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Israels Greatest Days

I'd say anyone who can't feel the least bit of empathy for the terror children in Sderot have lived under for years now, has pretty much failed at those words in bold.

The part about how to love GOD is a direct quote from the Hebrew Bible: it's the verses recited in synagogue immediately after the Shema. OF COURSE Jesus taught that: he was teaching Pharisaic (Rabbinic) Judaism for the most part.

That 'love one another' - how can it NOT include any other human being??? GOD is the creator of ALL humanity.

So, if you cannot love the children of Sderot, where does that leave you????

Love One Another is to love all children yet I have repeatedly witnessed people on this board crying over the children of Hamas while feeling justified in murdering the children of Israelis! How can this be? How can these people rejoice over the murder of any child? That is not holiness! That is satanic! Whatever is teaching people to rejoice over bloodshed is surely straight from hell. God is love, not all this terrorist Jihad Murder INC Stuff!


I think there is a reason Jesus does not say love all children, I do not think such a thing is possible for an individual to do. I do not think we even love one person the way we are called to do, we fall short of even that. As for justifying the killing of children, I suggest you take it up with posters doing that. I am not seeing anyone doing that. I do not support killing in any circumstance whatsoever and I never killed anyone and I do not even have a gun. Owning a gun to me is a person wanting an excuse to kill someone.

You---sherri----have justified killing children ----and those of your ilk have killed
hundreds of millions justifying the killings as DEFENSE OF YOUR CREED

As to your determination ---"Jesus did not say love all children because......."
well---actually you do not know if he said it or not-----and have no basis
for deciding why. Your speculations about Jesus are actually comical.
You even use HIS quotations of the talmud and old testament and standard
jewish prayers to "prove" he rejected judaism

More news--virtually all of the followers of Jesus in his own tiime---were
PHARISEES His lambasting of them was DIRECTED AT THEM in their
presence ----not a lesson to you and the world as so how rotten they are.

now for the big shock----neither Caiaphas nor the money changers in the
temple court yard were PHARISEES I do believe that Judas was a
pharisee------and probably john and matthew Lets ask Josephus whom
you have cited as a source------btw---he was a pharisee too-----and not only
that ----also a COHEN (aren't you glad I am here to give you all this
information? being a COHEN--he would be eligible to become a "priest")
Marge---in the lexicon of christians of the nazi persuasion like sherri---
the word Pharisee is as "dirty" as is "zionist" In fact " pharisaical" came
to CONOTE----a kind of unfeeling judgemental and "LEGALISTIC" style
in the english lexicon based on the libel which was mindlessly accepted
by masses of unlettered christians---historically. Sherri is not going to
give up her concept simply because it is false and illogical. She was
bred on it. and she NEEDS IT ---her creed DEPENDS ON LIBELS

In the christian world if you are called a "true zionist" it is the highest compliment, it is almost the equivalent of saying a "serious christian" so it is very bizarre to me to hear Sherri equate the title zionist to something bad. It is not! - Jerri

Where I live Christians do not call themselves Zionists, they see that as adding something to the teachings of Jesus that is not there. I have literally been asking around at church and my Bible studies (even my Interdenominational Bible Study) and have found not one single Christian who even knows of a Christian calling themself a Zionist. So, it is certainly not a compliment among the Christian community I live amongst. Sherri
Christian Zionism is a belief among Christians that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, is in accordance with Biblical prophecy. It overlaps with, but is distinct from, the nineteenth century movement for the Restoration of the Jews to the Holy Land, which had both religiously and politically motivated supporters. The term Christian Zionism was popularized in the mid-twentieth century. Prior to that time the common term was Restorationism.[1]

Christian Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historical origins and Biblical interpretations

Christian advocacy of the restoration of the Jews arose following the translation of the Bible into the vernacular, principally in England, among the Puritans. A plain reading of such translated biblical texts, in some proponents' opinions, is interpreted as evidence that God still has a special relationship with Israel, especially Romans 11, which begins:
I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

