Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

It's been almost 70 years George but I recollect from reading and watching newsreels when I was a kid how Jews from Europe and other places moved into an area that was barren, full of malarial swamps and turned it into a virtual paradise. Over the years the Arabs wanted"their"land back. Same story in Panama and South Africa with the English, Dutch and Americans.
And you're still gullible enough to believe those old lies, right?

And you actually think most of the readers are gullible enough to believe that you actually care about these Arabs when you are just using them as pawns in your fight against your scapegoats, the Jews. If you were so concerned about Arabsm on this Middle East forum you would certainly be posting articles and condemning what is happening to the innocent Arabs (both Muslims and Christians) in the rest of the Middle East. You could care less how many have been killed, how many have been wounded, how many have been made refugees, how many of their houses of worship have been destroyed -- it is only when you play "your concern" for the Arabs when the Jews are involved.
Five times today I saw news flashes about bombs going off in Iraq, Pakistan and other ME countries. This happens day after day after day...... and not one American or Jew was involved, just Muslim on Muslim. And nobody here seems interested.
And you're still gullible enough to believe those old lies, right?
Skip it, George. Just skip it.
"If the Jewish state, or the national home, is not allowed to become a reality, it seems probable that the province of Palestine will either become part of the neighboring Arab state, whose capital is Damascus, or be held in trust by one of the powers, under a mandate from the League of Nations, for the benefit of the dwellers therein, and for those pilgrims of the three great religions who wish to visit its holy places.

"In either contingency it is probable that some Jews, as well as other Europeans, would find no difficulty in settling in the land; but neither foreign Jew nor foreign Gentile should be given any special privileges; and to entrust the Jews, who have not governed themselves for two thousand years, with any form of government of the country would be extremely unwise."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Sounds like one pile of happy hoss crap.
Intelligent people can see right through you, Billy, so please don't think you are fooling anyone. Now let's get back to the Middle East in general. Have you anything to report about what is going on in any of the other Middle East countries other than Israel? After all, this is the Middle East forum and not exclusively the Israel/Palestine forum. Maybe Billy has something to tell us about Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc. Go for it, Billy. Tell us the latest about what is happening in another Middle East country.
That's not the thread topic.
Two words Georgie porgy, HEBRON MASSACRE of 1929. Maybe it was the Islamic Arab aspirations that caused Muslim Arab animals to go on an ethnic cleansing rampage and massacre all the ancient Jews of Hebron who had lived there for a millenia.
No, it was selfish, Zionists marching down to the Wailing Wall and declaring it theirs.

Of course now the animals are out there telling everybody how Hebron has always belonged to the Arabs, and the "Jews are the invaders and occupiers".
Not only are you a hypocrite, but an irrational one at that.

Blaming arabs for something they might do, the same thing Zionists did do!
Skip it, George. Just skip it.
"If the Jewish state, or the national home, is not allowed to become a reality, it seems probable that the province of Palestine will either become part of the neighboring Arab state, whose capital is Damascus, or be held in trust by one of the powers, under a mandate from the League of Nations, for the benefit of the dwellers therein, and for those pilgrims of the three great religions who wish to visit its holy places.

"In either contingency it is probable that some Jews, as well as other Europeans, would find no difficulty in settling in the land; but neither foreign Jew nor foreign Gentile should be given any special privileges; and to entrust the Jews, who have not governed themselves for two thousand years, with any form of government of the country would be extremely unwise."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

Sounds like one pile of happy hoss crap.

But I am sure the readers have noticed how Herr George loves to spam the same articles over and over and over as long as he can drag his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into the equation. He really has not one bit of interest in what is happening in the Middle East unless it involves his scapegoats.

By the way, can you imagine how frustrated Herr George would be if after a dozen times of posting the same article he was told he had passed the limit?
And you're still gullible enough to believe those old lies, right?

