Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be?

Mental illness is not a right. Any government that passes laws making it one is mentally ill.

You are not a psychiatrist and if you were one would have to be crazy to consult you....:2up:
Well considering how you keep saying that "psychiatrists" and "psychologists" have named the disorder, it's pretty clear that it is a mental illness. People don't go to a psychiatrist or a psychologist for heart defects genius. Once again, your own words have defeated your own position.
Who is "we"? Over 200 localities and a few states across the nation say there is such a right.

That's a pretty nonsensical position. We have tons of laws passed through out history. Many were later over turned. Some where later ruled unconstitutional. Just because some libtard Democrat wants to pander to the mentally ill and the sexual deviant to say in office, doesn't make the legislation logical, right, or permanent.

By the way, North Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, and Missississippi have passed some form of legislating outlawing the indecency that you so desperately want to make pervasive through out society. So while you have "200 localities" these states alone make up thousands and thousands of localities.

Heck, after Target passed their nonsense (which appears well on its way to putting Target out of business), one city - Oxford (not sure which state) - immediately passed a statute over riding Targets policy. So their own corporate headquarters can't even enforce their own policy in that facility.

At the end of the day I can tell you three things unequivocally:

1.) This fight is far from over
2.) None of it will ever matter in the end because the final solution is going to be single occupancy facilities
3.) Even if 1 and 2 weren't true (and they are), the libtard laws would be irrelevant as rational, reasonable American's are not going to let libtard perverts into the restrooms of the opposite sex no matter what the law says
I think it's important to make the distinction that liberty does not mean being forced to ignore and deny facts and science. A person with an "X" and a "Y" chromosome is in fact a man and nothing can change that. If that man wants to live a lie and tell a lie, nobody can really stop them. But society cannot be forced to accept that lie or allow that person to invade the space and privacy of others based on that lie.
Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be whether you're born a man wanting to be a woman or the other way around. Who are you to say as a conservative that individuals can't do so and use the government to stop them? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

The surgery isn't unconstitutional the last time I checked.
Being something other than what you were born as isn't unconstitutional.
Now stopping them and stumping on their individual liberties is probably unconstitutional!

If someone wants to be gay...Lets not stop them!
If someone wants to be the other gender and dress as such. Lets not stop them!
If they want to smoke pot! That is their personal liberty speaking...
Hell, if someone wants to go through life as a dragon that hisses like a snake in their own homes. Who are you to say no?

I thought most of you are libertarians. Wtf are you doing disagreeing with this?
No one is claiming any of this. FAIL
I think it's important to make the distinction that liberty does not mean being forced to ignore and deny facts and science. A person with an "X" and a "Y" chromosome is in fact a man and nothing can change that. If that man wants to live a lie and tell a lie, nobody can really stop them. But society cannot be forced to accept that lie or allow that person to invade the space and privacy of others based on that lie.

I heard that the transgender community is .3% of our country. That means the other 99.7% of us have to change for them. I really never understood this obsession of the left that believes the majority should always change for the minority no matter how small that minority is.

If a person is having psychological problems, they should be in the office of a shrink and not the bathroom of women and girls. Even if their mental issues render them harmless, it opens the door to others who have different mental issues to bring harm to others.
Imagine how much money went into fighting gay marriage. Its depressing to see the Left invent these distractions and then the Right join in.

Civil rights are a "distraction". Yeah, Serfs and slaves fighting for freedom (and others doing it on behalf of them) is a distraction everyone.
Why arent we fighting the devaluation of money and the rising cost of living?

You don't do multitasking then? One thing at a time?

There are lots of things that need to be dealt with, politicians seems to have completely lost the plot. Civil Rights are just as important as making sure the economy is stable. In fact Civil Rights are so EASY to implement, it should have been done hundreds of years ago. The fact that it's still an issue now is embarrassing.
Imagine how much money went into fighting gay marriage. Its depressing to see the Left invent these distractions and then the Right join in.

Civil rights are a "distraction". Yeah, Serfs and slaves fighting for freedom (and others doing it on behalf of them) is a distraction everyone.
Why arent we fighting the devaluation of money and the rising cost of living?

You don't do multitasking then? One thing at a time?

There are lots of things that need to be dealt with, politicians seems to have completely lost the plot. Civil Rights are just as important as making sure the economy is stable. In fact Civil Rights are so EASY to implement, it should have been done hundreds of years ago. The fact that it's still an issue now is embarrassing.

What civil rights don't you enjoy?
Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be whether you're born a man wanting to be a woman or the other way around. Who are you to say as a conservative that individuals can't do so and use the government to stop them? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

The surgery isn't unconstitutional the last time I checked.
Being something other than what you were born as isn't unconstitutional.
Now stopping them and stumping on their individual liberties is probably unconstitutional!

