"It’s either Trump or the Republican Party. Not both."

Oh, and Jake, there is nothing funny about my Bermuda question.

If it is completely horrifically wrong for Trump to want to bar Muslims from immigrating to the US, is it also completely horrifically wrong for the Bermudians to bar you from immigrating there?

Do you feel you have a Right to move to Bermuda and live there?

You can move to Bermuda and live there. Half the population is expats.

I forget the details, but on a recent visit to the place I was informed that they have very strict rules to severely limit people from moving there because they don't want to be swamped with rich people who would ruin the island for Bermudians.

I was impressed and jealous of the way they were crafting laws to benefit their citizens, instead of some bullshit ideological nonsense.

You are correct. But it is a relatively small island. Not really comparable to the US. I just spent 10 days there this summer. The wife and I loved it. Gonna be our winter home.

Size doesn't matter.

What matters is they have the right to craft Immigration Policy based on what benefits their citizens, not the interests of the want to be Immigrants, who have no right to move there.

If the fine people of Bermuda have the right, then so do Americans.

Plenty of room here. Not so much there. I get your point but it's not necessary here like in Bermuda.
Oh, and Jake, there is nothing funny about my Bermuda question.

If it is completely horrifically wrong for Trump to want to bar Muslims from immigrating to the US, is it also completely horrifically wrong for the Bermudians to bar you from immigrating there?

Do you feel you have a Right to move to Bermuda and live there?

You can move to Bermuda and live there. Half the population is expats.

I forget the details, but on a recent visit to the place I was informed that they have very strict rules to severely limit people from moving there because they don't want to be swamped with rich people who would ruin the island for Bermudians.

I was impressed and jealous of the way they were crafting laws to benefit their citizens, instead of some bullshit ideological nonsense.

You are correct. But it is a relatively small island. Not really comparable to the US. I just spent 10 days there this summer. The wife and I loved it. Gonna be our winter home.

Size doesn't matter.

What matters is they have the right to craft Immigration Policy based on what benefits their citizens, not the interests of the want to be Immigrants, who have no right to move there.

If the fine people of Bermuda have the right, then so do Americans.

Plenty of room here. Not so much there. I get your point but it's not necessary here like in Bermuda.

Irrelevant to the point.

They have the right to craft immigration policy to the benefit of their citizens.

So do we.

They have the right to deny immigration to who ever they want.

So do we.

They choose to look out for the interests of their citizens.

We should learn from their fine example.
Hey Fakey, if Trump ends up destroying the Republican party, will you shed a tear?
Jake's the Kind of Republican I used to vote for on occasion. Haven't been many around for a while now. I don't think Jake's left the party. The party left him.
The legal, actual Party will not recognize Trump and run an Independent Republican candidate instead. The national and state GOPs will reconstitute in December 2016 and exclude every Trump official, supporter, and financier. They can start their own party.
If only the Rs would listen to you and nominate a W clone...then you would be happy.
Kasich is a W clone? Who knew?
Let's just see how this works out for you and your kind.
Because if he isn't treated fairly of course, he will take his balls and run, so let's see how he treats others.

So interesting watching the DemoRAT lite Republicans have their CORRUPTION and lap dog compliance to the Manchurian muslim agenda's fall in on them...How do they stop a man that has, IN MOST POLLS, DOUBLE the votes of anyone else that is in second place?

You can move to Bermuda and live there. Half the population is expats.

I forget the details, but on a recent visit to the place I was informed that they have very strict rules to severely limit people from moving there because they don't want to be swamped with rich people who would ruin the island for Bermudians.

I was impressed and jealous of the way they were crafting laws to benefit their citizens, instead of some bullshit ideological nonsense.

You are correct. But it is a relatively small island. Not really comparable to the US. I just spent 10 days there this summer. The wife and I loved it. Gonna be our winter home.

Size doesn't matter.

What matters is they have the right to craft Immigration Policy based on what benefits their citizens, not the interests of the want to be Immigrants, who have no right to move there.

If the fine people of Bermuda have the right, then so do Americans.

Plenty of room here. Not so much there. I get your point but it's not necessary here like in Bermuda.

Irrelevant to the point.

They have the right to craft immigration policy to the benefit of their citizens.

So do we.

They have the right to deny immigration to who ever they want.

