It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

One of the most distinguished news sources in the nation

You are welcome to try to name a better one
distinguished yes, it's what distinguish's it that was being mocked...and in that context the NYTimes is the nations #1 and most distinguished newspapaer, surely you have heard of it, "the gray lady"? "the paper of record"?...perhaps because I know this and you do not is why I know the "wapo" [nice distinguished nickname eh?] is a joke and you do cannot hold a candle to the Times and the times is nothing to write home about either.
One of the most distinguished news sources in the nation

You are welcome to try to name a better one
distinguished yes, it's what distinguish's it that was being mocked...and in that context the NYTimes is the nations #1 and most distinguished newspapaer, surely you have heard of it, "the gray lady"? "the paper of record"?...perhaps because I know this and you do not is why I know the "wapo" [nice distinguished nickname eh?] is a joke and you do cannot hold a candle to the Times and the times is nothing to write home about either.
New York Times
Washington Post
Chicago Tribune
LA Times

All distinguished with high journalistic standards.
New York Times
Washington Post
Chicago Tribune
LA Times

All distinguished with high journalistic standards.
you asked me to name a better one, did I? [and don't do a hillary clinton by answering a different question] and those papers are rags btw.
I am willing to acknowledge the greatness of the NYTimes
I also listed other great American newspapers

I would stand by a story from any of them
As Trump prepares for his high profile meeting with Kim Jong Un it is obvious he is poorly prepared and unfamiliar with the issues


The shitflinger lives up to his name.

Listen stupid, Trump is doing what presidents for the last 70 years have failed to do,

If you can't live with that, well don't...


He has destroyed a reputation the US has had for 70 years

Reputation as shills and liars?

Trump has set the bar defining success as denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Anything short of that will be a failure, no matter how he spins it. If he gets his goal, mazel tov! A blessing on his house!

If he fails it means diplomacy fails. And that leaves onLu the bleakest of prospects. He is, essentially, firing the only arrow he has put in his quiver.

This is high risk, high reward. It is diplomacy on the world stage, not a real estate deal.

Oh, okay, we'll just let you hate-filled, foaming at the mouth Stalinists define what is failure.. :lol:

BILL CLINTON vowed to move the embassy, over the next 3 presidents and 24 years, nothing but jerking off. Trump actually kept our word.

Now look, the democrats are Antisemitic and pro-terrorist, so this OUTRAGES the filthy fucks, I get it. But Trump upheld America's word and honor. Honor is another thing that the deMS-13 utterly lack.
Trump has set the bar defining success as denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Anything short of that will be a failure, no matter how he spins it. If he gets his goal, mazel tov! A blessing on his house!

If he fails it means diplomacy fails. And that leaves onLu the bleakest of prospects. He is, essentially, firing the only arrow he has put in his quiver.

This is high risk, high reward. It is diplomacy on the world stage, not a real estate deal.

Oh, okay, we'll just let you hate-filled, foaming at the mouth Stalinists define what is failure.. :lol:

BILL CLINTON vowed to move the embassy, over the next 3 presidents and 24 years, nothing but jerking off. Trump actually kept our word.

Now look, the democrats are Antisemitic and pro-terrorist, so this OUTRAGES the filthy fucks, I get it. But Trump upheld America's word and honor. Honor is another thing that the deMS-13 utterly lack.
Anyone disagreeing with you gets labeled a 'Stalinist'? That's mature!

And considering Israeli forces killed more than 60 Palestinians the day the embassy was moved, can that decision be considered a "win"?

And it's interesting that the new label for your American political opposition Is deMS-13. Which of your Reactionary pundit talking points advisors taught you that?
Anyone disagreeing with you gets labeled a 'Stalinist'? That's mature!

And considering Israeli forces killed more than 60 Palestinians the day the embassy was moved, can that decision be considered a "win"?

And it's interesting that the new label for your American political opposition Is deMS-13. Which of your Reactionary pundit talking points advisors taught you that?

Any Marxist seeking to end the United States Constitution in favor of a totalitarian dictatorship with regulated speech (hate speech laws, safe spaces, et al) racial preference (affirmative action), impugning of religious freedom (bake the cake Christian), dissolution of the right of self-defense, nationalizing of the means of production (Obama's fascist care) is rightfully identified as a Stalinist.
Anyone disagreeing with you gets labeled a 'Stalinist'? That's mature!

And considering Israeli forces killed more than 60 Palestinians the day the embassy was moved, can that decision be considered a "win"?

And it's interesting that the new label for your American political opposition Is deMS-13. Which of your Reactionary pundit talking points advisors taught you that?

Any Marxist seeking to end the United States Constitution in favor of a totalitarian dictatorship with regulated speech (hate speech laws, safe spaces, et al) racial preference (affirmative action), impugning of religious freedom (bake the cake Christian), dissolution of the right of self-defense, nationalizing of the means of production (Obama's fascist care) is rightfully identified as a Stalinist.
Where's the face palm emoji when ya need it?

Trump wants to limit speech (see the curflufle over the NFL and the anthem), views violent White Nationalists as 'decent people' (see Charlottesville) impugnes freedom of religion (see his Muslim travel ban), ignores the havoc of gun violence (see his flip flop after Parkland) and gleefully strips Americans of health care (see his continued attacks on the AHCA).

And yet I do not call Trump and his supporters Amti-American. I simply refer to him and them as morons.
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gleefully strips Americans of health care (see his continued attacks on the AHCA).
Uh-oh...are you a welfare queen too, Nosmo? How does “attacking” the AHCA “strip” Americans of healthcare? Why do you resort to such childish lies?

The irony is, it was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats who stripped ten million Americans of their healthcare when they passed the AHCA (to find out what was in it).

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