And you actually think most of the readers are gullible enough to believe that you actually care about these Arabs when you are just using them as pawns in your fight against your scapegoats, the Jews. If you were so concerned about Arabsm on this Middle East forum you would certainly be posting articles and condemning what is happening to the innocent Arabs (both Muslims and Christians) in the rest of the Middle East. You could care less how many have been killed, how many have been wounded, how many have been made refugees, how many of their houses of worship have been destroyed -- it is only when you play "your concern" for the Arabs when the Jews are involved.
Five times today I saw news flashes about bombs going off in Iraq, Pakistan and other ME countries. This happens day after day after day...... and not one American or Jew was involved, just Muslim on Muslim. And nobody here seems interested.
Why aren't you interested in the relationship between bombs going off in Iraq today and the number of Americans who were involved with the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003?

Did you support those who destroyed what was left of Iraq?

If so, you shouldn't be so disingenuous about why that invasion took place or how it relates to subsequent explosions in Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Sudan, and Iran today.
Skip it, George. Just skip it.
"If the Jewish state, or the national home, is not allowed to become a reality, it seems probable that the province of Palestine will either become part of the neighboring Arab state, whose capital is Damascus, or be held in trust by one of the powers, under a mandate from the League of Nations, for the benefit of the dwellers therein, and for those pilgrims of the three great religions who wish to visit its holy places.

"In either contingency it is probable that some Jews, as well as other Europeans, would find no difficulty in settling in the land; but neither foreign Jew nor foreign Gentile should be given any special privileges; and to entrust the Jews, who have not governed themselves for two thousand years, with any form of government of the country would be extremely unwise."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Sounds like one pile of happy hoss crap.
Only to those ignorant of recent history in Palestine:

"When in 1917 and 1918 the British army entered Palestine, it was received with acclamation and relief by the Arabs, Moslem as well as Christian, disgusted as they were by the incompetent government and oppressive methods of their former masters, the Turks.

"At first the British administration of the country was largely staffed by British officers lent by Egypt, men well acquainted with the Arabic language and accustomed to dealing with the Egyptian fellaheen, a people nearly akin to the Arab cultivators of Palestine.

"For a time all went well.

"The administration was just and made no discrimination between Mohammedan, Christian, and Jew.

"British rule was popular.

"As these Anglo-Egyptian officials went back to their pre-war posts in Egypt, their places in Palestine were largely taken by officers from the army, many of them excellent men and good soldiers, but for the most part ignorant of the Arab language and the customs and feelings of the people.

"They were able to communicate with the Arabs only through interpreters.

"These latter were too often local Jews, or, if not Jews, 'Effendis' (semi-Europeanized Syrians), whose interests were by no means identical with those of the people.

"Only those who, possessing a knowledge of an Eastern language, have yet used an interpreter can realize how easy it is for their meaning to be perverted by one who is dishonest or incompetent."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
"If the Jewish state, or the national home, is not allowed to become a reality, it seems probable that the province of Palestine will either become part of the neighboring Arab state, whose capital is Damascus, or be held in trust by one of the powers, under a mandate from the League of Nations, for the benefit of the dwellers therein, and for those pilgrims of the three great religions who wish to visit its holy places.

"In either contingency it is probable that some Jews, as well as other Europeans, would find no difficulty in settling in the land; but neither foreign Jew nor foreign Gentile should be given any special privileges; and to entrust the Jews, who have not governed themselves for two thousand years, with any form of government of the country would be extremely unwise."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Sounds like one pile of happy hoss crap.
Only to those ignorant of recent history in Palestine:

"When in 1917 and 1918 the British army entered Palestine, it was received with acclamation and relief by the Arabs, Moslem as well as Christian, disgusted as they were by the incompetent government and oppressive methods of their former masters, the Turks.

"At first the British administration of the country was largely staffed by British officers lent by Egypt, men well acquainted with the Arabic language and accustomed to dealing with the Egyptian fellaheen, a people nearly akin to the Arab cultivators of Palestine.

"For a time all went well.

"The administration was just and made no discrimination between Mohammedan, Christian, and Jew.

