Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

"Whichever (D) or (R) bottom-feeder it is, at least they will not have sunken to the level where they intentionally and randomly fire-off rocket barrages against civilian population centers, or strapping bomb-vests to their chests, to kill innocent men, women and children...

Even within the realm of bottom-feeders, there are strata... and a pecking order...

And those for whom you advocate occupy the very lowest rungs of that ladder, pretty much by themselves...

The pigs..."

Are you supporting the same porkers who murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated millions of Iraqi civilians, or do Jews count for more in your moral calculus?

Millions?? That's how many were killed maybe, but not all by the U.S
Murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of Muslim civilians.
And how does that compared to the 280 million that Islam has killed through invasions?
Again, George fails to mention that Muslims, their leaders, and their govt.'s have, and ARE killing, displacing, and terrorizing more Muslims than anybody else.
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Millions?? That's how many were killed maybe, but not all by the U.S
Murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of Muslim civilians.
And how does that compared to the 280 million that Islam has killed through invasions?
About the same as Native Americans murdered by Christians, and neither example has much relevance to the crimes committed by Jews in Palestine. Why do you rely so much on deflection for what you post?
Murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of Muslim civilians.
And how does that compared to the 280 million that Islam has killed through invasions?
About the same as Native Americans murdered by Christians, and neither example has much relevance to the crimes committed by Jews in Palestine. Why do you rely so much on deflection for what you post?

Since this is the Middle East forum, Herr George is now going to give us some news about what is happening in other Middle East countries. Surely Herr George doesn't think this forum is just for him to discuss his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I don't think that any intelligent person actually believes that Herr George worries about the "Palestinian" Arabs. He uses them as his pawns in his fight against his scapegoats. If he were really worried about the Arabs in that area, he would also be worried about the Arabs who are being murdered by their fellow Arabs elsewhere. Since he has been so quiet on this when so much is happening, it shows you that Herr George is just a one-trick pony out to demonize his scapegoats.
Whichever (D) or (R) bottom-feeder it is, at least they will not have sunken to the level where they intentionally and randomly fire-off rocket barrages against civilian population centers, or strapping bomb-vests to their chests, to kill innocent men, women and children...

Even within the realm of bottom-feeders, there are strata... and a pecking order...

And those for whom you advocate occupy the very lowest rungs of that ladder, pretty much by themselves...

The pigs...
"Whichever (D) or (R) bottom-feeder it is, at least they will not have sunken to the level where they intentionally and randomly fire-off rocket barrages against civilian population centers, or strapping bomb-vests to their chests, to kill innocent men, women and children...

Even within the realm of bottom-feeders, there are strata... and a pecking order...

And those for whom you advocate occupy the very lowest rungs of that ladder, pretty much by themselves...

The pigs..."

Are you supporting the same porkers who murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated millions of Iraqi civilians, or do Jews count for more in your moral calculus?

Millions?? That's how many were killed maybe, but not all by the U.S
First, we need a minimum of three (3) Casualty Counting sources, in order to reach a believable and defensible collection of averages.

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

i. Iraq

ii. Afghanistan

iii. anything else that pro-Muslim anti-American colleagues have a bug up their butt about, in connection with American military intervention, tied to the domain of Islam

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

a. Killed

b. Wounded

c. Incarcerated

d. Displaced

Next, we need to break these down into...

1. Casualties caused by US or Coalition action

2. Casualties caused by in-fighting and civil war between tribes and factions

By the time you break all that down, any objective observer will rightfully note that far more Casualties fall under (2) than fall under (1).

In the end, the Muslims are their own worst enemy.

They kill far more of their own, than outsiders do.

A fascinating study.

Dinner AND a show.
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"Whichever (D) or (R) bottom-feeder it is, at least they will not have sunken to the level where they intentionally and randomly fire-off rocket barrages against civilian population centers, or strapping bomb-vests to their chests, to kill innocent men, women and children...

Even within the realm of bottom-feeders, there are strata... and a pecking order...

And those for whom you advocate occupy the very lowest rungs of that ladder, pretty much by themselves...

The pigs..."

Are you supporting the same porkers who murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated millions of Iraqi civilians, or do Jews count for more in your moral calculus?

Millions?? That's how many were killed maybe, but not all by the U.S
First, we need a minimum of three (3) Casualty Counting sources, in order to reach a believable and defensible collection of averages.

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

i. Iraq

ii. Afghanistan

iii. anything else that pro-Muslim anti-American colleagues have a bug up their butt about, in connection with American military intervention, tied to the domain of Islam

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

a. Killed

b. Wounded

c. Incarcerated

d. Displaced

Next, we need to break these down into...

