Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

I don't have your cognitive bias, Toastie, for me, killing innocent human beings is an act of evil regardless of where the killers were born or what god they worship; I can understand why someone as brainwashed as yourself would feel threatened by that. Get help before you kill again:badgrin:

Oh please Georgie, you are the most brainwashed scumbag here!

And don't lie, you only care when Arabs are killed by retaliatory strikes of Israelis.

You're posting in the ME forum where Israel barely 1% of the region, yet it's all you can talk about.
But then again, what are we to expect from a fascist bigot like yourself?
Israel has 100% of the ME's indigenous nuclear weapons and serves the US in the same way Cossacks served the Tsar. How large do Zionist crimes have to become before you stop believing the lies you were raised on?

I think by now the readers have realized that the only reason Herr George is here is because of his obsession with his scapegoats, the Jews/Israel. Whatever goes on in the rest of the Middle East holds no interest for him. While people are being killed right and left, Herr George has had nothing to say. Now he wants the readers to think he is concerned with Israel's nukes which she has never used but they certainly have acted as deterrents to those who wish to destroy her. Maybe in the back of Herr George's mind he hopes that Israel has to give up all those nukes, and then his new friends will rush in and destroy at least a portion of Herr George's scapegoats, the Jews.
I don't have your cognitive bias, Toastie, for me, killing innocent human beings is an act of evil regardless of where the killers were born or what god they worship; I can understand why someone as brainwashed as yourself would feel threatened by that. Get help before you kill again:badgrin:

Oh please Georgie, you are the most brainwashed scumbag here!

And don't lie, you only care when Arabs are killed by retaliatory strikes of Israelis.

You're posting in the ME forum where Israel barely 1% of the region, yet it's all you can talk about.
But then again, what are we to expect from a fascist bigot like yourself?
Israel has 100% of the ME's indigenous nuclear weapons and serves the US in the same way Cossacks served the Tsar. How large do Zionist crimes have to become before you stop believing the lies you were raised on?

Not only did you completely deflect, but you didn't even address anything I said.

You're faltering Georgie!!!!
Oh please Georgie, you are the most brainwashed scumbag here!

And don't lie, you only care when Arabs are killed by retaliatory strikes of Israelis.

You're posting in the ME forum where Israel barely 1% of the region, yet it's all you can talk about.
But then again, what are we to expect from a fascist bigot like yourself?
Israel has 100% of the ME's indigenous nuclear weapons and serves the US in the same way Cossacks served the Tsar. How large do Zionist crimes have to become before you stop believing the lies you were raised on?

Not only did you completely deflect, but you didn't even address anything I said.

You're faltering Georgie!!!!
I don't support apartheid anywhere, unlike brainwashed tools:

"Some people are brought up to believe that certain things are not true or that certain truths are myths. It is a form of political brain-washing. There are people who grew up all their lives believing to be true what they have been taught until they were presented with the facts about the historic colonisation of Palestine and the ongoing apartheid, occupation and ethnic cleansing. In fact, they even, some with whom I have personally met, underwent a total transformation from being defenders and adherents of Israel by virtue of the process of political brain-washing to becoming activists seeking justice for Palestinians and supporting Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli colonisation."

Israeli Apartheid Week » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Israel has 100% of the ME's indigenous nuclear weapons and serves the US in the same way Cossacks served the Tsar. How large do Zionist crimes have to become before you stop believing the lies you were raised on?

Not only did you completely deflect, but you didn't even address anything I said.

You're faltering Georgie!!!!
I don't support apartheid anywhere, unlike brainwashed tools:

"Some people are brought up to believe that certain things are not true or that certain truths are myths. It is a form of political brain-washing. There are people who grew up all their lives believing to be true what they have been taught until they were presented with the facts about the historic colonisation of Palestine and the ongoing apartheid, occupation and ethnic cleansing. In fact, they even, some with whom I have personally met, underwent a total transformation from being defenders and adherents of Israel by virtue of the process of political brain-washing to becoming activists seeking justice for Palestinians and supporting Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli colonisation."