Christian support for the restoration of the Jews was brought to America by the Puritans who fled England. In colonial times, Increase Mather and John Cotton,among others, favored restoration of the Jews, but it was not until the early 19th century that the idea gathered impetus. Ezra Stiles at Yale was a prominent supporter of restoration of the Jews. In 1808, Asa McFarland, a Presbyterian, voiced the opinion of many that the fall of the Ottoman Empire was imminent and would bring about the restoration of the Jews. One David Austin of New Haven spent his fortune building docks and inns from which the Jews could embark to the Holy Land. In 1825 Mordecai Manuel Noah, a Jew who wanted to found a national home for the Jews on Grand Island in New York as a way station on the way to the holy land, won widespread Christian backing for his project. Likewise, restorationist theology was the inspiration for the first American missionary activity in the Middle East.
As the demise of the Ottoman Empire appeared to be approaching, the advocacy of restorationism increased. At the same time, the visit of John Nelson Darby, the founder of dispensationalism, to the United States, catalyzed a dispensationalist movement and an evangelical revival. This was expressed at the Niagara Bible Conference in 1878, which issued a 14 point proclamation, including the following text:
...that the Lord Jesus will come in person to introduce the millennial age, when Israel shall be restored to their own land, and the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord; and that this personal and premillennial advent is the blessed hope set before us in the Gospel for which we should be constantly looking. (Luke 12:35-40; 17:26-30; 18:8 Acts 15:14-17; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Titus 1:11-15)
The dispensationalist theology of John Nelson Darby which motivates one stream of American Christian Zionism is often claimed to be the foundation of American Christian Zionism. He first distinguished the hopes of the Jews and that of the church and gentiles in his ground-breaking series of 11 evening lectures in Geneva in 1840. His lectures were immediately published in French (L'Attente Actuelle de l'Eglise), English (1841), German and Dutch (1847) and so his teachings began their global journey. While there is no doubt that it had a great influence through the Scofield Bible, Christian support of the restoration of the Jews preceded the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible (first published by OUP, 1917) for nearly a century, and many prominent Christian Zionists and Christian Zionist organizations such as the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem do not subscribe to dispensationalism.

The Third International Christian Zionist Congress, held in Jerusalem in February 1996, issued a proclamation which said:
God the Father, Almighty, chose the ancient nation and people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to reveal His plan of redemption for the world. They remain elect of God, and without the Jewish nation His redemptive purposes for the world will not be completed.
Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah and has promised to return to Jerusalem, to Israel and to the world.
It is reprehensible that generations of Jewish peoples have been killed and persecuted in the name of our Lord, and we challenge the Church to repent of any sins of commission or omission against them.
The modern Ingathering of the Jewish People to Eretz Israel and the rebirth of the nation of Israel are in fulfilment of biblical prophecies, as written in both Old and New Testaments.
Christian believers are instructed by Scripture to acknowledge the Hebraic roots of their faith and to actively assist and participate in the plan of God for the Ingathering of the Jewish People and the Restoration of the nation of Israel in our day
Marge---in the lexicon of christians of the nazi persuasion like sherri---
the word Pharisee is as "dirty" as is "zionist" In fact " pharisaical" came
to CONOTE----a kind of unfeeling judgemental and "LEGALISTIC" style
in the english lexicon based on the libel which was mindlessly accepted
by masses of unlettered christians---historically. Sherri is not going to
give up her concept simply because it is false and illogical. She was
bred on it. and she NEEDS IT ---her creed DEPENDS ON LIBELS

In the christian world if you are called a "true zionist" it is the highest compliment, it is almost the equivalent of saying a "serious christian" so it is very bizarre to me to hear Sherri equate the title zionist to something bad. It is not! - Jerri

Where I live Christians do not call themselves Zionists, they see that as adding something to the teachings of Jesus that is not there. I have literally been asking around at church and my Bible studies (even my Interdenominational Bible Study) and have found not one single Christian who even knows of a Christian calling themself a Zionist. So, it is certainly not a compliment among the Christian community I live amongst. Sherri

Right there on the front sign! They name their churchs after Zion left and right. You know how the catholic churches try to name most of them after a saint? Well the born again evangelicals try to include Zion, MT Zion, Zionist, something to do with Zion ----> I don't know where you are living but it doesn't sound like the churches around me. -J
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Oh really? For thousands of years it's been like that, Christians despised Jews until recently only in America there is such a thing as judeo-Christian 'tradition'. You won't find that much anywhere else in the world today.

