It's not that we (right wing) support the rich; We just oppose something-for-nothing.

Do you understand what "fraudulent" means? Fraudulent means they did not deserve the money but got it anyway. That's why they get prosecuted.
GE did not get 3.2B from us, or anyone else. You clearly do not understand what a tax credit is.

Fraud is on a case by case basis. Still, it's $200 a week or so; not $3.2 Billion that GE got from us.

GE didnt get 3.2B from us. Do you not understand that?
And no one is accusing GE of acting fraudulently. Except you maybe.

Not saying that at all my beeotch.

Just saying that it would seem to make more sense if you would get just as angry at the rich white guys pocketing $3.2 Billion instead of a single mom in Harlem getting $200 a week.

Freebies are freebies.
Thats EXACTLY what I mean.

I suppose it helps when GE's CEO, Mark Immelt, is PART OF OBAMAS STAFF as the "Jobs Czar". Really?????????

Exxon paid no income tax in 2009. Whose fault was that?

Well..............Obama was president in 2009. So.........NO MORE TAX BREAKS FOR BIG OIL FROM BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OBAMA THE OIL PRESIDENT!!!! NO WAR FOR OIL OBAMA!!!!!!!! OBAMA BOMBED 4 MORE COUNTRIES THAN BUSH!!!!! NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!!!!!!

Wait.....things are different now than 06?

What four countries? Lybia and Pakistan if you want to call the killing of OBL a "bombing"...which are the other two?
Fraud is on a case by case basis. Still, it's $200 a week or so; not $3.2 Billion that GE got from us.

GE didnt get 3.2B from us. Do you not understand that?
And no one is accusing GE of acting fraudulently. Except you maybe.

Not saying that at all my beeotch.

Just saying that it would seem to make more sense if you would get just as angry at the rich white guys pocketing $3.2 Billion instead of a single mom in Harlem getting $200 a week.

Freebies are freebies.
Still don't get it, eh?
GE made money and paid whatever taxes they owed. No one is slamming you because you took the mortgage deduction and medical deduction for AIDS treatment and so ended up with zero liability. You were entitled to that.
Similarly GE was entitled to the tax bill they had through loss carryovers and other accounting rules.
The welfare cheat is not entitled to anything. The welfare cheat is committing a crime and deserves prosecution. Entitlement fraud probably exceeds 3.2B in any year.
Who are these "cheats" you righties keep bashing? Are you referring to recipients or scam artists?

Social Security?



Provide some "credible" examples of recent "cheats" by recipients...
Who are these "cheats" you righties keep bashing? Are you referring to recipients or scam artists?

Social Security?



Provide some "credible" examples of recent "cheats" by recipients...

No one is "bashing" them, jerkoff. The claim was made that GE took $3.2B from the US in addition to not paying taxes. That claim has been demolished. It was a sideshow to compare GE to welfare cheats. If you dont think there is fraud in the entitlement system you need to go back to bed.
Who are these "cheats" you righties keep bashing? Are you referring to recipients or scam artists?

Social Security?



Provide some "credible" examples of recent "cheats" by recipients...

No one is "bashing" them, jerkoff. The claim was made that GE took $3.2B from the US in addition to not paying taxes. That claim has been demolished. It was a sideshow to compare GE to welfare cheats. If you dont think there is fraud in the entitlement system you need to go back to bed.

Did you bother to read the OP, Sparky...?
It's not that we (right wing) support the rich; We just oppose something-for-nothing.

Then why support the system that gives so much to so few for nothing?
Ran on air? Gotcha.

Bottom line; GE used goods and services paid for by the US Government and didn't pay a dime for it.

Now back to Rabbi's Liefest 2011.

Bottom line: You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. And you cannot defend your views because they are based on nothing but bigotry and misinformation.

Yeah...ABC News got it wrong....and your'e right. Don't make me laugh. GE used goods and services and didn't pay a cent in federal income taxes on $14 B of income. Those are the facts and they are not in disupte.

Add in these companies get all sorts of goodies like grants and access to tech that comes out of government labs that they profit on.
Bottom line: You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. And you cannot defend your views because they are based on nothing but bigotry and misinformation.

Yeah...ABC News got it wrong....and your'e right. Don't make me laugh. GE used goods and services and didn't pay a cent in federal income taxes on $14 B of income. Those are the facts and they are not in disupte.

Add in these companies get all sorts of goodies like grants and access to tech that comes out of government labs that they profit on.

What grants do they get?
Then you support denying public education to those who can't pay for it?

No. Because public education is offered to everyone. The rich and the poor.

But I can't get welfare or food stamps. Because I work too hard and earn too much. Despite the fact I already pay for both.

You know, I understand the disgust with seeing some people who take advantage of food stamps, welfare, and all the programs associated with being poor. But if you really think it's such a great life that these people have, why not just stop working and join them? I mean they have it so great and all, you would think everyone would be clamoring for that lifestyle, don't you think?
Then you support denying public education to those who can't pay for it?

When you are an adult... YES.. because as an adult it is YOU that is responsible for you... you want to take classes, or go to vocational training, etc... YOU need to find the time and pony up for it, bubba
Then you support denying public education to those who can't pay for it?