1. Casualties caused by US or Coalition action

2. Casualties caused by in-fighting and civil war between tribes and factions

By the time you break all that down, any objective observer will rightfully note that far more Casualties fall under (2) than fall under (1).

In the end, the Muslims are their own worst enemy.

They kill far more of their own, than outsiders do.

A fascinating study.

Dinner AND a show.

Naturally, Herr George, being a hater of the U.S. but being happy to grab the perks that are given to him, will always want to blame the U.S. for all the deaths of these Iraqis. Meanwhile, Herr George forgets that Iraqis came out to vote (even though it was dangerous for them) in the election in much greater numbers than the people in L.A. came out to elect the mayor. We also have to factor in all those Iraqis in the U.S. who drove miles and miles to polling places to cast their vote in the election, often bringing camcorders to record the historic event. Now if those outside insurgents who couldn't bear to see a democracy take hold would have just stayed away, perhaps Iraq would actually be on its way to a better place for the ordinary people of Iraq.
Murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of Muslim civilians.
And how does that compared to the 280 million that Islam has killed through invasions?
About the same as Native Americans murdered by Christians, and neither example has much relevance to the crimes committed by Jews in Palestine. Why do you rely so much on deflection for what you post?
George George George, you're getting unhinged again. There probably weren't "millions" of native Americans for the Europeans to kill in the first place, you moron. You just can't face the reality that Muslims are the most barbaric and bloodthirsty people on the face of the planet today. Even the most horrific chapters in Christian history such as the Crusades, started because Muslims had invaded Christian lands in Europe and the Europeans were simply trying to ward them off and regain their lands. You see, the history of Islam is written in the BLOOD of innocents.

And of course today, Palestinians are basically the most uncivilized, savage, bigoted and violent of the Muslims. Ask any Lebanese Christian they will tell you how barbaric Palestinian animals killed 150,000 of them.

And then after that, tell us how Muslims were justified in killing 280 million non Muslims, specifically the slaughter of tens of millions of Hindus in the Indian subcontinent, of which that Islamic shithole called Pakistan was eventually carved out of it.
And how does that compared to the 280 million that Islam has killed through invasions?
About the same as Native Americans murdered by Christians, and neither example has much relevance to the crimes committed by Jews in Palestine. Why do you rely so much on deflection for what you post?

Since this is the Middle East forum, Herr George is now going to give us some news about what is happening in other Middle East countries. Surely Herr George doesn't think this forum is just for him to discuss his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I don't think that any intelligent person actually believes that Herr George worries about the "Palestinian" Arabs. He uses them as his pawns in his fight against his scapegoats. If he were really worried about the Arabs in that area, he would also be worried about the Arabs who are being murdered by their fellow Arabs elsewhere. Since he has been so quiet on this when so much is happening, it shows you that Herr George is just a one-trick pony out to demonize his scapegoats.
Speaking of "deflection" here comes one-trick $ally with her usual spam about "scapegoats." One can only wonder if she even remembers what thread she's posting on. Hasbara must be down to the dregs if she's their dog in this fight.
"Whichever (D) or (R) bottom-feeder it is, at least they will not have sunken to the level where they intentionally and randomly fire-off rocket barrages against civilian population centers, or strapping bomb-vests to their chests, to kill innocent men, women and children...

Even within the realm of bottom-feeders, there are strata... and a pecking order...

And those for whom you advocate occupy the very lowest rungs of that ladder, pretty much by themselves...

The pigs..."

Are you supporting the same porkers who murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated millions of Iraqi civilians, or do Jews count for more in your moral calculus?

Millions?? That's how many were killed maybe, but not all by the U.S
First, we need a minimum of three (3) Casualty Counting sources, in order to reach a believable and defensible collection of averages.

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

i. Iraq

ii. Afghanistan

iii. anything else that pro-Muslim anti-American colleagues have a bug up their butt about, in connection with American military intervention, tied to the domain of Islam

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

a. Killed

b. Wounded

c. Incarcerated

d. Displaced

Next, we need to break these down into...

1. Casualties caused by US or Coalition action

2. Casualties caused by in-fighting and civil war between tribes and factions

By the time you break all that down, any objective observer will rightfully note that far more Casualties fall under (2) than fall under (1).

In the end, the Muslims are their own worst enemy.

They kill far more of their own, than outsiders do.

A fascinating study.

Dinner AND a show.
You bombed.