The bible scriptures teach that any Christian who does not love his brother, does not love God. The Jews are our brethren. Of course Christians love the Jews. Google it. It is no big secret. In fact, our love is so strong that even when some putz like you puts up a video about a jewish youth making a joke on youtube we are not offended, moved, shaken in the least. What it does do is increase our tenacity to resist your lies, your hatred and your obvious envy of a nation prospering ( Israel ) under the hand of the Jews ( and didn't prosper until they returned and their hand once again touched it! ) I have never heard of a Christian who despised Israel or the Jews. They must be more rare than the albino deer. How could one possibly study a book that refers to Israel thousands of times throughout? And love it? Would it be possible? No. I think not. Have a nice day. - Jerri

Have you ever heard of history? Christians despised Jews and hated them in their teachings, of course for many reasons too.

Christians hated and killed jews for the same reason muslims hated and killed jews---
Jews refused to convert to the religion ---christianity and islam. Christians also killed
christians of other sects in the past------muslims still do it Of course christians and 'muslims also killed each other-----muslims still kill christians----and HINDUS
and BUDDHISTS -----and anyone not muslim or not the RIGHT KIND OF MUSLIM

Hindus do not kill jews which provides for YOU another reason to hate hindus----well,
you probably do not care----but pakistanis hate hindus -----the muslims of india
hate them even more. Indonesian and Kenyan muslims also hate and kill them.
Afghanistan used to have LOTS OF HINDUS-----but they are either dead or have fled---
just as did the afghani jews
GOOD NEWS-!!!!!!!!-----there are now two AFGHANI KOSHER RESTAURANTS
IN THE USA (at least two---maybe more now)
if some former afghani hindus open a nice VEGETARIAN restaurant-----they can
call that "KOSHER" too. Some of the genocidal crap in which muslims engage
does produce some POSITIVES- ------it spreads CUISINE
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BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Analysis: America's new Christian Zionists

Joining well-established Jewish lobby groups in America is a new and powerful phenomenon - Christian Zionism.

There are an estimated 40 million Christian Conservatives in America and they may be in a position to wield unprecedented influence in support of Israel.

Christian Zionism, Bible

Christian Zionists insist that all of historic Palestine must be under the control of the Jewish people, for they see that as one of the necessary stages prior to the second coming of Jesus. Among their other basis tenets:

God's covenant with Israel is eternal, exclusive and will not be abrogated, according to Genesis 12:1-7; 15:4-7; 17:1-8; Leviticus 26:44-45; Deuteronomy 7:7-8.
The Bible speaks of two distinct and parallel covenants, one between God and Israel, one between God and the church. The latter covenant is superseded by the covenant with Israel. The church is a "mere parenthesis" in God's plan and as such it will be removed from history during an event called the Rapture (1 Thess. 4:13-17; 5:1-11). At that point, Israel, the nation, will be restored as the primary instrument of God on earth.
Genesis 12:3 ("I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you") should be interpreted literally -- which leads to maximum political, economic, moral and spiritual support for the modern state of Israel and for all the Jewish people.
Apocalyptic texts like the Book of Daniel, Zechariah 9-12, Ezekiel 37-8, I Thessalonians 4-5 and the Book of Revelation refer to literal and future events.
The establishment of the state of Israel, the rebuilding of the Third Temple, the rise of the Antichrist and the buildup of armies poised to attack Israel are among the signs leading to the final eschatological battle and Jesus' return for his thousand-year reign. The movement looks for the escalating power of satanic forces aligned with the antichrist that will do battle with Israel and its allies as the end draws near. Judgment will befall nations and individuals according to how they "bless Israel."
I'd say anyone who can't feel the least bit of empathy for the terror children in Sderot have lived under for years now, has pretty much failed at those words in bold.

The part about how to love GOD is a direct quote from the Hebrew Bible: it's the verses recited in synagogue immediately after the Shema. OF COURSE Jesus taught that: he was teaching Pharisaic (Rabbinic) Judaism for the most part.

That 'love one another' - how can it NOT include any other human being??? GOD is the creator of ALL humanity.

So, if you cannot love the children of Sderot, where does that leave you????

