wingers speak of the rule of law, and speak of an obligation to obey the law, in defense of policies which blatantly violate this highest law.

Public servants—including legislators, executives, judges, law enforcement officers,and such—swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. They agree to this, as a condition of being allowed to hold their jobs. Why are you not so concerned about holding them to obedience to the law, which they swore to uphold?

You're picking and choosing.

The theory of Human Rights says you can do anything as long as you're not harming or hurting others.

You can have freedom of expression, but there are limits. You can have freedom of religion, but there are limits. You can have freedom to protest, but there are limits.

You're implying that these are limitless, that you can say whatever you like whenever you like and no one can stop you. You'd be wrong.

Hurt feelings or being inconvenienced doesn't constitute harm, except in the world of the regressive.
The problem is, the homosexuals don't live a private life, they make what is private, sexuality, public.

What right do the homosexuals have to teach children as young as 5, that they are homosexual?
What right do the homosexuals have to teach children as young as 5, that they are homosexual?

Child grooming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My 11 year old daughter had her homsexual teacher tell how their life partner was breaking up. Hardly content suitable for a classroom, leading me to realize that those who lack the intelligence to establish a natural relationship have not the intelligence to be a teacher to children.
You're stuck on the slavery thing, aren't you?

As if a slave could suddenly say, hey, dudes, I'm shedding my black skin today and then I won't be a slave.

Slaves have NO CHOICE. Shop owners have a choice. They can choose to follow the laws, they can set up an internet business, they can have a private shop where customers only find out about it through word of mouth and so on. They have CHOICE therefore they AREN'T SLAVES.

Got it?

What I got is that no one can open a business unless they agree to be slaves.

And what I got is you don't understand slavery.

I'm not the one saying people should be forced by the government to perform work they choose not to perform.
Individual liberty ends when someone elses liberty is compromised.
In this case, people would have to share the bathrooms when mentally ill grown men.
I am sure a lot of women would feel uncomfortable with that. I wouldn't want my son pissing beside some grown crazy female, either.
Do we have an inherent right to public restrooms?
Individual liberty ends when someone elses liberty is compromised.
In this case, people would have to share the bathrooms when mentally ill grown men.
I am sure a lot of women would feel uncomfortable with that. I wouldn't want my son pissing beside some grown crazy female, either.
Do we have an inherent right to public restrooms?
We don't have an inherent right to much of anything other than eating, choice and fuckin Ravi. Hard to guess what your point was..
Well they didn't change yet. That's the reason for the need to keep on fighting against it. Put Target out of business and set an example.

If a person is a true transgender, they will look like the sex they identify with long before the surgery. And they prefer to blend. A regular looking guy is full of shit if he claims to be a woman. Transgenders usually dress nicely, do their hair and makeup and try to look like a woman as best they can. If you see a guy in a dress with hairy legs and face and no makeup, you should run from him because he's just trying to take advantage of the situation.

There's a reason many weren't sure if they saw a transgender or not. They are probably better at hair and makeup than most and the goal was not to stand out from others of the same sex they identify with.

It's bullshit to allow a grown man into the ladies room when he's dressed like a guy. That is the part people are strongly objecting to and the left just doesn't get it.

Of course, now we have guys who look rugged and they claim to be lesbian women. This is the new liberal utopia, where even mental illness and perversion will be forced on society as the new norm.

We've already had men undressing in locker rooms in front of young people, guys taking cameras into bathrooms and locker rooms to get some footage to put on the internet and sleaze balls who just like peeking. It's a matter of time before attacks occur and the left still won't budge. They will continue to cater to the rapists, the perverted and the total scum and lump them in with the LGBT group. The people currently lumped together in that group should be really pissed.

All the new laws do is give a green light to creeps who want to expose themselves to children or worse. As I said, we should have left things as they were. The transgenders already had it figured out without being singled out by the left and used to make laws that they knew would upset anyone with a modicum of intelligence or decency. They did it just to invent another reason to cry about intolerance. Well, I have zero tolerance for sex offenders and I bet the LGBT group does, too.

There is no reason a weirdo in a dress can't use the mens room. If the left wants to claim they are uncomfortable with this, well what about all the women that are uncomfortable with a guy in their bathroom or public shower? Screw them I guess.

Again, this is one of the many annoying things about the left; they believe the majority should always cater to the minority; if not willingly, by force.
Why arent we fighting the devaluation of money and the rising cost of living?

You don't do multitasking then? One thing at a time?

There are lots of things that need to be dealt with, politicians seems to have completely lost the plot. Civil Rights are just as important as making sure the economy is stable. In fact Civil Rights are so EASY to implement, it should have been done hundreds of years ago. The fact that it's still an issue now is embarrassing.

What civil rights don't you enjoy?

Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.

Who? And what are said rights?

Well, the first right would be the right to equality under the law.

If I walk into a shop and I can be refused because someone has decided they don't like me for some reason, then this isn't equality under the law.

If I can't have the same rights to inheritance of my partner, then this isn't equality under the law.

The US Constitution says government has to give you equal protection under the law--not private enterprises.