Israeli Apartheid Week » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Well, Georgie, ol' buddy, ol' pal, the way things are going on these days I don't think there's a chance in hell of me not defending Israel. Speaking of peace talks, how's them things going?
Israel has 100% of the ME's indigenous nuclear weapons and serves the US in the same way Cossacks served the Tsar. How large do Zionist crimes have to become before you stop believing the lies you were raised on?

Not only did you completely deflect, but you didn't even address anything I said.

You're faltering Georgie!!!!
I don't support apartheid anywhere, unlike brainwashed tools:

"Some people are brought up to believe that certain things are not true or that certain truths are myths. It is a form of political brain-washing. There are people who grew up all their lives believing to be true what they have been taught until they were presented with the facts about the historic colonisation of Palestine and the ongoing apartheid, occupation and ethnic cleansing. In fact, they even, some with whom I have personally met, underwent a total transformation from being defenders and adherents of Israel by virtue of the process of political brain-washing to becoming activists seeking justice for Palestinians and supporting Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli colonisation."

Israeli Apartheid Week » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Counterpunch LOL !
You know George, the best way to describe you is a TOOL. A tool for Arab propaganda.
All you do is copy paste crap from propaganda sites, you can't even come up with your own opinions.
Apartheid is a big word for you Georgie, so go do a little more research before you throw it around like that, you disgusting bigot
One thing that all pro Palestinian propagandists have in common, like Georgie the anti Semitic bigot, is that they will believe anything they read, as long as it criticizes Israel

I pity feeble minded bigots like you George.
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One thing that all pro Palestinian propagandists , like Georgie the anti Semitic bigot, is that they will believe anything they read, as long as it criticizes Israel

I pity feeble minded bigots like you George.
George snuck off somewhere. I think it's his turn tonight to stand on the corner with the "Will work for food" sign.
One thing that all pro Palestinian propagandists have in common, like Georgie the anti Semitic bigot, is that they will believe anything they read, as long as it criticizes Israel

I pity feeble minded bigots like you George.
You automatically dismiss any criticism of Israel as bullshit, so you're not the most objective voice on that subject.

Furthermore, not only do you automatically dismiss the criticism as bullshit, but you go after (and attack) anyone who does criticize Israel, as if the problem was them and not what Israel had done.

Killing the messenger, character assassinations and smear campaigns, make up 99% of your responses, just like the temper tantrums of little 2 year olds who don't get their way.
Why, Billy Boy, if you had asked me for something you had missed, I would only be too glad to find it for you. Meanwhile, does anyone with a head on their shoulders think that Billy Boy actually cares about the Arabs. Here is the Middle East fcorum, and Billy Boy has never said anything about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East where innocent people are being murdered all the time. I guess since the Jews are not involved, Billy Boy could care less about what is going on.
How many times are you going to use that lame ass, canned response?
One thing that all pro Palestinian propagandists have in common, like Georgie the anti Semitic bigot, is that they will believe anything they read, as long as it criticizes Israel

I pity feeble minded bigots like you George.
You automatically dismiss any criticism of Israel as bullshit, so you're not the most objective voice on that subject.

Furthermore, not only do you automatically dismiss the criticism as bullshit, but you go after (and attack) anyone who does criticize Israel, as if the problem was them and not what Israel had done.

Killing the messenger, character assassinations and smear campaigns, make up 99% of your responses, just like the temper tantrums of little 2 year olds who don't get their way.
An interesting critique, considering the source, and the posting history of the source.
Not only did you completely deflect, but you didn't even address anything I said.

You're faltering Georgie!!!!
I don't support apartheid anywhere, unlike brainwashed tools:

"Some people are brought up to believe that certain things are not true or that certain truths are myths. It is a form of political brain-washing. There are people who grew up all their lives believing to be true what they have been taught until they were presented with the facts about the historic colonisation of Palestine and the ongoing apartheid, occupation and ethnic cleansing. In fact, they even, some with whom I have personally met, underwent a total transformation from being defenders and adherents of Israel by virtue of the process of political brain-washing to becoming activists seeking justice for Palestinians and supporting Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli colonisation."