Love One Another is to love all children yet I have repeatedly witnessed people on this board crying over the children of Hamas while feeling justified in murdering the children of Israelis! How can this be? How can these people rejoice over the murder of any child? That is not holiness! That is satanic! Whatever is teaching people to rejoice over bloodshed is surely straight from hell. God is love, not all this terrorist Jihad Murder INC Stuff!


I think there is a reason Jesus does not say love all children, I do not think such a thing is possible for an individual to do. I do not think we even love one person the way we are called to do, we fall short of even that. As for justifying the killing of children, I suggest you take it up with posters doing that. I am not seeing anyone doing that. I do not support killing in any circumstance whatsoever and I never killed anyone and I do not even have a gun. Owning a gun to me is a person wanting an excuse to kill someone.

Jesus most certainly does say we should love all children! I don't believe you believe that it is possible to love all children because you have not been born again and do not have the revelation of Christs love, Sherri! That is what the problem is here! It simply has to be. Do you have a knowledge of the word? Yes. But how you have aligned yourself with the likes of that muslim terrorist starving himself on a hunger strike right now is beyond me!

If you were a christian you'd be headed across the road there to Israel to help them instead of helping those who attack them. Shame. Shame. Sherri. Not right what I see happening here. We are going to have to work on that here. You need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable if you are going to live the life of a christian, Sherri. Its called a cross for a reason! - Jeri
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Marge---in the lexicon of christians of the nazi persuasion like sherri---
the word Pharisee is as "dirty" as is "zionist" In fact " pharisaical" came
to CONOTE----a kind of unfeeling judgemental and "LEGALISTIC" style
in the english lexicon based on the libel which was mindlessly accepted
by masses of unlettered christians---historically. Sherri is not going to
give up her concept simply because it is false and illogical. She was
bred on it. and she NEEDS IT ---her creed DEPENDS ON LIBELS

In the christian world if you are called a "true zionist" it is the highest compliment, it is almost the equivalent of saying a "serious christian" so it is very bizarre to me to hear Sherri equate the title zionist to something bad. It is not! - Jerri

Where I live Christians do not call themselves Zionists, they see that as adding something to the teachings of Jesus that is not there. I have literally been asking around at church and my Bible studies (even my Interdenominational Bible Study) and have found not one single Christian who even knows of a Christian calling themself a Zionist. So, it is certainly not a compliment among the Christian community I live amongst. Sherri

from rosie Sherri----in my little town ---where I grew up----amongst nazis like you---
you that you grew up in an environment hostile to jews-----so did I right here in
the north east. In fact my town consisted of people very who were of lineages very
similar to the one you described for yourself. ----German, dutch, scottish, FARM
PEOPLE ----protestant---Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist. In the pre war era it was a nazi
enclave. Because of the nature of the town ---by the time I was ten years old---I had
read lots and lots of nazi literature----just lying around here and there. Because I know the USA "christian" nazi literature lingo-----I knew you as soon as I read your posts.

Now for the shocking news-----not all christians are nazis like you are -----but your
brand of nazism is ---BY NO MEANS confined to the SOUTH----it is more prevalent
there than in the NORTH EAST ----in fact in the north east it exists far less than it
did when I was a kid. That little town I mentioned is not only virtually JEWISH---
there are even BLACKS there now!!!!!!!!! who knows? maybe that little baptist
church is now ROCKING WITH GOSPEL MUSIC -----I certainly hope so. Its got
at least 12 synagogues and you can hear hebrew spoken in the streets ---
Isn't that DELIGHTFUL??? a personal story------my mom was so annoyed with the
racism of her neighbors back in the 1950s that she THREATENED "when I sell
this house I am selling to 'colored people' " (in my childhood "colored people" was
what I was allowed to say-----my wasp neighbors used the "N" word freely---as a
little kid my mom was so horrifed to hear " eeeni meeni mienie mo---catch
a "n*gg#r by the toe" that she jumped in and taught my waspy friend how to
do the FINGER ODDS AND EVENS thing----that was all the way back in the 50s)
see?? I know you
In the christian world if you are called a "true zionist" it is the highest compliment, it is almost the equivalent of saying a "serious christian" so it is very bizarre to me to hear Sherri equate the title zionist to something bad. It is not! - Jerri