So do we.

They choose to look out for the interests of their citizens.

We should learn from their fine example.

Your fear and resentment of Muslims is not a good enough reason for the US to discard the values that make us great.
I forget the details, but on a recent visit to the place I was informed that they have very strict rules to severely limit people from moving there because they don't want to be swamped with rich people who would ruin the island for Bermudians.

I was impressed and jealous of the way they were crafting laws to benefit their citizens, instead of some bullshit ideological nonsense.

You are correct. But it is a relatively small island. Not really comparable to the US. I just spent 10 days there this summer. The wife and I loved it. Gonna be our winter home.

Size doesn't matter.

What matters is they have the right to craft Immigration Policy based on what benefits their citizens, not the interests of the want to be Immigrants, who have no right to move there.

If the fine people of Bermuda have the right, then so do Americans.

Plenty of room here. Not so much there. I get your point but it's not necessary here like in Bermuda.

Irrelevant to the point.

They have the right to craft immigration policy to the benefit of their citizens.

So do we.

They have the right to deny immigration to who ever they want.

So do we.

They choose to look out for the interests of their citizens.

We should learn from their fine example.

Your fear and resentment of Muslims is not a good enough reason for the US to discard the values that make us great.

We know how it costs US to import Muslims.

What is the benefit, if any, that out weights that?
Then the confusion of the OP, Jake and the entire Political Class on this issue should be fairly obvious to you.

DO you agree that comparing the Interment of Japanese Americans and the barring of entry of Alien Muslims is an Act of Madness on their part?

The internment of Japanese Americans was way worse than barring Muslims. But barring Muslims simply based on religion is still bad and makes us look small, intolerant and xenophobic.


a. YOu agree, the OP, Jake and the Political Class are insane to equate the two.


B. What about the certainty that deadly enemies will be included in the immigrants?

No, I don't think it's "insane" to compare the two because both make negative assumptions about general characteristics of a group of people, whom you are assuming are guilty and need to prove their innocence. That one is unconstitutional and one may not be, and one might be worse than another, does not make both odious.

As for B, that's an argument to end all immigration.

You can't make assumptions about the general characteristics of Muslims? Can you "assume" they are Muslim? Furthermore, we don't assume a damn thing. We know from numerous polls exactly what these people believe. Given that knowledge, it's stupid to import any of them.

You don't know what the people who come to this country believe.

Almost all people who come to America are law-abiding citizens, regardless of their religion.

You're full of shit, of course.

Polls have been taken of Muslims in this country. They show that a large percentage of them support Sharia:

Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad

According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%).

More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.
I forget the details, but on a recent visit to the place I was informed that they have very strict rules to severely limit people from moving there because they don't want to be swamped with rich people who would ruin the island for Bermudians.

I was impressed and jealous of the way they were crafting laws to benefit their citizens, instead of some bullshit ideological nonsense.

You are correct. But it is a relatively small island. Not really comparable to the US. I just spent 10 days there this summer. The wife and I loved it. Gonna be our winter home.

Size doesn't matter.

What matters is they have the right to craft Immigration Policy based on what benefits their citizens, not the interests of the want to be Immigrants, who have no right to move there.

If the fine people of Bermuda have the right, then so do Americans.

Plenty of room here. Not so much there. I get your point but it's not necessary here like in Bermuda.

Irrelevant to the point.

They have the right to craft immigration policy to the benefit of their citizens.

So do we.

They have the right to deny immigration to who ever they want.

So do we.

They choose to look out for the interests of their citizens.

We should learn from their fine example.

Your fear and resentment of Muslims is not a good enough reason for the US to discard the values that make us great.

What values are those, importing savages who reject our values?

You're a major league idiot.
Oh, and Jake, there is nothing funny about my Bermuda question.

If it is completely horrifically wrong for Trump to want to bar Muslims from immigrating to the US, is it also completely horrifically wrong for the Bermudians to bar you from immigrating there?

Do you feel you have a Right to move to Bermuda and live there?

You can move to Bermuda and live there. Half the population is expats.

I forget the details, but on a recent visit to the place I was informed that they have very strict rules to severely limit people from moving there because they don't want to be swamped with rich people who would ruin the island for Bermudians.

