It's a fake folks LoL

Everytime Trump denies Russian involvement I see Bill Clinton earnestly telling us "I did not have sex with that woman." But the thing is, I've never thought Trump was colluding with the Russians with their hacking efforts or even the Wikileaks dump. What may come to light would be financial, if anything. If some such comes to light, the Dem will insist he be hung and the Republicans will insist it is railroading by a fake news MSM and a biased unfair special prosecutor led investigation.

I don't disagree.

But a couple of things, there was never a basis to go after the financials of Trump; what you describe is the exact definition of a "witch hunt." The fascists use a false narrative to dig for anything they can find to attack the opposition, regardless of whether it is related to the investigation they were charged with. Trump's financials have not a fucking thing to do with alleged "Russian hacking."

Secondly, deep financial misconduct is already known about Hillary, who took a half-million in bribes from Putin, and her chief of staff who is a registered agent of the Russian government. I have provided YOU specifically with mountains of evidence, some of it from Nazi sources like the NY Times, to remove any doubt.

So again, if we are to crack down on international finance impropriety, then start with the Nazi democrats who are vastly more egregious in the open crimes and corruption they engage in.
They all do it, none of them are innocent.

It all comes down to which ones the establishment going to kick out of town for not playing by the unwritten rules of their game, and it definitely shows, the people have no control over who gets to play there.
Surely you don't compare"I did not have sex with that women"" with russian involvement by republican scum? You see no collusion by vile lying republicans who all seem to forget their meetings with russians?

"Russian involvement" is a meaningless phrase. Democrat scum have had far more "involvement" with Russians and other foreign powers than any Trump official. You snowflakes haven't identified a single actual crime that anyone in the Trump administration might have committed, but plenty of Hillary's and Obama's henchmen have real crimes stacking up against them.
So you think Mueller with those grand juries is pissing in the wind?? really ?
No, I think he's running a witch hunt. All you filthy lying snowflakes have admitted as much.
I don't disagree.

But a couple of things, there was never a basis to go after the financials of Trump; what you describe is the exact definition of a "witch hunt." The fascists use a false narrative to dig for anything they can find to attack the opposition, regardless of whether it is related to the investigation they were charged with. Trump's financials have not a fucking thing to do with alleged "Russian hacking."

Secondly, deep financial misconduct is already known about Hillary, who took a half-million in bribes from Putin, and her chief of staff who is a registered agent of the Russian government. I have provided YOU specifically with mountains of evidence, some of it from Nazi sources like the NY Times, to remove any doubt.

So again, if we are to crack down on international finance impropriety, then start with the Nazi democrats who are vastly more egregious in the open crimes and corruption they engage in.
They all do it, none of them are innocent.

It all comes down to which ones the establishment going to kick out of town for not playing by the unwritten rules of their game, and it definitely shows, the people have no control over who gets to play there.
Surely you don't compare"I did not have sex with that women"" with russian involvement by republican scum? You see no collusion by vile lying republicans who all seem to forget their meetings with russians?

What about all the Russian collusion with Dem scum? Obama was way more flexible with Russia after his election and not a single lib media asked him to explain.
Flexible?? He put sanctions on russia Trump scum tried his best to avoid them
Trump just signed the bull putting sanctions on Russia, dumbass.
Yeah but you forgot he said it was a bad bill and he signed it in an empty room He HAD NO CHOICE moron
Be honest, you don't care if politicians you don't like met with Russians. You already know that when Democrats are in power they meet with Russians.

You just want to find something, anything, to kick your opponents out of office. Try to be a little honest.

It's not about meeting with the Russians. It's about finding anything they can to discredit Trump in hopes of overwhelming his administration with bullshit charges. Things that they claim are wrong now were just standard operating procedure for their own party members.

They want power and still can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them last election. They are already talking about going after Pence and will keep going till they steal power. The fascist left is the biggest threat to democracy.

Before the election, they were warning all Trump supporters that they had better accept the election results. They cannot do that themselves.
Everytime Trump denies Russian involvement I see Bill Clinton earnestly telling us "I did not have sex with that woman." But the thing is, I've never thought Trump was colluding with the Russians with their hacking efforts or even the Wikileaks dump. What may come to light would be financial, if anything. If some such comes to light, the Dem will insist he be hung and the Republicans will insist it is railroading by a fake news MSM and a biased unfair special prosecutor led investigation.