Where I live Christians do not call themselves Zionists, they see that as adding something to the teachings of Jesus that is not there. I have literally been asking around at church and my Bible studies (even my Interdenominational Bible Study) and have found not one single Christian who even knows of a Christian calling themself a Zionist. So, it is certainly not a compliment among the Christian community I live amongst. Sherri

Right there on the front sign! They name their churchs after Zion left and right. You know how the catholic churches try to name most of them after a saint? Well the born again evangelicals try to include Zion, MT Zion, Zionist, something to do with Zion ----> I don't know where you are living but it doesn't sound like the churches around me. -J
She probably lives in a Muslim neighborhood that Christians don't dare step in. LOL
The bible scriptures teach that any Christian who does not love his brother, does not love God. The Jews are our brethren. Of course Christians love the Jews. Google it. It is no big secret. In fact, our love is so strong that even when some putz like you puts up a video about a jewish youth making a joke on youtube we are not offended, moved, shaken in the least. What it does do is increase our tenacity to resist your lies, your hatred and your obvious envy of a nation prospering ( Israel ) under the hand of the Jews ( and didn't prosper until they returned and their hand once again touched it! ) I have never heard of a Christian who despised Israel or the Jews. They must be more rare than the albino deer. How could one possibly study a book that refers to Israel thousands of times throughout? And love it? Would it be possible? No. I think not. Have a nice day. - Jerri

Have you ever heard of history? Christians despised Jews and hated them in their teachings, of course for many reasons too.

You cannot be a christian and despise man here on earth! Any man much less your own brethren. Ridiculous. It is not possible according to the word and yet your people, Sherri? Have turned it into an art form!

A lot of Christians despise people here in America. Not all but a good chunk. Now show us a time in history other than the past 70 years where Jews and Christians treated each other as brothers in love.......:cool:
Love One Another is to love all children yet I have repeatedly witnessed people on this board crying over the children of Hamas while feeling justified in murdering the children of Israelis! How can this be? How can these people rejoice over the murder of any child? That is not holiness! That is satanic! Whatever is teaching people to rejoice over bloodshed is surely straight from hell. God is love, not all this terrorist Jihad Murder INC Stuff!


I think there is a reason Jesus does not say love all children, I do not think such a thing is possible for an individual to do. I do not think we even love one person the way we are called to do, we fall short of even that. As for justifying the killing of children, I suggest you take it up with posters doing that. I am not seeing anyone doing that. I do not support killing in any circumstance whatsoever and I never killed anyone and I do not even have a gun. Owning a gun to me is a person wanting an excuse to kill someone.

Jesus most certainly does say we should love all children! I don't believe you believe that it is possible to love all children because you have not been born again and do not have the revelation of Christs love, Sherri! That is what the problem is here! It simply has to be. Do you have a knowledge of the word? Yes. But how you have aligned yourself with the likes of that muslim terrorist starving himself on a hunger strike right now is beyond me!

If you were a christian you'd be headed across the road there to Israel to help them instead of helping those who attack them. Shame. Shame. Sherri. Not right what I see happening here. We are going to have to work on that here. You need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable if you are going to live the life of a christian, Sherri. Its called a cross for a reason! - Jeri

Lets see Jesus words you are relying on! I do not think He ever says this and I explained why, we do not know all the children and we cannot love ones we do not know. I think we are to seek to love as He loved but this is as close as we get to a comand to love all children or a command to love every person.
I think there is a reason Jesus does not say love all children, I do not think such a thing is possible for an individual to do. I do not think we even love one person the way we are called to do, we fall short of even that. As for justifying the killing of children, I suggest you take it up with posters doing that. I am not seeing anyone doing that. I do not support killing in any circumstance whatsoever and I never killed anyone and I do not even have a gun. Owning a gun to me is a person wanting an excuse to kill someone.

Jesus most certainly does say we should love all children! I don't believe you believe that it is possible to love all children because you have not been born again and do not have the revelation of Christs love, Sherri! That is what the problem is here! It simply has to be. Do you have a knowledge of the word? Yes. But how ou have aligned yourself with the likes of that muslim terrorist starving himself on a hunger strike right now is beyond me!