I was impressed and jealous of the way they were crafting laws to benefit their citizens, instead of some bullshit ideological nonsense.

You are correct. But it is a relatively small island. Not really comparable to the US. I just spent 10 days there this summer. The wife and I loved it. Gonna be our winter home.

You wouldn't love it if it was infested with muzzie savages.
Oh, and Jake, there is nothing funny about my Bermuda question.

If it is completely horrifically wrong for Trump to want to bar Muslims from immigrating to the US, is it also completely horrifically wrong for the Bermudians to bar you from immigrating there?

Do you feel you have a Right to move to Bermuda and live there?

You can move to Bermuda and live there. Half the population is expats.

I forget the details, but on a recent visit to the place I was informed that they have very strict rules to severely limit people from moving there because they don't want to be swamped with rich people who would ruin the island for Bermudians.

I was impressed and jealous of the way they were crafting laws to benefit their citizens, instead of some bullshit ideological nonsense.

You are correct. But it is a relatively small island. Not really comparable to the US. I just spent 10 days there this summer. The wife and I loved it. Gonna be our winter home.

Size doesn't matter.

What matters is they have the right to craft Immigration Policy based on what benefits their citizens, not the interests of the want to be Immigrants, who have no right to move there.

If the fine people of Bermuda have the right, then so do Americans.

Plenty of room here. Not so much there. I get your point but it's not necessary here like in Bermuda.

It's not a matter of what's "necessary" in your arbitrary determination. It's a matter of what Americans want. If they don't feel Muslim immigrants will benefit this nation in any way, then we have absolutely no reason to let them in.
Columnist Matt Bai has written that "There’s no hard and fast rule in politics to help you know when you’ve crossed over from mere extremism into some dark borderland of reckless ignorance. Generally speaking, though, when you find yourself defending the wisdom of the Japanese-American internment, you probably left that boundary behind a few miles back. // That’s the intellectual wasteland Donald Trump stumbled into this week when he issued what should hereafter be known as the Marvin Gaye Manifesto — his proposal that all Muslims be banned from entering the country until we can figure out “what’s going on.” This immediately drew unusual condemnation from the new Republican speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader and the party’s national chairman, along with the local Republican chairs in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina." Read more at It’s either Trump or the Republican Party. Not both.

Trump speaks for those in the populist working classes and reactionary right. As a progressive statist, he does not speak for those who like Cruz or those who favor Paul. But he does have the GOP right wing in his pocket. The mainstream and moderate Republicans despise him, and he will lose women, minorities, and millennials by large numbers. If he wins the GOP nomination, which is possible, he will lose. If he runs third party, the GOP and he will lose. Trump is forcing the Republicans to define themselves clearly than just "I am against Obama."

The political landscape on the day after election next year will be amazing.

Where's the comparison? The Japanese atrocity was taking US citizens of Japanese descent and falsely imprisoning them in concentration camps far, far from their homes. That was your hero FDR a Democrat, that did that.

What Trump is advocating is not allowing NON US citizens entry into the country till they can be well and truly vetted.

After listening to the testimony in Congress it is beyond doubt that the current vetting process is a complete farce and relies on the blind ignorance of dupes such as yourself to parrot the administrations propaganda.

The two situations are so vastly different as to be comparing Mars with an apple.
I forget the details, but on a recent visit to the place I was informed that they have very strict rules to severely limit people from moving there because they don't want to be swamped with rich people who would ruin the island for Bermudians.

I was impressed and jealous of the way they were crafting laws to benefit their citizens, instead of some bullshit ideological nonsense.

You are correct. But it is a relatively small island. Not really comparable to the US. I just spent 10 days there this summer. The wife and I loved it. Gonna be our winter home.

Size doesn't matter.

What matters is they have the right to craft Immigration Policy based on what benefits their citizens, not the interests of the want to be Immigrants, who have no right to move there.

If the fine people of Bermuda have the right, then so do Americans.

Plenty of room here. Not so much there. I get your point but it's not necessary here like in Bermuda.

Irrelevant to the point.

They have the right to craft immigration policy to the benefit of their citizens.

So do we.

They have the right to deny immigration to who ever they want.

So do we.

They choose to look out for the interests of their citizens.

We should learn from their fine example.

Your fear and resentment of Muslims is not a good enough reason for the US to discard the values that make us great.
Most Americans oppose Trumps poll by two to one.