Israeli Apartheid Week » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Well, Georgie, ol' buddy, ol' pal, the way things are going on these days I don't think there's a chance in hell of me not defending Israel. Speaking of peace talks, how's them things going?
Some Jews continue stealing land and water they have no legal claims to.
Are 'jew surprised?

"Palestine is my homeland, I have been living in exile for 21 years, all of my life. My family still hold the keys and deeds to our family home in Jaffa and will continue to do so until we return to our homeland."

Israeli Apartheid Week » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
I don't support apartheid anywhere, unlike brainwashed tools:

"Some people are brought up to believe that certain things are not true or that certain truths are myths. It is a form of political brain-washing. There are people who grew up all their lives believing to be true what they have been taught until they were presented with the facts about the historic colonisation of Palestine and the ongoing apartheid, occupation and ethnic cleansing. In fact, they even, some with whom I have personally met, underwent a total transformation from being defenders and adherents of Israel by virtue of the process of political brain-washing to becoming activists seeking justice for Palestinians and supporting Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli colonisation."

Israeli Apartheid Week » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Well, Georgie, ol' buddy, ol' pal, the way things are going on these days I don't think there's a chance in hell of me not defending Israel. Speaking of peace talks, how's them things going?
Some Jews continue stealing land and water they have no legal claims to.
Are 'jew surprised?

"Palestine is my homeland, I have been living in exile for 21 years, all of my life. My family still hold the keys and deeds to our family home in Jaffa and will continue to do so until we return to our homeland."

Israeli Apartheid Week » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Someone needs to tell them that they are not coming back.
One thing that all pro Palestinian propagandists have in common, like Georgie the anti Semitic bigot, is that they will believe anything they read, as long as it criticizes Israel

I pity feeble minded bigots like you George.
You automatically dismiss any criticism of Israel as bullshit, so you're not the most objective voice on that subject.

Furthermore, not only do you automatically dismiss the criticism as bullshit, but you go after (and attack) anyone who does criticize Israel, as if the problem was them and not what Israel had done.

Killing the messenger, character assassinations and smear campaigns, make up 99% of your responses, just like the temper tantrums of little 2 year olds who don't get their way.

Billo, I'm honestly very serious when I tell you that you just described yourself to a tee! Specially the 2 years old part!
Why, Billy Boy, if you had asked me for something you had missed, I would only be too glad to find it for you. Meanwhile, does anyone with a head on their shoulders think that Billy Boy actually cares about the Arabs. Here is the Middle East fcorum, and Billy Boy has never said anything about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East where innocent people are being murdered all the time. I guess since the Jews are not involved, Billy Boy could care less about what is going on.
How many times are you going to use that lame ass, canned response?

And since you are on a Middle East forum, when are you actually going to bring up what is happening in the rest of the Middle East instead of just concentrating on Israel, which is a tiny piece of land compared to the rest of the huge Middle East? By only concentrating on Israel and nothing else shows your hand to all the readers. Let's face it, tens of thousand of innocent people are dead, and Billy could care less about them. He is only on this forum for one reason, and any intelligent person realizes why.
One thing that all pro Palestinian propagandists have in common, like Georgie the anti Semitic bigot, is that they will believe anything they read, as long as it criticizes Israel

I pity feeble minded bigots like you George.
You automatically dismiss any criticism of Israel as bullshit, so you're not the most objective voice on that subject.

Furthermore, not only do you automatically dismiss the criticism as bullshit, but you go after (and attack) anyone who does criticize Israel, as if the problem was them and not what Israel had done.

Killing the messenger, character assassinations and smear campaigns, make up 99% of your responses, just like the temper tantrums of little 2 year olds who don't get their way.

Billo, I'm honestly very serious when I tell you that you just described yourself to a tee! Specially the 2 years old part!
Yeah that's what I was thinking, great description of Bobo: "temper tantrums like a 2 year old". Ha ha ha.
You automatically dismiss any criticism of Israel as bullshit, so you're not the most objective voice on that subject.