If you were a christian you'd be headed across the road there to Israel to help them instead of helping those who attack them. Shame. Shame. Sherri. Not right what I see happening here. We are going to have to work on that here. You need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable if you are going to live the life of a christian, Sherri. Its called a cross for a reason! - Jeri

Lets see Jesus words you are relying on! I do not think He ever says this and I explained why, we do not know all the children and we cannot love ones we do not know. I think we are to seek to love as He loved but this is as close as we get to a comand to love all children or a command to love every person.

Samer Issawi is a human being created in the image of God and God loves him too. You cannot love God and tell me to hate this man at the same time. God does not call us to hate other human beings. Jesus had harsh words for some but He never said those words out of hate for the ones He was speaking to, He always spoke out of love for those He was speaking to. Sherri
Samer Issawi is a human being created in the image of God and God loves him too. You cannot love God and tell me to hate this man at the same time. God does not call us to hate other human beings. Jesus had harsh words for some but He never said those words out of hate for the ones He was speaking to, He always spoke out of love for those He was speaking to. Sherri

good point sherri----Jesus was speaking to his following----Pharisee jews. He did not have
a sunday televised evangelist BILLY GRAHAM type thing going. For that which he was saying and what he meant to say----you would need the language of the pharisee jews of his time.----aramaic with allusions to the writings of the bible and the talmud----which interestingly enough----is precisely the language and style he is reported to have used.
His langauge and his style do give him away for what he was-----as does yours
Jesus most certainly does say we should love all children! I don't believe you believe that it is possible to love all children because you have not been born again and do not have the revelation of Christs love, Sherri! That is what the problem is here! It simply has to be. Do you have a knowledge of the word? Yes. But how ou have aligned yourself with the likes of that muslim terrorist starving himself on a hunger strike right now is beyond me!

If you were a christian you'd be headed across the road there to Israel to help them instead of helping those who attack them. Shame. Shame. Sherri. Not right what I see happening here. We are going to have to work on that here. You need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable if you are going to live the life of a christian, Sherri. Its called a cross for a reason! - Jeri

Lets see Jesus words you are relying on! I do not think He ever says this and I explained why, we do not know all the children and we cannot love ones we do not know. I think we are to seek to love as He loved but this is as close as we get to a comand to love all children or a command to love every person.

Samer Issawi is a human being created in the image of God and God loves him too. You cannot love God and tell me to hate this man at the same time. God does not call us to hate other human beings. Jesus had harsh words for some but He never said those words out of hate for the ones He was speaking to, He always spoke out of love for those He was speaking to. Sherri
All those people murdered in the name of a religion by Muslims were human beings also, but I imagine the Muslims loved them so much and didn't hate them so they figured they had to murder them anyway. Maybe Frau Sherri should walk among her Muslim friends and give them the words of Jesus so that they will be able to respect those whose beliefs are different from theirs.
Lets see Jesus words you are relying on! I do not think He ever says this and I explained why, we do not know all the children and we cannot love ones we do not know. I think we are to seek to love as He loved but this is as close as we get to a comand to love all children or a command to love every person.

Samer Issawi is a human being created in the image of God and God loves him too. You cannot love God and tell me to hate this man at the same time. God does not call us to hate other human beings. Jesus had harsh words for some but He never said those words out of hate for the ones He was speaking to, He always spoke out of love for those He was speaking to. Sherri
All those people murdered in the name of a religion by Muslims were human beings also, but I imagine the Muslims loved them so mulch and didn't hate them so they figured they had to murder them anyway. Maybe Frau Sherri should walk among her Muslim friends and give them the words of Jesus so that they will be able to respect those whose beliefs are different from theirs.

We are not discussing a man who has killed anyone, we are discussing an unlawfully imprisoned man on a hunger strike for justice And God created this man in His own image and loves him. Do you know anything about love?
Samer Issawi is a human being created in the image of God and God loves him too. You cannot love God and tell me to hate this man at the same time. God does not call us to hate other human beings. Jesus had harsh words for some but He never said those words out of hate for the ones He was speaking to, He always spoke out of love for those He was speaking to. Sherri
All those people murdered in the name of a religion by Muslims were human beings also, but I imagine the Muslims loved them so mulch and didn't hate them so they figured they had to murder them anyway. Maybe Frau Sherri should walk among her Muslim friends and give them the words of Jesus so that they will be able to respect those whose beliefs are different from theirs.

