Italy Death Rate Hits 7%

Italy is reporting their data accurately while the lying communists haven't been honest with the world. Therefore, we see much worse numbers than anticipated, far higher than anywhere else except for China and/or Iran.

Also, if Italy is getting hit so hard relative to the rest of the world, we must wonder why, beyond their age which is higher than most countries. Was this planted there or delivered naturally? The numbers must be explained somehow. Japan has an old population and much higher in numbers, yet, they have a fraction of the caes Italy has.
I don't buy into any conspiracy theories but I think Italy has the largest or second largest group of Chinese immigrants in Europe.
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
Have 7% of those infected died specifically because they were infected, or have 7% of those infected died from anything and everything including the covid 19?
Don't you think it's a little disingenuous to post those statistics.

I read that 7% of Italy is dying. Which I know it isn't. But it sure seems like a stupid title.

Next. You have a concentrated area that has many factors which could be causing the high rate...not to mention they got started early (which bring a whole lot of issues).

The title says death RATE, not death TOLL. Further the exact numbers are in the post.

Sorry but if you can't read correctly, that's not on the thread title.
You weasel-worded your own title, and now you want to blame somebody else.


The title is 100% accurate. If you can't read it, that's on you. Moron...

I said weasel words, and the point stands.

It's not weasel word, it's a perfectly accurate description. You have no point, except that you indeed are for certain, a retarded person. Even after reading the posts of that other person and the response you STILL believe there is something wrong in the title.

Joe Biden level of IQ...

Come on Norman,

We are not left wingers attacking you.

We simply said the title was misleading.
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
Have 7% of those infected died specifically because they were infected, or have 7% of those infected died from anything and everything including the covid 19?

That's what I've always suggested. We will see inaccurate associating (usually not through fault of the medical examiner who only states "they had the virus") the virus with those who perish, when it might have been their underlying illness, or even just natural causes.
Italy is reporting their data accurately while the lying communists haven't been honest with the world. Therefore, we see much worse numbers than anticipated, far higher than anywhere else except for China and/or Iran.

Also, if Italy is getting hit so hard relative to the rest of the world, we must wonder why, beyond their age which is higher than most countries. Was this planted there or delivered naturally? The numbers must be explained somehow. Japan has an old population and much higher in numbers, yet, they have a fraction of the caes Italy has.
I don't buy into any conspiracy theories but I think Italy has the largest or second largest group of Chinese immigrants in Europe.

You don't buy into them....

But you don't mind stating some.....

Go to 5:10 in the clip.....

The title says death RATE, not death TOLL. Further the exact numbers are in the post.

Sorry but if you can't read correctly, that's not on the thread title.
You weasel-worded your own title, and now you want to blame somebody else.


The title is 100% accurate. If you can't read it, that's on you. Moron...

I said weasel words, and the point stands.

It's not weasel word, it's a perfectly accurate description. You have no point, except that you indeed are for certain, a retarded person. Even after reading the posts of that other person and the response you STILL believe there is something wrong in the title.

Joe Biden level of IQ...

Come on Norman,

We are not left wingers attacking you.

We simply said the title was misleading.

Pogo is not a left-winger?

Since when?

Further he is acting retard, insisting on commenting on something that was already resolved. The title is perfectly accurate, and further if someone gets confused over plain English, the details are laid out in the article.
You weasel-worded your own title, and now you want to blame somebody else.


The title is 100% accurate. If you can't read it, that's on you. Moron...

I said weasel words, and the point stands.

It's not weasel word, it's a perfectly accurate description. You have no point, except that you indeed are for certain, a retarded person. Even after reading the posts of that other person and the response you STILL believe there is something wrong in the title.

Joe Biden level of IQ...

Come on Norman,

We are not left wingers attacking you.

We simply said the title was misleading.

Pogo is not a left-winger?

Since when?

Further he is acting retard, insisting on commenting on something that was already resolved. The title is perfectly accurate, and further if someone gets confused over plain English, the details are laid out in the article.

Maybe I am confused.

I did not think he was.