In fact we don't need to do any of your elaborate charade to find the truth here.
All we need to know is how many Iraqis were maimed, murdered, and displaced in 1991 and compare that number with 2003-14. BTW, all the sectarian killing that's currently happening in Iraq (and Syria) is primarily due to an illegal US invasion for PROFIT in March 2003.

Keep working on that flag-flap two step, maybe you'll find someone ignorant enough to buy it one day.
Millions?? That's how many were killed maybe, but not all by the U.S
First, we need a minimum of three (3) Casualty Counting sources, in order to reach a believable and defensible collection of averages.

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

i. Iraq

ii. Afghanistan

iii. anything else that pro-Muslim anti-American colleagues have a bug up their butt about, in connection with American military intervention, tied to the domain of Islam

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

a. Killed

b. Wounded

c. Incarcerated

d. Displaced

Next, we need to break these down into...

1. Casualties caused by US or Coalition action

2. Casualties caused by in-fighting and civil war between tribes and factions

By the time you break all that down, any objective observer will rightfully note that far more Casualties fall under (2) than fall under (1).

In the end, the Muslims are their own worst enemy.

They kill far more of their own, than outsiders do.

A fascinating study.

Dinner AND a show.
You bombed.

In fact we don't need to do any of your elaborate charade to find the truth here.
All we need to know is how many Iraqis were maimed, murdered, and displaced in 1991 and compare that number with 2003-14. BTW, all the sectarian killing that's currently happening in Iraq (and Syria) is primarily due to an illegal US invasion for PROFIT in March 2003.

Keep working on that flag-flap two step, maybe you'll find someone ignorant enough to buy it one day.
Your numbers and your sampling base are inaccurate and unreliable.

And they take no account of cause-and-effect.

People today require better data before they will jump off the cliff with you like they did in the 60s...

I have shown you how to obtain numbers that are far more defensible and that the audience-at-large will have difficulty in contesting.

Your inability or unwillingness to produce such numbers in support of your blanket condemnations of America is not my problem.
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About the same as Native Americans murdered by Christians, and neither example has much relevance to the crimes committed by Jews in Palestine. Why do you rely so much on deflection for what you post?

Since this is the Middle East forum, Herr George is now going to give us some news about what is happening in other Middle East countries. Surely Herr George doesn't think this forum is just for him to discuss his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I don't think that any intelligent person actually believes that Herr George worries about the "Palestinian" Arabs. He uses them as his pawns in his fight against his scapegoats. If he were really worried about the Arabs in that area, he would also be worried about the Arabs who are being murdered by their fellow Arabs elsewhere. Since he has been so quiet on this when so much is happening, it shows you that Herr George is just a one-trick pony out to demonize his scapegoats.

Speaking of "deflection" here comes one-trick $ally with her usual spam about "scapegoats." One can only wonder if she even remembers what thread she's posting on. Hasbara must be down to the dregs if she's their dog in this fight.

But, Herr George, most of us realize by now that the Jews are your scapegoats and you blame them for your lot in life. If Herr George could find a way to drag in his scapegoats for everything bad that is happening around the world, he wouldn't hesitate to do so, just like he is trying to blame the entire mess in the Ukraine on the Jews. Meanwhile, everyone, notice Herr George's use of the dollar sign. He blames the Jews for his not have many dollars.
First, we need a minimum of three (3) Casualty Counting sources, in order to reach a believable and defensible collection of averages.

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

i. Iraq

ii. Afghanistan

iii. anything else that pro-Muslim anti-American colleagues have a bug up their butt about, in connection with American military intervention, tied to the domain of Islam

Next, we need to break down these casualties into...

a. Killed

b. Wounded

c. Incarcerated

d. Displaced

Next, we need to break these down into...

1. Casualties caused by US or Coalition action

2. Casualties caused by in-fighting and civil war between tribes and factions

By the time you break all that down, any objective observer will rightfully note that far more Casualties fall under (2) than fall under (1).

In the end, the Muslims are their own worst enemy.

They kill far more of their own, than outsiders do.

A fascinating study.

Dinner AND a show.
You bombed.

In fact we don't need to do any of your elaborate charade to find the truth here.
All we need to know is how many Iraqis were maimed, murdered, and displaced in 1991 and compare that number with 2003-14. BTW, all the sectarian killing that's currently happening in Iraq (and Syria) is primarily due to an illegal US invasion for PROFIT in March 2003.

Keep working on that flag-flap two step, maybe you'll find someone ignorant enough to buy it one day.
Your numbers and your sampling base are inaccurate and unreliable.

