It will never be the "Great Obama's" economy again.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Consider this global pandemic to be the last and final nail in the coffin of "The Great Obama's" legacy. How many times have we heard these thing said?

"Drumph's record stock market numbers are just a continuation of The Great Obama's market numbers..."

"Drumph is just riding on the coattails of The Great Obama's economy..."

"Drumph hasn't done anything, we were on a contilual rise all through The Great Obama's presidency..."

Consider this is you can: When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.
When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.
True that!
It took Bush 6 years to destroy Clinton's great economy, but has only taken Tramp 3 to destroy Obama's equally great economy.
Obama rebuilt the economy with less than a trillion dollars, Tramp will fail to rebuild the economy even with his 6 Trillion in stimulus funding.
Except for a few TDS folks here and the Fake News MSM/DNC, nobody believed the economic recovery that occurred when President Trump won in a landslide had anything to do with Barry Hussaine Obama, except for the fact Barry Hussaine Obama made every effort to make the USA a 3rd world country. Which begs the question, is this bizarre "pandemic" of a peculiar type of flu the last artifact of the Obama Deep State? Is that why democrat governors and the MSM/DNC and Deep State Tiny Tony Fauci doing their best to prevent variations of the malaria drug combined with an anti-bacterial drug from being readily available?


Time to quarantine Tiny Tony and the Democrats!
Which begs the question, is this bizarre "pandemic" of a peculiar type of flu the last artifact of the Obama Deep State?
So you now support the Chinese who say the Trump-45 virus started in America!!!!
When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.
True that!
It took Bush 6 years to destroy Clinton's great economy, but has only taken Tramp 3 to destroy Obama's equally great economy.
Obama rebuilt the economy with less than a trillion dollars, Tramp will fail to rebuild the economy even with his 6 Trillion in stimulus funding.

It's over. "The Great Obama" owns nothing and everything that happens subsequently from here on, belongs to President Donald. J. Trump.

Come back in a year and tell me how you like your MAGA economy.
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Consider this global pandemic to be the last and final nail in the coffin of "The Great Obama's" legacy. How many times have we heard these thing said?

"Drumph's record stock market numbers are just a continuation of The Great Obama's market numbers..."

"Drumph is just riding on the coattails of The Great Obama's economy..."

"Drumph hasn't done anything, we were on a contilual rise all through The Great Obama's presidency..."

Consider this is you can: When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.
I always thought he mostly owned it within 6 months of the trump tax breaks. Everything before he actually changed the taxation (a payoff to the people holding/controlling capital) was just psychological in nature, until you do some big that effects the controls. Then within 6 months after that, the effect was starting to wear off. Somehow he convince, cajoled, bullied, or influenced the Fed to start pumping dollars into the system, propping it up and in my way of thinking, creating somewhat an unsupported bubble pumped up by the Fed, but I'm not really an investment guy, just follow my own conservative strategy. To me, January's height was the height of a bubble and i could not for the life of me, see what was going to sustain it. Now we have Covid-19 global pandemic and the trump emergency stimulus attained with both houses of congress, both parties working out their party animus and ideas of what was or is thought to be necessary, but at least working together for the first time in at least 10 years. I don't know what it will lead to, in light of the situation we are in. Heck, they don't either. Whatever it leads to, trump definitely owns a major piece of it if not the major piece of it, along with the Fed and with the blessings of both parties in both houses of congress. Like him or not, I figure his management team was in at all stages of the deal. So, I'm watching Covid-19, my saving/investments, the economy and my personal stores so to speak of toilet paper and ammunition, hoping neither one suddenly becomes more valuable than the others. Hope their is enough stimulus to tide the country over and jump start economy in a month or so. Hope everybody plays along or were fucked and some of my stores will become very valuable to me.
When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.
True that!
It took Bush 6 years to destroy Clinton's great economy, but has only taken Tramp 3 to destroy Obama's equally great economy.
Obama rebuilt the economy with less than a trillion dollars, Tramp will fail to rebuild the economy even with his 6 Trillion in stimulus funding.

