Italy Death Rate Hits 7%

it's simply mind boggling that no one cares about 40,000 possible flu deaths
Actually, the CDC and the WHO have been begging humans to follow best personal practices regarding the flu for decades. The difference is that this is a new virus, is more contagious and more dangerous than the flu, and can quickly overwhelm our health infrastructure. So, obviously, it requires our attention right now.
it's simply mind boggling that no one cares about 40,000 possible flu deaths
Actually, the CDC and the WHO have been begging humans to follow best personal practices regarding the flu for decades. The difference is that this is a new virus, is more contagious and more dangerous than the flu, and can quickly overwhelm our health infrastructure. So, obviously, it requires our attention right now.
yep and at some point there will be a vaccine, and nothing you or I, the CDC or the WHO can do until that is realized. And creating chaos, panic and fear isn't helping citizens of the world. What a shame the leftists have no common fking sense. BTW, there are vaccinations for people for the flu and still ~40,000 in the US died. just know that. And that at this time almost 90% of those with the covid-19 have recovered. but hey, I'm just a fking republican and you would never listen to one of them. I'm more right then you will ever be. keep up your fear mongering dick.
and there's these numbers as well from the CDC

U.S. Flu Season Beginning To Ease, Modelers Say

good thing we're all monitoring just corona and limes. it's simply mind boggling that no one cares about 40,000 possible flu deaths but a hundred corona deaths is a fking epidemic. amazing.

It's simply mind-boggling that you think that's a valid excuse. You people are insane.
a valid excuse for what? dude, if you want to throw poop at me, tell me what kind of poop it is. I hate dodging unknown poop.
Just the flu folks...

‘Not a wave, a tsunami.’ Italy hospitals at virus limit

Italy’s high death rate — currently over 7% and double the average globally — has been blamed on its unusually old population, which is second only to Japan’s. But about a third of the ICU patients in Lombardy are aged 50-64, meaning the virus isn’t just striking the very old, but also Italians still in their working prime.

“We are trying to understand why the mortality rate seems so high compared to other countries, and why patients seem more critical than in other countries,” said epidemiologist Paolo D’Ancona at the National Institutes of Health.

As of Friday, Italy had 17,660 positive cases and 1,266 dead, more than any country outside China. Lombardy alone accounts for 55% of the infected and 70% of the dead. The government has imposed a nationwide lockdown, closing stores and restaurants, curbing public transport and telling the population of 60 million to stay home except for absolute need.

'Not a wave, a tsunami.' Italy hospitals at virus limit

The boomer virus...

We'll be very much like Italy within a few weeks. But hey, it's just old people. So fuck 'em!
and there's these numbers as well from the CDC

U.S. Flu Season Beginning To Ease, Modelers Say

good thing we're all monitoring just corona and limes. it's simply mind boggling that no one cares about 40,000 possible flu deaths but a hundred corona deaths is a fking epidemic. amazing.

It's simply mind-boggling that you think that's a valid excuse. You people are insane.
a valid excuse for what? dude, if you want to throw poop at me, tell me what kind of poop it is. I hate dodging unknown poop.

You are wrong because this thing can very quickly infect 350 million, while a flu simply can't.

Does Italy look like just a other flu hit it? Or China? Come on...
and there's these numbers as well from the CDC

U.S. Flu Season Beginning To Ease, Modelers Say

good thing we're all monitoring just corona and limes. it's simply mind boggling that no one cares about 40,000 possible flu deaths but a hundred corona deaths is a fking epidemic. amazing.

It's simply mind-boggling that you think that's a valid excuse. You people are insane.
a valid excuse for what? dude, if you want to throw poop at me, tell me what kind of poop it is. I hate dodging unknown poop.

You are wrong because this thing can very quickly infect 350 million, while a flu simply can't.

Does Italy look like just a other flu hit it? Or China? Come on...
why not? you don't know that, on either side. immune systems of healthy people help fight off any virus. at any time. you can post a link to back up that claim.
and there's these numbers as well from the CDC

U.S. Flu Season Beginning To Ease, Modelers Say

good thing we're all monitoring just corona and limes. it's simply mind boggling that no one cares about 40,000 possible flu deaths but a hundred corona deaths is a fking epidemic. amazing.

It's simply mind-boggling that you think that's a valid excuse. You people are insane.
a valid excuse for what? dude, if you want to throw poop at me, tell me what kind of poop it is. I hate dodging unknown poop.

It's in your post, moron. You're trying to imply that the coronavirus is not an epidemic, because of 40,000 flu deaths.

Seriously, is there any criticism of Trump you won't deflect with an implausible, idiotic excuse? You people are utterly lost.
and there's these numbers as well from the CDC

U.S. Flu Season Beginning To Ease, Modelers Say

good thing we're all monitoring just corona and limes. it's simply mind boggling that no one cares about 40,000 possible flu deaths but a hundred corona deaths is a fking epidemic. amazing.

It's simply mind-boggling that you think that's a valid excuse. You people are insane.
a valid excuse for what? dude, if you want to throw poop at me, tell me what kind of poop it is. I hate dodging unknown poop.

You are wrong because this thing can very quickly infect 350 million, while a flu simply can't.

Does Italy look like just a other flu hit it? Or China? Come on...
why not? you don't know that, on either side. immune systems of healthy people help fight off any virus. at any time. you can post a link to back up that claim.

Well, we can observe what happened in Europe and China. When the response is completely unlike the response to flu, then you should be able to conclude... it is not just a flu.
Hey, remember the asshole who was sure white people couldn’t get the virus?
immune systems of healthy people help fight off any virus. at any time.
Wow, really?!?!?!

someone should, they almost took the globes money. panic and fear don't do really well in the world. yet you all enjoy it. funny and sad at the same time. you're still lost.
immune systems of healthy people help fight off any virus. at any time.
Wow, really?!?!?!

someone should, they almost took the globes money. panic and fear don't do really well in the world. yet you all enjoy it. funny and sad at the same time. you're still lost.
Right, someone should pass along the opinions of an uneducated slob. My, won't they be impressed.
and there's these numbers as well from the CDC

U.S. Flu Season Beginning To Ease, Modelers Say

good thing we're all monitoring just corona and limes. it's simply mind boggling that no one cares about 40,000 possible flu deaths but a hundred corona deaths is a fking epidemic. amazing.

It's simply mind-boggling that you think that's a valid excuse. You people are insane.
a valid excuse for what? dude, if you want to throw poop at me, tell me what kind of poop it is. I hate dodging unknown poop.

It's in your post, moron. You're trying to imply that the coronavirus is not an epidemic, because of 40,000 flu deaths.

Seriously, is there any criticism of Trump you won't deflect with an implausible, idiotic excuse? You people are utterly lost.
I am, what's funny it seems you don't care that ~40,000 americans died. you are like almost everyone impervious to that fact. And that many of those ~40,000 got vaccines for the flu and still died. That scares me more than this corona lime virus. anyone that dies is sad. yet you're not at the ~40,000. makes you a fking loser.

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