"It shouldn't be illegal for people with AIDS to spit at, bite or throw blood at "

How did he infect six of his patients if biting, saliva, or throwing blood on someone can't infect anyone? What happened? Did he have sex with them?

It was 23 years ago, and I wasn't there. So I don't know.

I do understand enough about biology to know that the AIDS virus cannot be transmitted through saliva ever, and that there has never been a case of AIDS being transmitted by biting or throwing blood.

So how did he infect not just one, but SIX of his patients? Because it was 20 something years ago it's okay to pretend it didn't happen if admitting it hurts your argument?

I'm not "pretending it didn't happen". I'm saying that I don't know the specifics of that case.

Again, that's not my "argument". My "argument" is the biological fact that saliva cannot transmit the HIV virus, and the historical fact that no one has ever been infected by someone biting them or throwing blood on them.
When AIDS was first identified the activist scare was that no one was safe. Everyone was at risk no metter whether they were promiscuous gays or monogmous normals. AIDS was going to explode into an extinction level event. Normals in monogamous relationships laughed and kissed their wives and husbands. The predicted explosion never happened so activists helped things along by deliberately spreading AIDS. That's when laws were passed prohibiting the attempt to deliberately spread the disease. In rebellion gays hatched the social phenomenon of bug chasers and gift givers. The deliberate spread of AIDS among enough people to remove the stigma.

The avtivists never got over the fact that AIDS did not infect huge numbers of normals. It has always been a goal to find a way of spreading this disease among the normal monogamous. It remains a disease largely still confined to gays, bisexuals and drug users. The prize is to spread it among Christians and these laws stand in their way. If they can strike these laws down they will be a long way to that goal.
It was 23 years ago, and I wasn't there. So I don't know.

I do understand enough about biology to know that the AIDS virus cannot be transmitted through saliva ever, and that there has never been a case of AIDS being transmitted by biting or throwing blood.

So how did he infect not just one, but SIX of his patients? Because it was 20 something years ago it's okay to pretend it didn't happen if admitting it hurts your argument?

I'm not "pretending it didn't happen". I'm saying that I don't know the specifics of that case.

Again, that's not my "argument". My "argument" is the biological fact that saliva cannot transmit the HIV virus, and the historical fact that no one has ever been infected by someone biting them or throwing blood on them.

So how do you think he infected them?
assault isnt illegal?

Of course it is.

And throwing blood at someone with the intention of infecting them with AIDS is also already illegal.

So because it's already illegal I guess hate crime laws should be ended for the same reason, right? Or is it now time to show your double standard?

It is really funny to watch you keep throwing out these random "liberal" issues that you assume I agree with, trying to trip me up. It's even funnier when you're completely wrong.

Why do you keep trying to change the subject?
Perverts have been known to put bodily fluids into squirt bottles and spray them. If a dentist can infect someone with dental instruments then if they were sprayed in the mouth they could also get infected if they had bleeding in their mouths or wounds in them.

Should it not be an extra crime for perverts to do that?
So how did he infect not just one, but SIX of his patients? Because it was 20 something years ago it's okay to pretend it didn't happen if admitting it hurts your argument?

I'm not "pretending it didn't happen". I'm saying that I don't know the specifics of that case.

Again, that's not my "argument". My "argument" is the biological fact that saliva cannot transmit the HIV virus, and the historical fact that no one has ever been infected by someone biting them or throwing blood on them.

So how do you think he infected them?

I don't know. How do you think he infected them?

Do you think he spit on them, or bit them? Maybe he threw blood at them.
It shouldn't be illegal for innocent Americans to use deadly physical force if necessary to prevent assault and exposure to deadly viruses by crazy infected animals.

I don't even know where to begin...

Are you really that afraid? Do you really thing there are people with AIDS hiding in the shadows trying to infect you?