"British rule was popular.

"As these Anglo-Egyptian officials went back to their pre-war posts in Egypt, their places in Palestine were largely taken by officers from the army, many of them excellent men and good soldiers, but for the most part ignorant of the Arab language and the customs and feelings of the people.

"They were able to communicate with the Arabs only through interpreters.

"These latter were too often local Jews, or, if not Jews, 'Effendis' (semi-Europeanized Syrians), whose interests were by no means identical with those of the people.

"Only those who, possessing a knowledge of an Eastern language, have yet used an interpreter can realize how easy it is for their meaning to be perverted by one who is dishonest or incompetent."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

Spamming some more of your favorite sites, Herr George. You must think that hundreds of new readers come to this forum every day and you want to make sure they see your spams. Meanwhile, as thousands and thousands of innocent Arabs, both Muslims and Christians, lie dead in the streets of the Middle East, do you actually think that the readers are going to feel that you really are concerned with Arabs when you just focus on one tiny part of the Middle East only because the Jews, your favorite scapegoats, are involved? How nice that you can use the Arabs as your pawns in the fight against your scapegoats, the Jews. Now that you have spammed your site umpteen times, may I post something new?

Think-Israel Article
Hoss, you should listen to the old colonists:

"The old colonists believe that what is required to help the country is the immigration of a moderate number of persons, who should be in possession of some capital to invest in agriculture, or have technical knowledge of farming; not, as proposed by the Zionist Commission, an unlimited immigration of poor and ignorant people from the cities of Europe, who, if they are unable to make a living in Western cities, would most certainly starve in an Eastern agricultural country."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
It's been almost 70 years George but I recollect from reading and watching newsreels when I was a kid how Jews from Europe and other places moved into an area that was barren, full of malarial swamps and turned it into a virtual paradise. Over the years the Arabs wanted"their"land back. Same story in Panama and South Africa with the English, Dutch and Americans.
And you're still gullible enough to believe those old lies, right?
Perhaps a survey of Arable Land, divided into Jewish-controlled and Muslim-controlled, with a half-dozen baseline points (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1947) would be of some use?

Do any such surveys exist?

In the absence of those, I'm inclined to believe the stories (not lies)...

When you're immigrating, and want land, you buy what you can get, and then work like hell to improve the land (bringing-in water, irrigation, crops, etc.), to subsist upon...

Generally speaking, Arabs are not known as top-notch farmers...

Whereas a lot of the Russian and Eastern European Jews were just that... farmers.

It takes a farmer to turn a land around; to convert wasteland to arable and productive farm-land.

Common sense tells me that there is more truth than fiction to such general observations.
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It's all a Worldwide Jooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya!

Now, it's Jooooish Interpreters, working for the Brits, and not accurately translating, which caused the Brits and Arabs to turn against each other...

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... where-in-the-world do you guys go to school, to dream-up this shit?

"If the Jewish state, or the national home, is not allowed to become a reality, it seems probable that the province of Palestine will either become part of the neighboring Arab state, whose capital is Damascus, or be held in trust by one of the powers, under a mandate from the League of Nations, for the benefit of the dwellers therein, and for those pilgrims of the three great religions who wish to visit its holy places.

"In either contingency it is probable that some Jews, as well as other Europeans, would find no difficulty in settling in the land; but neither foreign Jew nor foreign Gentile should be given any special privileges; and to entrust the Jews, who have not governed themselves for two thousand years, with any form of government of the country would be extremely unwise."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Sounds like one pile of happy hoss crap.
Only to those ignorant of recent history in Palestine:

"When in 1917 and 1918 the British army entered Palestine, it was received with acclamation and relief by the Arabs, Moslem as well as Christian, disgusted as they were by the incompetent government and oppressive methods of their former masters, the Turks.

"At first the British administration of the country was largely staffed by British officers lent by Egypt, men well acquainted with the Arabic language and accustomed to dealing with the Egyptian fellaheen, a people nearly akin to the Arab cultivators of Palestine.