It's over. "The Great Obama" owns nothing and everything that happens subsequently from here on, belongs to President Donald. J. Trump.

Come back in a year and tell me how you like his MAGA economy.
The Trump crash could be worse than the Bush crash. You people (Trump included)have completely misread and misplayed this virus from the beginning. remember this Trump Tweet gem:
virs tweet.png

This crash is going to be bad. Millions of people are going to lose their jobs and consumer spending (the thing that has driven this expansion) is going to plummet because people will have no money, and no jobs, with many businesses going under.

The recovery is going to be slow. On top of that the small Trump pop of only 2.3% GDP growth (Obama had 2%) was fueled solely by Trump's insane massive increase in deficit spending (2016 annual deficit $587 B, Trump's annual deficit before the crash was $1.2 T, now Trump's annual deficits will be $3+ trillion) Trump bankrupted the country, just like he bankrupted his businesses in real life... I wonder if Trump's daddy will bail out the US economy the same way he bailed out Donny???
You're right about one thing, Trump owns the economy and this massive debt, and this weak stock market that is going lower... a lot lower...
Which begs the question, is this bizarre "pandemic" of a peculiar type of flu the last artifact of the Obama Deep State?
So you now support the Chinese who say the Trump-45 virus started in America!!!!
You have it backwards. The Chinese support the democrats who say that the Trump-45 virus started in America.

If ONLY the Chinese really took the enemy democrats seriously. Deliberately introducing a bioagent into a civilian population is an act of war which would entitled the Chinese to retaliate, up to and including a nuclear first strike. Of course not even the Chinese take democrats seriously. They are a colossal joke. To the whole world.
Consider this global pandemic to be the last and final nail in the coffin of "The Great Obama's" legacy. How many times have we heard these thing said?

"Drumph's record stock market numbers are just a continuation of The Great Obama's market numbers..."

"Drumph is just riding on the coattails of The Great Obama's economy..."

"Drumph hasn't done anything, we were on a contilual rise all through The Great Obama's presidency..."

Consider this is you can: When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.

Assuming Trump gets another 4 years he will also own Obama's record for the most money added to the national debt, and it will not even be close
Which begs the question, is this bizarre "pandemic" of a peculiar type of flu the last artifact of the Obama Deep State?
So you now support the Chinese who say the Trump-45 virus started in America!!!!
You have it backwards. The Chinese support the democrats who say that the Trump-45 virus started in America.
So now the Chinese are the "deep state."
Lets just say they have a close alliance. Both have the same goal. The destruction of the United States as presently constituted.
When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.
True that!
It took Bush 6 years to destroy Clinton's great economy, but has only taken Tramp 3 to destroy Obama's equally great economy.
Obama rebuilt the economy with less than a trillion dollars, Tramp will fail to rebuild the economy even with his 6 Trillion in stimulus funding.

It's over. "The Great Obama" owns nothing and everything that happens subsequently from here on, belongs to President Donald. J. Trump.

Come back in a year and tell me how you like his MAGA economy.
The Trump crash could be worse than the Bush crash. You people (Trump included)have completely misread and misplayed this virus from the beginning. remember this Trump Tweet gem:
View attachment 316564

This crash is going to be bad. Millions of people are going to lose their jobs and consumer spending (the thing that has driven this expansion) is going to plummet because people will have no money, and no jobs, with many businesses going under.

The recovery is going to be slow. On top of that the small Trump pop of only 2.3% GDP growth (Obama had 2%) was fueled solely by Trump's insane massive increase in deficit spending (2016 annual deficit $587 B, Trump's annual deficit before the crash was $1.2 T, now Trump's annual deficits will be $3+ trillion) Trump bankrupted the country, just like he bankrupted his businesses in real life... I wonder if Trump's daddy will bail out the US economy the same way he bailed out Donny???
You're right about one thing, Trump owns the economy and this massive debt, and this weak stock market that is going lower... a lot lower...