I don't disagree.

But a couple of things, there was never a basis to go after the financials of Trump; what you describe is the exact definition of a "witch hunt." The fascists use a false narrative to dig for anything they can find to attack the opposition, regardless of whether it is related to the investigation they were charged with. Trump's financials have not a fucking thing to do with alleged "Russian hacking."

Secondly, deep financial misconduct is already known about Hillary, who took a half-million in bribes from Putin, and her chief of staff who is a registered agent of the Russian government. I have provided YOU specifically with mountains of evidence, some of it from Nazi sources like the NY Times, to remove any doubt.

So again, if we are to crack down on international finance impropriety, then start with the Nazi democrats who are vastly more egregious in the open crimes and corruption they engage in.
They all do it, none of them are innocent.

It all comes down to which ones the establishment going to kick out of town for not playing by the unwritten rules of their game, and it definitely shows, the people have no control over who gets to play there.
Surely you don't compare"I did not have sex with that women"" with russian involvement by republican scum? You see no collusion by vile lying republicans who all seem to forget their meetings with russians?

"Russian involvement" is a meaningless phrase. Democrat scum have had far more "involvement" with Russians and other foreign powers than any Trump official. You snowflakes haven't identified a single actual crime that anyone in the Trump administration might have committed, but plenty of Hillary's and Obama's henchmen have real crimes stacking up against them.
So you think Mueller with those grand juries is pissing in the wind?? really ?

Mueller is licking the hand of his fascist masters. Even with the kangaroo court in DC this will fizzle.

Oh and BTW, IF you Nazis DO attempt a coup, it will not end well for you.
Everytime Trump denies Russian involvement I see Bill Clinton earnestly telling us "I did not have sex with that woman." But the thing is, I've never thought Trump was colluding with the Russians with their hacking efforts or even the Wikileaks dump. What may come to light would be financial, if anything. If some such comes to light, the Dem will insist he be hung and the Republicans will insist it is railroading by a fake news MSM and a biased unfair special prosecutor led investigation.

I don't disagree.

But a couple of things, there was never a basis to go after the financials of Trump; what you describe is the exact definition of a "witch hunt." The fascists use a false narrative to dig for anything they can find to attack the opposition, regardless of whether it is related to the investigation they were charged with. Trump's financials have not a fucking thing to do with alleged "Russian hacking."

Secondly, deep financial misconduct is already known about Hillary, who took a half-million in bribes from Putin, and her chief of staff who is a registered agent of the Russian government. I have provided YOU specifically with mountains of evidence, some of it from Nazi sources like the NY Times, to remove any doubt.

So again, if we are to crack down on international finance impropriety, then start with the Nazi democrats who are vastly more egregious in the open crimes and corruption they engage in.
They all do it, none of them are innocent.

It all comes down to which ones the establishment going to kick out of town for not playing by the unwritten rules of their game, and it definitely shows, the people have no control over who gets to play there.
Surely you don't compare"I did not have sex with that women"" with russian involvement by republican scum? You see no collusion by vile lying republicans who all seem to forget their meetings with russians?

"Russian involvement" is a meaningless phrase. Democrat scum have had far more "involvement" with Russians and other foreign powers than any Trump official. You snowflakes haven't identified a single actual crime that anyone in the Trump administration might have committed, but plenty of Hillary's and Obama's henchmen have real crimes stacking up against them.

Might have committed?

Sessions might have let Junior's Russian lawyer friend's client off with a wrist slap fine, with $227 million of freshly laundered money to invest in pricey New York real estate, and no criminal record, meaning he's free to do it again.

Wonder who sells pricey New York real estate to Russians. Why Junior of course.

Trump may have made a deal for disrupting NATO, with Putin in return for his help with the election.

Putin desperately wants to get rid of the Magnitsky Act sanctions as he faces the loss of billions of money he extorted from businesses in Russia, under these sanctions.

Flynn's firing was over discussing the lifting of sanctions after the inauguration with the Russian ambassador.

The court case Sessions settled was about Magnitsky Act sanctions against money laundering which would result in the forfeit of the entire $230 million if proven.

Putin's raid of Russian businesses was being handcuffed by these sanctions. He is now said to be furious about Trump signing this new law limiting his control over sanctions. It appears he was relying upon Trump's ability to lift these sanctions.