"For a time all went well.

"The administration was just and made no discrimination between Mohammedan, Christian, and Jew.

"British rule was popular.

"As these Anglo-Egyptian officials went back to their pre-war posts in Egypt, their places in Palestine were largely taken by officers from the army, many of them excellent men and good soldiers, but for the most part ignorant of the Arab language and the customs and feelings of the people.

"They were able to communicate with the Arabs only through interpreters.

"These latter were too often local Jews, or, if not Jews, 'Effendis' (semi-Europeanized Syrians), whose interests were by no means identical with those of the people.

"Only those who, possessing a knowledge of an Eastern language, have yet used an interpreter can realize how easy it is for their meaning to be perverted by one who is dishonest or incompetent."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Two words Georgie porgy, HEBRON MASSACRE of 1929. Maybe it was the Islamic Arab aspirations that caused Muslim Arab animals to go on an ethnic cleansing rampage and massacre all the ancient Jews of Hebron who had lived there for a millenia.
No, it was selfish, Zionists marching down to the Wailing Wall and declaring it theirs.

Of course now the animals are out there telling everybody how Hebron has always belonged to the Arabs, and the "Jews are the invaders and occupiers".
Not only are you a hypocrite, but an irrational one at that.

Blaming arabs for something they might do, the same thing Zionists did do!
Arabs did massacre the ancient Jews of Hebron in 1929, dipshit. There was no justification for it.

That's what triggered all these Jewish militias like the Irgun and the Haganah to defend themselves against the savages.

Let's hear it from the horse's mouth:

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It's been almost 70 years George but I recollect from reading and watching newsreels when I was a kid how Jews from Europe and other places moved into an area that was barren, full of malarial swamps and turned it into a virtual paradise. Over the years the Arabs wanted"their"land back. Same story in Panama and South Africa with the English, Dutch and Americans.
And you're still gullible enough to believe those old lies, right?
Perhaps a survey of Arable Land, divided into Jewish-controlled and Muslim-controlled, with a half-dozen baseline points (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1947) would be of some use?

Do any such surveys exist?

In the absence of those, I'm inclined to believe the stories (not lies)...

When you're immigrating, and want land, you buy what you can get, and then work like hell to improve the land (bringing-in water, irrigation, crops, etc.), to subsist upon...

Generally speaking, Arabs are not known as top-notch farmers...

Whereas a lot of the Russian and Eastern European Jews were just that... farmers.

It takes a farmer to turn a land around; to convert wasteland to arable and productive farm-land.

Common sense tells me that there is more truth than fiction to such general observations.
I'm not sure we're talking about Russian and Eastern European farmers as much as "an unlimited immigration of poor and ignorant people from the cites of Europe, who, if they are unable to make a living in Western cities, would most certainly starve in an Eastern agricultural country."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

The above claim was written in 1920, and seems to reflect the thinking of a sizable percentage of Jews who were living in Palestine at that time.
It's been almost 70 years George but I recollect from reading and watching newsreels when I was a kid how Jews from Europe and other places moved into an area that was barren, full of malarial swamps and turned it into a virtual paradise. Over the years the Arabs wanted"their"land back. Same story in Panama and South Africa with the English, Dutch and Americans.
And you're still gullible enough to believe those old lies, right?
Perhaps a survey of Arable Land, divided into Jewish-controlled and Muslim-controlled, with a half-dozen baseline points (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1947) would be of some use?

Do any such surveys exist?

In the absence of those, I'm inclined to believe the stories (not lies)...

When you're immigrating, and want land, you buy what you can get, and then work like hell to improve the land (bringing-in water, irrigation, crops, etc.), to subsist upon...

Generally speaking, Arabs are not known as top-notch farmers...

Whereas a lot of the Russian and Eastern European Jews were just that... farmers.

It takes a farmer to turn a land around; to convert wasteland to arable and productive farm-land.

