Italy Death Rate Hits 7%

immune systems of healthy people help fight off any virus. at any time.
Wow, really?!?!?!

someone should, they almost took the globes money. panic and fear don't do really well in the world. yet you all enjoy it. funny and sad at the same time. you're still lost.
Right, someone should pass along the opinions of an uneducated slob. My, won't they be impressed.
I thought all options were on the table? My governor said so.
and there's these numbers as well from the CDC

U.S. Flu Season Beginning To Ease, Modelers Say

good thing we're all monitoring just corona and limes. it's simply mind boggling that no one cares about 40,000 possible flu deaths but a hundred corona deaths is a fking epidemic. amazing.

It's simply mind-boggling that you think that's a valid excuse. You people are insane.
a valid excuse for what? dude, if you want to throw poop at me, tell me what kind of poop it is. I hate dodging unknown poop.

It's in your post, moron. You're trying to imply that the coronavirus is not an epidemic, because of 40,000 flu deaths.

Seriously, is there any criticism of Trump you won't deflect with an implausible, idiotic excuse? You people are utterly lost.
I am, what's funny it seems you don't care that ~40,000 americans died.
Fuck you.
Out of the resolved cases in Italy 47% have died. Half of the cases have died...
What are you talking about? Is your ass that noisy right now?

Something you apparently did not understand. Just a quick hint, if you do not want to be insulted as a retard for not understanding something, do not include insults in the demonstrations of your own stupidity.

Not all the cases are resolved as either healthy or dead. Of the cases that have been resolved 47% have died.
Only 1% of the population of Italy has been tested
Yes, and look at the results of this lack of preparedness and of knowledge.

In the US, it's about 0%. Not good.
And my know what my point is.................We've been going at it on another thread..........

How many are NOT GETTING TESTED.............and HOW MANY are NOT GOING TO THE DOC.......

The numbers CAN'T BE TRUSTED just by ONLY THOSE with tests and dying..................

Riddle me this....................How many have it and get better on their own and never get tested...........hmmm

1 for many................WE DON'T KNOW.
Why Is the Coronavirus Outbreak So Bad in Italy?

How did coronavirus start spreading in Italy?
Officially it began in Feb. 20, when a 38-year-old man checked himself into a local hospital in the town of Codogno in Lombardy. He tested positive with the virus, becoming the first recorded patient with the COVID-19 virus in Italy.

Yet some health officials believe that the virus arrived in Italy long before the first case was discovered. “The virus had probably been circulating for quite some time,” Flavia Riccardo, a researcher in the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Italian National Institute of Health tells TIME. “This happened right when we were having our peak of influenza and people were presenting with influenza symptoms.”

Before the first case was reported, there was an unusually high number of pneumonia cases recorded at a hospital in Codogno in northern Italy, the head of the emergency ward Stefano Paglia told the newspaper La Repubblica, suggesting it is possible patients with the virus were treated as if they had a seasonal flu. Health facilities hosting these patients could have become sites for infection, helping proliferate the spread of the virus.

The northern regions of Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, have been most affected by the outbreak. 85% of infected patients are in the region which is home to 92% of deaths so far. But the virus has been confirmed in all 20 regions of the country.

Italy itself SAYS WHAT I'M SAYING.............They say they think many got treated for the Flu.....and may have actually had the Coronavirus........

Proving what I'm saying here..........HOW MANY HAD IT..........HAVE IT.........AND AREN'T RECORDED.
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
This post is criminal. This shows stupidity is deadly.
Social Distancing: This is Not a Snow Day
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
This post is criminal. This shows stupidity is deadly.
Social Distancing: This is Not a Snow Day

I think we can give kids a vacation to defeat the virus. They might request a virus every year then though...
Why Is the Coronavirus Outbreak So Bad in Italy?

How did coronavirus start spreading in Italy?
Officially it began in Feb. 20, when a 38-year-old man checked himself into a local hospital in the town of Codogno in Lombardy. He tested positive with the virus, becoming the first recorded patient with the COVID-19 virus in Italy.

Yet some health officials believe that the virus arrived in Italy long before the first case was discovered. “The virus had probably been circulating for quite some time,” Flavia Riccardo, a researcher in the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Italian National Institute of Health tells TIME. “This happened right when we were having our peak of influenza and people were presenting with influenza symptoms.”

Before the first case was reported, there was an unusually high number of pneumonia cases recorded at a hospital in Codogno in northern Italy, the head of the emergency ward Stefano Paglia told the newspaper La Repubblica, suggesting it is possible patients with the virus were treated as if they had a seasonal flu. Health facilities hosting these patients could have become sites for infection, helping proliferate the spread of the virus.

The northern regions of Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, have been most affected by the outbreak. 85% of infected patients are in the region which is home to 92% of deaths so far. But the virus has been confirmed in all 20 regions of the country.