Russia is not and has never been your friend. That Trump treats the leaders of Germany, Australia, and other democratically elected governments distainfully while fauning over a murderous thug like Putin, or Erdogan is also problematic.

It is possible that Trump has been assisting Russian oligarchs laundering money on Putin's behalf for years because Junior has bragged that the Trump Corporation has made a lot of money off Russian Oligarchs buying property in Trump Tower.

There's also a very hinky Florida property that Trump had bought, renovated and which sat for a couple of years and then sold for twice the asking price to a wealthy Russian with ties to Putin, in 2008. Why would this man pay double the asking price while real estate values toppled, for a property that had been on the market with no takers for years?

We might have some of these answers if Trump had released his tax returns.
Be honest, you don't care if politicians you don't like met with Russians. You already know that when Democrats are in power they meet with Russians.

You just want to find something, anything, to kick your opponents out of office. Try to be a little honest.

It's not about meeting with the Russians. It's about finding anything they can to discredit Trump in hopes of overwhelming his administration with bullshit charges. Things that they claim are wrong now were just standard operating procedure for their own party members.

They want power and still can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them last election. They are already talking about going after Pence and will keep going till they steal power. The fascist left is the biggest threat to democracy.

Before the election, they were warning all Trump supporters that they had better accept the election results. They cannot do that themselves.

Donald Trump Won’t Say if He’ll Accept Result of Election


OBAMA: Trump's refusal to commit to accepting election results 'dangerous' rhetoric
Be honest, you don't care if politicians you don't like met with Russians. You already know that when Democrats are in power they meet with Russians.

You just want to find something, anything, to kick your opponents out of office. Try to be a little honest.

It's not about meeting with the Russians. It's about finding anything they can to discredit Trump in hopes of overwhelming his administration with bullshit charges. Things that they claim are wrong now were just standard operating procedure for their own party members.

They want power and still can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them last election. They are already talking about going after Pence and will keep going till they steal power. The fascist left is the biggest threat to democracy.

Before the election, they were warning all Trump supporters that they had better accept the election results. They cannot do that themselves.
Aside from plebes, is anyone in the media, or DC political elites talking about going after Pence?
Be honest, you don't care if politicians you don't like met with Russians. You already know that when Democrats are in power they meet with Russians.

You just want to find something, anything, to kick your opponents out of office. Try to be a little honest.

It's not about meeting with the Russians. It's about finding anything they can to discredit Trump in hopes of overwhelming his administration with bullshit charges. Things that they claim are wrong now were just standard operating procedure for their own party members.

They want power and still can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them last election. They are already talking about going after Pence and will keep going till they steal power. The fascist left is the biggest threat to democracy.

Before the election, they were warning all Trump supporters that they had better accept the election results. They cannot do that themselves.
Asses handed??? Repub fers squeaked it out Won't be so lucky next time You can fool some of the people but it catches up to you ...33% approve of the morons presidency
I don't disagree.

But a couple of things, there was never a basis to go after the financials of Trump; what you describe is the exact definition of a "witch hunt." The fascists use a false narrative to dig for anything they can find to attack the opposition, regardless of whether it is related to the investigation they were charged with. Trump's financials have not a fucking thing to do with alleged "Russian hacking."

Secondly, deep financial misconduct is already known about Hillary, who took a half-million in bribes from Putin, and her chief of staff who is a registered agent of the Russian government. I have provided YOU specifically with mountains of evidence, some of it from Nazi sources like the NY Times, to remove any doubt.

So again, if we are to crack down on international finance impropriety, then start with the Nazi democrats who are vastly more egregious in the open crimes and corruption they engage in.
They all do it, none of them are innocent.

It all comes down to which ones the establishment going to kick out of town for not playing by the unwritten rules of their game, and it definitely shows, the people have no control over who gets to play there.
Surely you don't compare"I did not have sex with that women"" with russian involvement by republican scum? You see no collusion by vile lying republicans who all seem to forget their meetings with russians?

"Russian involvement" is a meaningless phrase. Democrat scum have had far more "involvement" with Russians and other foreign powers than any Trump official. You snowflakes haven't identified a single actual crime that anyone in the Trump administration might have committed, but plenty of Hillary's and Obama's henchmen have real crimes stacking up against them.
So you think Mueller with those grand juries is pissing in the wind?? really ?

Mueller is licking the hand of his fascist masters. Even with the kangaroo court in DC this will fizzle.