Furthermore, not only do you automatically dismiss the criticism as bullshit, but you go after (and attack) anyone who does criticize Israel, as if the problem was them and not what Israel had done.

Killing the messenger, character assassinations and smear campaigns, make up 99% of your responses, just like the temper tantrums of little 2 year olds who don't get their way.

Billo, I'm honestly very serious when I tell you that you just described yourself to a tee! Specially the 2 years old part!
Yeah that's what I was thinking, great description of Bobo: "temper tantrums like a 2 year old". Ha ha ha.

Actually, lets give him some credit Roudy. His tantrums are closer to that of a 5 year old :lol:
Billo, I'm honestly very serious when I tell you that you just described yourself to a tee! Specially the 2 years old part!
Yeah that's what I was thinking, great description of Bobo: "temper tantrums like a 2 year old". Ha ha ha.

Actually, lets give him some credit Roudy. His tantrums are closer to that of a 5 year old :lol:
I don't know about you but I get really scared when he talks tough like that.
Yeah that's what I was thinking, great description of Bobo: "temper tantrums like a 2 year old". Ha ha ha.

Actually, lets give him some credit Roudy. His tantrums are closer to that of a 5 year old :lol:
I don't know about you but I get really scared when he talks tough like that.
I think everyone here hides under the furniture when Bildo goes into one of his obscenity-laced tirades. Scary.
Not only did you completely deflect, but you didn't even address anything I said.

You're faltering Georgie!!!!
I don't support apartheid anywhere, unlike brainwashed tools:

"Some people are brought up to believe that certain things are not true or that certain truths are myths. It is a form of political brain-washing. There are people who grew up all their lives believing to be true what they have been taught until they were presented with the facts about the historic colonisation of Palestine and the ongoing apartheid, occupation and ethnic cleansing. In fact, they even, some with whom I have personally met, underwent a total transformation from being defenders and adherents of Israel by virtue of the process of political brain-washing to becoming activists seeking justice for Palestinians and supporting Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli colonisation."

Israeli Apartheid Week » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Counterpunch LOL !
You know George, the best way to describe you is a TOOL. A tool for Arab propaganda.
All you do is copy paste crap from propaganda sites, you can't even come up with your own opinions.
Apartheid is a big word for you Georgie, so go do a little more research before you throw it around like that, you disgusting bigot
You don't get it.
Zionism took the land of Palestine from its indigenous majority.
I would criticize the Arabs had they done the same thing.
You have been encouraged to believe Jews can steal land and water.
That makes you an ignorant tool, Toastie.
I don't support apartheid anywhere, unlike brainwashed tools:

"Some people are brought up to believe that certain things are not true or that certain truths are myths. It is a form of political brain-washing. There are people who grew up all their lives believing to be true what they have been taught until they were presented with the facts about the historic colonisation of Palestine and the ongoing apartheid, occupation and ethnic cleansing. In fact, they even, some with whom I have personally met, underwent a total transformation from being defenders and adherents of Israel by virtue of the process of political brain-washing to becoming activists seeking justice for Palestinians and supporting Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli colonisation."

Israeli Apartheid Week » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Counterpunch LOL !
You know George, the best way to describe you is a TOOL. A tool for Arab propaganda.
All you do is copy paste crap from propaganda sites, you can't even come up with your own opinions.
Apartheid is a big word for you Georgie, so go do a little more research before you throw it around like that, you disgusting bigot
You don't get it.
Zionism took the land of Palestine from its indigenous majority.
I would criticize the Arabs had they done the same thing.
You have been encouraged to believe Jews can steal land and water.
That makes you an ignorant tool, Toastie.

When will you acknowledge that it was the 5 Arab states that attacked that are responsible for most of the refugees?
If they didn'y attack, Israel would be living on the land she declared independence on.
You have it in your mind that Israel would have stolen the West Bank after declaring independence. Thats bullshit

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