Israel must stop instigating war in middleast.

Gaza is like the Warsaw ghetto. 70% of the population are children..most Gazans are refugees from the west Bank and East Jerusalem.
70% seems a little high

But all the more reason to use the money for peace instead of war
Thats not my style but they seem harmless

How are they hurting you?

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

God deceives those who refuse to love truth, who love to lie, these people are wolves in sheep's clothing, like the vast majority of "Christians" they are obsessed with the physical. They cannot see because they have been blinded.

Those people lie that they have witnessed the dead being raised and other claptrap.
Okay Nazi scum, don't compare Israel to Nazi Germany and Netanyahu to Hitler. It is absolutely disgusting. They have NOTHING IN COMMON.

You should take a deep breath, check out every thing below and THINK for once:

  • The Third Reich justified its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - the Versailles Treaty
  • The Zionist state justifies its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - the Holocaust, antisemitism
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of a superior race - the Aryans
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of racial supremacy - the Jews
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of territorial entitlement - Poland, Sudetenland...
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of territorial entitlement - West Bank, Golan...
  • The Third Reich was committed to the destruction of another race - Jews
  • The Zionist state is committed to the destruction of another race - Palestinians
  • The Third Reich justified its necessity by fabricating an existential threat - Bolshevism, Jewry
  • The Zionist state justifies its necessity by fabricating an existential threat - Islam, Arab nationalism
You should take a deep breath, check out every thing below and THINK for once:

  • The Third Reich justified its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - the Versailles Treaty
  • The Zionist state justifies its necessity by a prior national catastrophe - the Holocaust, antisemitism
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of a superior race - the Aryans
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of racial supremacy - the Jews
  • The Third Reich embraced a doctrine of territorial entitlement - Poland, Sudetenland...
  • The Zionist state embrace the doctrine of territorial entitlement - West Bank, Golan...
  • The Third Reich was committed to the destruction of another race - Jews
  • The Zionist state is committed to the destruction of another race - Palestinians
  • The Third Reich justified its necessity by declaring an existential threat - Bolshevism, Jewry
  • The Zionist state justifies its necessity by declaring an existential threat - Islam, Arab nationalism
Nothing but Iran's lies about Israel.
Listen, I share my beliefs with my 90 year old grandfather.
You're a liar, making stuff up like all Trump supporting fake Christian nationalists, you don't care about the truth, that's your problem, you simply don't care what really happens you care only about belief, belief in whatever makes you happy, all ego.
I do indeed have a 90 year old grandfather.

You show disrespect for a veteran.
You show disrespect to Jews and to God, get back to your silly flag waving and fake humility. You support evil, you defend evil, you attack those who want to help the weak and you defend those who attack the weak and helpless, you are a hypocrite. If you'd met Jesus 2,000 years ago you'd have excitedly called for his execution.
You show disrespect to Jews and to God, get back to your silly flag waving and fake humility. You support evil, you defend evil, you attack those who want to help the weak and you defend those who attack the weak and helpless, you are a hypocrite. If you'd met Jesus 2,000 years ago you'd have excitedly called for his execution.
I have Jewish friends and they support me.

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