Oh and BTW, IF you Nazis DO attempt a coup, it will not end well for you.
Got some bad news for you pal EVEN republicans don't like the Trump stench
Mueller investigation enters new phase

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of potential coordination between President Trump’s campaign and Russia has moved into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury.

By taking the step, legal experts say, Mueller is indicating that he has found evidence of criminal activity and that the investigation will extend beyond Trump’s fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“We don’t know exactly what these developments portend, other than that there’s actually some significant criminal charges being considered,” said Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School.

“It is a more serious phase, because it suggests that the special counsel has reached a point where he is up to presenting evidence to a grand jury.”

Mueller investigation enters new phase

Have a nice day, deplorables
I don't disagree.

But a couple of things, there was never a basis to go after the financials of Trump; what you describe is the exact definition of a "witch hunt." The fascists use a false narrative to dig for anything they can find to attack the opposition, regardless of whether it is related to the investigation they were charged with. Trump's financials have not a fucking thing to do with alleged "Russian hacking."

Secondly, deep financial misconduct is already known about Hillary, who took a half-million in bribes from Putin, and her chief of staff who is a registered agent of the Russian government. I have provided YOU specifically with mountains of evidence, some of it from Nazi sources like the NY Times, to remove any doubt.

So again, if we are to crack down on international finance impropriety, then start with the Nazi democrats who are vastly more egregious in the open crimes and corruption they engage in.
They all do it, none of them are innocent.

It all comes down to which ones the establishment going to kick out of town for not playing by the unwritten rules of their game, and it definitely shows, the people have no control over who gets to play there.
Surely you don't compare"I did not have sex with that women"" with russian involvement by republican scum? You see no collusion by vile lying republicans who all seem to forget their meetings with russians?

"Russian involvement" is a meaningless phrase. Democrat scum have had far more "involvement" with Russians and other foreign powers than any Trump official. You snowflakes haven't identified a single actual crime that anyone in the Trump administration might have committed, but plenty of Hillary's and Obama's henchmen have real crimes stacking up against them.
So you think Mueller with those grand juries is pissing in the wind?? really ?
No, I think he's running a witch hunt. All you filthy lying snowflakes have admitted as much.
So you admit trump is a witch

We already know he is a Bitch

They all do it, none of them are innocent.

It all comes down to which ones the establishment going to kick out of town for not playing by the unwritten rules of their game, and it definitely shows, the people have no control over who gets to play there.
Surely you don't compare"I did not have sex with that women"" with russian involvement by republican scum? You see no collusion by vile lying republicans who all seem to forget their meetings with russians?

"Russian involvement" is a meaningless phrase. Democrat scum have had far more "involvement" with Russians and other foreign powers than any Trump official. You snowflakes haven't identified a single actual crime that anyone in the Trump administration might have committed, but plenty of Hillary's and Obama's henchmen have real crimes stacking up against them.
So you think Mueller with those grand juries is pissing in the wind?? really ?

Mueller is licking the hand of his fascist masters. Even with the kangaroo court in DC this will fizzle.

Oh and BTW, IF you Nazis DO attempt a coup, it will not end well for you.
Got some bad news for you pal EVEN republicans don't like the Trump stench
You mean establishment RINOs don't like Trump. That's always been true. Trump beat 16 of them.
Last edited:
They all do it, none of them are innocent.

It all comes down to which ones the establishment going to kick out of town for not playing by the unwritten rules of their game, and it definitely shows, the people have no control over who gets to play there.
Surely you don't compare"I did not have sex with that women"" with russian involvement by republican scum? You see no collusion by vile lying republicans who all seem to forget their meetings with russians?

"Russian involvement" is a meaningless phrase. Democrat scum have had far more "involvement" with Russians and other foreign powers than any Trump official. You snowflakes haven't identified a single actual crime that anyone in the Trump administration might have committed, but plenty of Hillary's and Obama's henchmen have real crimes stacking up against them.
So you think Mueller with those grand juries is pissing in the wind?? really ?
No, I think he's running a witch hunt. All you filthy lying snowflakes have admitted as much.
So you admit trump is a witch

We already know he is a Bitch


The only thing I admit is that Mewler is a douche bag and everyone who supports this witch hunt is a piece of shit.
Surely you don't compare"I did not have sex with that women"" with russian involvement by republican scum? You see no collusion by vile lying republicans who all seem to forget their meetings with russians?