I have had more than one AIDS patient say to me that they can't stop their own demise, but they plan to take as many as they can down with them when they go. I believe they do that. In the 90s I went to a seminar and one of the presenters had been infected by an old boyfriend who wanted one 'for old time's sake.' She had gotten herpes from another relationship and when she had sex with him he always wore protection. She said she should have figured it out when he didn't bother to protect himself that time. You can believe what you want to believe, but I can assure you that there ARE people out there with AIDS who want to infect others.

Biting and spitting is a big deal in hospital setting like psych hospitals and ERs where physical force is sometimes needed to restrain an violent patient. They sometimes bite themselves on the cheek or on the tongue accidentally during the struggle and they ARE at that point able to transmit HIV by biting or spitting into the eyes.. Hospital staff are required to use precautions.

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Perverts have been known to put bodily fluids into squirt bottles and spray them. If a dentist can infect someone with dental instruments then if they were sprayed in the mouth they could also get infected if they had bleeding in their mouths or wounds in them.

Should it not be an extra crime for perverts to do that?

Why should it be?
I'm not "pretending it didn't happen". I'm saying that I don't know the specifics of that case.

Again, that's not my "argument". My "argument" is the biological fact that saliva cannot transmit the HIV virus, and the historical fact that no one has ever been infected by someone biting them or throwing blood on them.

So how do you think he infected them?

I don't know. How do you think he infected them?

Do you think he spit on them, or bit them? Maybe he threw blood at them.

Given I doubt he injected them with a heroin needle and I doubt he had sex with them, it seems a less obvious method. And one that would probably be something that you would say couldn't infect someone.
It shouldn't be illegal for innocent Americans to use deadly physical force if necessary to prevent assault and exposure to deadly viruses by crazy infected animals.

I don't even know where to begin...

Are you really that afraid? Do you really thing there are people with AIDS hiding in the shadows trying to infect you?

I have had more than one AIDS patient say to me that they can't stop their own demise, but they plan to take as many as they can down with them when they go. I believe they do that. In the 90s I went to a seminar and one of the presenters had been infected by an old boyfriend who wanted one 'for old time's sake.' She had gotten herpes from another relationship and she had sex with him he always wore protection. She said she should have figured it out when he didn't bother to protect himself that time. You can believe what you want to believe, but I can assure you that there ARE people out there with AIDS who want to infect others.

Biting and spitting is a big deal in hospital like psych hospitals where physical force is sometimes needed to restrain an violent patient. They sometimes bite themselves on the cheek or on the tongue accidentally during the struggle and they ARE at that point able to transmit HIV by biting or spitting into the eyes..

Yet, there are no examples of it ever happening, EVER.

Why should there be a law about something that's never happened?
I don't even know where to begin...

Are you really that afraid? Do you really thing there are people with AIDS hiding in the shadows trying to infect you?

I have had more than one AIDS patient say to me that they can't stop their own demise, but they plan to take as many as they can down with them when they go. I believe they do that. In the 90s I went to a seminar and one of the presenters had been infected by an old boyfriend who wanted one 'for old time's sake.' She had gotten herpes from another relationship and she had sex with him he always wore protection. She said she should have figured it out when he didn't bother to protect himself that time. You can believe what you want to believe, but I can assure you that there ARE people out there with AIDS who want to infect others.

Biting and spitting is a big deal in hospital like psych hospitals where physical force is sometimes needed to restrain an violent patient. They sometimes bite themselves on the cheek or on the tongue accidentally during the struggle and they ARE at that point able to transmit HIV by biting or spitting into the eyes..

Yet, there are no examples of it ever happening, EVER.

Why should there be a law about something that's never happened?

The bigots at NIH say it is possible to transmit HIV via biting.

Possible transmission of HIV Infection due to human bite
Perverts have been known to put bodily fluids into squirt bottles and spray them. If a dentist can infect someone with dental instruments then if they were sprayed in the mouth they could also get infected if they had bleeding in their mouths or wounds in them.

Should it not be an extra crime for perverts to do that?