Common sense tells me that there is more truth than fiction to such general observations.

tax records of both the Ottoman and british mandate. just because land might have an arab population does not mean they actually own the land or paid taxes. There were several types of land but the majority was state land.
And you're still gullible enough to believe those old lies, right?
Perhaps a survey of Arable Land, divided into Jewish-controlled and Muslim-controlled, with a half-dozen baseline points (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1947) would be of some use?

Do any such surveys exist?

In the absence of those, I'm inclined to believe the stories (not lies)...

When you're immigrating, and want land, you buy what you can get, and then work like hell to improve the land (bringing-in water, irrigation, crops, etc.), to subsist upon...

Generally speaking, Arabs are not known as top-notch farmers...

Whereas a lot of the Russian and Eastern European Jews were just that... farmers.

It takes a farmer to turn a land around; to convert wasteland to arable and productive farm-land.

Common sense tells me that there is more truth than fiction to such general observations.
I'm not sure we're talking about Russian and Eastern European farmers as much as "an unlimited immigration of poor and ignorant people from the cites of Europe, who, if they are unable to make a living in Western cities, would most certainly starve in an Eastern agricultural country."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

The above claim was written in 1920, and seems to reflect the thinking of a sizable percentage of Jews who were living in Palestine at that time.
Georgie, the "poor and ignorant" of that time are just like the "poor and ignorant" of today and any other time when it comes to immigrating. They flock to the cities and urban areas. How many of them would flock to the farms when they have no agricultural experience? They would starve to death and you know it. They survive in cities because they have more opportunity to work ,beg or steal. If not then why are you in the city instead of a farm?
And you're still gullible enough to believe those old lies, right?
Perhaps a survey of Arable Land, divided into Jewish-controlled and Muslim-controlled, with a half-dozen baseline points (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1947) would be of some use?

Do any such surveys exist?

In the absence of those, I'm inclined to believe the stories (not lies)...

When you're immigrating, and want land, you buy what you can get, and then work like hell to improve the land (bringing-in water, irrigation, crops, etc.), to subsist upon...

Generally speaking, Arabs are not known as top-notch farmers...

Whereas a lot of the Russian and Eastern European Jews were just that... farmers.

It takes a farmer to turn a land around; to convert wasteland to arable and productive farm-land.

Common sense tells me that there is more truth than fiction to such general observations.
I'm not sure we're talking about Russian and Eastern European farmers as much as "an unlimited immigration of poor and ignorant people from the cites of Europe, who, if they are unable to make a living in Western cities, would most certainly starve in an Eastern agricultural country."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

The above claim was written in 1920, and seems to reflect the thinking of a sizable percentage of Jews who were living in Palestine at that time.
What other Arabs declared after the Six-Day War:
Let us hear what other Arabs have said:

"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented. There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. 'Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it".
- Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, Syrian Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937 -

"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity... yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel".
- Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO and member of the PLO Executive Council -

"You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people".
- Syrian dictator Hafez Assad to the PLO leader Yassir Arafat -
We were talking about Russian and Eastern European farmers - Jewish ones - because the challenge here was to either affirm or give lie to the widely-held perception that Jewish immigrants to Old Palestine took wasteland and converted it into productive and arable land in such quantities as to support the 'Paradise' perception.

This has nothing to do with inner-city types; it has to do with those capable of transforming wasteland into productive land, in large quantities, in Hoss' 'Paradise' context. Most of the Jewish 'farmers' who would have been responsible for such a transformation came from Czarist Russia or the Ukraine or Poland, yes?

If you have something that demonstrates that immigrant Russian and Eastern European Jewish farmers did NOT transform enormous tracts of Palestinian wasteland into productive and arable land, then, by all means, present your case.

Meanwhile, Hoss' "Paradise" conclusion - a commonly-held perception - seems eligible to be left standing on its own merits.

And you're still gullible enough to believe those old lies, right?
Perhaps a survey of Arable Land, divided into Jewish-controlled and Muslim-controlled, with a half-dozen baseline points (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1947) would be of some use?