"Russian involvement" is a meaningless phrase. Democrat scum have had far more "involvement" with Russians and other foreign powers than any Trump official. You snowflakes haven't identified a single actual crime that anyone in the Trump administration might have committed, but plenty of Hillary's and Obama's henchmen have real crimes stacking up against them.
So you think Mueller with those grand juries is pissing in the wind?? really ?
No, I think he's running a witch hunt. All you filthy lying snowflakes have admitted as much.
So you admit trump is a witch

We already know he is a Bitch


The only thing I admit is that Mewler is a douche bag and everyone who supports this witch hunt is a piece of shit.
Then you include MANY republicans who have the highest regard for Meuller even protecting him from scumbag trump
"Russian involvement" is a meaningless phrase. Democrat scum have had far more "involvement" with Russians and other foreign powers than any Trump official. You snowflakes haven't identified a single actual crime that anyone in the Trump administration might have committed, but plenty of Hillary's and Obama's henchmen have real crimes stacking up against them.
So you think Mueller with those grand juries is pissing in the wind?? really ?
No, I think he's running a witch hunt. All you filthy lying snowflakes have admitted as much.
So you admit trump is a witch

We already know he is a Bitch


The only thing I admit is that Mewler is a douche bag and everyone who supports this witch hunt is a piece of shit.
Then you include MANY republicans who have the highest regard for Meuller even protecting him from scumbag trump
As I said, they are douche bags, whether they are Republican or not. Anyone who actually enjoys being part of the Washington sewer is automatically suspect. That goes especially for Republicans.
So you think Mueller with those grand juries is pissing in the wind?? really ?
No, I think he's running a witch hunt. All you filthy lying snowflakes have admitted as much.
So you admit trump is a witch

We already know he is a Bitch


The only thing I admit is that Mewler is a douche bag and everyone who supports this witch hunt is a piece of shit.
Then you include MANY republicans who have the highest regard for Meuller even protecting him from scumbag trump
As I said, they are douche bags, whether they are Republican or not. Anyone who actually enjoys being part of the Washington sewer is automatically suspect. That goes especially for Republicans.
Just who are your ideas of leaders of this country? The KKK?
The only thing I admit is that Mewler is a douche bag and everyone who supports this witch hunt is a piece of shit.

That sounds like butthurt from a Trumpanzee snowflake.

7 Benghazi investigations, none of which resulted in charges, indictments or a grand jury, constitute a witch hunt.

This is like when Donnie bragged about grabbing women by the pussy. Twelve women came forward and confirmed Donnie's story. He called them liars.

For years Trump has bragged about the money he's made from rich Russians, his friendship and respect for Putin, his hopes to build in Moscow. Now that those ties are being shown to be real, he doesn't know any Russians.
No, I think he's running a witch hunt. All you filthy lying snowflakes have admitted as much.
So you admit trump is a witch

We already know he is a Bitch


The only thing I admit is that Mewler is a douche bag and everyone who supports this witch hunt is a piece of shit.
Then you include MANY republicans who have the highest regard for Meuller even protecting him from scumbag trump
As I said, they are douche bags, whether they are Republican or not. Anyone who actually enjoys being part of the Washington sewer is automatically suspect. That goes especially for Republicans.
Just who are your ideas of leaders of this country? The KKK?

Calving Coolidge is the best president we've had in the Last 100 years. He cut taxes and government spending, and economy boomed.

FDR was the worst.
Be honest, you don't care if politicians you don't like met with Russians. You already know that when Democrats are in power they meet with Russians.

You just want to find something, anything, to kick your opponents out of office. Try to be a little honest.

It's not about meeting with the Russians. It's about finding anything they can to discredit Trump in hopes of overwhelming his administration with bullshit charges. Things that they claim are wrong now were just standard operating procedure for their own party members.

They want power and still can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them last election. They are already talking about going after Pence and will keep going till they steal power. The fascist left is the biggest threat to democracy.

Before the election, they were warning all Trump supporters that they had better accept the election results. They cannot do that themselves.

This isn't about the election. This is about selling your country out for money and power. You know - the REAL swamp.

Trump may turn out to be just what your country needs to get away from divisive and rancorous partisan politics and back to a country which works together for ALL of the people.

Both sides agreed Trump couldn't be trusted to handle the sanctions against Russia. It's a start.

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