Italy itself SAYS WHAT I'M SAYING.............They say they think many got treated for the Flu.....and may have actually had the Coronavirus........

Proving what I'm saying here..........HOW MANY HAD IT..........HAVE IT.........AND AREN'T RECORDED.
Most cases of the flu are also not recorded, but yeah, I agree with what you're saying.
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...
This post is criminal. This shows stupidity is deadly.
Social Distancing: This is Not a Snow Day

I think we can give kids a vacation to defeat the virus. They might request a virus every year then though...
No, no. We have history on new viruses appearing for the first time. The majority of new viruses are not this contagious and/or deadly. They can easily be controlled.
It has been 100 years since we have had a virus this contagious and this deadly.
The world should have realized this could happen and be more prepared. I predict, once this is controlled we will re-establish and invest in the pandemic team at the CDC and other areas. We will not be caught this off guard again.
Why Is the Coronavirus Outbreak So Bad in Italy?

How did coronavirus start spreading in Italy?
Officially it began in Feb. 20, when a 38-year-old man checked himself into a local hospital in the town of Codogno in Lombardy. He tested positive with the virus, becoming the first recorded patient with the COVID-19 virus in Italy.

Yet some health officials believe that the virus arrived in Italy long before the first case was discovered. “The virus had probably been circulating for quite some time,” Flavia Riccardo, a researcher in the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Italian National Institute of Health tells TIME. “This happened right when we were having our peak of influenza and people were presenting with influenza symptoms.”

Before the first case was reported, there was an unusually high number of pneumonia cases recorded at a hospital in Codogno in northern Italy, the head of the emergency ward Stefano Paglia told the newspaper La Repubblica, suggesting it is possible patients with the virus were treated as if they had a seasonal flu. Health facilities hosting these patients could have become sites for infection, helping proliferate the spread of the virus.

The northern regions of Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, have been most affected by the outbreak. 85% of infected patients are in the region which is home to 92% of deaths so far. But the virus has been confirmed in all 20 regions of the country.

Italy itself SAYS WHAT I'M SAYING.............They say they think many got treated for the Flu.....and may have actually had the Coronavirus........

Proving what I'm saying here..........HOW MANY HAD IT..........HAVE IT.........AND AREN'T RECORDED.
Most cases of the flu are also not recorded, but yeah, I agree with what you're saying.
You need to educate yourself. Your simple analysis results in an incorrect conclusion. You need to consider all metrics in epidemic analytics. You are only looking at total deaths. You need to factor the number of individuals in the population that are susceptible to the disease, how contagious and how deadly the virus is.
You are trying to do an analysis using addition and subtraction only. You need to use calculus to obtain a correct conclusion. Not, literally but you hear what I am saying.
Why Is the Coronavirus Outbreak So Bad in Italy?

How did coronavirus start spreading in Italy?
Officially it began in Feb. 20, when a 38-year-old man checked himself into a local hospital in the town of Codogno in Lombardy. He tested positive with the virus, becoming the first recorded patient with the COVID-19 virus in Italy.

Yet some health officials believe that the virus arrived in Italy long before the first case was discovered. “The virus had probably been circulating for quite some time,” Flavia Riccardo, a researcher in the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Italian National Institute of Health tells TIME. “This happened right when we were having our peak of influenza and people were presenting with influenza symptoms.”

Before the first case was reported, there was an unusually high number of pneumonia cases recorded at a hospital in Codogno in northern Italy, the head of the emergency ward Stefano Paglia told the newspaper La Repubblica, suggesting it is possible patients with the virus were treated as if they had a seasonal flu. Health facilities hosting these patients could have become sites for infection, helping proliferate the spread of the virus.

The northern regions of Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, have been most affected by the outbreak. 85% of infected patients are in the region which is home to 92% of deaths so far. But the virus has been confirmed in all 20 regions of the country.

Italy itself SAYS WHAT I'M SAYING.............They say they think many got treated for the Flu.....and may have actually had the Coronavirus........

Proving what I'm saying here..........HOW MANY HAD IT..........HAVE IT.........AND AREN'T RECORDED.
Most cases of the flu are also not recorded, but yeah, I agree with what you're saying.
You need to educate yourself. Your simple analysis results in an incorrect conclusion. You need to consider all metrics in epidemic analytics. You are only looking at total deaths. You need to factor the number of individuals in the population that are susceptible to the disease, how contagious and how deadly the virus is.
You are trying to do an analysis using addition and subtraction only. You need to use calculus to obtain a correct conclusion. Not, literally but you hear what I am saying.
O.k., do you have a link making sense of that statement, one that is not Breitbart?
This is a bullshit thread using PBS as a source and aimed at math-challenged suckers (democrats).
The 7% is based against a number in question since so many can have the virus and not know it. What’s more, the third of ICU patients being younger would be consistent with flu numbers but it sounds scarier the way it’s presented.
The greatest threat to the US is the democrat party and it’s pravda media.

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