If someone wants to be gay...Lets not stop them!
If someone wants to be the other gender and dress as such. Lets not stop them!
If they want to smoke pot! That is their personal liberty speaking...
Hell, if someone wants to go through life as a dragon that hisses like a snake in their own homes. Who are you to say no?

I thought most of you are libertarians. Wtf are you doing disagreeing with this?

Who said no one can get a sex change operation?

The issue is men going to the bathroom or getting undressed in front of women and children. Transgenders generally don't do that. It's been pointed out that they've done their own thing all along and either people weren't aware or they were unsure if the other person in the bathroom was a man or woman.

Perverts are the only ones who will expose themselves to people. And they are the only ones who will benefit from the new law.

Should have left things as they were. Most people tolerated transgenders and this bathroom thing was never an issue until the left made it one.

People should all be 100% intolerant of perverts. It is perverts we will be seeing often now, not the tiny percent of transgenders.
Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be whether you're born a man wanting to be a woman or the other way around. Who are you to say as a conservative that individuals can't do so and use the government to stop them? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

The surgery isn't unconstitutional the last time I checked.
Being something other than what you were born as isn't unconstitutional.
Now stopping them and stumping on their individual liberties is probably unconstitutional!

If someone wants to be gay...Lets not stop them!
If someone wants to be the other gender and dress as such. Lets not stop them!
If they want to smoke pot! That is their personal liberty speaking...
Hell, if someone wants to go through life as a dragon that hisses like a snake in their own homes. Who are you to say no?

I thought most of you are libertarians. Wtf are you doing disagreeing with this?

Who said no one can get a sex change operation?

The issue is men going to the bathroom or getting undressed in front of women and children. Transgenders generally don't do that. It's been pointed out that they've done their own thing all along and either people weren't aware or they were unsure if the other person in the bathroom was a man or woman.

Perverts are the only ones who will expose themselves to people. And they are the only ones who will benefit from the new law.

Should have left things as they were.

Well they didn't change yet. That's the reason for the need to keep on fighting against it. Put Target out of business and set an example.
Imagine how much money went into fighting gay marriage. Its depressing to see the Left invent these distractions and then the Right join in.

Civil rights are a "distraction". Yeah, Serfs and slaves fighting for freedom (and others doing it on behalf of them) is a distraction everyone.
Why arent we fighting the devaluation of money and the rising cost of living?

You don't do multitasking then? One thing at a time?

There are lots of things that need to be dealt with, politicians seems to have completely lost the plot. Civil Rights are just as important as making sure the economy is stable. In fact Civil Rights are so EASY to implement, it should have been done hundreds of years ago. The fact that it's still an issue now is embarrassing.

What civil rights don't you enjoy?

Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.
I would like to become a transsexual bunny rabbit. I'm hop(p)ing that obamacare will take care of all the expenses.
Imagine how much money went into fighting gay marriage. Its depressing to see the Left invent these distractions and then the Right join in.

Civil rights are a "distraction". Yeah, Serfs and slaves fighting for freedom (and others doing it on behalf of them) is a distraction everyone.
Why arent we fighting the devaluation of money and the rising cost of living?

You don't do multitasking then? One thing at a time?

There are lots of things that need to be dealt with, politicians seems to have completely lost the plot. Civil Rights are just as important as making sure the economy is stable. In fact Civil Rights are so EASY to implement, it should have been done hundreds of years ago. The fact that it's still an issue now is embarrassing.

What civil rights don't you enjoy?

Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.

Who? And what are said rights?
Civil rights are a "distraction". Yeah, Serfs and slaves fighting for freedom (and others doing it on behalf of them) is a distraction everyone.
Why arent we fighting the devaluation of money and the rising cost of living?

You don't do multitasking then? One thing at a time?

There are lots of things that need to be dealt with, politicians seems to have completely lost the plot. Civil Rights are just as important as making sure the economy is stable. In fact Civil Rights are so EASY to implement, it should have been done hundreds of years ago. The fact that it's still an issue now is embarrassing.

What civil rights don't you enjoy?

Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.

Who? And what are said rights?

Well, the first right would be the right to equality under the law.

If I walk into a shop and I can be refused because someone has decided they don't like me for some reason, then this isn't equality under the law.

If I can't have the same rights to inheritance of my partner, then this isn't equality under the law.
Well they didn't change yet. That's the reason for the need to keep on fighting against it. Put Target out of business and set an example.

If a person is a true transgender, they will look like the sex they identify with long before the surgery. And they prefer to blend. A regular looking guy is full of shit if he claims to be a woman. Transgenders usually dress nicely, do their hair and makeup and try to look like a woman as best they can. If you see a guy in a dress with hairy legs and face and no makeup, you should run from him because he's just trying to take advantage of the situation.

There's a reason many weren't sure if they saw a transgender or not. They are probably better at hair and makeup than most and the goal was not to stand out from others of the same sex they identify with.