You're basing your entire premise on the word "could", as in "could be worse ." Being an unrepentant leftist, I can understand how you have little faith in American excellence, American ingenuity, and the strength it takes to overcome a little pandemic.

I on the other hand, am optimistic. We've overcome worse things than this in our history and were better for it. And once this passes, President Trump's economy will exceed what we saw six month ago.
Which begs the question, is this bizarre "pandemic" of a peculiar type of flu the last artifact of the Obama Deep State?
So you now support the Chinese who say the Trump-45 virus started in America!!!!
You have it backwards. The Chinese support the democrats who say that the Trump-45 virus started in America.

If ONLY the Chinese really took the enemy democrats seriously. Deliberately introducing a bioagent into a civilian population is an act of war which would entitled the Chinese to retaliate, up to and including a nuclear first strike. Of course not even the Chinese take democrats seriously. They are a colossal joke. To the whole world.
Somebody really needs to monitor you drinking and meds. It is not a weaponized biologic agent. It does not fit the profile in any way. Get off the conspiracy sites and seek counseling.
Consider this global pandemic to be the last and final nail in the coffin of "The Great Obama's" legacy. How many times have we heard these thing said?

"Drumph's record stock market numbers are just a continuation of The Great Obama's market numbers..."

"Drumph is just riding on the coattails of The Great Obama's economy..."

"Drumph hasn't done anything, we were on a contilual rise all through The Great Obama's presidency..."

Consider this is you can: When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.
When was there ever a great Obama anyting
Consider this global pandemic to be the last and final nail in the coffin of "The Great Obama's" legacy. How many times have we heard these thing said?

"Drumph's record stock market numbers are just a continuation of The Great Obama's market numbers..."

"Drumph is just riding on the coattails of The Great Obama's economy..."

"Drumph hasn't done anything, we were on a contilual rise all through The Great Obama's presidency..."

Consider this is you can: When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.

This is now even more the obama economy. This virus can best be described as the ObamaVirus, and that is what's causing this. Our healthcare system and military were not able to handle this, because Obama killed out medical system with ObamaCare and he gutted out military's ability to respond. This is all 100% obama's fault. We should just be grateful to have President Trump in power, because it would be so much worse if he didn't fire Obama and kick him out of office in 2016. Things are bad despite everything President Trump has done to make it less bad. Yeah, that is how bad Obama destroyed this country. Even with Trump doing everything 150% correct, he still cannot make up for the damage caused by Obama. Sadly those with Trump Derangement Syndrome will never understand this, and they will continue to blame President Trump for the failures of their guy. The cognitive dissonance demonstrated by the childish brain dead libtards who would rather throw around petty insults than solve is problems is disturbing. They literally have no idea how foolish they appear when they try to deflect blame onto President Trump instead of where it belongs.
Which begs the question, is this bizarre "pandemic" of a peculiar type of flu the last artifact of the Obama Deep State?
So you now support the Chinese who say the Trump-45 virus started in America!!!!
You have it backwards. The Chinese support the democrats who say that the Trump-45 virus started in America.
So now the Chinese are the "deep state."
Lets just say they have a close alliance. Both have the same goal. The destruction of the United States as presently constituted.
Pure projection.
See my sig.
Consider this global pandemic to be the last and final nail in the coffin of "The Great Obama's" legacy. How many times have we heard these thing said?

"Drumph's record stock market numbers are just a continuation of The Great Obama's market numbers..."

"Drumph is just riding on the coattails of The Great Obama's economy..."

"Drumph hasn't done anything, we were on a contilual rise all through The Great Obama's presidency..."

Consider this is you can: When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.

