Israeli Germany?

There is nothing to see but your paranoia. If you wish to enlighten us all, please do. If you can't. Start a new thread>
dilloduck said:
There is nothing to see but your paranoia. If you wish to enlighten us all, please do. If you can't. Start a new thread>

Since you see nothing but paranoia, allow me to enlighten you but not all as most people understand. What fearest thou?

Paranoia: Fear, as opposed to anxiety, has a definite object (as most authors agree), which can be faced, analyzed, attacked, endured. One can act upon it, and in acting upon it participate in it—even if in the form of struggle. In this way one can take it into one’s self-affirmation. Courage can meet every object of fear, because it is an object and makes participation possible. Courage can take the fear produced by a definite object into itself, because this object, however frightful it may be, has a side with which it participates in us and we in it. One could say that as long as there is an object of fear, love in the sense of participation can conquer fear. But this is not so with anxiety, because anxiety has no object, or rather, in a paradoxical phrase, its object is the negation of every object. Therefore participation, struggle, and love with respect to it are impossible. He who is in anxiety is, insofar as it is mere anxiety, delivered to it without help.

ATTRIBUTION: Paul Tillich (1886–1965)
I know what paranoia is AJ----I'm still trying to find out the big secret that you insinuate is right in front of our eyes.
dilloduck said:
I know what paranoia is AJ----I'm still trying to find out the big secret that you insinuate is right in front of our eyes.

It takes little talent to see clearly what lies under one’s nose, a good deal of it to know in which direction to point that organ.

What is obviously in front of your eyes is that we can no more explain reality to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind.

ATTRIBUTION: T.S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot (1888–1965)
ajwps said:
You really don't know do you? You haven't the faintest clue?

Some (many, most, all) Arabs don't hate me or the Jewish people as much as they fear becoming just another civilization that fades into the sands of time instead of becoming the overlords of western civilization and destroyers of the Jewish people like they have been promised by their Mullahs.

The fact that Arab rockets rain down on Israeli towns, villages, empty lots and homes around the Jewish people without causing death is somewhat akin to Israel winning five wars waged against them by the surrounding large Arab armies but to no avail.

What are the odds that a flip of the coin turns up heads 10,000 times in a row?

No bellyaching or ululation about being a victim if you please!

dilloduck said:

Did I really say that G-d is on OUR side?

I thought I was talking about statistical impossibilities.
ajwps said:
Did I really say that G-d is on OUR side?

I thought I was talking about statistical impossibilities.

The statistical impossibilties of being wiped out by the Arabs?? Hell--I've been tellin ya that for days now !!!! What do you need the US to do for ya?
dilloduck said:
The statistical impossibilties of being wiped out by the Arabs?? Hell--I've been tellin ya that for days now !!!! What do you need the US to do for ya?

Nothing more than staying allies and partners in the war against terrorism being waged against all the unbelievers of Muhammad.

Nothing more, nothing less...

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