It's bullshit to allow a grown man into the ladies room when he's dressed like a guy. That is the part people are strongly objecting to and the left just doesn't get it.

Of course, now we have guys who look rugged and they claim to be lesbian women. This is the new liberal utopia, where even mental illness and perversion will be forced on society as the new norm.

We've already had men undressing in locker rooms in front of young people, guys taking cameras into bathrooms and locker rooms to get some footage to put on the internet and sleaze balls who just like peeking. It's a matter of time before attacks occur and the left still won't budge. They will continue to cater to the rapists, the perverted and the total scum and lump them in with the LGBT group. The people currently lumped together in that group should be really pissed.

All the new laws do is give a green light to creeps who want to expose themselves to children or worse. As I said, we should have left things as they were. The transgenders already had it figured out without being singled out by the left and used to make laws that they knew would upset anyone with a modicum of intelligence or decency. They did it just to invent another reason to cry about intolerance. Well, I have zero tolerance for sex offenders and I bet the LGBT group does, too.
Why arent we fighting the devaluation of money and the rising cost of living?

You don't do multitasking then? One thing at a time?

There are lots of things that need to be dealt with, politicians seems to have completely lost the plot. Civil Rights are just as important as making sure the economy is stable. In fact Civil Rights are so EASY to implement, it should have been done hundreds of years ago. The fact that it's still an issue now is embarrassing.

What civil rights don't you enjoy?

Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.

Who? And what are said rights?

Well, the first right would be the right to equality under the law.

Be specific.

If I walk into a shop and I can be refused because someone has decided they don't like me for some reason, then this isn't equality under the law.

And yet the shop can be forced to perform work they choose not to perform. How is that not slavery?

If I can't have the same rights to inheritance of my partner, then this isn't equality under the law.

In that we agree.
You don't do multitasking then? One thing at a time?

There are lots of things that need to be dealt with, politicians seems to have completely lost the plot. Civil Rights are just as important as making sure the economy is stable. In fact Civil Rights are so EASY to implement, it should have been done hundreds of years ago. The fact that it's still an issue now is embarrassing.

What civil rights don't you enjoy?

Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.

Who? And what are said rights?

Well, the first right would be the right to equality under the law.

Be specific.

If I walk into a shop and I can be refused because someone has decided they don't like me for some reason, then this isn't equality under the law.

And yet the shop can be forced to perform work they choose not to perform. How is that not slavery?

If I can't have the same rights to inheritance of my partner, then this isn't equality under the law.

In that we agree.

A shop doesn't have to do anything. They could close their business down, that's not slavery.

When you open a shop you agree to abide by the laws that govern shops. Your choice. A slave doesn't have a choice.

When someone becomes a government official, they have to abide by the laws governing the government. That's not slavery either. It's what they signed up for.
Isn't it a personal liberty to be who you want to be whether you're born a man wanting to be a woman or the other way around. Who are you to say as a conservative that individuals can't do so and use the government to stop them? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

The surgery isn't unconstitutional the last time I checked.
Being something other than what you were born as isn't unconstitutional.
Now stopping them and stumping on their individual liberties is probably unconstitutional!

If someone wants to be gay...Lets not stop them!
If someone wants to be the other gender and dress as such. Lets not stop them!
If they want to smoke pot! That is their personal liberty speaking...
Hell, if someone wants to go through life as a dragon that hisses like a snake in their own homes. Who are you to say no?

I thought most of you are libertarians. Wtf are you doing disagreeing with this?

You do know the difference between Libertarians and Social Conservatives, don't you?

Tea Party, Republicans, and those voting for Trump and Cruz are not Libertarian.

As for me I do not care if you want to be gay ( happy or sexually ), dress like a woman, man, or chimp while smoking pot.

It is your personal life and has nothing to do with me except if you ask me to pay for your lifestyle then I have to say no...
What civil rights don't you enjoy?

Well..... we're not talking about me.

We're talking about certain people in society who have not had civil rights.

Who? And what are said rights?

Well, the first right would be the right to equality under the law.

Be specific.

If I walk into a shop and I can be refused because someone has decided they don't like me for some reason, then this isn't equality under the law.

And yet the shop can be forced to perform work they choose not to perform. How is that not slavery?

If I can't have the same rights to inheritance of my partner, then this isn't equality under the law.

In that we agree.

A shop doesn't have to do anything. They could close their business down, that's not slavery.

Why should they have to close their business down for refusing to be slaves?

When you open a shop you agree to abide by the laws that govern shops. Your choice. A slave doesn't have a choice.

You agree to be a slave? Show me.

When someone becomes a government official, they have to abide by the laws governing the government. That's not slavery either. It's what they signed up for.

And yet they never do, unless it's to their advantage.

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