They have? I dont know about this... Did Bill Clinton do this? I mean he is kind of a standard bearer for perverts:)
It shouldn't be illegal for innocent Americans to use deadly physical force if necessary to prevent assault and exposure to deadly viruses by crazy infected animals.

I don't even know where to begin...

Are you really that afraid? Do you really thing there are people with AIDS hiding in the shadows trying to infect you?

Does the word "assault" mean anything to you? Innocent people should be able to use deadly physical force, if necessary, if they reasonably believe it would prevent the intentional exposure, to themselves or family members, to a deadly incurable virus inflicted by crazed angry activists or terrorists.
I don't even know where to begin...

Are you really that afraid? Do you really thing there are people with AIDS hiding in the shadows trying to infect you?

I have had more than one AIDS patient say to me that they can't stop their own demise, but they plan to take as many as they can down with them when they go. I believe they do that. In the 90s I went to a seminar and one of the presenters had been infected by an old boyfriend who wanted one 'for old time's sake.' She had gotten herpes from another relationship and she had sex with him he always wore protection. She said she should have figured it out when he didn't bother to protect himself that time. You can believe what you want to believe, but I can assure you that there ARE people out there with AIDS who want to infect others.

Biting and spitting is a big deal in hospital like psych hospitals where physical force is sometimes needed to restrain an violent patient. They sometimes bite themselves on the cheek or on the tongue accidentally during the struggle and they ARE at that point able to transmit HIV by biting or spitting into the eyes..

Yet, there are no examples of it ever happening, EVER.

Why should there be a law about something that's never happened?

There have been multiple transmissions of HIV in hospital settings in many different ways. Why do you think universal precautions became requirede. Just because doctor pork chop doesn't know about them doesn't mean they haven't happened. Have you read EVERY incident report in EVERY health care facility? No? Then you can't say with authority it hasn't happened.

Here have a little tidbit from the CDC:

Just scroll down to the question about transmission by human bite and click on it. Here is what you get.

It is very rare, but in specific circumstances HIV can be transmitted by a human bite. In 1997, CDC published findings from a state health department investigation of an incident that suggested blood-to-blood transmission of HIV by a human bite. There have been other rare reports in the medical literature in which HIV appeared to have been transmitted by a human bite. Biting is not a common way of transmitting HIV, in fact, there are numerous reports of bites that did not result in HIV infection. Severe trauma with extensive tissue damage and the presence of blood were reported in each of the instances where transmission was documented or suspected. Bites that do not involve broken skin have no risk for HIV transmission, as intact skin acts as a barrier to HIV transmission.

◦There is no risk from a bite where the skin is not broken.
◦There is a remote risk of transmission by human bite. All documented cases where transmission did occur included severe trauma with extensive tissue damage and the presence of blood.

HIV Transmission | Questions and Answers | CDC HIV/AIDS
Perverts have been known to put bodily fluids into squirt bottles and spray them. If a dentist can infect someone with dental instruments then if they were sprayed in the mouth they could also get infected if they had bleeding in their mouths or wounds in them.

Should it not be an extra crime for perverts to do that?

They have? I dont know about this... Did Bill Clinton do this? I mean he is kind of a standard bearer for perverts:)

Michael Edwards, Accused Of Spraying SEMEN On Woman In Supermarket, Linked To Similar Cases
Perverts have been known to put bodily fluids into squirt bottles and spray them. If a dentist can infect someone with dental instruments then if they were sprayed in the mouth they could also get infected if they had bleeding in their mouths or wounds in them.

Should it not be an extra crime for perverts to do that?

They have? I dont know about this... Did Bill Clinton do this? I mean he is kind of a standard bearer for perverts:)

Michael Edwards, Accused Of Spraying SEMEN On Woman In Supermarket, Linked To Similar Cases

And shockingly he was arrested. So what's the issue?
Clearly these laws are necessary because there are those like The Doctor who believe there is no harm in the free transmission of AIDS?

If you object to getting AIDS you are bigot.

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