We are not discussing a man who has killed anyone, we are discussing an unlawfully imprisoned man on a hunger strike for justice And God created this man in His own image and loves him. Do you know anything about love?
Sure I do. I love ol' Samer. I really do. I love him like an Arkansas razorback loves slop. I even forgive him that he's a terrorist. Cause he ain't getting the chance to do it again.
"In 1808, Asa McFarland, a Presbyterian, voiced the opinion of many that the fall of the Ottoman Empire was imminent and would bring about the restoration of the Jews."

It would certainly seem that Mr. McFarland's opinion was almost prophetic.....
If this is Israel's greatest days then they ain't got nothing. They're at war and Iran, which is close to a bomb, has vowed to wipe it off the face of the earth. Man, if this is Izzy's greatest days, I'd hate to see it on a bad one.
In the christian world if you are called a "true zionist" it is the highest compliment, it is almost the equivalent of saying a "serious christian" so it is very bizarre to me to hear Sherri equate the title zionist to something bad. It is not! - Jerri

Where I live Christians do not call themselves Zionists, they see that as adding something to the teachings of Jesus that is not there. I have literally been asking around at church and my Bible studies (even my Interdenominational Bible Study) and have found not one single Christian who even knows of a Christian calling themself a Zionist. So, it is certainly not a compliment among the Christian community I live amongst. Sherri

from rosie Sherri----in my little town ---where I grew up----amongst nazis like you---
you that you grew up in an environment hostile to jews-----so did I right here in
the north east. In fact my town consisted of people very who were of lineages very
similar to the one you described for yourself. ----German, dutch, scottish, FARM
PEOPLE ----protestant---Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist. In the pre war era it was a nazi
enclave. Because of the nature of the town ---by the time I was ten years old---I had
read lots and lots of nazi literature----just lying around here and there. Because I know the USA "christian" nazi literature lingo-----I knew you as soon as I read your posts.

Now for the shocking news-----not all christians are nazis like you are -----but your
brand of nazism is ---BY NO MEANS confined to the SOUTH----it is more prevalent
there than in the NORTH EAST ----in fact in the north east it exists far less than it
did when I was a kid. That little town I mentioned is not only virtually JEWISH---
there are even BLACKS there now!!!!!!!!! who knows? maybe that little baptist
church is now ROCKING WITH GOSPEL MUSIC -----I certainly hope so. Its got
at least 12 synagogues and you can hear hebrew spoken in the streets ---
Isn't that DELIGHTFUL??? a personal story------my mom was so annoyed with the
racism of her neighbors back in the 1950s that she THREATENED "when I sell
this house I am selling to 'colored people' " (in my childhood "colored people" was
what I was allowed to say-----my wasp neighbors used the "N" word freely---as a
little kid my mom was so horrifed to hear " eeeni meeni mienie mo---catch
a "n*gg#r by the toe" that she jumped in and taught my waspy friend how to
do the FINGER ODDS AND EVENS thing----that was all the way back in the 50s)
see?? I know you

Good for your mother, Rosie! I am horrified at racism. I was not raised with any of that. I didn't know it existed until I stepped onto a school bus and witnessed it after our school was integrated. Prior to that I was not aware the world could even think such things. It was a great disappointment and turned me off. I'm not a Baptist so I couldn't tell you what they are rocking to but in the South there is alot of Zion in the church names. If you pick up a phone book you'd probably find dozens of them in the average southern town. Every church I've ever been in prayed for Israel for protection of the Israeli people, were very supportive and took up collections for Israel also. I'm not familiar with Sherri's style church. - Jeri
To be clear, I have prayed for Muslim children also, not only Israeli and my prayer is that they may know the Love of God. I want that for every human being. I do not see Sherri expressing that sentiment ( for ALL people ) in her own writings but I welcome her telling us about it. - Jeri
If this is Israel's greatest days then they ain't got nothing. They're at war and Iran, which is close to a bomb, has vowed to wipe it off the face of the earth. Man, if this is Izzy's greatest days, I'd hate to see it on a bad one.

But the bible says, "Joy cometh in the Morning"! So stay tuned! - Jeri

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