Trump chickens out of 60 minutes interview

Is this Harris' excuse as well or do you have another for her?
Please try to do a better job of following what people say.

I suggested he avoid interviews, for his own good. I didn't make excuses.

I would suggest Harris continue to do interviews, as she has been.
I don't think these people realize just how dumb the Democratic "nominees" really are. Harris could not hold up in any interview where she didn't know the questions ahead of time and wasn't tossed softballs. Such and interview would expose her for what she really is. Democrats wouldn't care, but maybe some Independents would take note.

They don't because they're even dumber than the nominees!

Harris hasnt run scared. Trump also chickened out of another debate as will. I am puzzled because I thought that Harris is hiding from interviews.

In fact it is trump and his advisors who are keen to keep the old man from scrutiny.

Maybe that is for the best. But how is trump to face down his boss Putin if he cant face Ms Harris ?
Harris chickened out of every event the last 72+ days.

You have a lot of nerve accusing Trump of being a chicken when the last time he was interviewed by them they lied to his face about Hunter's laptop.
She does ZERO interviews accept with those outlets that she won't be challenged in any way. Even still, very few of those.
So she does interviews.

I would suggest she keep doing them.

Whereas Trump should probably keep his mouth shut as much as possible.
His fort' isn't in debating Tommy. Instead of the chicken accusation, he's being smart on some other front. It's just that it's not apparent where he has an edge.

Suffice to say, he was completely fkng destroyed in the last one.

But does that really matter to his loyal base? I don't think they even realize how bad he was whacked down.

Alas, all that matters is preventing America's next war that could easily become nuclear. Trump represents the better chance of preventing it. And already Putin has warned that Britain goes first if they fuk with Russia!
He is wise to run from comparisons with a strong black woman.
The democrat owned MSM cannot be trusted. CBS just did the VP debate and the debate rules were that the moderators would not fact check, the candidates had to fact check themselves. Then they couldn't resist to fact check against their own rules. Then, when they didn't want to be fact checked themselves on their fact check, they cut off Vance's mike. With 60 minutes they can edit whatever the hell they want to make Trump look bad and Harris look good. The media should not be allowed to unfairly influence the election.
You are bitching about fact checking ? Dont you realise how fucked up that is ?
You are bitching about fact checking ? Dont you realise how fucked up that is ?
These crybabies are complaining about "fact checking" like:

"The overhwhelming consensus of scientists is that man is causing climate change."

That's not even a fact check. The entire point was that Trump called it a hoax. That's just context.

It makes no sense on any level for these idiots to first say all the scientists are lying and perpetuating a hoax, then call relating what they say "a fact check".

Trump has turned their brains to diarrhea.
Check out all the Trump coutists making pouty excuses for Trump's cowardice. They all do so love their manbaby.

Adults, they think otherwise. They'd prefer an adult as president. That's not Trump.
So, what do you care? You are so sure Kamala is going to win. To Progs this even cements it. To you Trump would be the one who needs to do it, or it is over. It's like you want him to debate and whatever else.
You can see here how the Trump cult attracts the low-IQ crowd. They can be brainwashed into believing anything, no matter how stupid it is.

I sometimes listen to FOX News and Greg Gutfield and Judge Pirro. That's where these talking points come from. The conservatives here are good parrots, you have to give them that. Too bad they're not in touch with reality.

Harris and Walz are sharp as hell.

Vance is smart, but he uses his intelligence to be creepy and perverted and evil.

Trump was an imbecile even before the dementia set in. His formerly 90-IQ is now down to about 80.
They are low grade individuals. But in 6 months time you wont get any of them to admit voting for trumpy.
Trump is a coward, but he's the best coward. Nobody has ever seen a coward like trump.

He is liar and a coward. All his talk of, "Anytime Anywhere" (his exact words) are so much bullshit. He knows Kamala Harris dragged his fat, white, pimpled ass over the debate stage.

Harris hasnt run scared. Trump also chickened out of another debate as will. I am puzzled because I thought that Harris is hiding from interviews.

In fact it is trump and his advisors who are keen to keep the old man from scrutiny.

Maybe that is for the best. But how is trump to face down his boss Putin if he cant face Ms Harris ?
60 minutes is a lib propaganda fraud

Trump is smart not to go on their program

Harris hasnt run scared. Trump also chickened out of another debate as will. I am puzzled because I thought that Harris is hiding from interviews.

In fact it is trump and his advisors who are keen to keep the old man from scrutiny.

Maybe that is for the best. But how is trump to face down his boss Putin if he cant face Ms Harris ?

Why would he want to give an interview to people who are blatantly out to ruin him.

It would make no sense to allow people who hate him to conduct an interview.

I see Harris still hasn’t agreed to the Fox debate. She’s still runnin scared.

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