And they take no account of cause-and-effect.

People today require better data before they will jump off the cliff with you like they did in the 60s...

I have shown you how to obtain numbers that are far more defensible and that the audience-at-large will have difficulty in contesting.

Your inability or unwillingness to produce such numbers in support of your blanket condemnations of America is not my problem.
What's your take on the cause of these effects?

"Internal sectarian tensions and divisions are still polarizing Iraq, while the crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) continues to feed instability in the region.

"Iraq is not only receiving large numbers of Syrian refugees, but is also seeing the return of many Iraqi refugees, particularly from Syria. Often these returnees cannot go back to their places of origin, leading to new secondary displacement inside Iraq."

UNHCR - Iraq

Your problem is the inability to process the fact your country has been the greatest purveyor of violence in the world for longer than you've been alive.
You bombed.

In fact we don't need to do any of your elaborate charade to find the truth here.
All we need to know is how many Iraqis were maimed, murdered, and displaced in 1991 and compare that number with 2003-14. BTW, all the sectarian killing that's currently happening in Iraq (and Syria) is primarily due to an illegal US invasion for PROFIT in March 2003.

Keep working on that flag-flap two step, maybe you'll find someone ignorant enough to buy it one day.
Your numbers and your sampling base are inaccurate and unreliable.

And they take no account of cause-and-effect.

People today require better data before they will jump off the cliff with you like they did in the 60s...

I have shown you how to obtain numbers that are far more defensible and that the audience-at-large will have difficulty in contesting.

Your inability or unwillingness to produce such numbers in support of your blanket condemnations of America is not my problem.
What's your take on the cause of these effects?

"Internal sectarian tensions and divisions are still polarizing Iraq, while the crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) continues to feed instability in the region.

"Iraq is not only receiving large numbers of Syrian refugees, but is also seeing the return of many Iraqi refugees, particularly from Syria. Often these returnees cannot go back to their places of origin, leading to new secondary displacement inside Iraq."

UNHCR - Iraq
None of this brings to light hard data, from objective sources, in support of your claims that the United States has killed millions of Muslims.

Hard data, George... hard data... reliable hard data... or (far more likely), statistically defensible Averages, based upon the best possible hard data from multiple, objective sources.

Hard data, George... hard data.

Your problem is the inability to process the fact your country has been the greatest purveyor of violence in the world for longer than you've been alive.
We can discuss my problems some other time.

YOUR problem is to produce hard data in support of your claim that the United States has killed millions of Muslims.

You have the floor.
Your numbers and your sampling base are inaccurate and unreliable.

And they take no account of cause-and-effect.

People today require better data before they will jump off the cliff with you like they did in the 60s...

I have shown you how to obtain numbers that are far more defensible and that the audience-at-large will have difficulty in contesting.

Your inability or unwillingness to produce such numbers in support of your blanket condemnations of America is not my problem.
What's your take on the cause of these effects?

"Internal sectarian tensions and divisions are still polarizing Iraq, while the crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) continues to feed instability in the region.

"Iraq is not only receiving large numbers of Syrian refugees, but is also seeing the return of many Iraqi refugees, particularly from Syria. Often these returnees cannot go back to their places of origin, leading to new secondary displacement inside Iraq."

UNHCR - Iraq
None of this brings to light hard data, from objective sources, in support of your claims that the United States has killed millions of Muslims.

Hard data, George... hard data... reliable hard data... or (far more likely), statistically defensible Averages, based upon the best possible hard data from multiple, objective sources.

Hard data, George... hard data.

Your problem is the inability to process the fact your country has been the greatest purveyor of violence in the world for longer than you've been alive.
We can discuss my problems some other time.

YOUR problem is to produce hard data in support of your claim that the United States has killed millions of Muslims.

You have the floor.
Link to any claim of mine stating "the United States has killed millions of Muslims."
What's your take on the cause of these effects?

"Internal sectarian tensions and divisions are still polarizing Iraq, while the crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) continues to feed instability in the region.

"Iraq is not only receiving large numbers of Syrian refugees, but is also seeing the return of many Iraqi refugees, particularly from Syria. Often these returnees cannot go back to their places of origin, leading to new secondary displacement inside Iraq."

UNHCR - Iraq
None of this brings to light hard data, from objective sources, in support of your claims that the United States has killed millions of Muslims.

Hard data, George... hard data... reliable hard data... or (far more likely), statistically defensible Averages, based upon the best possible hard data from multiple, objective sources.

Hard data, George... hard data.