Do any such surveys exist?

In the absence of those, I'm inclined to believe the stories (not lies)...

When you're immigrating, and want land, you buy what you can get, and then work like hell to improve the land (bringing-in water, irrigation, crops, etc.), to subsist upon...

Generally speaking, Arabs are not known as top-notch farmers...

Whereas a lot of the Russian and Eastern European Jews were just that... farmers.

It takes a farmer to turn a land around; to convert wasteland to arable and productive farm-land.

Common sense tells me that there is more truth than fiction to such general observations.
I'm not sure we're talking about Russian and Eastern European farmers as much as "an unlimited immigration of poor and ignorant people from the cites of Europe, who, if they are unable to make a living in Western cities, would most certainly starve in an Eastern agricultural country."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

The above claim was written in 1920, and seems to reflect the thinking of a sizable percentage of Jews who were living in Palestine at that time.
Perhaps a survey of Arable Land, divided into Jewish-controlled and Muslim-controlled, with a half-dozen baseline points (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1947) would be of some use?

Do any such surveys exist?

In the absence of those, I'm inclined to believe the stories (not lies)...

When you're immigrating, and want land, you buy what you can get, and then work like hell to improve the land (bringing-in water, irrigation, crops, etc.), to subsist upon...

Generally speaking, Arabs are not known as top-notch farmers...

Whereas a lot of the Russian and Eastern European Jews were just that... farmers.

It takes a farmer to turn a land around; to convert wasteland to arable and productive farm-land.

Common sense tells me that there is more truth than fiction to such general observations.
I'm not sure we're talking about Russian and Eastern European farmers as much as "an unlimited immigration of poor and ignorant people from the cites of Europe, who, if they are unable to make a living in Western cities, would most certainly starve in an Eastern agricultural country."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

The above claim was written in 1920, and seems to reflect the thinking of a sizable percentage of Jews who were living in Palestine at that time.
Georgie, the "poor and ignorant" of that time are just like the "poor and ignorant" of today and any other time when it comes to immigrating. They flock to the cities and urban areas. How many of them would flock to the farms when they have no agricultural experience? They would starve to death and you know it. They survive in cities because they have more opportunity to work ,beg or steal. If not then why are you in the city instead of a farm?
I'm not Jewish:eek:
I'm not sure we're talking about Russian and Eastern European farmers as much as "an unlimited immigration of poor and ignorant people from the cites of Europe, who, if they are unable to make a living in Western cities, would most certainly starve in an Eastern agricultural country."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

The above claim was written in 1920, and seems to reflect the thinking of a sizable percentage of Jews who were living in Palestine at that time.
Georgie, the "poor and ignorant" of that time are just like the "poor and ignorant" of today and any other time when it comes to immigrating. They flock to the cities and urban areas. How many of them would flock to the farms when they have no agricultural experience? They would starve to death and you know it. They survive in cities because they have more opportunity to work ,beg or steal. If not then why are you in the city instead of a farm?

I'm not Jewish:eek:

And you certainly are not an Hispanic either who works in the fields in California supplying you with produce. These Hispanics work very, very hard and are not looking for a subsidized apartment. Can anyone actually see Herr George doing any hard labor?
I'm not sure we're talking about Russian and Eastern European farmers as much as "an unlimited immigration of poor and ignorant people from the cites of Europe, who, if they are unable to make a living in Western cities, would most certainly starve in an Eastern agricultural country."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

The above claim was written in 1920, and seems to reflect the thinking of a sizable percentage of Jews who were living in Palestine at that time.
Georgie, the "poor and ignorant" of that time are just like the "poor and ignorant" of today and any other time when it comes to immigrating. They flock to the cities and urban areas. How many of them would flock to the farms when they have no agricultural experience? They would starve to death and you know it. They survive in cities because they have more opportunity to work ,beg or steal. If not then why are you in the city instead of a farm?
I'm not Jewish:eek:
Not to worry, George. They wouldn't have ya.

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