I am going to disagree once more and leave it at that. I think the title is misleading. And yes, the article does give a different story.

At 1,300 a month. I think differently.
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
what did trump just come out and say about it? A buddy of mine was telling me he said something about a possible three week quarintine and martial law. I can not find it in any news feeds. I do not have access to cable right now to watch tv!
You weasel-worded your own title, and now you want to blame somebody else.


The title is 100% accurate. If you can't read it, that's on you. Moron...

I said weasel words, and the point stands.

It's not weasel word, it's a perfectly accurate description. You have no point, except that you indeed are for certain, a retarded person. Even after reading the posts of that other person and the response you STILL believe there is something wrong in the title.

Joe Biden level of IQ...

Come on Norman,

We are not left wingers attacking you.

We simply said the title was misleading.

Pogo is not a left-winger?

Since when?

Further he is acting retard, insisting on commenting on something that was already resolved. The title is perfectly accurate, and further if someone gets confused over plain English, the details are laid out in the article.

You really need this spelled out, do you.

Your title reads, "Italy death rate hits 7%". The only way to read that is that seven percent of the population of Italia has died.

If it read, "Coronavirus death rate in Italy hits 7%" it would be accurate. It would also be old, since as I just pointed out, both new cases and deaths did not add any in the last count.

But let's all remember it's the "democrat party media" that's trying to sensationalize for the election or some shit.
The title is 100% accurate. If you can't read it, that's on you. Moron...

I said weasel words, and the point stands.

It's not weasel word, it's a perfectly accurate description. You have no point, except that you indeed are for certain, a retarded person. Even after reading the posts of that other person and the response you STILL believe there is something wrong in the title.

Joe Biden level of IQ...

Come on Norman,

We are not left wingers attacking you.

We simply said the title was misleading.

Pogo is not a left-winger?

Since when?

Further he is acting retard, insisting on commenting on something that was already resolved. The title is perfectly accurate, and further if someone gets confused over plain English, the details are laid out in the article.

You really need this spelled out, do you.

Your title reads, "Italy death rate hits 7%". The only way to read that is that seven percent of the population of Italia has died.

If it read, "Coronavirus death rate in Italy hits 7%" it would be accurate. It would also be old, since as I just pointed out, both new cases and deaths did not add any in the last count.

But let's all remember it's the "democrat party media" that's trying to sensationalize for the election or some shit.

That's the only way for a retard to read it.

Normal people read it as 7% of the people who have had the virus have died. The other interpretation makes no sense what so ever. But of course, with your 60 IQ you don't realize that, because you are as dumb as a brick.
I said weasel words, and the point stands.

It's not weasel word, it's a perfectly accurate description. You have no point, except that you indeed are for certain, a retarded person. Even after reading the posts of that other person and the response you STILL believe there is something wrong in the title.

Joe Biden level of IQ...

Come on Norman,

We are not left wingers attacking you.

We simply said the title was misleading.

Pogo is not a left-winger?

Since when?

Further he is acting retard, insisting on commenting on something that was already resolved. The title is perfectly accurate, and further if someone gets confused over plain English, the details are laid out in the article.

You really need this spelled out, do you.

Your title reads, "Italy death rate hits 7%". The only way to read that is that seven percent of the population of Italia has died.

If it read, "Coronavirus death rate in Italy hits 7%" it would be accurate. It would also be old, since as I just pointed out, both new cases and deaths did not add any in the last count.

But let's all remember it's the "democrat party media" that's trying to sensationalize for the election or some shit.

That's the only way for a retard to read it.

Normal people read it as 7% of the people who have had the virus have died. The other interpretation makes no sense what so ever. But of course, with your 60 IQ you don't realize that, because you are as dumb as a brick.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand we're right back to my original post. You weasel-worded a title and you want to blame everybody else.
It's not weasel word, it's a perfectly accurate description. You have no point, except that you indeed are for certain, a retarded person. Even after reading the posts of that other person and the response you STILL believe there is something wrong in the title.

Joe Biden level of IQ...

Come on Norman,

We are not left wingers attacking you.