You don't have free speech at work. You say something to your boss that offends him or her, they can fire you. You don't have free speech at a movie theater. If you stand up while a movie is playing and give the crowd the Bernie Sanders platform, they will escort you out of the movie theater and perhaps have you arrested.
Individual liberty ends when someone elses liberty is compromised.
In this case, people would have to share the bathrooms when mentally ill grown men.
I am sure a lot of women would feel uncomfortable with that. I wouldn't want my son pissing beside some grown crazy female, either.
Do we have an inherent right to public restrooms?
We don't have an inherent right to much of anything other than eating, choice and fuckin Ravi. Hard to guess what your point was..
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.
Individual liberty ends when someone elses liberty is compromised.
In this case, people would have to share the bathrooms when mentally ill grown men.
I am sure a lot of women would feel uncomfortable with that. I wouldn't want my son pissing beside some grown crazy female, either.
Do we have an inherent right to public restrooms?
We don't have an inherent right to much of anything other than eating, choice and fuckin Ravi. Hard to guess what your point was..
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.
I have no problem with that. Businesses should have their bathrooms any way they want. If you don't like it don't go there.
When a female walks into the female bathrooms, they expect females. And vice versa
You're stuck on the slavery thing, aren't you?

As if a slave could suddenly say, hey, dudes, I'm shedding my black skin today and then I won't be a slave.

Slaves have NO CHOICE. Shop owners have a choice. They can choose to follow the laws, they can set up an internet business, they can have a private shop where customers only find out about it through word of mouth and so on. They have CHOICE therefore they AREN'T SLAVES.

Got it?

What I got is that no one can open a business unless they agree to be slaves.

And what I got is you don't understand slavery.

I'm not the one saying people should be forced by the government to perform work they choose not to perform.

Nor am I.

No one is enslaved, they have a choice, they can just quit their job, stop running their company.

I have to do shit I don't like doing in my job. Does that make me a slave?
The problem is, the homosexuals don't live a private life, they make what is private, sexuality, public.

What right do the homosexuals have to teach children as young as 5, that they are homosexual?

Probably because they've been repressed. If you left them alone, they wouldn't then have the need to show off.

Then again some heterosexuals also show off. And some gay people don't.
You don't do multitasking then? One thing at a time?

There are lots of things that need to be dealt with, politicians seems to have completely lost the plot. Civil Rights are just as important as making sure the economy is stable. In fact Civil Rights are so EASY to implement, it should have been done hundreds of years ago. The fact that it's still an issue now is embarrassing.

What civil rights don't you enjoy?

Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.

Who? And what are said rights?

Well, the first right would be the right to equality under the law.

If I walk into a shop and I can be refused because someone has decided they don't like me for some reason, then this isn't equality under the law.

If I can't have the same rights to inheritance of my partner, then this isn't equality under the law.

The US Constitution says government has to give you equal protection under the law--not private enterprises.

You don't have free speech at work. You say something to your boss that offends him or her, they can fire you. You don't have free speech at a movie theater. If you stand up while a movie is playing and give the crowd the Bernie Sanders platform, they will escort you out of the movie theater and perhaps have you arrested.

Oh course. Then again I wasn't asked about THE US CONSTITUTION, I was asked about RIGHTS.

So, therefore, I'm talking about rights.

The Constitution forces the US govt to protect rights. It doesn't force citizens to protect rights. However the US govt often makes laws that do protect people's rights. Like the law against murder, for example.

So, there are laws that businesses have been forced to follow by the govt. And some of these laws say they're not allowed to deny someone a service based on race, religion, gender etc.

And, as I have said, rights are limited. There are times and there are places where your free speech is not protected. So....?
In spite of the first amendment, one cannot always shoot one's mouth off.
The second assures one can always shoot.

South Park addressed this a long time ago. How absurd the left wingers are. Do not be misled everyone. The OP is nothing more than propaganda pusher of his piece of crap socialist leaders.

Finding any and all ways to create perceived racism every and all ways by the "white right." This moron OP and all of the followers that yell about this absurd topic are nothing but pawns.

Here is the fact that they cannot handle.

There is no such thing as transgender. It is a made up word like a unicorn. Not my opinion.

Psychiatry expert: ‘scientifically there is no such thing as transgender’

Bruce Jenner can never ever ever ever ever be a woman. No matter how much he or any of his stupid followers and everyone on the left insists he is. No matter how thick the makeup, no matter how well he shaves the legs, adds breasts or tucks his twig into his pelvis.

Can never be a woman. No one can be the opposite sex they are, even if they "feeeeeeel" they are.

It is not even the rightwing these losers like the OP are pissed about. It is the FACTS of life.

The OP thinks he is engaging in this "fight" for the rights of people. He is a moronic ignorant hypocrite and a typical race dividing pawn for this socialist masters. That is it and that is all.
Individual liberty ends when someone elses liberty is compromised.
In this case, people would have to share the bathrooms when mentally ill grown men.
I am sure a lot of women would feel uncomfortable with that. I wouldn't want my son pissing beside some grown crazy female, either.
Do we have an inherent right to public restrooms?
We don't have an inherent right to much of anything other than eating, choice and fuckin Ravi. Hard to guess what your point was..
Public bathrooms are supplied for a matter of convenience and as such there is no reason they can't be all inclusive.

So all restrooms must now be unisex?


To make .03% of the population more comfortable, and 99.97% less comfortable.


Then we should make all qualification equal for fire fighting, law enforcement.

You dudes are too damn funny

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