It really is rather insane republicans are more likely to support Trump because of his convictions


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

It is a group psychosis that is both bizarre and destructive. It will be fun to watch them disavow the blob in the near future.

guess some don't worry about felony convictions
It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

President Trump isn't the first leader to become more popular after being persecuted by his political adversaries, and probably won't be the last.
It’s just a cult that won’t die. How a cult could become so massive is beyond my understanding.
I never understood Jimmy Jones and Jonestown until this cult popped up, but trump is popular only because of who he hates so it`s not quite the same. Did anyone jump on his bandwagon for his brilliant plan for America`s healthcare? I hope the bone spurs don`t prevent him from picking up even more trash along the highways. Unlike his trashy cult, highway trash (likely thrown by MAGAs) can`t vote.
It’s just a cult that won’t die. How a cult could become so massive is beyond my understanding.
The difference between this cult and others, is that this one has a massive "media" pouring this stuff into their heads, 24/7/365. Not to mention an enabling major party.

And cults don't die. Many adherents remain faithful for decades, even for the rest of their lives. Trying to reason with them is pointless. All we can hope is that it shrinks enough to fit back on the fringe, where it belongs. Before it's too late.
It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

Not really that insane. We know a kangaroo court and the start of a banana republic when we see one.

You morons just go along with your cult regardless.

So there’s that.
Not really that insane. We know a kangaroo court and the start of a banana republic when we see one.

You morons just go along with your cult regardless.

So there’s that.
Hey dumb fuck maybe you’re too slow to understand my basic point so I guess I will re explain it to your peon moronic brain. Your opinion on Trump’s innocence doesn’t somehow justify supporting him MORE.
The difference between this cult and others, is that this one has a massive "media" pouring this stuff into their heads, 24/7/365. Not to mention an enabling major party.

And cults don't die. Many adherents remain faithful for decades, even for the rest of their lives. Trying to reason with them is pointless. All we can hope is that it shrinks enough to fit back on the fringe, where it belongs. Before it's too late.
Would they drink cyanide Kool-Aid for him? I`m buying.
It's funny to watch rabid liberals whine about Trump when all they had to do was let him fade away. Instead they showed their true selves, a bunch of petty vindictive scumbags who will stop at nothing to punish Trump. Now that their ill conceived plans have failed they howl at the moon because they can't even defend the Biden disaster.
Hey dumb fuck maybe you’re too slow to understand my basic point so I guess I will re explain it to your peon moronic brain. Your opinion on Trump’s innocence doesn’t somehow justify supporting him MORE.

Actually, it does. Because the fact that President Trump is being persecuted is an indication that his enemies are frightened by him and he might have something to say.

Would Christianity be as popular today, if Jesus H. Christ hadn't been executed by His enemies back in the day?

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