We simply said the title was misleading.

Pogo is not a left-winger?

Since when?

Further he is acting retard, insisting on commenting on something that was already resolved. The title is perfectly accurate, and further if someone gets confused over plain English, the details are laid out in the article.

You really need this spelled out, do you.

Your title reads, "Italy death rate hits 7%". The only way to read that is that seven percent of the population of Italia has died.

If it read, "Coronavirus death rate in Italy hits 7%" it would be accurate. It would also be old, since as I just pointed out, both new cases and deaths did not add any in the last count.

But let's all remember it's the "democrat party media" that's trying to sensationalize for the election or some shit.

That's the only way for a retard to read it.

Normal people read it as 7% of the people who have had the virus have died. The other interpretation makes no sense what so ever. But of course, with your 60 IQ you don't realize that, because you are as dumb as a brick.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand we're right back to my original post. You weasel-worded a title and you want to blame everybody else.

It's not a weasel word title. It is PERFECTLY ACCURATE DESCRIPTION.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

Holy shit the products of public schools...
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
Maybe they should have learned to stop immigration
Come on Norman,

We are not left wingers attacking you.

We simply said the title was misleading.

Pogo is not a left-winger?

Since when?

Further he is acting retard, insisting on commenting on something that was already resolved. The title is perfectly accurate, and further if someone gets confused over plain English, the details are laid out in the article.

You really need this spelled out, do you.

Your title reads, "Italy death rate hits 7%". The only way to read that is that seven percent of the population of Italia has died.

If it read, "Coronavirus death rate in Italy hits 7%" it would be accurate. It would also be old, since as I just pointed out, both new cases and deaths did not add any in the last count.

But let's all remember it's the "democrat party media" that's trying to sensationalize for the election or some shit.

That's the only way for a retard to read it.

Normal people read it as 7% of the people who have had the virus have died. The other interpretation makes no sense what so ever. But of course, with your 60 IQ you don't realize that, because you are as dumb as a brick.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand we're right back to my original post. You weasel-worded a title and you want to blame everybody else.

It's not a weasel word title. It is PERFECTLY ACCURATE DESCRIPTION.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

Holy shit the products of public schools...

aaaaaaaaaaaaand now you're rebounding the same link I gave you a half hour ago. TRY to keep up.
Pogo is not a left-winger?

Since when?

Further he is acting retard, insisting on commenting on something that was already resolved. The title is perfectly accurate, and further if someone gets confused over plain English, the details are laid out in the article.

You really need this spelled out, do you.

Your title reads, "Italy death rate hits 7%". The only way to read that is that seven percent of the population of Italia has died.

If it read, "Coronavirus death rate in Italy hits 7%" it would be accurate. It would also be old, since as I just pointed out, both new cases and deaths did not add any in the last count.

But let's all remember it's the "democrat party media" that's trying to sensationalize for the election or some shit.

That's the only way for a retard to read it.

Normal people read it as 7% of the people who have had the virus have died. The other interpretation makes no sense what so ever. But of course, with your 60 IQ you don't realize that, because you are as dumb as a brick.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand we're right back to my original post. You weasel-worded a title and you want to blame everybody else.

It's not a weasel word title. It is PERFECTLY ACCURATE DESCRIPTION.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

Holy shit the products of public schools...

aaaaaaaaaaaaand now you're rebounding the same link I gave you a half hour ago. TRY to keep up.

Apparently you need to be reminded what the link you posted half an hour ago says the death rate means. Go troll a other thread, on a children's forum preferably. This one is for adults...
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
This spike is chiefly due to the quick spread overwhelming their health infrastructure. People who would survive with top notch treatment are dying.

The same thing could happen here. Or anywhere. That's why the best practices are so important right now.
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
just curious, do they have flu numbers?
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
This spike is chiefly due to the quick spread overwhelming their health infrastructure. People who would survive with top notch treatment are dying.

The same thing could happen here. Or anywhere. That's why the best practices are so important right now.
Maybe now would be a good time to mention that the spread of the virus in the United States is currently right on pace with its rate of spread in Italy.

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