Your problem is the inability to process the fact your country has been the greatest purveyor of violence in the world for longer than you've been alive.
We can discuss my problems some other time.

YOUR problem is to produce hard data in support of your claim that the United States has killed millions of Muslims.

You have the floor.
Link to any claim of mine stating "the United States has killed millions of Muslims."

He's obviously talking about your claim that the U.S killed , maimed 1 000 000 Iraqis. :rolleyes:
None of this brings to light hard data, from objective sources, in support of your claims that the United States has killed millions of Muslims.

Hard data, George... hard data... reliable hard data... or (far more likely), statistically defensible Averages, based upon the best possible hard data from multiple, objective sources.

Hard data, George... hard data.

We can discuss my problems some other time.

YOUR problem is to produce hard data in support of your claim that the United States has killed millions of Muslims.

You have the floor.
Link to any claim of mine stating "the United States has killed millions of Muslims."

He's obviously talking about your claim that the U.S killed , maimed 1 000 000 Iraqis. :rolleyes:
You mean maimed, murdered and displaced millions of Iraqis?
Link to any claim of mine stating "the United States has killed millions of Muslims."

He's obviously talking about your claim that the U.S killed , maimed 1 000 000 Iraqis. :rolleyes:
You mean maimed, murdered and displaced millions of Iraqis?

Rather than lumping-together those figures, to put Injury and Displacement on a par with Death.

Doesn't work like that.

Oh, and, by the way, I know of no Iraqis that the Americans have murdered.

Killed during and collateral-to combat, yes... casualties of war.


Not so much.

Certainly not in their millions.

And that doesn't even begin to touch the much larger numbers of Iraqis killed by other Iraqis, once the Baath Party death-grip on the throats of the population had been broken.
He's obviously talking about your claim that the U.S killed , maimed 1 000 000 Iraqis. :rolleyes:
You mean maimed, murdered and displaced millions of Iraqis?

Rather than lumping-together those figures, to put Injury and Displacement on a par with Death.

Doesn't work like that.

Oh, and, by the way, I know of no Iraqis that the Americans have murdered.

Killed during and collateral-to combat, yes... casualties of war.


Not so much.

Certainly not in their millions.

And that doesn't even begin to touch the much larger numbers of Iraqis killed by other Iraqis, once the Baath Party death-grip on the throats of the population had been broken.

Instead of listening to Herr George once again slamming the U.S. that he hates, let's read some good news about Iraq.

NAWAH Partners with Iraq on Major Project to Expand Modernization of Historic Port of Basra | Business Wire
He's obviously talking about your claim that the U.S killed , maimed 1 000 000 Iraqis. :rolleyes:
You mean maimed, murdered and displaced millions of Iraqis?

Rather than lumping-together those figures, to put Injury and Displacement on a par with Death.

Doesn't work like that.

Oh, and, by the way, I know of no Iraqis that the Americans have murdered.

Killed during and collateral-to combat, yes... casualties of war.


Not so much.

Certainly not in their millions.

And that doesn't even begin to touch the much larger numbers of Iraqis killed by other Iraqis, once the Baath Party death-grip on the throats of the population had been broken.
Casualties of an illegal war are murder victims:

"Legality of the Iraq War

"The legality of the invasion and occupation of Iraq has been widely debated since the United States, United Kingdom, and a coalition of other countries launched the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

"The then United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in September 2004 that: 'From our point of view and the UN Charter point of view, it [the war] was illegal.'[1][2]

"The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court reported in February 2006 that he had received 240 communications in connection with the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 which alleged that various war crimes had been committed.

"The political leaders of the US and UK have argued the war was legal, while many legal experts and other international leaders have argued that it was illegal.

"US and UK officials have argued that existing UN Security Council resolutions related to the 1991 Gulf War and the subsequent ceasefire (660, 678), and to later inspections of Iraqi weapons programs (1441), had already authorized the invasion.[3]

"Critics of the invasion have challenged both of these assertions, arguing that an additional Security Council resolution, which the US and UK failed to obtain, would have been necessary to specifically authorize the invasion.[1][4][5]"

Legality of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Link to any claim of mine stating "the United States has killed millions of Muslims."

He's obviously talking about your claim that the U.S killed , maimed 1 000 000 Iraqis. :rolleyes:
You mean maimed, murdered and displaced millions of Iraqis?

Nope, I meant killed.

Yes, I have heard if incidents in which soldiers purposely killed Iraqi civilians, and that's absolutely disgusting. But, those amount to less than 1% of o total. Iraqis killed during the war
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