Does not bode well for him.
Columnist Matt Bai has written that "There’s no hard and fast rule in politics to help you know when you’ve crossed over from mere extremism into some dark borderland of reckless ignorance. Generally speaking, though, when you find yourself defending the wisdom of the Japanese-American internment, you probably left that boundary behind a few miles back. // That’s the intellectual wasteland Donald Trump stumbled into this week when he issued what should hereafter be known as the Marvin Gaye Manifesto — his proposal that all Muslims be banned from entering the country until we can figure out “what’s going on.” This immediately drew unusual condemnation from the new Republican speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader and the party’s national chairman, along with the local Republican chairs in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina." Read more at It’s either Trump or the Republican Party. Not both.

Trump speaks for those in the populist working classes and reactionary right. As a progressive statist, he does not speak for those who like Cruz or those who favor Paul. But he does have the GOP right wing in his pocket. The mainstream and moderate Republicans despise him, and he will lose women, minorities, and millennials by large numbers. If he wins the GOP nomination, which is possible, he will lose. If he runs third party, the GOP and he will lose. Trump is forcing the Republicans to define themselves clearly than just "I am against Obama."

The political landscape on the day after election next year will be amazing.
Where's the comparison? The Japanese atrocity was taking US citizens of Japanese descent and falsely imprisoning them in concentration camps far, far from their homes. That was your hero FDR a Democrat, that did that.

What Trump is advocating is not allowing NON US citizens entry into the country till they can be well and truly vetted.

After listening to the testimony in Congress it is beyond doubt that the current vetting process is a complete farce and relies on the blind ignorance of dupes such as yourself to parrot the administrations propaganda.

The two situations are so vastly different as to be comparing Mars with an apple.
Only in your mind. Americans oppose the idea. Rightly so. Most Americans oppose Trump's Muslim ban: Poll
Columnist Matt Bai has written that "There’s no hard and fast rule in politics to help you know when you’ve crossed over from mere extremism into some dark borderland of reckless ignorance. Generally speaking, though, when you find yourself defending the wisdom of the Japanese-American internment, you probably left that boundary behind a few miles back. // That’s the intellectual wasteland Donald Trump stumbled into this week when he issued what should hereafter be known as the Marvin Gaye Manifesto — his proposal that all Muslims be banned from entering the country until we can figure out “what’s going on.” This immediately drew unusual condemnation from the new Republican speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader and the party’s national chairman, along with the local Republican chairs in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina." Read more at It’s either Trump or the Republican Party. Not both.

Trump speaks for those in the populist working classes and reactionary right. As a progressive statist, he does not speak for those who like Cruz or those who favor Paul. But he does have the GOP right wing in his pocket. The mainstream and moderate Republicans despise him, and he will lose women, minorities, and millennials by large numbers. If he wins the GOP nomination, which is possible, he will lose. If he runs third party, the GOP and he will lose. Trump is forcing the Republicans to define themselves clearly than just "I am against Obama."

The political landscape on the day after election next year will be amazing.
Where's the comparison? The Japanese atrocity was taking US citizens of Japanese descent and falsely imprisoning them in concentration camps far, far from their homes. That was your hero FDR a Democrat, that did that.

What Trump is advocating is not allowing NON US citizens entry into the country till they can be well and truly vetted.

After listening to the testimony in Congress it is beyond doubt that the current vetting process is a complete farce and relies on the blind ignorance of dupes such as yourself to parrot the administrations propaganda.

The two situations are so vastly different as to be comparing Mars with an apple.
Only in your mind. Americans oppose the idea. Rightly so. Most Americans oppose Trump's Muslim ban: Poll

By a fairly small margin. Despite all the efforts of the LIb media.

IMO, those numbers don't bode well for you.
Most Americans oppose Trump's Muslim ban: Poll
CNBC-6 hours ago
That's the conclusion of a new NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll in the wake of the Republican presidential candidate's proposal. Fifty-seven


Voters Like Trump’s Proposed Muslim Ban

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 66% of Likely Republican Voters favor a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the United States until the federal government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists from coming here. Just 24% oppose the plan, with 10% undecided.

Among all voters, 46% favor a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, while 40% are opposed. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

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