No. Because public education is offered to everyone. The rich and the poor.

But I can't get welfare or food stamps. Because I work too hard and earn too much. Despite the fact I already pay for both.

You know, I understand the disgust with seeing some people who take advantage of food stamps, welfare, and all the programs associated with being poor. But if you really think it's such a great life that these people have, why not just stop working and join them? I mean they have it so great and all, you would think everyone would be clamoring for that lifestyle, don't you think?

So if it's so terrible why don't they get some job training and join the workforce?
GE should give back the $3.2 Billion they got from us then.

Or was that not the type of "something for nothing" you were talking about?

As usual, the media makes a claim that is at the same time true and misleading. It’s true that GE paid no US federal income taxes for 2010. How come? Well, first of all, GE Capital, a large part of the overall GE business, lost huge amounts in 2009, which they can then carry forward against 2010 profits. Why? Think about if you received a paycheck for $100,000 in one year, and then had to pay back $50,000 in the following year. Would you think you should pay tax on the entire $100,000 in year one and get no credit for what you lost in year two? Another person who only earned $50,000 in year one and nothing in year two would pay half the overall tax as you, but economically is in the same position. This is not a loophole, it’s just the way the system works (and has always worked). Second, GE has found that it saves them a bundle in taxes to keep profits overseas, because the US rate of 35% is dramatically higher than what they are paying in foreign countries. So they get a lower rate and some other country gets the tax revenue; those rules are based on treaties we have with almost all countries in the world to prevent double taxation (for our companies as well as theirs). Think that’s unfair? If the US wants to tax income at one of the highest rates in the world, what else would you expect? US companies will and should seek the most efficient tax structure in order to reduce prices on their products to stay competitive and/or to increase shareholder value. That’s why they are in business. Want to get some of that back? Reduce corporate tax rates; it’s really that simple. Below is an excerpt from GE’s annual audited financial statements for 2010:

Income taxes have a significant effect on our net earnings. As a global commercial enterprise, our tax rates are affected by many factors, including our global mix of earnings, the extent to which those global earnings are indefinitely reinvested outside the United States, legislation, acquisitions, dispositions and tax characteristics of our income. Our tax returns are routinely audited and settlements of issues raised in these audits sometimes affect our tax provisions.
GE and GECS (General Electric Capital Services, i.e. GE Capital) file a consolidated U.S. federal income tax return. This enables GE to use GECS tax deductions and credits to reduce the tax that otherwise would have been payable by GE.
Our consolidated income tax rate is lower than the U.S. statutory rate primarily because of benefits from lower-taxed global operations, including the use of global funding structures, and our 2009 and 2008 decisions to indefinitely reinvest prior-year earnings outside the U.S. There is a benefit from global operations as non-U.S. income is subject to local country tax rates that are significantly below the 35% U.S. statutory rate. These non-U.S. earnings have been indefinitely reinvested outside the U.S. and are not subject to current U.S. income tax. The rate of tax on our indefinitely reinvested non-U.S. earnings is below the 35% U.S. statutory rate because we have significant business operations subject to tax in countries where the tax on that income is lower than the U.S. statutory rate and because GE funds the majority of its non-U.S. operations through foreign companies that are subject to low foreign taxes.
Right wingers support buying up members of congress so the laws can be changed.

Then everything is "legal". All neat and tidy. No one did anything wrong because no laws were broken.

That's how right wing morality works. They hate it when you break the law. Better to just get rid of the law.
"I think you should do your job. I think a lot of people don’t do their job, because they don’t like their job. I don’t get that. You know, if you go to a coffee place, and the kid looks at you like, “Uh.” I didn’t come to your house to ask you for coffee. This is a coffee place. Your clothes match the building, I had a right to expect—and you’re closer to the coffee machine.

I don’t know why someone wouldn’t want their job to go really well. And I think usually it’s because they’re twenty. Because they’re twenty-year-old douchebags. I’m prejudiced against twenty year olds. Because, nineteen you’re still your parents’ fault. Twenty, you’re technically an adult, but you still haven’t done anything.

Twenty year olds at their jobs are always like, “This job sucks.” Yes, that’s why we gave it to you! Because you’re twenty. You haven’t done anything. You’ve just been sucking up resources, you’ve just been taking food and love and education and iPods, and taking it and judging—“I like that,” and “Oh, that sucks.” You’re like a big orange on a tree that’s rotting, and the tree is like, “Get off!” and you’re hanging on, “I don’t want to go.” If you’re twenty, you definitely have never done a thing for anybody." - Louis CK

6:40 mark

[ame=]Louis CK on Jay Leno 2010.12.03. - YouTube[/ame]
Right wingers support buying up members of congress so the laws can be changed.

Then everything is "legal". All neat and tidy. No one did anything wrong because no laws were broken.

That's how right wing morality works. They hate it when you break the law. Better to just get rid of the law.

These guys agree with you!
I take firm issue with the title of this thread. You DO like something for nothing -- as long as it's going to the rich.

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