This is now even more the obama economy. This virus can best be described as the ObamaVirus, and that is what's causing this. Our healthcare system and military were not able to handle this, because Obama killed out medical system with ObamaCare and he gutted out military's ability to respond. This is all 100% obama's fault. We should just be grateful to have President Trump in power, because it would be so much worse if he didn't fire Obama and kick him out of office in 2016. Things are bad despite everything President Trump has done to make it less bad. Yeah, that is how bad Obama destroyed this country. Even with Trump doing everything 150% correct, he still cannot make up for the damage caused by Obama. Sadly those with Trump Derangement Syndrome will never understand this, and they will continue to blame President Trump for the failures of their guy. The cognitive dissonance demonstrated by the childish brain dead libtards who would rather throw around petty insults than solve is problems is disturbing. They literally have no idea how foolish they appear when they try to deflect blame onto President Trump instead of where it belongs.
ODS in full display!
Consider this global pandemic to be the last and final nail in the coffin of "The Great Obama's" legacy. How many times have we heard these thing said?

"Drumph's record stock market numbers are just a continuation of The Great Obama's market numbers..."

"Drumph is just riding on the coattails of The Great Obama's economy..."

"Drumph hasn't done anything, we were on a contilual rise all through The Great Obama's presidency..."

Consider this is you can: When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.

This is now even more the obama economy. This virus can best be described as the ObamaVirus, and that is what's causing this. Our healthcare system and military were not able to handle this, because Obama killed out medical system with ObamaCare and he gutted out military's ability to respond. This is all 100% obama's fault. We should just be grateful to have President Trump in power, because it would be so much worse if he didn't fire Obama and kick him out of office in 2016. Things are bad despite everything President Trump has done to make it less bad. Yeah, that is how bad Obama destroyed this country. Even with Trump doing everything 150% correct, he still cannot make up for the damage caused by Obama. Sadly those with Trump Derangement Syndrome will never understand this, and they will continue to blame President Trump for the failures of their guy. The cognitive dissonance demonstrated by the childish brain dead libtards who would rather throw around petty insults than solve is problems is disturbing. They literally have no idea how foolish they appear when they try to deflect blame onto President Trump instead of where it belongs.

Then what we're going through right now, is the Great Obama's "legacy", and he set us up for it.

I'll buy that.
Consider this global pandemic to be the last and final nail in the coffin of "The Great Obama's" legacy. How many times have we heard these thing said?

"Drumph's record stock market numbers are just a continuation of The Great Obama's market numbers..."

"Drumph is just riding on the coattails of The Great Obama's economy..."

"Drumph hasn't done anything, we were on a contilual rise all through The Great Obama's presidency..."

Consider this is you can: When the global pandemic has run its course, when we get back to business, when the economy is booming again, and when the stock market breaks all of it's former records...

Trump will own it.

He will own it lock, stock, barrel, henhouse, and mule shed. It will be President Donald J. Trump's economy, and it will be President Donald J. Trump's stock market.

This is now even more the obama economy. This virus can best be described as the ObamaVirus, and that is what's causing this. Our healthcare system and military were not able to handle this, because Obama killed out medical system with ObamaCare and he gutted out military's ability to respond. This is all 100% obama's fault. We should just be grateful to have President Trump in power, because it would be so much worse if he didn't fire Obama and kick him out of office in 2016. Things are bad despite everything President Trump has done to make it less bad. Yeah, that is how bad Obama destroyed this country. Even with Trump doing everything 150% correct, he still cannot make up for the damage caused by Obama. Sadly those with Trump Derangement Syndrome will never understand this, and they will continue to blame President Trump for the failures of their guy. The cognitive dissonance demonstrated by the childish brain dead libtards who would rather throw around petty insults than solve is problems is disturbing. They literally have no idea how foolish they appear when they try to deflect blame onto President Trump instead of where it belongs.

Then what we're going through right now, is the Great Obama's "legacy", and he set us up for it.

I'll buy that.

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